TITLE: Drug of Choice
E-MAIL: [email protected]
RATING: pg-13
SUMMARY: CM Punk wants to help Raven. Raven accepts.

NOTES: This is NWA/TNA. Raven, CM Punk and Julio have been fighting Shane Douglass and The New Church. They got beat pretty badly July 23.

DISCLAIMER: Don't own the people or the fued. My only profit is reader response.
ARCHIVE: Just let me know.
WARNINGS: Gets slashy.

            C.M. Punk raced from his hotel room to the elevator. He hit the button and when the doors didn't open immediately, he turned away and went to the door to the stairs. He went up a flight two steps at a time. As he reached the door and went out into the hallway of the above story, the elevator doors opened downstairs.

            Stopping a moment to learn which way the room numbers ran, he soon started off to the right. Punk saw Julio a few doors down, standing outside his hotel room. Julio put an arm on Punk's shoulder to steady him as he caught his breath. "Damn, Punk. Did you even stop to hang up the phone?"

            "Don't remember," he replied. "Doesn't matter. How is he?"

Julio sighed and led the way into his hotel room. He pointed in the direction of the door adjoining his room to Raven's. "He let me in there long enough to help him wash the blood off. Then he threw me out and locked the doors. He's been talking to himself and I know he opened the mini-bar."

"You mean they put him in a room with one?" Punk asked incredulously. "I thought the company sent a restriction on that. He isn't supposed to have any alcohol or drugs."

The dark-headed man snorted. "Looks like they forgot this time. Look Punk, I know how much you hate his drinking and whatever else he has ingested in the past, but help me out here. I've tried everything to get him to let me back in. Maybe you can get through where I failed."

Punk walked to the door, worry in his face. "I don't know if I can do anything. I'm sure he doesn't want to talk to me if he's drinking. He knows I can't stand it." He rapped on the inner door. "Raven dude, let me in." He stopped and listened to the silence. "Unlock the door Raven. I know you are in there. Don't make me ninja kick the door down."

There was a thunk and the door shivered under Punk's fingers. Raven chuckled through the door. "Not a chance kid."

Julio stood beside Punk. "Come on man, let us in."

"Now just why the hell do you guys want in here? Unless you want something to drink, too?"

"Hell no." Punk whispered.

Julio nudged Punk in the ribs. "Hush dude..." His eyes widened as Punk gasped. "Oh man, I am so, so sorry. I totally forgot."

Punk winced and got his breath back. "How do you forget bruised ribs man? Major ouch there." He wrapped his arms around his middle. "I could just shoot Brian Lee."

"The line starts here."

Punk and Julio looked up to see Raven standing in the open doorway. An open bottle of Jack Daniels dangled from his fingers. "Julio, you hit him. Go get some ice." Julio nodded and grabbed the ice bucket on the way out the door. Raven walked back into his room, taking another drink. The older man hadn't even changed out of his clothes from the arena. The kilt and wrestling boots remained, blood still dotting the kilt.

Looking down Punk saw the two empty bottles on the ground and several other opened ones.

"You okay?" Raven asked, mistaking Punk's sigh for one of pain. "Silly me, of course you aren't." He turned to one of his bags. " I bet I have some Tylenol or something."

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Punk spoke quietly. "I won't take them."

Raven turned to face him, smirking. " Oh yeah. You're StraightEdge. No unnatural substances for you. You're a good little boy."

"I suppose so. And this good little boy would rather you not drink al that either." Punk frowned.

"Take away one of my chemicals and you shall have to supply another. I'm not in the mood to sleep without something running in my veins." Raven said walking over.

Punk glared at Raven. "You know I don't have any of the kind of chemicals you are after."

"Oh? I think you may have one of the most addictive substances ever." Raven said, suddenly serious. He leaned into Punk, his eyes dropping for a moment to the younger boy's lips. As he spoke, his breath ghosted over the promptly sensitive area. "As a matter of fact, I think one taste could have me addicted for eternity."

Punk's pulse raced and he spoke in a tease. "Not all addictions could be deadly. Some in fact, might be good for you."

Raven's eyes widened and the forgotten bottle dropped to the floor as he took in Punk's acceptance.

Punk smirked and a heartbeat later found his mouth under siege. Raven's lips pressed to his and Raven's tongue eased open his lips. The older man pillaged and plundered Punk's mouth and received the same action in turn. Punk didn't like alcohol, but the taste of whiskey from Raven sent a heady rush through him. He wondered what he tasted like to raven, but as Raven's moan sent tremors through the kiss, he forgot all about thinking.

Moments later Punk gasped and pulled away as movement caused his bruised ribs to reintroduce themselves. He noticed his placement and grinned. He had moved back, now laying across the bed with Raven on hands and knees above him. "You move quick."

"Apparently too quick for those ribs," Raven replied. "Where did Julio go to get ice? Alaska?"

Punk laughed and turned Raven's face to the inner door. It had been shut and the bucket of ice was sitting just to the side.

Raven snickered. "Smart man." He moved to go for the ice, hesitated, and ducked back down to quickly press his lips to Punk again. "Yeah, already a complete addict."

Punk smiled and pushed him in the direction of the ice. "Raven, I'll make you a deal. If you get help and start putting away all the other substances away, you can use this chemical as many times as you want." Punk's body covered itself with goosebumps as cloth-covered ice settled over his ribs.

"You mean that if I quit using everything, I get you?"

Punk closed his eyes and prepared for the worst. He loved Raven, but could not be with someone who was the poster boy for all that he was against. And with such a past of use… "Will it be enough?"

He felt Raven's lips touch his injury with a soft kiss. "You, love, are now my only drug."