Rise and Shine, Pokemon Catching Time

Kai and Ty crawled out of bed. Today was an exciting day. They were going to get their first Pokemon. Kai's little sister Jasmine got to get a pokemon as well. "Good Morning. Are you ready to pick a pokemon?" asked Professor Chris. He trains pokemon then give them away. The three pokemon trainers had slept over at Professor Chris's house. They were ready to pick pokemon. There were 3 pokeballs with pokemon in them. Each trainer would get 5 other pokeballls. Jasmine went first. She picked the pokeball in the center. Kai took the one farthest right. Ty took the one farthest left. "Okay, each of these pokemon has been trained to level 5. You need to get them to level 16 to evolve. They will evolve again at level 36. To summon them throw your pokeball and yell GO! Also Kai, look out for your cousin Jeff. He thinks he can beat anyone. I think he's demented," Professor said. The trainers left the house and started their journey.

"Before we go to Rosetown and meet people to battle, we should battle each other," Ty suggested. "Good idea! I need to practice. Jeff might be anywhere. He might be powerful and maybe not," Kai stated. "I will battle you first," Jasmine said to Kai. "Go!" "Go"

TORCHIC VS. MUDKIP It turned out that out that Jasmine took the fire pokemon Torchic. Kai took the water pokemon Mudkip. Whenever Torchic tried to hit Mudkip with fire, Mudkip put it out. Mudkip won!

TORCHIC VS. TREEKO Yes, Treeko was the pokemon Ty picked. This battle was freaky. When Torchic hit the grass pokemon with fire it began to burn. Torchic won!

MUDKIP VS. TREEKO In this battle, Mudkip sprayed water on Treeko. That only made him grow. Treeko was as tall as a giant. He easily squashed Mudkip. Treeko won!

"I think we learned each pokemon ha strengths and weaknesses," Kai said. "My pokemon is so cute!" Jasmine said. They all pulled out their pokeballs. Mudkip, Treeko, and Torcic had all grow 2 levels. They were at level 7.

In Rosetown, Jeff stormed into a hotel. "GET ME A ROOM NOW!" He roored. "Sorry, we're booked," Joy said. "Go!" Jeff threw his pokeball.

A Duskull Flew out of the pokeball and towards Joy. Joy screamed. "Okay, We have a room!" She gave Jeff the key and he stormed off to his room.