Title: My So Called Life Pairings: Rory/Tristan....Lorelai/Luke Summary: Rory and Lorelais Twisted Life Rating: PG I believe Disclaimer: I own nothing except pictures of Milo and Chad all over my wall Author: Me, Hannah, and Charity

Rory stared awkwardly at the ground. Dean was making her more uncomfortable by the minute. At the moment they were walking with his arm around her and she couldn't seem to find a way to accidentally slide out of his grip. She thought of tripping but that might be too obvious. They approached the carnival and Rory began to get excited again. Ever since she was little she'd love festivals and fairs. She remembered her dad taking her to one when she was 7 and had had one of the best times in her life. Her eyes were sparkling and literally shone when she saw...him.

There was Tristan standing there playing the basketball game. He looked adorable. Of course, with his excellent athletic abilities, he swished every shot. Dean saw what Rory was staring at and felt slightly sad but didn't let it show.

"Want some cotton candy?" he asked.

"Sure" she said jumping up and down. "I love cotton candy."

"I know," Dean replied. "I know mostly everything about you."

Rory blushed and looked at the ground.

"So now you're my stalker?" she said joking.

Dean stayed serious;" I guess you could say that."

Rory didn't know what to say so she just let him put his hand in hers, knowing nothing of Tristan staring jealously watching their backs walk away and in hand.

He continued to follow behind them creeping silently behind, staying just within reach to hear their voices. What he heard pleased him not at all.

"Are you having a good time?" Dean asked smiling; he had just won her a huge stuffed animal.

"MmHmm," she said in agreement, smiling in return and hugging the giant monkey.

"I'm glad, I hope we can have many more times like these," he suggested.

"Hmm," Rory agreed trying to sound enthusiastic, but really craning her neck to see Tristan. She spotted him.

When she saw Tristan, he was staring at the ground. He looked up and saw her face. Rory could see hurt in his eyes but he soon blocked it. He learned to control his emotions in his eyes at military school. She smiled at him and he smiled back. She turned around and walked on with Dean.

"So where to next?" he asked.

"THE FERRIS WHEEL!" Rory squealed taking one last look to the place Tristan was once standing but now no longer was.

"Tallyho!" Dean said animatedly.

Rory laughed as they made their way to the Ferris wheel she suddenly felt something slip into her pocket. When she turned around no one was there. As she reached in she felt a small something. She pulled it out and found a Hershey's kiss.

A smile spread across her face as she figured out who slipped it in there. Dean and Rory headed for the Ferris wheel but stopped. Guess who was standing there? None other than Dean's ex-girlfriend and ex-fiancé Lindsay.

"Excuse me, Rory, but that is my man." she said.

"Lindsay, Stop! We called off the wedding, all of it. I don't love you! I LOVE RORY!" he shouted. Everyone at the carnival stopped and turned around including Jess and Tristan.

"Come on Rory lets take this outside," Lindsay said.

"Are you dumb? We are outside!" Rory said nonchalantly. Lots of people laughed.

"Are you mocking me?" she said angrily "Just wait till I........" she charged at Rory but Tristan, Jess and Dean all ran and stepped in her way.

(haha I would love to be Rory having three hotties save me! *sigh* especially Chad!)

Dean grabbed Lindsay and pulled her away.

"Dean, you and Lindsay look like you have a lot of problems you need to work out before you start loving someone else" Rory said.

Inside Rory felt a bit of relief seeing Dean walk away with Lindsay.

"Jess I'm going to go home and get ready and I'll see you at 7" she said with a smile she felt much happier about this date then the one with dean.

Ok again, there's that chapter! Our next one is currently on a break because Hannah has become busy with school work! I hope that she'll be free soon! And this chapter also has entries from our friend too. I hope you're enjoying them. Oh, in case you didn't know, Hannah and I are DESPERATELY in love with Chad Michael Murray (the guy that plays Tristan). Just so you know! I hope you like the story. Review if you can or want to! (