Disclaimer- See chapter one

A/N- I'm sorry for taking so long with this chapter. Hope you guys didn't grow impatient with me, but thanks guys for all your lovely reviews, and I loved reading them.

BTW- I saw Holly's movie "Sins of Silence" this weekend. It's such a good movie! Just wanted to tell you that. On with the story, unfortunately, this is the last chapter of the story. I know you guys are devastated but.... ENJOY!!!

At the manor, the sisters were busy trying to find something in the book about what Phoebe described. They found it, but it gave worthless information that they couldn't use. The spell required a potion, and they were new to this that they didn't know where to get the ingredients. They were all very frustrated by this. And thinking that Crystal was going to attack tonight, they grew even more nervous by second. How were they to stop her, if they have no idea how?

The doorbell rang incessantly as if someone was in a rush to get to them. "Piper? Will you get that?" Prue asked. Piper got up involuntarily and opened the door. "Hi, may I help you?" Piper asked. "I'm Cole's father and I came to warn you of the danger," Ben stated. "Oh, come in," Piper said stepping aside to let him in.

"Piper! Who is it?" Prue asked walking into the foyer. "Cole's father," Piper answered. "Crystal is coming for you tonight. You need to get Phoebe home as soon as possible, because if I heard right. The three of you are stronger together," Ben said. "Whoa! Hold it! How do you know all this?" Prue asked. "Yeah, how do we know that this isn't a set up?" Piper added. "Because you'd be dead by now if I really wanted to kill you," Ben stated. Piper and Prue stared at him.

"So, if you want to live, I suggest you call Phoebe," Ben said. "Okay, alright," Piper said rushing to the telephone.

They were sitting at dinner trying to finish dinner when Phoebe's cell phone rang. "Phoebe, you didn't," Cole stated. "I'm sorry, baby," Phoebe answered her phone anyways. "Hello?" Phoebe asked. "Phoebe, it's Piper. Cole's father warned us that Crystal's coming tonight which could be anytime now," Piper said. "I'm already out the door," Phoebe hung up. "What's going on?" Cole asked lost. "Something bad, but we got to get home right now. Buckle up cause I'm driving tonight," Phoebe said peeling off.

Phoebe burst through the manor door with Cole trailing behind her. Ben looked at his son. "Dad? What are you doing here?" Cole asked. Before anyone could answer, Crystal came through the door after breaking it down first.

"MOM?!" Cole exclaimed. "Don't get too close, Cole. She's dangerous," Phoebe warned. "She's my mother," Cole protested.

Suddenly she morphed into her demon form with ugly features and sharp teeth with pointy claws. "AH!" Piper screamed throwing her hands up and freezing the creature. "Is that your mother?!" Phoebe asked in a sarcastic sense. "I'm shaking and you're being humorous?!" Piper asked terrified. Cole was too freaked out to even grasp the thought that his mother wasn't even his mother. Time unfreezes.

"RUN! ATTIC!" Prue yelled pulling Piper along and Piper grabbed Phoebe's hand. "Come on, Cole!" Phoebe shouted to him. Cole turned and ran up the steps.

"You betrayed me Ben!" The creature growled. Ben stood and watch as little needles shoot out from her hand and almost reaching his face when Piper froze it. Prue sent her flying backwards and they closed the attic door. They ran to the center of the room.

"What do we do?! What do we do?!" Piper panicked. "Shut up, Piper! I'm thinking!" Prue exclaimed a little nervous herself.


"Did you guys hear that? Listen," Phoebe said.


"Where is it coming from?" Prue asked. "Wait! Wait! The power of three. That's us!" Piper exclaimed. "Yeah, duh, Piper. What does it mean?" Phoebe asked.

BOOM! Crystal was coming and trying to break the attic door. Prue was hyperventilating and if she doesn't come up with anything quick. Her and her sisters could die. "Ok! Ok! We're going to join hands and repeat," Prue said. "Is it going to work?" Piper asked. "No, time to be negative. Come on, guys," Prue insisted taking Piper and Phoebe's hand.

"Repeat after me," Prue stated. "The power of three will set us free. The power of three will set us free," They repeated. Crystal came in but with everything happening so fast they hardly noticed. She couldn't touch them because a protection shield surrounded them already.

They never stopped chanting the phrase until they saw the first sign of her deteriorate into the floor. Piece by piece by piece she was gone. "I can't watch!" Phoebe exclaimed holding onto Prue and shielding her eyes from Crystal. A couple seconds later it was over. "You are such a baby, Phoebe," Prue said. "She is the baby," Piper corrected.

Phoebe looked up at Cole who was still trying to let everything sink in. "I'm sorry about your mommy," Phoebe apologized to Cole sincerely. "She's not your mother," Ben said finally. "What do you mean?" Cole asked confused. "I have some explaining to do. Come, we'll talk," Ben said. He turned to the sisters. "Thank you to all three of you," Ben stated. Cole took one last look at Phoebe and they walked out of the manor.

They smiled and turned to each other with victory grins. "I say we deserve a treats," Phoebe stated happily. "Treats? What are you? Still 8-years-old?" Prue asked. "Inside, yes," Phoebe answered laughing. Prue stopped and asked, "Now, what's going to happen to you and Cole?" "I don't know, but we'll figure something out. We're still young and wild," Phoebe stated. "We killed his mother or what he thought was his mother. I still don't know how Ben got involved with that Crystal," Piper stated. "Yeah, well, something's are better left unsaid," Phoebe stated.

"You know, I think you being with Cole has changed you in some rather interesting ways. Which is good, because you became wiser," Prue commented. "Gee, thanks, Prue. I appreciate it," Phoebe said. "So, is he good in bed?" Piper asked with a smile. Phoebe answered, "I'm going to pretend you didn't just ask me that."

Phoebe started walking out of the attic, and her sisters followed. "Well, is he?!" Prue asked. "That's irrelevant," Phoebe said dodging the question yet once again. "Spoil sport," Piper said. "Perhaps," Phoebe stated.

A couple days Later:

Phoebe's been staying at the manor to let Cole kind of have his own space. She really missed him a lot though. Her sisters been making strong points about how she should move into the manor with them since they have a responsibility to uphold to. And Phoebe was stuck in the middle of it all, because she didn't really want to choose between them.

Piper passed by the living room seeing that Phoebe had the phone in her hand but wasn't dialing. "Cordless phone do run out of battery, you know?" Piper joked. Phoebe smiled and nodded. "Call him, Phoebe. I mean, what do you have to loose?" Piper asked. "He might not ever want to see me ever again," Phoebe stated. "Are you serious? The guy loves you, just by the way he looks at you. It's easy to tell. We did him a favor believe it or not," Piper insisted. "Yeah, but what if he doesn't think so?" Phoebe asked doubtfully. "You never know until you call," Piper stated. "Yeah, thanks," Phoebe said. Piper smiled at her little sister and left the room.

"Hello?" Cole's voice came through the phone groggily, but still sexy as could be. "H-Hey, Cole...It's me..." Phoebe stumbled. "Hey, baby. You haven't called in forever. I thought something was wrong," Cole stated. "I-I thought I'd give you some space after all that's happened. For what it's worth, I missed you," Phoebe said. "Well, thanks. And I missed you, too. Just been so busy lately, you know? The penthouse is pretty quiet without you here going buck wild," Cole chuckled. "Watch it, Mister!" Phoebe said. "Come by and we'll talk that is if you're not busy," Cole suggested.

There was a slight pause on the phone when Phoebe didn't answer him. "Okay, that's fine if you don't want to come over," Cole said disappointed. "Huh? No, my sister was asking me something. I still live there too, you know? Unless you decide to kick me out or something," Phoebe said. "I would never," Cole stated. "I'll be over in 20 minutes. Bye, baby," Phoebe said hanging up.


Right when the elevator to the penthouse opened, Phoebe scanned the room for Cole and leaped into his arms. The penthouse looked gloomy with all the shades drawn down. Cole kissed her cheek and then her tender lips.

"Where's your father?" Phoebe asked. "He flew back to NYC after explaining to me about what happened. I'm still kind of getting used to the fact that Crystal wasn't my mom. I mean, she was the only mother figure I knew growing up. It's just unbelievable that's all," Cole stated. "I understand, but are you okay with me being a witch and all?" Phoebe asked sort of expecting a bad answer.

"Yeah, I guess. I mean, even if I didn't like it. What am I supposed to do? Besides, I find it kind of sexy," Cole stated caressing her cheek. Phoebe raised an eyebrow and said, "I find it overwhelming." "If it helps, I'll fly you to NY again to take your mind off of things," Cole persuaded. "That sounds great, it does. But I can't imagine leaving my sisters anytime soon. That's what I sort of came by to talk to you about. I want to move out with my sisters," Phoebe stated. She could barely look at Cole who was obviously displeased.

Cole's expression had changed immediately and Phoebe could tell he was unhappy about the news. "Are you mad at me?" Phoebe asked playing with the buttons on his shirt. "No, I'm not mad. It's just everything's happening so fast in the last few days," Cole stated. "I know, and it's so unfair to lay this on you now. I'm sorry," Phoebe apologized. Cole gave a heavy sigh.

"No, Phoebe. You need to be with your sisters and I don't want to stand between that. Just promise me you won't forget me after you get used to living there," Cole grinned trying to hide how much he really wanted her to stay with him. "Don't worry, I won't. How could I forget you after you done so much for me?" Phoebe asked growing teary. "You got me here and reunited me with my family. You're a really great boyfriend and I love you," Phoebe added wiping a tear from her cheek.

Cole touched her cheek and said, "Don't cry. This is not good-bye that's for sure because I'm never going to let you go." "Neither am I," Phoebe insisted. "Look at the bright side. We have 3 official places we can make love in. Our room, your room at your sister's house, and my room at my father's house," Cole grinned.

"Is that all you ever think about?" Phoebe asked hitting him playfully. Cole shook his head uncertainly. "You're such a freak," Phoebe giggled. "But you love me," Cole stated. "Yes, I do," Phoebe said leaning up to kiss him. Cole picked her up and swung her over his shoulder. "Cole!" Phoebe shrieked surprised. "Put me down!" Phoebe exclaimed. Cole slapped her butt. "Ow! Cole, this wasn't how I imagined you carrying me," Phoebe complained. While he was carrying her to their bedroom, Phoebe had nowhere else to look but his behind. "Cole, baby. I like what I'm seeing," Phoebe announced. "You're about to like a lot more," Cole said closing the door behind them. Their laughter filled the room.


I just want to say thanks to all of you who made this story successful. THANK YOU VERY MUCH! I hoped you enjoy reading as much as I did typing it. Something tells me this isn't the end to this story, but only you guys can determine that. So, I'm going to leave it to you. :D

3Always, Dianna3