Disclaimer- Charmed belongs to the WB network and Spelling entertainment. So, don't sue.

Title- Don't Call Me Baby

Rated- PG-13(Language and unsuitable scenes)

A/N- The Charmed Ones were never discovered unless Phoebe returned home.

Summary- Phoebe stayed in New York even after her sisters begged her to come back home. She resort to being a dancer in order to support herself. When she finds true love, will she go back to her old ways or let him take care of her?


Chapter 1

They say the streets of New York are dangerous, but to Phoebe it's her playground. In search for her father, she moved to New York from San Francisco. When she didn't have much success. Piper wrote to her and pleaded that she come back home to her family.

Phoebe had refused her sister's letter and the rest after that. It all ended with the same thing. When was she going to come home to them.

Months passed by when Phoebe barely made it through the day, because she couldn't make enough money or ran out. It was devastating, but she still refused to go back home.

Instead, she resort to be a dancer. It paid a hell of a lot more then her other dead end job. Okay, so it wasn't a pleasant job at times. At least it was more then enough money for her to get off on. Even go shopping sometimes.

Phoebe lost contact with her sisters and still has no luck finding her father what-so-ever. It was hopeless, but she wasn't going to go back home when her oldest sister hates her guts. Even if the conflict was resolved between them, she wouldn't want to go back home anyways.

Anything was better then home...Right?

"Where is Phoebe? Has anyone seen Phoebe?" A fat man shouted out to a whole bunch of dance girls. Some of the girls responded with a shake of their head. They were too busy putting make-up on. Some were dancers, some were waitresses.

Suddenly, Phoebe squeezed through the girls and went to her make-up table. "Phoebe! Where have you been?! You are late for the third time in a row!" The fat man yelled at her pointing a finger. "Shut it up, Nico! Fire me if you want to, but you need me. I work on my terms," Phoebe stated.

"You are unbelievable! Hurry up and get out there," Nico ordered. "Shut up! I get the point, okay?" Phoebe asked angrily.

Phoebe hated being ordered around, but with her life. It was hard to avoid that. She got into her little skimpy outfit, looking as seductive as a woman could get.

The guys out there could care less about her, they treated her like a piece of meat. Why was Phoebe doing this? Cause she needs the money...She's only 20-years-old.

The next dance was Phoebe's and she was ready.

Her performance was always the one that guys await for. They always go crazy no matter what she does. Some actually ask her out, but she knows that they only want sexual favors. So, she never says yes.

Guys were hooting and hollering at her. Phoebe just wanted to get the night over with.

Soon, she found herself getting ready to go home with the 3,000 that she made that night. Then, her friend Claudia came by and asked if Phoebe wanted to drink with her. Phoebe nodded and they went to the back of the alley to have a few drinks without being interrupted.

"So, how are you doing?" Claudia asked. "Fine, I guess. Doesn't really matter," Phoebe answered. "You slept with anyone lately?" Claudia pressed on. "Nope! I'm not in that business anymore. You know that," Phoebe retorted. "I think you've gone way too long without sex. Are you feeling the night?" Claudia asked. "Whatever," Phoebe said knowing what she meant.

They were standing on a street corner soliciting men. Well, Claudia was. Phoebe was hanging around for the heck of it. Poisoning herself with alcohol.

"What's wrong with you tonight?" Claudia asked. "You're scaring my costumers away," She added. "I think I'm going to go home now," Phoebe said barely taking a step before she fell into the arms of a handsome young guy. He was wearing a trench coat and looked pretty rich. Phoebe looked up at him.

"Will you sleep with me?" Phoebe asked falling unconscious into his arms. The guy looked at Claudia and asked, "Are you her friend?" Claudia nodded. "Do me a favor and get her home safely. Here's some money. Catch a cab," He stated pulling hundred dollar bills from his pocket and handed her 200.

The stranger handed Phoebe over to her friend and walked off. "Damn, Phoebe! He was cute too!" Claudia said out loud.

Claudia caught a cab and took Phoebe home.


I know it's short, whatever. Review and tell me if I should go on ) ThAnKs!