Golden Sun: Nightmares

Ok. I'm sorry ONCE AGAIN, but I was disappointed with the old version, so I decided to make a new version of the original Golden Sun: Nightmares. So this is a much better version of the old one. OK? OK! Then read on!


Chapter 1 "Insanity."

Isaac looked at the bleak sky, searching for at least a glimpse of sunlight through the blackened clouds.

But there was none.

There was only the chilling raindrops, and the ever shifting silver and black clouds. He sighed, and shivered in the rain. He knew he shouldn't be in the rain, because he could get sick, but he had to stay there if he wanted to find out what it was Kraden wanted to talk to him about.

But he had to wait for Garet first. And as he knew, Garet wasn't the most reliable person in the village. And certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he was his friend, and nothing was going to change that.

He brushed his dampened locks from his azure eyes, and squinted through the wind at the people scurrying through the village.

There were all sorts of people that were trying to escape the rain and there were all sorts of merchants, desperate to sell any of their goods to the villagers.

In the middle of all the houses that were standing in a circle, was a small lake, with an island in the middle. And in the middle of the island was a large bluish stone that pulsed very lightly.

It was called a Psynergy Stone, which came from the very center of Mount Aleph.

Most people were surrounding it, regaining their Psynergy from touching the stone.

Isaac tightened the yellow scarf around his neck, and wrapped his gloved hands around his body, trying to regain his warmth again.

He wasn't wearing a very warm shirt, but at least he had some protection from the wind and from the rain.

He was wearing a vest that was indigo, and another long sleeved shirt underneath it that was a dark violet. The cuffs to his vest were gold, and he was wearing the same coloured violet pants.

His hands were covered with brown gloves, and his feet were covered with brown leather boots. On his back was a red leather scabbard, with a gold hilt sticking out, showing the rare design of his Sol Blade.

He leaned against the wall he was taking refuge under, and whispered to himself, "Where could he be! I know he isn't always very early, but...still...."

"Isaac! Sorry I'm late!"

Isaac looked up, and smiled weakly at Garet.

Garet's green eyes looked happy, but also looked weary. His brown hair was spiked up, and always looked like he didn't comb it very well.

He was wearing a brown coloured shirt, with a green design in the middle and darker brown buckles in the middle of the green design. Wrapped across his chest was a leather belt, with a silver buckle in the middle of it.

Around his waist was a leather belt, which was designed with a silver, circular buckle, and a pair of leather strips that were painted gold. (A/N What the HECK are those wierd things on his belt??? DOES ANYONE EVEN KNOW???)

His pants were bright royal blue, and his boots were a drak leather. Another light brown shirt clung tightly to his skin, showing his very well muscled arms. His hands were gloved with chestnut brown gloves.

On his side was a sword seathed in a leather scabbard, with the hilt sticking out. By looking at the hilt intently, you could see the worn on it, showing that it had been used quite oftenly.

Isaac frowned slightly, and said, "We have to get to Kraden's or else you-know-who will be angry."

"Ok. Let's hurry."

Isaac nearly ran the whole way, but his body was too numb from the cold to carry him very far.

Garet was right beside him, slowing when he slowed, and running when Isaac did.

The burst through Kraden's door, not caring if the stained the floor with water.

The house was like any ordinary house, but when you walked in, that was a whole other story. The house was filled with papers filled with research, and tables were covered with bottles of starnge smelling liquids.

Sometimes small explosions would sound from the house, but everyone in Vale was used to it.

"Kraden?" Garet called into the house. "Where are you?"

"Come on in! Everyone is waiting for you!"

Isaac and Garet walked in, and were met with the sight of everyone louging around in any available space there was in the cramped room.

Felixm, the oldest of the group was leaning against the wall, his drak brown hair falling forward onto his face, covering his lighter brown eyes.

Around Felix's neck was an olive green scraf, with a long cape with slightly frayed hems. Around his chest was a a leather sort of belt, and he was wearing a dark green shirt. On the front was an orange and brown design. Underneath his green shirt, he wore a pale brown, long sleeved shirt.

His hands were gloved with a darker shade of brown, and his pants were a lighter green then his shirt. His boots were brown leather, and slightly orange. On his waist he wore a lather scabbard that was heavily decorated with silver.

The leather bound hilt of his sword stuck out from his scabbard, also indicating alot of years worth of worn. But then again, who could blame him?

He must have been fighting his whole life, considering that he was washed away in a storm, and was found by Menardi and Saturos, and brought up in Prox, a far away land that was wrapped in a continious winter.

Sheba was sitting, cross-legged in a corner of the room; her short cut blond hair continuously falling in front of her violet eyes.

She was wearing a white shirt, the cuffs of it designed with brown triangles, as was the front of her shirt. Around her shoulders she wore a lilac cape, and a medallion on the lilac cape which was clipped to the front.

Her shirt ended with brown edging, and then another shirt underneath started which was white. Around her wrists were leather armlets and her boots were also leather, and the same colour as her armlets.

Across her knees was a staff, the end of the staff starting in green, the combining into red, and then into gold. The staff curved, and the side of the curved end there were three teeth, that looked like the teeth on a gear.

Right beside her was Ivan, another boy that was a year older then Sheba. His hair was also blond, but it was a bit longer, and messier, and his eyes were also violet, except they were lighter then Sheba's.

He was wearing a violet turtle neck, and a green shirt over it. The green shirt had a hood, with a cape that flowed behind it. On his chest was a gold design, which consisted of three triangles that overlapped each other. The cuffs of his green shirt ended in golden lining.

His violet shirt ended at his thighs, and his pants were dark raspberry. His feet were covered with leather boots that were a dark shade of brown. In his fists he held a staff as well, but it was different then Sheba's.

It was long and slender, with a curved top that was shaped like a moon. The staff was heavily covered with gold, green, and red designs all over it, cutting it into bands of colour.

Mia was sitting at a table, her aqua hair falling over her aqua eyes. Around her neck was a bluish, whitish turtle neck, which was surrounded by a large hood that was the same colour. On her chest was a large band of gold, and her long dress curled around her legs.

Her cape was also the same colour as the hood, but with the exception of the blue designs covering it. The inside of her hood and cape were a bright red, that combined well with her dress that encrusted with light blue triangles that adorned the edging.

Across the table was a long slender staff, that was a gray. On the top of the staff was a large, ankh-like design, with the exception of the long, wing-like things at the bottom of the ankh.

Picard sat on a couch, his yellow eyes pensive, and his aqua hair messy, which he had pulled into a loose ponytail. Around his forehead was a sky blue bandana, which had all sorts of designs that were a sand colour.

A long sort of cape flowed behind his back, and went all the way to his elbows. The cape was designed heavily with sandy and blue colours. His long collared coat was a darker shade of blue, with gold edging. His shirt was a silvery blue, that was tightened around his waist by a piece of rope.

The coat allowed to show his well muscled arms, and the shorts he was wearing, showed off his muscled legs. Around his feet were dark, chestnut boots.

And someone, namely Jenna, was storming up to them, her red eyes blazing. Her long brown hair, which was pulled into a tight ponytail, flowed behind her, like a cape on her head.

She was wearing a pale rose shirt, and a vest that was a cheery pink. Around the collar of her shirt, was a mauve cape, framing the shirt. The pink vest just reached her torso, and then a darker pink corset started, fitting her waist perfectly. She wore a skirt that was dark raspberry, with a large band of pale rose around the edging.

On her feet was pair of dark brown boots. Strapped to her back was a long staff, that was silver, brown. The end of the staff was a thick, moon shaped design, with another moon shaped design, which was gold coloured.

She stopped at their feet, and placed her hands on her hips, and glared at them. She looked very angry with them.

"Where have you two been? We have been waiting for hours!" she snarled.

Garet laughed nervously, and looked at Isaac with a side ways glance.

"I was waiting for Garet." Isaac explained.

"I had to help my sister. She wanted me to move a whole bunch of things for her garden." Garet said confidently.

Jenna looked suspicious for a while, and looked like she didn't believe them, and was about to yell at them.

"Jenna. If you don't mind…" Felix said in a hard voice from the wall.

Jenna looked back at him, and looked like she was about to explode. She didn't say anything, and walked away from the, leaning against the wall, and crossing her hands across her chest.

"Go and find a place to sit. This may take a while…" Kraden said, gesturing toward any available area.

Garet took a seat that was as far away from Jenna, as possible. Isaac stood against a wall, very near Kraden so he could hear him better.

"Now." Kraden started, clearing his throat. "As you all know, it has been a year since the lighthouses has been lit. And we all know that Alchemy has been placed in Isaac's hands." When he said this, he looked into Isaac's face.

Isaac blushed slightly.

"Now. Isaac must find the Celestial Lighthouse, so he can light it."

"Why? It's not like the world depends on it anymore." Mia said thoughtfully. "We've all ready taken care of that."

"Yes. I know." Kraden said. "But have you noticed that Weyard hasn't changed? The land has not gotten any larger. It's almost like it won't change until the beacon of the Celestial Lighthouse is lit."

Kraden looked in everybody's face in turn.

"The only way Weyard will ever change, I if Isaac goes into the Celestial Lighthouse, and fires the beacon. Only then will he be able to rebuild the world."

"But…" Ivan said softly. They all looked at him. "Do you even know where the Celestial Lighthouse is?"

Kraden shook his head. "No. I'm not the sure where it is, but I have a speculation."

He walked to a table, and pulled out a mirror.

It was all golden, with rubies, amethysts, sapphires, and diamonds. They framed the mirrored face, and only stopped halfway through the top. A large pearl like stone was perched right at the top, with intricate designs in silver weaving away from the stone. A large, slim blade protruded from the back, and pointed upwards.

They all surrounded Kraden, trying to get a closer look at the mirror.

He placed it lightly onto a table, and held it up, so that they could see it. "Isaac. I need you to come here."

Isaac hesitated, and was pushed lightly by Felix. He looked back, and nodded at Felix's reassuring smile.

He stepped forward, and allowed Kraden to take his hand.

"I need you to touch the mirror. It will show us where the Celestial Lighthouse is." Kraden explained. He let his hand go, and nodded.

Isaac took a deep breath, and placed his palm onto the slick mirror.

There was a small moment of silence, which was shattered by a long howl. The mirror blinked with white light, and a long narrow line appeared, cutting through the mirror.

The line began to turn, clockwise, and then filled the whole mirror. It continued to spin, each time completely another circle, it would change colour. First it was white, then blue, then red, then violet, and then gold. It repeated this for a while.

It stopped at white, and then a large blast of air, and light rushed through the group.

Sheba gasped softly when she saw the floor they were standing on.

They all looked down, and saw what seemed to be a large castle.

It was all pearl, and gold, intertwining with the towers, and the base of the Lighthouse. Large vines crawled up and through the window, leading to different areas of the Lighthouse. A moat of lava surrounded the Lighthouse, every few moments spewing out large fountains of lava.

Water fell from a few windows of the Lighthouse, crashing into large columns of ice. It would then be blown away by gusts of wind, and long pillars of rock, and ice suspended the Lighthouse.

The image abruptly ended, and they found themselves back in Kraden's house.

Isaac stumbled back, and backed up into Picard.

Everyone was shaken up by the image, but Kraden was as excited as a child would be when he or she found out they could use Psynergy.

"Did you see that?" Kraden asked excitedly. "It was the Celestial Lighthouse! Did you see it?"

"How could we miss it?" Jenna asked. "It was right in front of our noses."

"It seemed to have every single element in it. It was like it had combined all the elements into one." Ivan said.

"He's right. All of the elements were squeezed into one Lighthouse." Felix said.

He looked at the mirror, and said, "Is what we saw real?"

"Oh, very!" Kraden said. He placed the mirror onto the table gently, as though he were afraid it would break. "That was the actual lighthouse! It was right in front of me!"

"But wait." Ivan said. "Did we even get a chance to actually know where the Lighthouse was?"

"No." Kraden said sadly. "But I believe we will have to find it."

"But where can we start?" Sheba asked. "We don't even know where to start!"

"But we may have a lead." Isaac said quietly. "I saw a whole bunch of clouds when we were there. I think it's in the sky."

"But where?" Garet asked. "You didn't see anything that was familiar, did you?"

Isaac shook his head. "No." He walked to the table, and touched the mirror with his fingertips. "But this may be the answer we need. If it can show us the actual lighthouse, then maybe it can lead us to the Lighthouse."

He frowned at it, and lightly touched the blade. "And I think this may be it."

Kraden came up behind him, and asked, "Are you sure?"


"Great." Jenna said in exasperation. "We have no idea where the Lighthouse is, and we can't rebuild Weyard if we don't know where it is!"

"And we only have 4 weeks in order to do this." Kraden said. "If we don't do it in that time limit, then we have no chance to save the world."

"This is just like when we had to prevent Saturos from lighting the lighthouses to save the world, and then it turned out we had to light the lighthouses to save the world…"

"Do you know anything else about the Celestial Lighthouse?" Sheba asked Kraden.

"No. Nothing else. I wasn't even sure if the mirror would work, but I had to give it a try." Kraden explained to them.

"Where did you find this thing?" Mia asked, looking over Isaac's shoulder.

"I found it at Mars Lighthouse. It was just lying there when the Lighthouse was about to expel the light. So I decided to take it, and find out what I could about it."

"How long have you been hiding it for?" Garet asked.

"I've had it for a year."

"How did you hide it from us on the boat?" Jenna asked.

"That doesn't matter!" Kraden snapped. "What matters is if we find the Celestial Lighthouse in order for Isaac to light it!"

"Then we have to come back tomorrow in order to figure this out." Felix said, voicing their thoughts.

"Then come back tomorrow."

* * * * * * * * * *

A shadow watched as Garet and Isaac made their way to their houses, and watched as they took their separate ways.


* * * * * * * * * *

Isaac walked into his house, and locked the door firmly behind him.

He walked to a lamp, lit a match, and lighting it. Light flowed out into the room, and filled the whole room with its light, and slight warmth.

He turned, and walked past his parents' beds. He stopped short, and regarded them sadly. The house would have been a lot more cheery to return to if his parents, Kyle and Dora were still alive.

They had both been struck down by a terrible illness, and had been killed by it. Now he lived alone, trying to get through with his life.

He sighed, and walked to the living room, his steps echoing through the empty house.

Her suddenly stopped, when he heard a low chuckle. He spun around, taking his Sol Blade out of its scabbard. "Who's there!" he cried out.

There was just silence.

He shook his head in disbelief, and placed his sword back in its scabbard with a low click.

He heard another low chuckle, and then it turned into hysterical laughter.

Isaac took his sword out again, and walked through the room, his Sol Blade out in front of him.

"I asked who's there!" Isaac called out again.

His question was answered by maniac laughter.

Isaac growled, and walked around some more.

He suddenly stopped, and dropped his sword with an echoing clang. His eyes widened with pain, and shock. He dropped to his knees, clutching his heart. Unbelievable pain coursed through his body, seeming to reside from his heart.

It was like a hot brand was being driven into his chest, and being twisted around.

He cried out in pain, and scrunching his eyes to prevent tears from escaping. Suddenly, it seemed to be like someone had entered his mind, and was banging a hammer against his head.

He squeezed his head in between his hands, and cried out, "Stop it!"

He passed out on the floor.

* * * * * * * * * *

Garet heard a cry come from Isaac's house.

He took to Isaac's house, his mind in a state of panic.

He came to the door of his friend's house, and tried the door. But it was locked tightly. He took out his Silver Blade, and brought it down on the door. It cut through easily, and splintered the door.

He rushed in, not caring if Isaac was mad at him after. All that mattered was that Isaac was all right.

"Isaac!" Garet called.

He burst through the door of the living room, and was shocked to see Isaac hunched up on the floor. "Isaac!"

He ran to him, and knelt beside him.

"Isaac!" Garet cried urgently. "Are you all right?!?"

Isaac growled softly in his throat, and held up a hand towards Garet.

A large burst of wind cut through Garet, and sent him crashing into a cabinet, and then the wall. Garet let out a grunt of surprise, and looked at Isaac in shock.

Isaac was standing up woodenly, his limbs stiff, just like a puppet.

His eyes were glowing red, his pupils shaped almost like a cat's. He bent, and picked up his faithful Sol Blade. He sneered at Garet, and started towards him.

Garet took a dive, and grabbed his sword, springing into action. Isaac was only mildly surprised, but he was also ready.

Garet charged towards Isaac, bringing his sword down on his side. He knew he didn't want to hurt Isaac, but it was the only way he could get him back to his senses.

Isaac blocked it easily, without moving from the spot he was standing. He smirked, his eyes narrowing, and delivered a strong blow to Garet's mouth.

The force of the blow brought Garet off his feet, with a small grunt of pain. He coughed, bringing up spots of blood. Isaac stood over him, smirking.

Garet smiled, and leaped up, punching Isaac in the jaw. Isaac wasn't ready for it, and landed, sprawled, on the floor. A small trail of blood leaked from the side of his mouth, his hair covering his eyes.

Garet smiled, rubbing his knuckles in triumph. He always knew that sparring with Felix would pay off.

Isaac looked up, his eyes blank, and oddly enough, a small smile on his face.

He stood up, and wiped the blood off his chin. He stared at the crimson stain on his hand, and smiled even wider. "I never knew someone like you could draw blood from me…I underestimated you…"

Isaac crouched, picked up his sword, and sheathed it in its scabbard.

"Wait. Isaac…" Garet said, trying to touch his shoulder. Isaac didn't say anything, and his face revealed nothing.

"The one named Isaac is no more. I control him. I hold Alchemy…" The last sentence was whispered in awe, as though Isaac was pleased to know that he held all of the raw energy of Alchemy.

"Then who are you! What have you done with Isaac! If he doesn't exist, why do you look like him?" Garet cried, putting his sword at what was Isaac's chest.

He smiled lightly, and pushed the sword away.

"I'm surprised that you are able to forget me so easily Garet…"

"Do I know you?"

"Actually…Yes. You have known me since you started the search for the Stars…"

"What do you-Wait. Are you the Wise One?"

Isaac let out a cold laugh, and he hissed, "Yes…"

"But…How? Why?"

"I believe that I should be the one to answer that question for you…"

Garet spun around, and encountered a man with long blue hair and blue eyes.

"Alex?" Garet asked, amazed that Alex was even alive. "What are you doing alive? I thought you were sucked into the center of Mount Aleph!"

"I was. I would have come sooner, if I had not been delayed…" Alex said, smiling. He stared into Garet's eyes, making him feel uncomfortable.

"But now that I'm back, I should be able to complete what I wanted."

"Let me guess. You're going to try to get Alchemy back. Right?" Garet said.

Alex smirked. "No. Not this time. But good guess."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I would have thought that it would be obvious. But then again, I should remember that I am talking with Garet." Alex said, chuckling softly as he said this.

Garet growled, and was about to lunge at Alex, when he was pulled back by Isaac. He looked at him, shocked that Isaac could be controlled so easily, and that his grip was so strong.

He had known Isaac his whole life, and he wasn't that strong.

"If you don't sit still, I'll have to make Isaac do something…unpleasant." Alex said smugly, waving a finger in front of Garet's eyes.

"Now. About me plans…"

"How did you get the Wise One under your control?" Garet spat out, wanting that that question was answered first.

"It was quite easy, actually." Alex said. "All I had to do, was use a decoy, and sneak up behind him. After that, it was easy going from there."

"Then why is Isaac like this?"

"You see, since the Wise One allowed Isaac to wield Alchemy, he linked himself with Isaac's mind. If anything happens to the Wise One's mind, then Isaac will also be affected by it. It's the same that other way around."

Alex smiled, and brushed some hair from his eyes.

"Then why did you do all this?" Garet asked, thinking of a plan to get away as he stalled Alex.

Alex lifted his arms to the sky, pulled his head back, and let out a laugh. "You are quite amusing Garet. I can't believe that you still don't know what it is I am going to do."

"You didn't answer my question." Garet said, trying to stay calm. He couldn't let Alex get to him, or he wouldn't be able to get away for help.

Alex stopped laughing, and snapped his head back to look into Garet's face.

"I believe that Kraden had a little talk with you today? Am I correct." Alex asked. Garet didn't answer. Alex took his silence as a yes.

"Didn't he tell you that Weyard wasn't rebuilding itself, but rather, it might be falling apart once more?"

Garet nodded numbly.

"And didn't he also tell you that if Isaac didn't ignite the beacon of the Celestial Lighthouse, all of Weyard would eventually erode away, and fall into nothingness?"

Again Garet nodded.

"And also that if this wasn't done in 4 weeks, the world would-"

"Just get to the point, Alex…" Garet said, slightly annoyed by Alex repeating everything he already knew.

"Well. When Isaac lights the beacon of the Celestial Lighthouse, he would rebuild Weyard to his wishing. He can do whatever he wants to do, destroy the world, make the world kneel at his feet…Anything…"


"I want Isaac to build the world, so that I will be able to rule the entire world. And then when I am done with Isaac, I will discard of him."

"You're…You're mad!" Garet cried, his eyes widening with shock. If Alex managed to get Isaac to light the beacon, then all would be lost. And then Isaac would be killed for helping Alex.

"Mad?" Alex chuckled. "No. I'm not. I'm just like to think big…"

Garet growled, and looked at the floor.

"Now. You seem to know too much. I simply can't have you blabbing all of my plans to your moronic friends." He snapped his fingers, and Garet was shocked to find himself pushed from Isaac's grasp.

He spun on his heel, and faced Isaac.

Alex walked behind Isaac, saying, "Get rid of him…"

Isaac smiled, and pulled his Sol Blade from its scabbard on his back. He slashed viciously at Garet, who just barely ducked.

Isaac let out a laugh, and took another swipe at Garet. This time, he wasn't so lucky. The sword cut into his shoulder, his blood boiling over his clothes, and onto the floor.

He let out a small cry, and pulled away from the Isaac's blade.

He smirked, and, and took another lunge at him, the sharpest side held towards Garet's throat. Garet fell back, and pulled out his sword. He was about to swipe at Isaac, when Isaac pierced through Garet's chest, just missing his heart.

Isaac smirked as Garet's eyes widened, and his mouth fell open in a silent cry.

He twisted the sword, causing pain to ripple through Garet's body.

He pulled it out roughly, splashing blood onto the wall. Garet stared at Isaac in shock, and then the pain that clouded his mind became too much, and he passed out.

Isaac smirked, and was about to turn, when he stopped. He had heard a voice call from the door, and a shriek from what was unmistakably, Jenna.

He turned, and smirked at Jenna's shocked face. She stared from Isaac's stained shirt and sword, and Garet's lifeless body.

"Isaac! What have you done?" she cried, lunging at him.

He stepped to the side, allowing Jenna to fall to the ground. "I just discarded of something we didn't need…" he hissed, a low chuckle following his statement.

Jenna growled, and cried, "Dragon Fume!"

The floor cracked, and a large fume that was shaped like a dragon, leap out, and lunge at Isaac. He leaped out of the way, and smirked as Jenna looked shocked that he was able to get out of the way.

He landed behind her, and drove his sword into her side. She screamed, her voice ending with whispered, "Why…?"

Isaac pulled it out, staining his clothes with the blood of his own friends. He was satisfied with what he had done, and turned, leaving the massacre behind.

He laughed, and turned away, sheathing his crimson stained sword in its scabbard.

"Maybe killing is fun…" he hissed.

For the love of God! Don't kill me!

Please! I swear I didn't want them to be hurt, but I had to do it, so that I can show just HOW insane Isaac has gone.

Yes. He has gone crazy. But I really hope no one will kill themselves, or will come after me with knives and forks.

Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed! See you in the next chapter!

Space Leviathan