I open my eyes seeing nothing but darkness. Then I remember the devastating truth. Aniki, aniki why can' I feel your chi anymore come back! Come back! Please don't scare me! Please! My tears come though I will them away.

"Hey Suboshi."

"Um Soi-san I'm fine. Ow! Damnit, my head hurts. What happened?"

"Tomo and I were strolling in the gardens when we saw your head this close to hitting the ground so we saved you." I manage a weak smile when she presses my head down on the pillows. I'm gonna wait till she left before I relax into cry-mode again. Aniki tells me tnever to be so undignified as to cry in front of others. Where is this? The moonlight shines its light upon the floor through the windows in nettings. A figure is seated there. "Who- who are you?"

How can Soi leave me alone here with a stranger? I am scared! Help me. The figure stirs slightly, stretching. "Just go to sleep Suboshi. You need rest," an answer that is extremely crisp. My mind registers. Could-could this be Tomo?

"Who else? Go back to sleep." He sounds disturbed and sleepy.

I get up forgetting my headache and step on the cold floor. I decline saying it's not my room and I had better return to my own room. He rises as well, walking into the light. What------what's this? Where is the painted face gone? The headdress? It's not Tomo, he must be an imposter. A very good one. The man looks young, like me and aniki, his pure silvery hair racing down shoulders like a waterfall flowing forever, unblemished skin paler than ours. He is so perfect and unscarred.

"Tomo san, how can you be like that? It's not-----" feeling light until he firmly seats his hands on my shoulders, steering me onto the bed again. I notice the bed has a cleaner and nicer smell than ours. It's tempting to sleep here.

"Don't argue with me, child. I can sleep away from bed, but you who has not slept well on your own need company.. rest here. And it IS very cold outside. " I keep quiet a while until I hear his soft gentle breathing.

"Arigatou Tomo san. You saved me from hurting. Can you do me another favour?" He leans over me with a simple expression of calm. Rare.


"Don't be angry at me. Tell me you won't be----"

"Ne Suboshi. What?" I tell him. He smiles and kisses my forehead. I snuggle down. He drags the chair beside me and settles backwards.


Damn I can't find it! The special paint to finish off my touches. Gold for harmony. The raps haven't ceased. "WAIT a moment will you? I'm busy!" I frown at myself in the mirror and straighten the feathers which are just a teeny crooked. Oh well have to do without it.

"It's you Soi." I can't help the distaste in my voice. After all I'm an expert performer, cynical in the daytime my most unhappy moment. She is dressed exposingly.

"I've been looking all over for my face cream, suppose You're innocent. But you're the only person vain enough to use face cream."

"Your cream? Ha, it's got all your dirty marks in it, why should I be guilty of that? And I'm no thief. Disturbing me so early like this."

"Oh yeah, you'd be capable of anything. And man using cream for his face," she replies. We continue sparring with each other until Nakago is spoted. I prepare to receive him, while the slut already squirms up to him and coos. They keep speaking until the cows come---no, until I clear my throat. "Ohayo Nakago sama," I greet him, looking him in the eye. Soi runs off. I am so close I can almost touch him but not quite. He gives me a free morning. I press him further, not understanding. I reach out for his sleeve. Then he sees the miko and excuses himself.

Past my room, Suboshi's. his room always in a mess. Clothes all over the floor, an upturned chair, scattered cups broken, eugh. I'm glad I'm not him. The boy is nowhere. Suddenly he shouts hi! And squeezes me in a tight hug. Lucky my boots are heavy enough to hold me steadfast. I smile faintly, turning to face him.

His surprise dissipates after a bit and, "Are you free?"

"I guess."

"Good! Let's go see the birds and catch us some fish!" Well all right, though it is way too early.

We don't catch any fish by midday and the sun's getting unbearable. My opera cloak is stiffening with perpiration, skin going wet and my paint will run. "Suboshi I feel awful. I'm going into shade now." I don't wait for a reply and hurry there. It takes only a few minutes to perfect the paint, especially the blue. I sense him staring. "Naniyo?"

"Tomo san last night you were not painted. You look bishounen. Why do you bother so much about it now?" he gestures at my gear. He's right in a way.

"None of your business."

"Yeah but you are good-looking. I'm not lying to you at all." A sweet young thing, but a pity he has lost a brother. I understand how it feels, no it makes me nauseous! ---- to remember the feeling of loss and pain. I won't think about it!

"Arigatou. Um did you get a fish?"

"Yep. While you were painting, I got a huge trout! Deelicious." He brings it out of the net, splashing its tail onto me. The horror! The smell is overpowering! I open my mouth. Suboshi backs away.