Disclaimer: Shaman King does not belong to me…no matter how much I pray…

My Angel


-Chapter One-

"Hmm..." Yoh tilted his head towards the sky. Manta asked him, "What is it?"

Yoh lifted his finger to point at a single white cloud among the endless blue, "Wow, isn't it pretty?" Manta stared at the lone white haze in the sky. It was shaped into the outline of a human with wings...an angel.

Yoh smiled his smile as he cheerfully looked upon the heavens, rambling on about the clouds. Manta couldn't help but pay no attention to what Yoh said, because all he could do was stare at Yoh. His eyes, his nose, his smile, his voice...everything about him seemed perfect in Manta's eyes. He said under his breath to himself the words that he wanted to tell his friend in front of him, "Yoh...you're my angel..."

Yoh stopped talking and turned his attention towards Manta, "Hm? Anything wrong, Manta?"

Manta shyly looked away, and his face turned slightly red, "O-oh. It's nothing. Nothing at all."

"Alright.." Yoh worriedly said back. A raindrop fell onto Yoh's nose. He held out his palm to see more rain fall onto it.

"It's raining," Yoh sighed, "We should go back now." Manta agreed, and they both stood up from the field, making towards Yoh's house.

Manta put on his hood, and asked Yoh, "Do you think Anna will be mad that you stopped in the middle of jogging?"

Yoh nervously replied, "I don't know. Let's just pray she doesn't know...or else she's going to kill me..." Manta chuckled. They arrived at Yoh's home, Anna standing at the entrance with a raincoat on and a gray umbrella in her hand.

She glared at Yoh, "You're back too early to have already run what I assigned you."

Yoh panicked, "Uh...it's raining, so I had to stop." He mumbled to himself, "Darn, I thought we stayed in the field long enough.."

Anna looked at him with eyes that could kill, "I heard that. Tomorrow, I'm tripling your weights!" Yoh groaned and slumped inside, following Anna, and Manta following him. Manta said to Yoh comfortingly, "Poor Yoh..."

Yoh forced a smile, "I-It's okay.."

After the two of them went to the table to eat, Manta again ignored everything in the world around him except Yoh. Manta had undeniably developed strong feelings for his best friend, feelings so deep that it could actually be called love. Manta was, in fact, falling in love with Yoh. Recently, every moment he lived, he wanted to tell Yoh how he felt, but he just couldn't find the power to. He thought he'd be devastated, for he knew for sure that Yoh loved Anna...at least that's what he's thought.

Yoh lowered his bowl from his mouth for a second to ask Manta, "What's wrong?" Manta realized what he was doing again and replied, nervously, "Oh, nothing."

Yoh looked at Manta for a second in worry. He was acting strangely lately, and never told Yoh why. He told himself it was probably nothing and began eating again.

Manta swallowed his fear and said to Yoh, "Yoh..?"

Yoh quickly put down his bowl and replied, "Yes?"

Manta gulped, "I-" Before Manta could finish finally telling Yoh his feelings, Yoh and Manta heard a crash from the entrance of Yoh's home.

Yoh and Manta raced towards the source of the sound to see what had happened. The front door had been destroyed. Yoh gasped, "Someone's inside..?!"

Just as Yoh was looking around him for who broke inside, the worried, frantic hyperventilating of Manta suddenly disappeared. Yoh looked behind him, only to see that his best friend was gone.

Yoh's eyes were filled with shock, "Manta?!!"

He ran outside in the pouring rain, and heard cries of help above him. He span around to check the rooftop. There was a man in a black cloak, covering his face, barely showing the smile beneath it. Manta was held under one arm, being choked by the man's free hand.

Manta struggled to say, tears in his eyes, "Yoh…I…I…love…"

Before Manta could finish, Yoh watched in horror as Manta stopped moving, and the man stopped choking him. Yoh, with a look of rage, was about to jump onto the roof and obliterate the man who did that to Manta, but then the man suddenly vanished.

Yoh was devastated. He fell to his knees and a stream of tears fell to the floor alongside the rain. He clenched his fists until blood seeped through his palms.

He screamed in despair, "MANTA!!!!!!!!!"

-to be continued-


Please give me feedback if you'd like me to continue. ^^;; For all I know, it's not worth continuing…