Disclaimer: Do not own any of the characters in this story. They have been rightfully claimed by Mutant Enemy, Warner Bros., Joss Whedon, and to the cast and crew of both Pirates of the Caribbean; the Curse of the Black Pearl and to Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Oh man!!!!

A/N: Many people have been suggesting this story, and it has been swimming inside my noggin, longer than I expected it too. Anyway, I love Pirates of the Caribbean, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer of course, so I came up with this! Hope you guys like this, and as always, review! Review! Review!

Timeline: In Buffy, it's about season 4, we all passed the fact about Spike's chip, and Buffy and Riley are already dating. Basically it's the episode called "Buffy vs. Dracula" that's based on the beginning of that episode. Also, picture Buffy a couple of years older than she is so she's about 19-20 years old.

In Pirates, I wanted it to be about a year after our roguish Captain gains back his Pearl. There might be slight mentions of Will and Liz, but other than that, I don't think I wanna include them that much. Sorry folks!

Pairings: I don't want a shipper for Jack and Buffy just yet 'cause I wanted to make a sequel or two depending on how well the story goes out of this, and I need them two to not become 'lovey-dovey' just yet, but I guess they will be sending out vibes. Thoughts are very welcome in this topic.

Chapter One, Dropping in the Caribbean

"Wow Willow. You really are getting better at the whole witchy stuff," Xander complimented Willow as she made the grill's fire burn hotter by merely saying a few Latin words and waving her hand over the grill. He has been trying to flame up the thing for the past fifteen minutes, but to no success of even emitting half of the fire power it has now; with military training or not.

"Oh it's easy really. The trick is to maintain the balance of the-," Willow began, but was soon cut off by a low and loud rumbling of thunder in the distance as dark clouds started to change the once bright and sunny atmosphere to the now cold and almost dreary weather. The other 'Sunnydalians' looked at the sky with confusion as they murmured hushed and worried words to their friends and family.

The Scoobies were at the beach, shaking off all the usual Sunnydale chaos and trying to relax while the time is there. Buffy and Riley were a few feet away, playing football up until to the point where Buffy hit it so hard that the ball deflated and had to stop playing the game. But Willow tipped the balance of maintaining the balance of nature, unintentionally bringing in a storm that ruined their trip.

"I didn't do it!" Willow protested weakly but got up all the same and carried her beach towel as rain started to pour in. Xander and Anya also went off to the car with a sigh, and so did Riley, who picked up the beach ball and a couple bags. But Buffy unfortunately got struck by lighting, as she got her duffel bag which held a few weaponries, clothes, and other 'girl' necessities that she brought with her. Her scream wasn't heard, for it was over far too quickly. All of her friends never knowing what happened to her and neither does Buffy.


Jack was once again at the helm of His Pearl, steering it and occasionally checking his compass. He frequently barked out orders to his crew but his hands never left the helm of the Black Pearl. It has been already a year after his victory over the Pearl, a year after the defeat of his nemesis Barbossa, and three months after Will and Elizabeth's wedding celebration, where Jack gotten himself greatly drunker than usual. And thus now, Jack and his crew have set on in another treasure hunt, that seem to stand out to him, even after hearing all about stories about other grand riches and such.

He came across a book while stealing off from a commodore, who had too much to drink and was unfortunately at the wrong place at the wrong time. The bloke was carrying a book that was bound in worn brown leather, but like how the saying 'don't judge a book by its cover' goes, the contents of the book is what interested the pirate captain the most.

After taking it back to his crew, one of his men recognized the letters in Greek since his mother was from the Greece. As they looked more in the book, they found a couple of the foreign language, translated roughly into English on a paper that by the looks of it, was read and opened again and again by the commodore.

Based on what was written on the parchment, Jack had enough evidence that there was a treasure in an island called Ithaki near the coast of Athens, Greece that was rumored to have treasures hidden by the Gods and Goddesses themselves, guarded by beasts and exiled Gods that were damned from the heavens by their traitorousness behaviors and crimes that gave them this fate.

After explaining what he had found, his crew had taken on the challenge of going to this place, and were now heading to Tortuga to buy their supplies for the trip and drink their doubts and worries away before they started their journey across the Atlantic Ocean.

Jack was lost in his train of thoughts until the sky captured his attention and began to murmur none sense under his breath. His mind unconsciously started to observe his surroundings that will tell him what the sudden peculiar change in the weather. The weather had captured the crew's attention as well, some saying their thoughts out-loud and stopped what they ere doing to stare in awe at the sky. The heavens had turned from the calm, blue, Caribbean sky into an utmost shade of orange, then to a deeper midnight blue that was almost black, just like it would in a storm.

"Get back tah work, ye mangy dogs, or it's off to the tails with ye!" Jack growled out as he ordered his men with a threat, making them work again. "We're goin' into one-helluva trip," Sparrow mumbled to himself childishly as he made little adjustments on the helm, changing the ship's speed and position as he did. Jack had already had an idiotic grin on his face, loving the way the wind had started to pick up. The pirate didn't even look when Gibbs, his first mate, started to climb up the stairs with some difficulty.

The crew saw lightning sparks sparking here and there on the sky, occasionally followed by a loud clasp of thunder seconds later. All of the sudden, a lightning struck the Pearl, making everyone startled and jump back away from the spot. Though the attack did not making any sparks or flames when it left, making everybody grateful, the lighting brought an unconscious petite blonde, who was wearing very revealing clothes and carrying what looked like a bag.

The crew started to gather around her after the shock wore off, admiring her bronze skin, and her almost-angelic face as they came in nearer around her. As much as Sparrow wanted to go over her, he wasn't about to leave his duties as a captain and do so; though it was sorely tempting to do the act. He nearly chuckled when he saw Ana Maria glare at the crew's behavior.

"Gibbs, bring tha girl here," Jack ordered Gibbs who has regained his composure and started muttering something about bringing women in the boat bad luck, but did what he was told anyway. "The rest o' ye, wha' did I bloody say? Get back tah work!"

The rest got back to work with slight distraction, and were either mopping the deck or hoisting up the black sails. The storm left as quickly and oddly as it came, in which they just shook their heads at and disregarded the weird weather. The crew frequently sent out a glance or two at their awakening guest.

Buffy felt tired and spent, releasing a groan as she felt her head throb. However, she could already feel her Slayer strength returning fast, easing some of her worries. She stretched out her senses without opening her eyes when she realized that everything she felt and smelled were unfamiliar. Her first reaction was to stand up and keep her guard, but thought better as one of Giles' lecture came up to mind. Instead of acting on her first impulse, she sharpened her hearing and concentrated on everything she felt. That way, if captured by some enemies, she would have a higher advantage.

She finally concluded that she was in a boat that was obviously sailing due to the rocking motion, plus the saltiness in the air that she smelled gave her another clue that she was out in the open waters. She felt her hands and feet weren't tied as if she was a hostage; so where was she? She cracked eyes into tiny slits as she gave in to the curiosity that was gnawing inside her. Buffy quickly saw that she was resting down on a strange place, and that there were people bustling in front of her, tying ropes into knots and mopping what looks like a deck of a ship. The people doing all of the tying-s and mopping-s were definitely wearing outdated clothes. What is this, a costume party? Buffy thought as her head pounded mercilessly when she tried to shake away some of the lingering disorientation in her head as she stood up.

"Are ye okay, luv?" a sudden thick British accent asked behind her, his voice has a touch of concern. She groaned irritably when she turned around too fast, causing dizziness to erupt. Buffy grabbed her head while she answered his question.

"I've been better and been worse actually." The mysterious person chuckled at her answer and she could slightly see the strange man shake his head at her response. "Where the hell am I, anyway?"

"Ye are in me ship, lass. The Black Pearl, fastest ship there is in tha sunny Caribbean and tha Spanish Main, savvy?," Jack answered her, his voice full of proud while steering his beloved ship. He has caught a few glances at her clothing, which captured everyone's attention greatly.

She was wearing but a few garments, one that covered her upper torso that was strung with strings at her back to keep it from falling off. It also revealed her tight stomach that was unlike some of the women he's seen who were just slim and flat and just screamed of hunger. This woman's was different; it showed her muscles through the tanned skin yet not so much that it looks intimidating to anyone. She also had some other garments that were consisted of only a couple of cloths, one covering her privates and the other tied onto her waist, going down and stopping just below her knees with the fabric that was almost 'see-through' if it wasn't for its dark blue shade. Her slightly wavy blonde hair was tied on a half pony tail, covering her shoulders with the golden strands. His observations of her clothing were stopped when he heard her serious voice directed at him.

"That answers one question of the agenda, so what's left is: who are you, what I am doing here, and where the hell this boat is taking us or me, much to be specific. You take a pick. And what is this? A flash back from the 17th century?" Buffy ranted demandingly when she realized that she doesn't know where the ship was heading.

"It's a SHIP, not some measly boat, ye git. An' one question at a time, girly. It's ye tha' wants some answerin', not me; so it's up tah ye to 'take tha pick'," the pirate answered her right back before he turned his attention somewhere, letting Buffy to take in her surroundings.

She looked around, squinting a bit when she realized that the storm clouds went away, revealing the bright Caribbean sun and found that almost everything was painted in black. She turned to look at the one she thinks she was talking to and saw his face clearer as he called a girl named Ana Maria to take over the helm.

"An' besides, luv; shouldn't I ask the questions? I mean, ye do realize tha' ye are in my pirate ship, with my pirate crew, and can order me men to throw ye overboard. But it'll be such a shame tah throw such a pretty thing like ye 'way," Jack threatened after talking to Ana Maria. He moved his hands as if to prove his point. The pirate swayed a bit when he walked towards her, making Buffy wonder if the guy was even sober.

Jack knows that any respected pirate wouldn't like the tone she gave him earlier so he was hoped that by pressing the matter of pirates, she would be all scared and pleading for her life like most women would when they see one; just for the sake of his ego. However, this threat seemed to aggravate her more rather than frighten her, startling him with the new reaction. Buffy collected herself with a sigh and closed her eyes as she pondered what made this guy so full of himself and if she should teach him a thing or two about her. She turned to face him again after she was done staring at the heavens, cursing in her head what the Powers That Be gotten her into again.

"So, this is a pirate boat, which means all of you guys are pirates," she paused for a second and took a good look around her. "Gotta tell ya, this explains so much. And two, you get to try to throw me off board mister, cause three, you're not the only one who is wanting me to stay here, so four, if you'll answer my questions, then I'll answer yours. Kapeesh?" Buffy pointed her fingers at him as she ticked off her demands. The pirate looked at her fingers under his eyelids, making this gesture almost say 'why are you pointing your finger at me?'

Buffy realized that his look did give him a sense of being an outlaw. He had a cutlass tied to his waist and a pistol, held together by a black leather belt that also held a faded red cloth so that the leather won't cut unto his flesh. He was wearing a pair of loose, dark breeches that was cut short by his boots that ran up to his knees holding more weaponry from the bulge that formed on the side of his heel. He also had a trench coat that was patched in some places but remarkably intact from everything it has been. Through it all, a dirty white shirt with a leather vest above was visible.

His hair held trinkets of all sorts with a bandana under the tri-cornered hat. The pirate's dark thick hair and matted dread locks accented his roguish and almost cocky grin that he was wearing. His hands were decorated by a couple of rings like his hands, while a leather pouch was on his right hand, giving him an advantage of pick pocketing unsuspected victims. A dirtied white cloth was tied to his left hand for no apparent reason. His eyes were lined with black kohl, giving his chiseled, tan, yet grimed face a unique accent. The overall look makes him almost drool worthy on Buffy's standards if she wasn't placed in another time with pirates all around her.

The pirate seemed surprised at her reaction and her demands, but nodded along anyway. "Then ye got yerself an accord, young miss, but we give each otha' one question, savvy? An', since I AM tha Capt'n o' this ship, I have me 'captain privileges' so I'll ask first," Jack paused as if to think what his first question was. "Wha' be yer name, luv?"

"Buffy Summers, and you are?"

"Jack, CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow if ye'll be so kind. Second, how in tha blazes did ye come outta tha lightning?" Buffy shrugged at his question. How did she get out of a lightning? The last thing she knew what happened was that there was a storm coming in, and as she picked up her duffel bag, she felt a jolt of something that knocked her out. The next thing she knew was waking up in a ship and talking to this pirate.

"Dunno really. Last thing I knew I was in a beach minding my own business with a couple of friends and then zappo here I am. So that answers why I'm here, but not how. Anyway, where are we going in this gothic ship?"

"This gothic ship, luv, is called the Black Pearl. Yer head best remember tha'. And we are heading to Tortuga fer some supplies to…uh…go to a far 'way place," he made a walking motion with his fingers, moving from left to right. "And what makes you think that we are taking ye 'nywhere?"

Buffy dropped her mouth open, and closed it when no sound came out. Jack snickered at the sight she was making, and raised his eyebrows for her reply. "C-Cause, I can be useful to you in the ship, to wherever you guys are going. A-and its not really fair to just leave me alone here, where ever 'here' is. Three, I don't know where the hell I am, so let me just stay after your little adventure is done, and I'll try to settle myself in somewhere. Plus, it is so not nice to drop me off in the middle of the Caribbean."

"First off, luv, yer pretty noggin o' yers forget, I'm a bloody pirate, remember? An' besides, ye hardly look like ye can take care o' yerself, much less live with us, so do ye still think ye can live with a bunch o' scallywags? Not that I mind, o' course," he pointed at the rest of the crew and himself.

"He's right ye know. An' its terrible bad luck tah bring a woman on board," an old man in his mid forties commented as he went towards Jack. Buffy raised an eyebrow at that, and before she knew what she was doing, her mouth sent out an insult.

"If that's the case, why are you here then?" Buffy glared at him, waiting for a response. A petty response and a pretty low blow, she admits to herself, but it was the only one she could think of at that moment. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Ana Maria and Jack, laughing out loud at her response. With a huff, he turned around and left, sending them an icy glare along the way. She faintly heard the old man muttering, "Shows how much those two are in my side."

"Who is the stereotypical ass anyway, Cappy?" Buffy asked annoyed. Jack stopped laughing at what she called him.

"The stereo-whatnot's name is Mr. Gibbs. An' it's Captain, not 'Cappy'. Ye still haven't answered me question yet, luv."

"Yes, I remember that you told me that you're a pirate," Buffy answered, playing dumb and said her reply in a bored tone. She started to look at her nails, displaying an act of bored-ness which made Jack annoyed.

"Not tha' one!" Sparrow exclaimed. "Tha' other one."

"And that'll be…?"

"Tha one that I asked ye!"

"I thought we were past this. I told you, I remembered."

"Don't play dumb with me, Summers. The question after tha' one," their yelling have now gathered everyone's attention, and were watching at the sidelines with amusement. Usually it was the person their captain talks to who gets annoyed with his added vocabulary plus the stalling if he wants to avoid answering, not the other way around. 'This could be fun,' Ana Maria thought with humor as she watched on.

"Which one, the first or the second?"

"Tha second one!"

"Aha! So that means you asked two questions, where as its only suppose to be one question at a time. So that clearly states, that that question is invalid to be answered! You set the rules, FOLLOW IT, " Buffy cried with triumph but didn't know why she was playing defensive, maybe it was the annoyed look that got on Jack's face that amused her to no end.

"Oi, just answer me bloody question, savvy?" in a flash he pointed his sword at her throat, pointing at it menacingly with such speed that it impressed Buffy herself.

'Great Buffy! You just had to annoy him, didn't ya?' Buffy mentally smacked her head.

A/N: Oooo, I feel a major fight scene comin' up! Anyway, I wanted to tell everybody who voted on making this story to be written:

Cami, buffyfan363, spuffylover, zxx, aimielee,

Thank you everybody. To all those people thinking that these aren't a lot, I don't care. It still got me into typing this, didn't I?