Afternoon Chat

By Tanuki Diethel

Contact: squishy251 at neopets.

Reviews: PLEASE.

Hao sat at the table, drinking his water and eating his salad, somehow managing to look elegant.

She looked around, wearing a calm expression. Spotting him, she sat down across from him.

"So," she said, obviously trying to think of a topic for conversation.

"Mmm hmm," Hao mumbled, concentrating boredly on his water.

"At least for once we are eating at a satisfactional retaurant,"

"Satisfactional? French food is such a bother. Salads are technically the only good thing to eat. Even with the salads, I wouldn't call this place a delight,"

"I wouldn't call you a delight to dine with either," she smirked, reading the choices for food. She called over a waitress.

"Raw Es Cargot, and water, please," She smiled, the waitress stared at her for a second, then left.

"Jeanne, those bags under your eyes make you look quite on the ugly side. Are you tired?"

"As a matter of fact I am," she snapped, "tired of you,"

"Tsk, tsk. Did you stay up all night kissing that english kid?"

"No. And you should remember the names of the children who's lives you ruin."

"Or did you spend the night training to get stronger so you could have another useless attempt to match my power?"

"You wish,"

There was silence for a while. Jeanne's dish and drink arrived and she thanked the waitress.

"Would you like some, dearest annoyance?" She asked politely.

"I don't mind if I do, exalted bother," He popped some Es Cargot into his mouth.

"You know the problem with going to restaurants of other cultures is?" Hao smiled, secretly wondering why she was returning his sarcastic offer of kindness with a delighted smile, "It's that you never know what they're REALLY serving. They could have the waiter crap in a box and serve it, calling it 'Crapionesso' and you'd never know it. Oh, wait. That's what they really do in France, isn't it?"

"Or they could take raw, dead snails and call it Es Cargot and some idiot like you could eat it. Oh, wait, that's what just happened, isn't it?" Jeanne laughed in a truly delighted way with a hint of evil in it.

Hao's eyes went wide in terror and disgust, and spat out his snail into his napkin. Then his glittering black eyes glared at her, his mouth shut tight.

"You just wait until we go to a traditional japanese restaurant, you witch......just wait." He said through clenched teeth of a murderous smile of hatred and fake love.

Jeanne just smiled.

"But until then, I shall savor that moment," she giggled again.

He flicked a raddish at her.

She stopped giggling.

"How childish," Jeanne scolded.

"I'm sorry, mummy," Hao said in a mock baby voice.

"I hate you," she said with an angelic smile.

"Oh my god! You do!?" Hao now sarcastically and overly dramatically crying into his hands.

"Shut up,"

"Go to hell,"

Jeanne stood up.

"I guess I'll see you next Saturday,"

"You hafta' get home to your daddy, huh? Don't wanna get grounded, right?" Hao laughed.

"Yes," Jeanne walked to the door, "Oh, and that dish I ordered was extra for being raw, so that's a total of fifty bucks total, I believe,"

"Fifty bucks!?" Hao hid his shock with his face but his voice showed it well.

"Yes," Jeanne used her sweetest voice, "Goodbye, Hao,"

And with that she left Hao to pay the bill.

****************************************************** Tanuki: Go Jeanne!

Kitsune: Mistress is very clever.

FoopMaster3: Why did you write this, anyways?

Tanuki: 'Twas bored and liked the idea. ^_^.

Kitsune: Please review!