'I can't take this!' I thought desperately as I fell to the ground. I saw a forest racing toward me before squeezing my eyes closed, hoping for the best. But expecting the worst.


'What?' My eyes shot open to see a startled expression just before I crashed into the form wearing it. Knocking him off his horse, we both tumbled to the ground in a heap.

"Ow," he said as we quickly untangled ourselves, slowly rubbing his head.

I tried to apologize but no words came out! My hands flew to my throat.

"Oh no, your not choking too, are you?" The boy I'd just knocked over jumped up and ran to me. I shook my head in an attempt to say no and looked for a stick. Using a small twig, I wrote in the dirt: I can't talk!

"What are those symbols in the ground?"

'Great, he can't read,' I thought. I kept pointing to my throat, gesturing, and eventually he understood.

"Oh, you cannot speak. Why is that?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well let me help you up then."

He held out his gloved hand and I latched on to it. After standing, I noticed for the first time that he was much taller than I was. He had the look of an older teen. Blond hair covered with a hat, long bangs hanging over blue eyes. But the main surprise was he wore a green...tunic?

'He reminds me of Link from the Legend of Zelda,' I realized, 'then the horse must be Epona.' And sure enough the reddish-chestnut horse with a white mane walked over to see if we were all right. Being inquisitive, the horse sniffed me, touching the side of my face with her nose. Her soft fur tickled and her sniffing made funny noises in my ear. Slowly reaching, I patted the horse's nose, and then her neck. This was a sweet horse.

A fairy peaked out from under Link's hat, by the coloring, it being Tatl. That was a shock to the system. 'He has a fairy?!' I thought, severely weirded out. I tried to ask, but when no sound came out, I remembered I couldn't talk. 'I can't even write because Hylian's can't read English, I guess,' I thought.

"We better get back to the Castle," said Tatl, "Zelda and the Sages are waiting for you."

"Alright, it's getting dark out anyway," Link answered. Then he turned to me. "Would you like to come with us?"

Surprised, I nodded out of instinct. With that confirmation, he mounted Epona in one quick movement, and pulled me up to sit in front of him. Giving Epona a gentle nudge, the horse took off.

As we rode through the thinning forest, Link spoke. "I wish you were able to talk. I'm sure you have an exciting story to tell. I mean, it's not every day that you get the wind knocked out of you by a falling boy."
