A/N- I wanted to apologize for not updating since… wow, December of 2003. That was quite awhile ago wasn't it? Well, here's a new chapter. Although I'm not quite sure that it will have been worth the wait… here it is!!

The Date

I followed them out the door and down the stairs, rolling my eyes as they announced to the whole common room that Katie was coming down the stairs.

"And here she is! The ravishing… Miss Katie Bell!"

I have to admit, I was expecting a few curious glances, and then everyone would turn back to what they were doing. I definitely didn't expect what I got, which were the few curious glances except nobody looked away. A few people were actually staring at me with their mouths down to their knees. Even Jackie, who had been doing some major lip sucking on Oliver, was looking at me with a jealous look, Oliver staring right along with her. Ha, take that bitch!

"Come on Katie! Hurry up, Marcus should be here by now. We don't want to keep him waiting," Angelina reminded me while my gaze was still lingering on Oliver. I shook my head to clear it, and strutted towards the door to wear Marcus should be waiting. The door opens and… he wasn't there.

"Marcus? Marcus are you here?" I asked hopefully, since Angelina and Alicia had already abandoned me. Undoubtedly they had gone to make nice with Gred and Feorge. Just my luck, the first date I have ever had and I get stood up. I turn around to go back in when…

"Katie! Wait, sorry I'm late. I took a wrong turn back around the fountain. So where… wow, you look gorgeous!" He said as he finally took me in, I could feel him look me up and down. I could hardly even blush in reply.

"Err, thanks?" I say, still blushing furiously. "Do you want to go ahead and head off to Hogsmeade?"

"Of course," he said as he linked my arm in his own. He definitely seemed more suave than back on the train, that's for sure. "So, where would you like to go first? My treat."

"Surprise me," I said smiling. It felt so good to be noticed and taken places. I should have started dating earlier!

"So then, he fell off the chair into the puddle!" I couldn't help it, I laughed like crazy. Marcus is a real sweetheart. His teeth are straighter than they were before. And whiter. With his nasty dental problems gone, Marcus is definitely a fine piece of real estate. Woops, better pay attention to what he's saying now.

"Anyway Katie, I'm really glad you decided to come here with me tonight." He said with a genuine smile on his face as he took my hand. "I really like you, and I'm sorry we Slytherins have never really gotten along well with the Gryffindors. I've liked you for a while now and… well, I was wondering if you'd like to be my girlfriend. I know we haven't really known each other that long and all but…"

I cut him off. "Yes, I would love to be." I said. I couldn't believe this! A guy actually liked me and was asking me out, this didn't happen to me too often. Oh well if I don't really like him all that much. Beggars can't be choosers after all. Who knows, I mind up really liking him.

He just smiled as he walked me back through the halls of Hogwarts to my home at Gryffindor. I couldn't help but smile as well. Angelina and Alicia are totally going to freak. When we reached the portrait, he stopped and turned towards me.

"I had a great time tonight, thanks Katie," He said to me and kissed me lightly in the lips. "I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow."

With that, he as gone. I walked into the common room with a big smile on my face, not really paying attention to my surroundings. Suddenly, BAM! I was on the ground with Angelina and Alicia lying on top of me asking questions.

"How was it? Are his teeth still gross? Was he an ass? Did you have fun? Where did you go? What did you do? Are you naughty Katie?" I laughed and pushed them off of me.

"It was fun you guys. I had a great time, and his teeth aren't gross anymore. And you know I'm a naughty girl," I said winking. "Come on, I'll tell you more about it when we get upstairs. I want to change."

End Notes-

Yes, I know it was short! I'm sorry, but I got bored and decided to write a little since I was having a bad day. Thanks for reading, and hopefully next time I update will be in less than a year. Love you all! 3