Hello everybody! Thank you all for considering wasting your life reading my fic. I assure you now, what you are about to read won't be a complete waste of your life . . .

Well, I have nothing to say so enjoy! And review, cuz those are fun to read. Especially flamers. It's so fun reading their review and let them make complete idiots out of themselves.

But why are flamers always anonymous? Do they not have the balls to sign in and flame it like a man? COME ON! FLAME ME IF YOU DARE!

No, seriously, don't flame me. You'll make me cry from the flood of emotions that will enter my brain and render me helpless for a week.

Okay, as my friend likes to say to me, "LESS SARCASM! MORE—" Uhh . . . More . . . something. Can't really remember, I wasn't listening at the time.


Chapter 1: Arrival


A moving truck could be seen driving through Oldale Town as it made its way to Littleroot Town. Finally, after hours of being thrown around and honing her box dodging skills, the occupant of the back of the moving truck felt the vehicle lurch and come to a quick halt, sending her into a pile of boxes for the last time. The passenger was a young teen whose emotions changed as quickly as a very fast thing. Her dark brown hair normally fell to her shoulders and covered by a red bandana with a big white Pokeball imprint on the side. She had a matching red collared shirt and short—I mean short—black biker shorts. She also wore white gloves with black fingertips, and a pair of sneakers. A beige colored hip-pack was clasped around her waist, carrying all the essentials. She pulled out her mirror from the pack and looked at her reflection.

Stupid crappy-ass drivers. The bandana was taken off and her hair quickly smoothed out before she hopped out of the truck. There she emptied the contents of her stomach.

Why was I even back there in the first place?

"Oh honey you're okay!" The girl perked her head up and saw her ever-so-happy mom coming toward her. "I know the ride must have been . . . er . . . uncomfortable."

"Was there a reason for me to sit back there?" May interrupted.

The motor mouth that was May's Mom stopped and looked down at the ground, deep in concentration. She looked up at May and blinked. May arched an eyebrow, waiting for an answer. "Oh yes! Well, as you can see we have arrived in Littleroot Town. Has a quaint feel to it doesn't it May? Seems like an easy place to live. Plus you'll be getting your own room!" A split second later had May anime-falling into the ground.

Gee, my own room. Hold me back, is what she thought.

"Greeaaat . . ." is what she said. She planted her feet on the ground, stood up, and followed after her mom into her new home. May sweat-dropped when she saw her mom stretch out her arms and take a deep breath of the air. Why? Why can't I just have a normal mother for at least two seconds? Is that too much to ask?

"Ah, it's great to get away from the city sometimes, don't you think, May? May?" Mrs. May's Mom looked around for her daughter. A crash from the kitchen was heard and curses coming from there as well.


"-Hey you walked into ME!-" it retaliated, but all that could be understood was a bunch of "Ma's" and "Choke's". May stomped out of the kitchen and headed for the stairs. As she pounded her way up to her room she yelled, "I HATE THIS PLACE!" before slipping and tumbling back down. The mother sweat-dropped, the Machoke burst out laughing at the girl's clumsiness. A quick shoe to the face later and Machoke was back to moving the boxes from the kitchen to the living room, and vice versa.

Damn, stupid, lousy place to live. Why are we even here? Dad's in PETALBURG for crying out loud!


"AAAAH!! HELP! BRENDAN, HELP!!" a small boy, no more than 8 years old, called out. The boy called "Brendan" grumbled and opened his eyes, just in time to see his Pokemon getting ready to exhale flames at his face. It backed up and smiled innocently at its trainer. Glaring at the small Pokemon, he grabbed it by the head and tossed it into a tree. It slid down with its eyes swirling. He looked to where his brother was screaming. In the middle of Littleroot Pond was his younger brother, flailing his arms around and trying to stay above the surface. Getting up from his spot at the base of his favorite tree, he walked over to the edge of the pond and watched his brother scream for his life.

Brendan grumbled. "JUST STAND UP!" The boy stopped flailing and blinked.

"Oh yeah . . ." he muttered and reached for the bottom of the pond. Suddenly, he sank under the water. Brendan sweat-dropped and waited as patiently as possible for his brother to stand up and laugh and ask why his older brother didn't come after him. A sigh escaped Brendan's mouth. After a minute or so he furrowed his eyebrows when something dawned on him. Brendan panicked and jumped in after his younger sibling.

Oops, guess that was the deep end.


Upon entering the room May found that the carpet had been set, the bed was put together and made, and the PC was hooked up and ready for service. She then saw that her TV and Gamecube had also been set up. She also found an old notebook that her friend Hiro had given to her ((the boy from G/S)). It was full of stuff she already knew, so she tossed it out.

She sighed. Hiro and Kris. Two young and powerful trainers, almost as famous as Ash Ketchum himself ((Game Ash, aka 'Red')). It had been nearly a year since the last time they had met back in Goldenrod—her last residence. They had come to see her one last time before heading off to Mt. Silver for training. They had also shown her the two legendary pokemon they had caught. Hiro had caught the legendary Ho-oh while Kris had captured Lugia. She loved hearing their adventures, and was jealous that they could do so while she had to stay behind because it was "too dangerous for a young girl like yourself," as her mother would say. But she had finally gotten old enough to start her own journey and her mother had finally realized that she couldn't hold on to her little baby much longer.

Snapping out of her thoughts she remembered the main reason she was here. Nothing better to do. So she checked the clock and found out that it was set to 10:00. Not too far off. It was currently a quarter till 11 so she made the adjustment. Then, as if on cue, her mother came upstairs and asked how May liked her new room. She also informed her daughter that the movers had finished bringing everything in and had already left. Before May had a chance to reply her mom went back downstairs. So she headed downstairs to see why her mom was in such a hurry. She got her answer very quickly.

"May! Oh May come quick!" May did as told and went to her mom who pointed out the TV.

"Look! It's Petalburg Gym! That means your dad is on!" Her mom moved aside so she could see. However all she was able to catch was an interviewer. Obviously her dad had just finished battling someone. May looked at her mom and blinked.

"What . . . ?" came the bored response.

"Well," her mom said, trying to change the subject. "Oh yes! A friend of your father's lives in town. Professor Birch is his name…I think. Why don't you go meet him?" May agreed and soon found herself outside and away from her perky mother.

She spent a good part of the day just wandering around the town and taking in the sites of her new home. It was for the most part a quiet little place with all the life taking place near the middle of town. The Pokemon Center was probably the biggest building you'd see until Oldale Town. Nearby the Center was what looked like Professor Birch's lab. As she was looking at some clothes two screaming voices could be heard in the distance.

"Here they come," an older woman sighed. May turned to her.

"What?" The woman shook her head and started closing her shop; along with all the others, May noticed.

"Just watch." So she turned back to the noise. Soon a wet, young, black-haired boy wearing swim trunks sprinted past, leaving a dust cloud in his wake. It wasn't long before a drenched white-haired boy sped by leaving behind an even bigger cloud. The boy turned his head to look at the red-clad female. He gave her a quick smile and turned back to the chase. May blushed; she had been staring.


Once everyone had reopened his or her shop May turned to the lady she had talked to earlier. "That . . . happens often?"

"You'll get used to it." May looked once more to the distant dust cloud, which—she noticed—was getting bigger instead of smaller.

"OW! HELP! SOMEBODY SAVE ME! STOP IT, BRENDAN!" May shook her head and continued her tour of the town. Not long afterwards she found herself looking at a sign that read: Professor Birch's House. On the bottom of the sign was some more scribbled writing. It read, "Anyone who wishes to beat up my little brother must make appointments with Mrs. Birch." May sweat-dropped. She looked up at the house. It was quite a modest, comfy looking home. She shrugged and invited herself in. The person she found wasn't Professor Birch, but his wife. She came over and gave May a quick hug, not even caring that May walked in without knocking.

"So you must be the new neighbor!"

Nope, I'm just some random person out to steal your possessions.

"We were wondering when you'd arrive. As you can see my husband isn't here right now. However our son is. Why don't you go upstairs and meet him? And maybe stop him from hurting his brother any more than he has to . . ."

May blinked. I guess you really do get used to it . . .

When she reached the top step she looked around her to find a room quite similar to hers. In fact, the only thing that was different was the location of the items in the room, and that there was a new wall decoration screaming for his life. The white-haired boy from before walked up to her and held out his hand. May hesitantly took it, getting a laugh from the boy.

"Don't worry, I only do that to him," he said with a jerk of the thumb. His brother stuck out his tongue in retaliation. The older boy ignored him and smiled at May. "My name's Brendan. So you're the new neighbor huh?"

May returned his smile. "I'm May."

Brendan's little brother rolled his eyes. "This is all really touching and all, but GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!" Brendan rolled his eyes and walked over to his brother and yanked him off. The little boy immediately ran over to May.

"HI! I'm Nick!" he exclaimed before running off.

May turned back to Brendan, whom was massaging his temples.

"I swear I'm gonna kill that kid someday. So, you a trainer, May?" he asked, trying to start up a conversation.

"Well . . . not yet. I did do mock battles with my friends before though, so I'm not completely clueless." Brendan nodded, and then checked his watch. He gave a light groan.

"Hey, I gotta go help my dad with some research. Catch up with you sometime?" May nodded. "Great, well see ya later then." He picked up his bag and left for the lab, leaving May staring at the door.

He's kinda cute.


It was about four o'clock in the evening now and May was getting closer to the laboratory. When she entered the building she saw a lab assistant, but alas, no professor. So she went up to the assistant and asked him where the professor had gone off. He said the professor wasn't the type to sit at a desk and research things, and that he was out doing fieldwork with his son. May thanked him and headed out the lab. She was about to head back home when she heard a scream.

"Someone help! I'm just a little kid that doesn't know a single thing about Pokemon and I don't even know why I'm in this fic!" a little kid yelled. May ran over and asked the kid what was wrong. When he said that there was a man out there being attacked by a wild pokemon she ran out and found out that there was indeed a man being chased around. Under different circumstances it would have been hysterical, but this wasn't under different circumstances. She found that it was the professor being chased by a wild Poochyena, and that his son was nowhere to be seen. He stopped running long enough to shout to May for help and tell her to choose a Pokemon from his bag on the ground to fight off the wild dog thing. She did so and found three Pokeballs. One belonged to Treeko; it looked kind of ugly so she passed. She then saw that a Torchic and Mudkip occupied the remaining balls. She chose Torchic because the author felt he needed May to have Torchic 'cause almost every May/Brendan fic has May pick a Torchic. She threw the ball out and prepared for battle.

"Torchic tor!" the little bird cried out as its body formed from the red ball of light. It looked around and yawned.

"Torchic!" It's head perked up to see a young girl, who by the looks of it was a trainer. It seemed trustworthy. "Use your . . . uh . . . growl attack!" She said. The bird pokemon opened its beak and let out a not-so-menacing growl, but it still scared the small Pokemon. Not too much, but still did. "Good! Now use Scratch!" It did so and charged the dog, leaving behind three red marks as the pokemon screamed out in pain. "Awesome! Now finish it off with Peck!" The bird rushed the weakened puppy pokemon and pecked for all its worth. The Pokemon let out one last howl before limping off, ending the dog problem. May returned the Torchic into its ball and gave it back to the professor. He, however, wouldn't accept it back.

"I'd like you to keep it. You handled the Pokemon and the situation with such ease, it just wouldn't be right to have you two part ways. By the way you must be the new neighbor, I'm I right?"

And HOW has everyone seemed to figure that out I wonder . . . she thought sarcastically.

"As you probably know my name is Professor Birch." He was about to talk some more when he saw the grass rustle. "Um, why don't we head back to my lab? I don't like it when grass rustles . . . makes me uneasy. Even though I do so much fieldwork and shouldn't be affected by just some rustling grass. We can continue our conversation there."

O . . . kay . . .


"Like I said earlier I'd like you to keep that Torchic as a gift for helping me out." May gave her thanks and then let the Pokemon out of its ball. She hugged the little bird and told it the good news. The pokemon seemed thrilled as well.

"Now, what should I call you? Let's see . . . the other May's are probably already using Pyro, Flame, and Flare. Um, how about-"

"If you'd excuse me?" the professor interrupted. The girl nodded. "Well, since you'll be starting your own journey now I should give you this," he said as he handed her a Pokedex. "I'm sure you know what this is for." May nodded and placed it in her hip-pack. "Well that's about all I can think of. Oh yes! My son is out on Route 103 looking for Pokemon, perhaps he can show you the ropes and such of being a trainer?"

"Oh yeah, that reminds me," she started. "Why wasn't your son there? He said he had to help you with some research." The professor looked down at the ground and blinked back a tear. May grimaced. "I'm sorry . . . I didn't know."

The prof looked up at her quizzically. "What are you talking about? His Pokemon got hurt and he had to run to Oldale Town for a particular antidote." May sweat-dropped. "He's so caring. What a boy I've raised."

"Ahem," she interjected, bringing the professor back to reality.

"Oh yes, well that's all for now. Good luck May."

"Uhh . . . yeah . . . thanks . . ." she said. That's it? I'm a trainer? Wow, how exciting . . . For some reason she was seriously expecting something a little . . . more. Like some big crowd chanting, "May! May!" outside the lab and a kid in pajamas to come by and ask for a Pokémon and then get totally dissed by her, Pajama Kid's arch-rival. But alas, her life wasn't meant to be made into an anime.

May headed for the door, but was stopped by the assistant. May raised an eyebrow. Apparently all he wanted to do was to give her 5 Pokeballs for her journey. She thanked him as well and headed out the door. She took in a deep breath. I'm finally a trainer! Her first stop would be . . . anywhere but this dung-heap of a town.

The trip to Oldale took well over an hour. It was around 5:30 by the time she reached the Pokemon Center to take a break. After resting up she and Torchic continued up to Route 103. For the greater part of the walk she pondered why Brendan would want to go on a route that didn't go anywhere.


"Why's he just standin' there?" May whispered to her shoulder-perched Torchic as she stared at Brendan's back. "He's not peeing is he?" May shuddered, "No . . . doesn't look like it. Is he expectin' a Pokémon to just jump out and attack him? What a weird cookie." Torchic only shrugged. Ever so quietly she walked up behind him and took a deep breath.

"Hey Brendan!"

"Aaaahhhh!!" May broke down with laughter while Brendan glared at her.

"I thought I told you not to do that!" he shouted. May stopped laughing and arched an eyebrow.

"When didja tell me that?"


"Ugh. Never mind. Anyways your father gave me my own Pokemon and Pokédex, so I'm officially a trainer now! He also told me that I could find you here, and that maybe you might, you know, show me 'the ropes and such of being a trainer.'" Brendan smiled.

"You said you did mock battles before right?" May nodded. "Then let's get right to it! I challenge you to a Pokemon battle!"

May returned the smile. "You're on. Torchic let's go!" The bird chirped in acknowledgement and hopped onto the ground, waiting for her challenger.

"One can only wonder why you—along with every other 'May'—have chosen Torchic as your starter. Oh well, let's get this thing under way." Brendan pulled out his own Pokeball and pressed the button to enlarge it. "However I'm different from the other Brendan's in the Pokemon fandom. Go Cyndaquil!"



::blinks in amazement:: You're still here? AWESOME! Not that I don't want you here but . . . why? NO NO! STAY, STAY! Read the rest of the fic, please! I promise you shouldn't be let down!

Well anyways, yes, Brendan owns Cyndaquil, the li'l pyro fox-mouse thingy. Why, you ask? I dunno. I'm not too fond of the Mudkip line. Why? I'm just not. Sheesh, can't a guy have his own opinions? lol.

Well, I welcome any and all new readers/reviewers. Seriously, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter!

Oh yeah, read and review the new chapters if it pleases you. What wonders await you? There's only one way to find out. Join me next time (actually as soon as you click on the arrow for the next chapter) for a new and exciting chapter of Journey Thru Hoenn! I can't believe I made such a stupid title.