A/n- Hey everyone its me BratPrincess and this my first ever Harry/Draco slash. I hope you all like it and please review; they always make me update faster. If any of you have any suggestions then leave it in the review. And really, really hope you enjoy this story!


Like Freshmen...

Harry Potter, a junior in St. Charnel. It was the fourth day of school and it sucked that it was his first time in this school. He felt like a freshman on the first day of school and he realized as he walked down a full hallway that he kind of was. He looked down at his schedule for the millionth time that morning and saw the same number that he couldn't find. Room 430 Chemistry class.

He was so caught up on looking down that he didn't see where he was going and bumped into a solid someone or something. They collided with each other and Harry dropped his notebook. The raven-haired boy looked up and met gray eyes.

"I'm sorry, didn't see where I was going." He told the blonde boy. Before the other boy could get a word out the girl next to him said something.

"You should watch where you're going moron." She had a shrilly voice, he gave her a look and noticed that she was wearing a cheerleading outfit, which meant that she was popular.

'Just my luck.' He thought. "I said I was sorry." He told her with narrow eyes.

"You could have hurt him." She was causing a scene, something he didn't need.

"Pansy shut it, he said he was sorry and he didn't even hurt me." The blonde finally spoke. She looked insulted and left with her nose held up high but not before bumping into Harry's shoulder.

Shaking his head he bent down to get his notebook, when he stood the blonde was still there. There was something in his eye that made him uncomfortable.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. Sorry about her, it's that time of the month." Draco told him and he stuck out his hand. Slowly Harry took it.

"Harry Potter."

"First day? What room you looking for?"


"Oh I have that class too. Come on I'll take you there." The two of them walked in silence to the classroom and they made it on time. Draco sat down by a group of people. Two big heavy boys who were wearing football jerseys and another boy who had black hair and blue eyes and a few girls. Harry made his way to the teacher. Mr. Snape was hooked nose, shoulder black hair and all his clothes were black, enchanting his sallow skin.

"Mr. Potter, I presume." He didn't sound nice. Harry nodded and got handed a thick red book. "In my class you will be on time and if you choose not to do homework on time you will be here for 2 hours after school making it up, got it."

"Yes sir." He took a seat in the back of the classroom and took out a pen and notebook and started to take notes.

Finally 7 hours and 7 classes later he was walking to a courtyard to eat lunch. Well actually others were enjoying their lunch and talking with friends. He was walking to a grassy area with a tree to give him shade. With his back against the tree he pulled out a notebook from his backpack and an artist pencil and started to finish a drawing he started on the plane when they were moving here.

It was a drawing of his father. He wasn't dead or anything but he had left them a year earlier for another women. Harry had the choice to live with either Lilly or James but Harry just couldn't leave his mother as well. So the two them lived in New Orleans for one more year and then decided to move back to their native home, England.

Harry would visit his father on long weekends and every other holiday. His older bother was sad to hear that his mother and brother were so far away and promised to visit as often as possible. He went to college in New York. Harry remembered the big fights his father and Louis had but in the end he got his way and it turned out ok.

James Potter is of 37 years old, had black hair and brown eyes; he was a very likable person and married his high school sweetheart right out of school at the age of 17. He had two best friends that he went to boarding school with. Sirius Black his Godfather and Remus Lupin who he saw as an uncle. It broke his heart when they had to move and leave the people he cared about but he would follow his mother to the end of the world if she asked him too.

Lilly Potter now Evans is 36 of age had red hair that cascaded down her back and green sparkling eyes. She was a very beautiful woman that stood at a mere height of 5'6. Everyone was shocked and sad when they heard that after 19 years of marriage they were getting divorced and not on so friendly terms. Harry still remembered the nights when he would hear his parents fighting and yelling at each other. Everyone thought they would make it but in the end they fell out of love and his father found someone new.

Harry was so lost in his drawing and thoughts that he jumped when a hand landed on his shoulder. He looked up and saw that it was the blonde from this morning, Draco Malfoy.

"Sorry didn't mean to scare you, but lunch is over and you didn't seem to notice that the bell had rung." He told him and Harry packed his black book and stood.

"Thanks." He told Draco and turned to leave, he had his last class of the day Italian with Mr. Binns.

"Where are you heading?" Harry hadn't realized that the gray-eyed blonde was following him.

"Er.. Italian ."

"Oh I have gym so I'll see you around."

"Yeah." Harry nodded and Draco headed down the stairs, almost immediately joined by a group of friends. Harry went up three flights of stairs and found the classroom but was late. It didn't matter as the teacher Mr. Binns barely had any control over the class and after he took his book and sat in the back of the classroom, he took out his notebook and finished his sketch, waiting for the day to finish.

An hour and a half later he reached the flat and dropped his bag in his room and went in to the kitchen to get something to eat regretting that he didn't eat something at lunch. As he stepped into the kitchen he noticed the blinking light on the answering machine. He pressed the button and listened to the messages while rummaging in the cabinets for food.

"Hey Harry; hope your first day went well. I just wanted to tell you that I'm gonna be late again today, I have so much work. Hope you don't mind but make something to eat for you and don't wait up. Love you honey." Lilly's voice came through.

Harry found bread, ham, turkey, cheese and mayo; he spread them on the counter and began to make a sandwich. There was another message.

"Hey Har, how you doing? Really don't know what time it is over there but hope I'm not bothering you. Hope everything is going well and don't hesitate to call if you ever need anything. Wish to see you soon, Sirius and Remus miss you lots. Love you bye." It was his father who left that one.

The machine gave another beep and there were no more messages. He finished making his sandwich and went into the sitting room and turned on the telly to see if there was anything worth watching. It ended up MTV. The phone rang as he was watching Unplugged Staind.


"Hey Harry are you busy?" It was his boss. After they had settled into the flat he had gotten a job at a semi-fancy restaurant.

"Nope just watching TV."

"It be great if you can come in for a shift, one of the guys just quit and we need someone to take his place."

"I'll be there in an hour."

"Thanks Kid." He hung up and called his mother at work.

"Hey mum I have to go into work all right."

"When will you be home?" She asked.

"I don't know, but I'll call you."

"Well if it's too late I'll pick you up. I should be finished around here by at least 9:30pm."

"Okay love you."

They hung up and Harry went to dress in the uniform they gave him. Black slacks and a button down white shirt, he refused to wear the tie but they didn't mind as ling as he tucked in his shirt. After locking up he walked to the train station.

School went by in a daze for him as he got to be familiar with the school and figured out how to open his locker which gave him nothing but trouble. He also made a few friends; Dean Thomas from art class, Seamus and Neville he had in English, Neville was also in his Chemistry class. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger he had in gym and the three of them had become the best of friends.

Hermione was also in his history, chemistry and lunch, which he rarely saw her in because she was forever going to the library. Ron was also in his Pre-cal, Italian and sociology classes. He rarely spoke to anyone in his music class as he barely knew anyone there but the teacher often told him in private that he had one of the best voices in the whole school. His classes were easy but it seemed that Pansy Parkinson had a personal rancor against him, Harry mostly ignored her. He also didn't speak with the Draco at all for the rest of the week. And he knew it was because they weren't part of the same cliques. Draco was one of the most popular guys not only in 11th grade but also in the whole school. He was good-looking and had money, why would he want to talk with him and he really didn't care either way.

"Hey Blaise, what do you know about this Potter person?" Draco asked his friend at lunch as he cast another looked at the raven- haired boy under the tree talking with Hermione.

If you needed to know something about someone in school you could either go to Blaise Zambian or one of the varsity cheerleaders, but Blaise's word was better then one of the gossipers.

"Potter? Not much except that he lives with his mother, new in town and the popular people don't like him much. Too artisty for their taste and because of Pansy."

"Artisty?" Turned his gaze to Blaise.

"Draws, paints and plays guitar." The taller boy informed him.

"He any good at any of them?"

"Quite good actually, I've only seen his art work, its good but a bit depressing. Never heard him play before."

"Oh, anything else?"

"Yeah, he works at Martini's night shift." Draco always wondered how he knew so many things, but never bothered to ask. Why ruin the mystery.

"Thanks for the information." Blaise nodded and turned back to his lunch.

Harry was sitting at the bar, a Pepsi in front of him. It was his break and then it was back to maƮtre d'ing the tables, on Saturday it was always busy but they gave good tips and it made the pain he got in his feet worth while.

"Hey Harry." The green eyed boy turned around to see Draco standing there, smiling at him.

Earlier in the week he had found out the Malfoys were one of the richest families in all of England and owned many businesses all over the country including the States. That's why he didn't mention it to his mum that he knew a Malfoy it would probably remind her of James.

"How did you know I worked here?" Was the first thing that came out of his mouth, he blushed slightly. "I mean Hello."

Draco still smiling sat down next to him." I heard from a friend. I just wanted to come by and give you a present." He said as if he handed out random gifts to people all the time.

"A present?" He echoed as if he hadn't heard correctly but Draco nodded and handed him a small box. Harry looked at it and then gave it back to Draco. The blonde frowned.

"I don't take gifts from strangers." He told him. The blonde was about to say something when a tall redhead came up to him.

"Yo Harry your break is up and I need you to take a few tables at a time." Charlie told him. It came to him as a surprise when he found out that he worked for one of his friend's bother. Charlie Weasley owned the place with his father.

"Sure." He turned to Draco." Sorry have to go." He got up, threw the can away and went to one of the tables.

"Then lets get to know each other. Next Saturday dinner." Draco had followed him and spoke after he took the couple's order. Harry looked at him like he was crazy.

"No, go away." He went to another table. "Hi I'll be your waiter for today what can I get you?" The family gave him their order and he went up to give it to the kitchen.

"Come on Harry it's one date." The blonde pressed as Harry got drinks for the customers. Harry just gave him a look and handed him two sodas. Draco looked down at the drinks never having to ever serve anyone or for that matter be turned down.

When a Malfoy asked you out, you could never turn them down. It was unthinkably, how could you refuse the gorgeous blonde haired, gray-eyed boy. He followed Harry out of the kitchen still holding the sodas in his hands.

"Why are you being so difficult about this?" Harry said nothing as he took the drinks from him and placed them down in front of the people at one of the tables he was serving.

"Your food will be here momentarily." Harry went back into the kitchen, Draco at his heels.

"A date or at least take the gift I bought you." Still not giving up. And Harry had to hand it to him the boy was determined.

Harry bit his bottom lip. "A date as in one and then that's it." He said indecisively/


"Fine, now go before you get me in trouble." Harry told him reluctantly. Draco beamed at him and took his right hand giving it a kiss, then left, leaving a confused Harry behind.

A/n- So how did you like it? Or did you hate it? I hope not anyways please review. Its that button on the left side of you screen. You will see James, Sirius and all the crew and of course more of Draco and Harry very soon.

Next chapter is The Date.

Much Love

