Ok, Chapter 2 guys, thanks for your reviews, they've been really helpful and constructive, being a first time author, I need all the help I can get. I know there was confusion, this is a B/S story. Please tell me if it us under B/A, I'll try and fix it asap! Again, a big thankyou to my wonderful beta Mercy,who beta-d this even though she was sick!! Read and enjoy!


Spike stood there staring. Standing in front of him was a goddess, as soon as she walked into the dark office, it was illuminated. 'She's the one, she's fire, she's beauty..look at the way her lips curve into that innocent smile, look at her eyes' 'MISTER GILES!'

'Whoops.back to earth man'

"I'm sorry, Miss Summers, take a seat."

Spike pulled out a chair and motioned Buffy to sit.

'Oh boy' lmao I love this

As soon as Buffy entered the room, she wasn't so sure about applying for the job. Not that the surroundings weren't nice. The office was painted a dark blue with darker trimmings. The furniture was all solid oak and in a corner sat a maroon chaise lounge. No, even she couldn't deny it, the setting was exquisite.

What turned her off, was the man standing in the middle of the room. At first, she thought that maybe she had been directed to the wrong office. Those misgivings were squashed when she saw the little gold sign resting on the desk.

Mr Rupert Giles CEO

'Nope, this is clearly the office of Mr Giles'.

She had imagined Mr Giles, to be older, graying hair, a fair few wrinkles, maybe even a walking stick. Far from the man standing across from her. Bleach blonde hair and a ruffled unruly suit. Not what you expect from one of the owners of a leading company.

Ok, she had to admit, she had been thrown off course by his cheek bones space between words and deep blue eyes. He was a looker. 'Well, I suppose it's better than old and wrinkly'. Buffy immediately tried to shake the thoughts out of her head when a little, 'Much better..with salty goodness', slipped in!

Buffy looked at him, he seemed to be staring right through her, it was kind of intense, the way his eyes pierced right through her. However, 30 seconds later, it was just kinda creepy!

'Better snap him to attention then'


At that, he seemed to snap out of his trance. '"I'm sorry, Miss Summers, take a seat." Inside Buffy was screaming 'Oooh British.even better.' She shook herself, and took the seat he was offering to her.

Spike sat in his chair, pulled out a thick folder, flipped a couple of pages and muttered "Ah right, Summers..Summers.here we are. Miss Summers, thank you for coming along, do you have your application form?"

"Oh yes, sorry" Buffy fumbled around in her purse. "Here we go, sorry about that Mr Giles."

"Oh no, please call me Spike, its an office nickname everybody does."

Now William Giles was not a dumb man, however, his arrogance sometimes blocked his vision of the world around him.

'Ok, can't have her calling me like my old man. Ah she's swooning already. Ok, turn on the charm!' As a matter of fact, Buffy was far from swooning, yawning actually. This interview was moving nowhere fast. Looked like she would have to get it up and running.

"I'm sure you'd like to see my credentials, there in the folder, from all my past jobs."

Spike put on what he thought was his sexiest smirk, "I'm sure their quite extensive Miss Summers". He said with a wink!

'What...was.was he coming on to me????'

"You know, Buffy" her name seemed to roll of his tongue, "I don't think an interview will give me enough time to get to know you better..how about dinner?"

Buffy was shocked, did she or didn't she come for an interview, not a dating agency???

'I'm sorry Spike, I think the interview will be sufficient, however if your not interested in giving me the position, then it's well over."

'Ooh, feisty and not dumb, I like her'.

"Well, if you're sure, no, you have the job, did the minute you walked in...see you soon cutie! Nice to meet you."

Buffy couldn't believe it, how dumb could one guy get, couldn't he see she wasn't interested?? Well he did give her the job, she'd just have to make sure she stayed well away from him in future.

'Thank you Mister Giles, I'll ask at the office for more details.'

'Buffy, I said you could call me Spi.."

But before he could finish, she was out the door.

'Well, I think that went well". Spike said as he leaned back in his chair.

"That didn't go well at all!" Buffy grumbled as she stormed out of the office!

Special thankyou's to:

Tinkerbell42: Glad you like, keep reading, and here's the more you requested, Charisma Brendon: I hope I fixed the changes, I didn't know it was under B/A, I have added the beta-ed chapters. I really appreciated that, I was having troubles sorting things out!! Golden+girl736: Glad you liked Browneyes3: I'm glad you liked the Cordy bit, I was really unsure about it, because shes a character I'd really like to build on! Spikes Angel 1: Thank you, I really want to emphasise characterization so you can imagine it clearly. I've changed my settings to accept anonymous reviews now Buffsterangelicxwsxws: Glad you enjoyed, please keep reading! Cherakee: Updates are here!

Thank you all for reviewing, it means a lot!