Hi I'm back with a new fic! ~silence~ -_____-* Ok, ok, I give. Well read on and see if you like this anyways! I do not own Beyblade. I wish I do though.


'.' thinking

"." talking

/./ owner talking to bitbeast

//.// bitbeast talking to owner

Setting: A few months after the world champion ships, they are back at Tyson's hometown. There will be a few parts at Russia and lots at Japan's Battle Stadium. Kai and Ray are 18, Tyson, Max and Kenny are 17.

Summary: After Biovolt's defeat, Boris has one last trick up his sleeve. Six girls, with power so strong that they were hard to control. They're task, to take away the Bladebreaker's pride and bitbeast, or simply destroy them with any kind of dirty trick and let Biovolt regain control.



Kai- disappeared somewhere after the championships, but still kept an eye on his teammates, after all, what can they do without him?

Ray- went back to China with the White Tigers to teach others how to beyblade. He is going to get married to Mariah, but breaks up with her in the end.

Tyson- is still the hot headed one. He went back to his hometown with Kenny by his side. Still loves to eat and has gotten a little over confident about his blading skills.

Max- went to help his mother with her work, he haven't changed much but has gotten more mature.

Kenny/Chief- is still typing away on his laptop, updating the Bladebreakers' data when ever they have a battle.

Demolition Boys

All Stars

White Tigers


That's the usual teams, now for my OC team.

Death Hunters-

Dawn-The leader of the Death Hunters, cold blooded and destroys anything that stands in her way. Clothes: She wears a black tank top and long leather jeans with a cloak and chokers on her neck. She have a dragon tattoo on the side of her shoulder.

Hair: She has jet black hair down to her waist Eye: brown eyes with a hint of red in them. Element: Darkness. Age: 17 Launcher: Black blade. Beyblade: Black blade with a silver attack ring, with red zigzags sticking out. Bitbeast: Drexvia Looks: Black dragon with metal steel claws and a scar on one side of it's wings. Blood red eyes and a chain wrapped around it's body. Attacks: Gate of hell, Darkness lightening. Defend: Killer wall. Type: Dragon.

Thorn-Rarely talks, and is not as cold blooded as her teammates, but can have a hot temper when she is angry. Clothes: Red T-shirt, with silver chains hanging down from her blue jeans. Hair: Long red hair tied up in a pony tail. Eye: Yellow and seems to glare at everything. Element: Fire. Age: 17 Launcher: Black whip. Beyblade: Red blade with an orange attack ring and spiked sides. Bitbeast: Demtifa Looks: Demon like creature, with ripped wings and sharp teeth. Ripped flesh hangs from it's skin. Attacks: Demon's fury, Fire Stars. Type: Demon

Melody-Has a hidden past that she couldn't remember, when she was 10, her village was burned down, she was found by one of Boris's bladders and have been with Boris ever since. Very loyal to her teammates. Clothes: Blue top and mini skirt, with white borders on her skirt and lots of weird pendent necklaces and earrings. Hair: Long curly blue hair to her shoulders with light blue streaks. Eye: Clear blue, but sadness within them. Element: Water. Age: 17 Launcher: Black chains wrapped around a dagger. Beyblade: All blue, but with different shades. Bitbeast: Perfis Looks: Beautiful blue phoenix with wings made out of water and body made out of crystal. Attacks: Wave of sufferings. Defend: Crystal Wall. Type: Phoenix

Luna-Seems to others the only thing she wants is power and win everything, but is actually very nice to her teammates and cheers them up with her strange humored ways. Clothes: Yellow long sleeved top, long orange dress with beads hanging from one side. Often wears a hat sideways. Hair: Straight yellow hair all the way down to her knees, she usually ties it in a long pony tail. Eye: Orange with slits of yellow and red. Element: Thunder Age: 17 Launcher: Black Claws. Beyblade: A mixture of red, yellow and orange, with long and sharp attack rings. Bitbeast: Wifter Looks: Yellow glowing wolf, with thunder bolts shooting out once in a while. Attacks: Thunder strike. Defend: Lightening Wave, Shooting light. Type: Wolf.

Selina-The youngest of the group, but acts surprisingly mature. Doesn't give in easily but is pretty playful with her teammates, which they find sometimes annoying. Clothes: Green strapless top with short pants. Has several scars on her body and wears brown gloves. Hair: Brown with yellow streaks down to her waist. Eye: Emerald and often shines at night. Element: Earth Age: 17 Launcher: Black Machine Gun. Beyblade: Brown blade with Green sides and a light green attack ring. Bitbeast: Javour Looks: Black Jaguar with green eyes and green claws with poisonous vines surrounds the bit beast. Attacks: Earth's Rage. Defend: Coil Rock. Type: Jaguar

Nia-She is kind of a spare in the group, a backup just in case. She doesn't get along with her teammates, and is slightly spoiled because of the rich family she is from before she joined Biovolt. Have been trying to throw Dawn off the leader's spot and take it herself. Cold blooded and doesn't care about others much. Clothes: White tank top with a small rip on the side. Long violet dress with different layers and sharp nails. Hair: Curly blond mixed with a little orange. Eye: Pink and red. Element: Wind Age: 17 Launcher: Half demon, half angel. (like the one the Bladebreakers use.) Beyblade: White with purple sidings and clear attack ring. Bitbeast: Alsovia Looks: Angel like being but with rotted wings and legs, looks very mutated but very powerful. Attacks: Heaven's Strike. Defence: Hell Fire. Type: Mutated Angel

Now that this is over with, here's the prologue!


The Last Goodbye


"You will win, that control back to us! Understand?!" Boris's voice rang out loud and mercilessly, while his eyes pierced through the six girls.

"Yes sir!" They said in one.

"You will not lose like those weaklings." He said, pointing to the Demolition Boys, on one side, who is badly scarred because of the beatings they received after they lost.

Luna stole a glance at them, and flinched, her flame coloured eyes looked back at Boris. She had known the Demolition boys for quite a long time, and felt guilt for not being able to help them. 'but that will all change, for once Biovolt gets it's glory, Boris will forgive them.'

"Now, what is your task?!" Boris asked.

"To destroy the Bladebreakers, and who ever stands in the way of Biovolt." The girls said together.

"Good, now, do not let me down, for you shall not like what will happen to you if you do."

Dawn nodded and walked quietly away, with her teammates behind her in one single line. After they got out of the building they have all feared so much before, Dawn stopped.

"Come on girls," She said with a hint of blood lust in her voice, "time to go Bladebreaker hunting."

Dawn smirked, and led her teammates to a black jet plane that's waiting for them. 'we'll hunt them down one by one, until they are all demolished.'


"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THERE'S NO MORE HOTDOGS?!" Tyson screamed, looked scared.

"Look here kid, I sold all my hotdogs ok? Now will you please stop bugging me?!" The salesman said annoyingly.

"Let's go Tyson, we've cost a lot of trouble already." Said Kenny, or Chief, who was busy dragging Tyson away from the hotdog stand.

"But Chief! I'm hungry!" Tyson whined.

"I know you are hungry." Kenny said, trying not to lose his temper, it's been like this ever since they came back. Tyson has been a little spoiled from his victory and to make it worst, lots of kids are offering Tyson stuff for his autograph. "I'll get you something to eat later."

"When's later?" Asked Tyson, his stomach grumbling loudly.

"LATER IS LATER!" Said Kenny, unable to contain his anger anymore.

"Ok ok! I dig, what's with the bad temper?" Tyson said, scratching his head and looking at Kenny like he has grown a third head. 'Chief doesn't usually lose his temper.' Thought Tyson.

"I'm sorry, it's just that, you've been acting so spoiled lately!" Kenny replied, looked at the ground.

Tyson was surprised. 'Me?! Spoiled?! Why in the world did Chief think I'm spoiled?'

Kenny saw the confused look on Tyson's face, and explained. "Remember what just happened at the hotdog stand? Kids were circling you so you started bragging about how you won and stuff, then you wanted to get the hotdogs, and when they said that they sold out everyone of them, you started getting all upset and angry at the guy, you even threatened him that if he doesn't give you a hotdog, you would do something to him!"

"I said that?!" Tyson exclaimed. "I'm sorry, I guess I am getting a little spoiled." He paused for a moment. "Tell you what, I won't eat dinner tonight, and you can help me practice my blading skill ok?"

"I guess." Sighed Kenny. "I wonder how the others are doing?"

"Yea, me too. I miss them, especially that ol' grumpy sourpuss." Tyson said. "Hey I know! Why don't we invite them here! Like an gathering party or something!"

"I've got they're numbers here somewhere." Kenny said as he opened his laptop. "Ok Dizzy, can you search for Ray, Max and Kai's number?" "Sure thing!" Replied Dizzy, his bitbeast.

After a while, Dizzy came up with everyone's number but Kai's.

"I thought it would be hard finding him." Tyson said, a little sadness lurks in his voice. "I wouldn't be the same without him."

"Why, I never knew you would miss me so much." Came a mocking voice. Kenny and Tyson turned around and was surprised and shocked to see Kai leaning to the side of a building.

"Kai! What are you doing here?!" Kenny asked.

"Never mind about that! Call the others Chief!" Said Tyson as he ran over to Kai.

They walked quietly to Tyson's house, and was greeted by his grandfather who spend a few minuets chasing Tyson around and telling him to train.

"So, not much changed huh?" Asked Kai quietly. Then he smirked. "Still the same pig."

Tyson stopped when he heard that. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!"

Kenny chuckled and went inside, picking up the phone and called Max and Ray.


Well, that's the start, what do you think? Please R+R!