Ok, This new story that I have been working on is going to have the Japanese version of Crystal Tokyo. I know that technically Serena and Darien would call each other Serenity and Mamoru but for their private lives, so to speak, but here they are going to call each other Mamo-chan and Usa-ko.


Also, I'm just going to say the planet name for the Sailor Senshi instead of saying Super Sailor Whatever. K? Ok let's go. Enjoy.

Missing Mamo-chan

Finding out

"Serenity?" a small voice called from behind the door to Serenity's bedchambers. "Serenity I have your results. May I come in?" Mercury called from behind the door.

The queen sat up from her position from which she was lying on her large, silk bed and opened the door for her friend. "Arigato," she said as she walked inside. Venus was walking by at the time and she also walked in. "Serenity, can I do your hair for you?" The blonde stated, her big blue eyes filling with excitement. Serenity never had trouble fixing her hair before but Venus had given up her dream to become a model to be a Sailor Scout for her and help protect the palace so she nodded. Venus scurried around while the small queen walked over to her vanity and let down her 'meatball hair'.

Mercury handed the young queen a piece of paper and smiled. Serenity opened the paper and after reading through a bunch of numbers she didn't understand she got to the last part of the page, '100% Correct'. She smiled and was scared at the same time. She was pregnant, her first child, their first child.

Endyimon had just left for a business trip, of sorts, around 4 different galaxies that had plotted evil against various planets of the system. He would write her often but it would be close to impossible to send a messenger after the King to tell of the good news. He would be gone for 7 ½ months. Much better than the 10 years it took Serenity's father to do the same 2000 years ago. But still, it was a long time. And boy, would he get a surprise when he got home.

Mercury had run test for about 30 minutes on her complex and super fast computer systems that she herself had invented. The super smart scout was still making a faster and faster version and that kept her plenty busy. Serenity looked through the test results again after knowing that she was pregnant. The child was hers and Mamo-chan's the paper stated. She skimmed through the rest and got to the line labeled, Sex. Did she want to know? She quickly brushed off the thought and read the line again. Sex: One Male, One Female.

"WHAT!?" the queen yelled out. Mercury nodded when the confused queen looked at her for answers. Venus had stopped collecting bobby pins and makeup from the closet and poked her head out.

"Something wrong?" she stated and pulled the basket of stuff she had gotten out from the closet and walked over the vanity where Serenity was sitting.

"I'm pregnant." The queen stated in the surprised monotone.

"REALLY?!?!" the blonde said and jumped up and down. "Wow, Serenity, Endyimon is good." The queen smiled in her dazed state.

"I do not wish to announce it at tonight's ball, that's an order." Serenity stated as the blonde opened her mouth to object but didn't say a word. Serenity very rarely issued orders and at that they were almost never serious ones. "I shall announce it when the time is right." She finished.

"Yes, your highness." Mercury stated. She curtsied and left the room.

"Serenity, why do you not wish for anybody to know yet?" Venus stated in a surprised state. Serenity showed Venus the paper and pointed to the line. After reading it several times and realizing what it was. She smiled and hugged her. "Congratulations Serenity!" she stated, "Twins!".

"Chibi-Usa never said anything about siblings in the future. But then Pluto might have made her not say anything. Considering she did travel back in time to us." Serenity said while Venus brushed her long blonde hair.

Serenity was lost in thought for the next hour while Venus prepared her for the ball. Her hair had been pulled back into its traditional buns and Venus had placed tiny white roses around them. Serenity had chosen her diamond crown that she had first got when Crystal Tokyo had arisen. Tiny diamond bobby pins held the crown on. Serenity when behind the changing panel and pulled on one of her silver dress. With strings of pearls for the sleeves and lining the top and bottom of her dresses bodice. A flowing silver skirt with silver stars making the dress even more delicate. Lace and the finest silver string made up the design on the material on the bodice. Her shoes were high heels of the purest white.

She had pulled herself out of her surprised state and went down to the royal designer and talked to her about future dresses. She again issued the order about the silence of her pregnancy. Only for a few weeks, she promised her. I need to figure out what I need to say. The designer nodded and smiled while making out some sketches of designs.

Serenity went off and helped some of the others get ready for the ball tonight. The ballroom had the thrones set up in it and carpets lain in front of them with respective colors. Food tables had been set up and she could smell the food from the kitchen, some of Sailor Jupiter's very own recipes. Everything was wonderful for the evening.
