A/N: Well, I just finished my first unofficial D/G, so here I am starting my official one! *lol* If you like it...leave a review. If you don't...leave a review anyway *l* Just tell me what you don't like so far. Give it a try, it could prove to be interesting...Enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own any rights to Harry Potter or the Harry Potter universe.
Ginny stifled the urge to emit a loud groan. This is what she got for sitting with Ron, Hermione, and Harry: The joy of listening to Lavender and Parvati exchange gossip stories of everyone else's lives but the ones they should be focused on -- their own.
Since Harry and Lavender started dating at the beginning of the year, Lavender was always glued to his side, while Parvati was glued to Lavender's.
Oh, they were nice girls, Ginny mused. Just not the type of people she could really see herself becoming friends with.
"...So, yeah, he has detention," Lavender stated, finishing up her story.
"For snogging her in the closet? I've never been caught making out in the hallways!" Parvati and Lavender giggled.
Ginny looked around, wondering when anyone was going to ask why they were wasting time worrying about Draco Malfoy's detention for making out with Pansy Parkinson.
Ron, she noted thankfully, was practically snoring upon his breakfast fork. But Harry and Hermione were listening respectfully.
"What I don't understand," Hermione said, used to the antics of the two girls, being their roommate, "is why Pansy didn't get detention."
Ginny sighed loudly and obviously, but was ignored because everyone else had grown immune to her sighing interjections. It was a truly honest question, and Hermione was really wondering out of curiosity so Ginny had no idea why she was being so rude.
"Like, who knows."
'Like, who cares?' Ginny wanted to reply to Lavender, while Hermione chewed her food thoughtfully probably expecting such a non-insightful response.
"Ginny, those earrings are great," Lavender said suddenly, shifting topics.
Ginny smiled widely. "Thanks!" She said, just slightly overly cheerful so only Hermione noticed the sarcasm.
Ginny didn't have to wonder why she was so rude to Lavender. It was obvious. Not like it was Lavender's fault that Harry liked her and all, but still, Ginny resented the fact that Lavender was Harry's girlfriend.
Ginny hated herself for still liking him but she did wonder, how could she not? He was nice, relatively smart, and handsome. Extremely easy to talk to as well.
Lavender was beautiful, smart in divination, and nice but quite annoying. Ginny didn't understand how he was still going out with her while it was well into the month of February. They had been dating for four and a half months! But it wasn't her business as to what Harry saw in Lavender Brown...
"...don't you Ginny?"
Ginny blinked over at Hermione. "Erm."
Hermione looked a little impatient, and looking around Ginny realized that except for a few stragglers they were the only people left in the Great Hall. "I said you should get going, you have Potions now don't you? Snape doesn't tolerate..."
"Lateness!" Ginny practically screamed, gathering up her bag, and quickly thanking Hermione for shaking her out of her reverie before shooting out of there and down the hall at top speed.
Ginny quickly checked her watch as she sped down the stairs to the dungeons. She figured at this pace she could make it down there with about thirty seconds to spare just as long as she didn't run into any proble--
"Ahhrghh!!" Ginny shrieked rather loudly as she felt her foot sink low into the stair and she was jerked forward, her book bag flying open and her books spilling out all over the place.
Just as the wood was close to sealing itself around her foot Ginny wrenched it out, and quickly ran the rest of the way down gathering up her books as she went.
Breathing hard she picked up her bag from the last step, and hastily stuffed everything in it, not daring to check out her bruised ankle.
Thinking she could still make it, Ginny got up only to hear the crashing of her books and ink bottles back to the floor again. "SHIT!" she yelled out, her temper taking over.
This was when she noticed the tear stretching from the middle to one side on the bottom of her bag. "Perfect," she mumbled, kicking the destroyed ink into a corner, and stuffing her books back in her bag, this time holding the tear closed between too fingers.
She heard the late bell ring, and kicked the wall.
Because if she thought this was bad, dealing with Snape was going to be ten times worse.
Ginny scrambled into the classroom clutching the bottom of her bag. "Professor--" She began as Snape looked up at her, his top lip curling unpleasantly.
"Miss Weasley," he hissed in a syrupy sweet voice that only served to heighten her anxiousness. "I'm so glad you could grace us with your presence today."
Ginny laughed awkwardly. "Yes. Um--Did I miss anything?"
Snape's smile broadened. "I didn't want to start without you." The Slytherins sniggered.
She looked around the room nervously. "You--"
"What kept you?" His voice was still held that unnerving silkiness.
"Oh, you see--" Ginny held up her shoulder bag allowing him to notice the tear. "--I would've been here on time, it's just as I was running down the stairs, I forgot about that lousy trick one, and my foot got stuck and everything went flying, and my bag ripped and I hadn't noticed so when--" She blurted.
"If you would have been here on time," Snape interrupted, "then why were you running?"
Ginny opened and closed her mouth, aware of everyone in the room staring. "W--What..."
"I said if you would have been here on time," he enunciated. "Then why were you in such a rush as to where you missed the trick stair?"
Ginny blinked. "I--"
"DETENTION WEASLEY!" Snape barked.
Ginny jumped backwards. "But my bag!" She shrieked.
"I could have been here on time!" She shrieked. "I just had to speed walk! My -- My bag! You can't -- No, I -- It's not my fault!" She sputtered, her voice getting drowned out by the howls of the Slytherins.
"MY BAG BROKE!" Ginny screamed. She was not letting the slimeball get the satisfaction of embarrassing her in front of the whole class and ruining her good record. Her mother would have kittens when she found out! "THE RIP IS PROOF!"
Ginny stared at him long and hard. Curse him for smirking like that, she thought as she turned and marched out the door.
Curse him, curse him, curse him.
And all the way to Filch's office Ginny thought of the horrible spells she was going to put on Severus Snape once she graduated from Hogwarts.
"Well, well, well," Filch said, surveying Ginny from across his desk.
It took all of Ginny's strength not to wipe that ridiculously sly smile off his face or at least tell him to wash his hair, the disgusting dirt bag.
"Sixth year?"
"Erm...yeah. Yes."
"Weasley, eh?"
"Yes, er, sir," Ginny answered.
"Any relation to Fred and George?" Filch asked, his eyes flickering over towards the cabinet, which held the entire drawer for her twin brothers.
"My brothers," Ginny answered somewhat proudly.
"God, I was so close their last year here..." he said more to himself than to anyone else. "So close to giving them the real detentions they deserved..." he reminisced, somewhat sourly.
Ginny knew that the "real" detentions Filch was referring to was whipping, and hanging people by their ears in the dungeons. "Erm..." Ginny said, wondering when he would sentence her.
"Well, anyway," he said, getting up and rummaging through one of the file cabinets. He pulled out a folder that was labeled with her name. "Yes, yes," he muttered, as he opened it and began scribbling across one of the top papers. Ginny leaned forward in attempts to see what he was writing but he quickly hid it from view. "Tardiness, lying, talking back...yes, yes. Destroying the peace of this school. Disrespect...hmm..."
Ginny could hardly see how she was destroying the peace of the school, but bit back her snide remarks as from experience she learned that she would be much worse off.
Filch abruptly snapped the folder shut. "Detention starts tonight, and ends on Friday. You will be expected at 5:30 and won't leave until 10:30."
Ginny nodded, not being able to wait to leave the horrible office.
"Beware Weasley," he grinned unpleasantly. "I couldn't get your brothers, but I'll be keeping a good eye on you," he snarled in that sickly voice of his. "I'll make sure to make these detentions as scarring as possible," he growled.
Ginny gulped. She made a mental note to thank Fred and George for putting a bad label on the name Weasley.
Gloomily, Ginny trudged down into the trophy hallway. "Mopping up the hall," she muttered to herself, laughing. How stupid. Why that job could get done so much faster if Filch just magicked a mop and water pail to do the job, rather than to make the detentionee's do it.
"Talking to yourself Weasel?"
Ginny stopped short just feet away from the hall where her detention would be served. Oh god, she thought. Not Mal--
"You know my father always said how crazy you Weasleys are." Malfoy leaned up against a trophy case his shoulder relaxed on the end of a mop.
So serving detention with Malfoy was clearly Filch's idea of the worst detention possible. And so far it was proving to be true. "Yeah, well your father was always an idiot," Ginny said coolly as she walked into the filthy hallway snarling at the scene in front of her eyes. "What happened in here?" she asked as she took in the dirty, mud-stricken hallway. "Someone wipe your name all over it?"
Malfoy scowled down at her. "Don't think you won't pay for that one Weasley. Are you here for detention too?"
Ginny snatched the mop Malfoy was using for support from under him. He teetered before steadying himself. "No, I'm just thinking of becoming a custodial worker," she said as she dipped the mop into the pail of water.
"It suits you," Malfoy spat, grabbing the second mop resting against the wall. "God this hall is filthy enough without you lurking around in it."
Ginny glared at him, "I don't want to be here either, you know. Let's just try and live through this week instead of making it worse for each other."
"Fine with me. Just stay out of my face," Malfoy growled, turning to start on the opposite end of the hallway.
"Trust me," Ginny said as she vigorously moved the mop back and forth. "That won't be a problem."