OK you guys this is a yyh/inu xover so you all know. Hope you enjoy it.
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha and Co. nor do I own Yu Yu Hakusho so there.
People with a greater imagination and who can draw better then me do :'(
When the Darkness Takes Over
Chapter 1
The sun began to rise behind her making her look like a shadow. Chilly winds blew long
raven black hair whipping it around not seeming to affect the figure wearing a loose
fitting black tank top. Leaves rustled under the heavy footsteps of her black army boots,
her long, black, baggy pants dragging slightly on the ground.
Her steps were smooth and deliberate, very sure as she moved through the park, her
honey brown eyes cast downward deep in thought.
At the edge of the park a gang of tough looking guys smirked seeing the teen heading
their way. Motioning to each other they moved to surround her, one standing directly in
her path. Expecting her to stop when she spotted him he was surprised when she just
brushed past him continuing on her way.
"Hey bitch." he yelled at her retreating form.
She ignored him and kept walking, never once looking up.
Rough hands gripped her shoulders spinning her around to face the one holding her. He
was an ugly man. He had a squashed up nose, long pointy chin and thin narrow eyes. His
hair was short and spiky kinda giving him the tough guy look along with his pierced nose
and a tattoo that was a bloodied knife going through a spider. She looked at it with
"Listen to me when I call out to you little whore." his raspy voice said. "Look at me when
I speak to you." he said moving a hand to her chin jerking her head up hard. He was
taken back when he looked into her eyes. There was a deep hatred in the honey brown
eyes filled with a coldness. In one quick motion she was free from his hold on her with
both of his arms twisted behind his back. He hissed in pain as she put pressure on it when
he moved to struggle.
"I don't answer to those names, so don't call them out to me." she said coldly. She
suddenly spun him around behind her just as a knife came whistling, piercing the man's
arm making him howl in pain.
"You might want to tell your cronies to back off or I'll just keep using you as a shield
from their attacks." she said calmly taking the knife from his arm making him howl
"Stop you fools." he cried out brokenly to the men who were beginning to surround them.
"Good choice she murmured.
"Stupid bitch." he yelled at her. "I'll get you for this."
"Tsk. Wrong choice of words." she said dropping him to the ground unconscious.
"What did you do to the boss?" one of the guys yelled at her as he lunged with a knife in
hand at her.
"Same thing I'm about to do to you." she replied as she kicked out connecting with his
head. Dropping down she swung her foot around catching him off balance knocking him
heavily to the ground. Soon the rest of the gang leapt into the fight and she dodged kicks
and punches with ease handing out her own punishment. Outside the battle she could see
a crowd gathering to see what was going on.
*from the crowd*
"What's going on?"
"See that little guy in there? He's fighting by himself."
"He's gonna get squashed."
"Is anybody going to help him?"
"It's a girl!"
"She's going to be killed."
"How much longer do you think she'll last?"
"Hey who are those four over there?"
"Hmph it's that Urameshi kid and his friends."
"The Urameshi?"
"The only one I know of."
"What's he doing here?"
"Beats me, hey look at the girl."
"She beat them all!!"
"They're all unconscious."
*back to the fight*
She listened to the talk as she moved skillfully, weaving around the many people she was
fighting who were now on the ground. She was now down to her last two. One ran at her
and she ran to meet him. As she neared him she grabbed his shoulders and flipped over
him kicking him in the back of the head, effectively knocking him out. She heard
something as it came whizzing at her. Doing a backspring just in time as a knife passed
where she had just been. She spun around to meet it as it was still flying forward.
Catching it midair with her right hand and without pause she threw it back at the guy
hitting him hard in the temple with the hilt of it making him drop. Eyes scanning the
fallen around her she saw no more remaining threats and walked off again ignoring the
hails she got to see if she was OK. Hands stuffed in her pockets she brushed past four
guys in her path not even bothering to apologize continuing in her path.
Ok that's the end of chapter one please r&r. I would also love it if you guys could help
me with the pairings. Do you guys want:
I would so appreciate it if you guys would help me out with that. If you have any
suggestions please tell me them. I'm kinda leaning towards toward Hiei/Kagome but for
you that want otherwise vote. I love you all.
^.^ ForestSprite
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Inuyasha and Co. nor do I own Yu Yu Hakusho so there.
People with a greater imagination and who can draw better then me do :'(
When the Darkness Takes Over
Chapter 1
The sun began to rise behind her making her look like a shadow. Chilly winds blew long
raven black hair whipping it around not seeming to affect the figure wearing a loose
fitting black tank top. Leaves rustled under the heavy footsteps of her black army boots,
her long, black, baggy pants dragging slightly on the ground.
Her steps were smooth and deliberate, very sure as she moved through the park, her
honey brown eyes cast downward deep in thought.
At the edge of the park a gang of tough looking guys smirked seeing the teen heading
their way. Motioning to each other they moved to surround her, one standing directly in
her path. Expecting her to stop when she spotted him he was surprised when she just
brushed past him continuing on her way.
"Hey bitch." he yelled at her retreating form.
She ignored him and kept walking, never once looking up.
Rough hands gripped her shoulders spinning her around to face the one holding her. He
was an ugly man. He had a squashed up nose, long pointy chin and thin narrow eyes. His
hair was short and spiky kinda giving him the tough guy look along with his pierced nose
and a tattoo that was a bloodied knife going through a spider. She looked at it with
"Listen to me when I call out to you little whore." his raspy voice said. "Look at me when
I speak to you." he said moving a hand to her chin jerking her head up hard. He was
taken back when he looked into her eyes. There was a deep hatred in the honey brown
eyes filled with a coldness. In one quick motion she was free from his hold on her with
both of his arms twisted behind his back. He hissed in pain as she put pressure on it when
he moved to struggle.
"I don't answer to those names, so don't call them out to me." she said coldly. She
suddenly spun him around behind her just as a knife came whistling, piercing the man's
arm making him howl in pain.
"You might want to tell your cronies to back off or I'll just keep using you as a shield
from their attacks." she said calmly taking the knife from his arm making him howl
"Stop you fools." he cried out brokenly to the men who were beginning to surround them.
"Good choice she murmured.
"Stupid bitch." he yelled at her. "I'll get you for this."
"Tsk. Wrong choice of words." she said dropping him to the ground unconscious.
"What did you do to the boss?" one of the guys yelled at her as he lunged with a knife in
hand at her.
"Same thing I'm about to do to you." she replied as she kicked out connecting with his
head. Dropping down she swung her foot around catching him off balance knocking him
heavily to the ground. Soon the rest of the gang leapt into the fight and she dodged kicks
and punches with ease handing out her own punishment. Outside the battle she could see
a crowd gathering to see what was going on.
*from the crowd*
"What's going on?"
"See that little guy in there? He's fighting by himself."
"He's gonna get squashed."
"Is anybody going to help him?"
"It's a girl!"
"She's going to be killed."
"How much longer do you think she'll last?"
"Hey who are those four over there?"
"Hmph it's that Urameshi kid and his friends."
"The Urameshi?"
"The only one I know of."
"What's he doing here?"
"Beats me, hey look at the girl."
"She beat them all!!"
"They're all unconscious."
*back to the fight*
She listened to the talk as she moved skillfully, weaving around the many people she was
fighting who were now on the ground. She was now down to her last two. One ran at her
and she ran to meet him. As she neared him she grabbed his shoulders and flipped over
him kicking him in the back of the head, effectively knocking him out. She heard
something as it came whizzing at her. Doing a backspring just in time as a knife passed
where she had just been. She spun around to meet it as it was still flying forward.
Catching it midair with her right hand and without pause she threw it back at the guy
hitting him hard in the temple with the hilt of it making him drop. Eyes scanning the
fallen around her she saw no more remaining threats and walked off again ignoring the
hails she got to see if she was OK. Hands stuffed in her pockets she brushed past four
guys in her path not even bothering to apologize continuing in her path.
Ok that's the end of chapter one please r&r. I would also love it if you guys could help
me with the pairings. Do you guys want:
I would so appreciate it if you guys would help me out with that. If you have any
suggestions please tell me them. I'm kinda leaning towards toward Hiei/Kagome but for
you that want otherwise vote. I love you all.
^.^ ForestSprite