I don't own any X-Men Evolution characters or GI Joe characters with the exception of Xi and Althea. I was watching this show called 'The Red Green Show' and it had this really funny segment on word games. It gave me ideas. And you know what that means…
Mutant Word Games
Chapter 1: Let the Games Begin
"Oh goody," Scott grumbled as the X-Men entered the living room. "Another day in Hell!"
"You're acting like we're doing a level 12 Danger Room session," Kitty told him.
"I wish to god it was a level 12 Danger Room session," Rogue groaned. "But no! We get to spend the afternoon here."
"This isn't exactly our idea of a day at the beach either sister!" Pietro snapped. The Misfits were sitting on one side of the room with Shipwreck and Psyche-Out.
"Now, now," Xavier sighed. "This group therapy session is important. It's to teach you students how to get along with each other."
"Or if that fails at least stay in the same room without killing each other," Shipwreck quipped.
"Relax kids it will be fun!" Psyche-Out said.
"You mean like all those other therapy session which usually end up with half of us going to the infirmary?" Scott asked.
"No this time instead of talking about our feelings we're going to play a game!" Psyche-Out said. "A word game to be precise."
"Well at least we know we have the advantage in this case," Remy chuckled.
"We're not going to be using those kind of words Gambit," Fred told him. "I know it's hard but keep your mind out of the gutter will ya?"
"Did he just burn me?" Remy looked around. "Did the Blob just burn me?"
"Well you do look slightly singed you have to admit," Todd snickered.
"Okay, okay settle down," Psyche-Out told them. "Now it's very simple. The name of the game is to Guess the Word. You'll split up into two teams; one X-Men team captained by Scott and the Misfits captained by Althea. There will be 7 people on the team including the captains. Your team captain will pick a word from this jar at random. You'll each have two minutes to guess that word. The team with the most points wins! Sounds like fun huh?"
"No it doesn't," Lance grumbled.
"Yeah especially since we're gonna wipe the floor with you!" Tabitha shouted.
"You will not!" Wanda shouted.
"Wanna bet?" Rogue shouted. Immediately the X-Men and Misfits started arguing with each other.
"Let the games begin…" Scott sighed as an explosion rocked the room.