Chap. 39- Fallen

Sydney awoke, startled, from one of those dreams were you fall, but you never figure out where you're falling to because your brain is too afraid to find out. She half-expected to be home in her bed, half-expecting to still feel the heavy weight of her mother's body on top of hers. She looked around and found herself to be in a hospital ward. Sydney looked up into the ecstatic face of Ana.

"Oh my gosh, Sydney! I'm so glad you're okay." She said, smiling down at her. "Are you?"
"Of course," Sydney replied, trying to muster a smile but feeling the tears well behind her eyes. "What time is it?"
"Um...a little after 8," Ana frowned, checking her watch. "You look confused."
"When did know, pass out?" Sydney asked, a bit embarrassingly. She, the super-spy of the agency, resilient to torture and brainwashing, had blacked out and been hospitalized twice since she started working in Los Angeles again.
"I don't know, Sydney!" Ana wailed. "I was just worried about you! How can you be concerned about these things?"

Sydney stared at her blankly. Ana looked at her suspiciously.

"I know what you're thinking." Ana started accusingly. "How can you, Sydney Bristow, super-spy of the agency, resilient to torture and brainwashing, black out and be hospitalized twice since you started working in Los Angeles again?"
"Something along those lines."
"You're not weak, Sydney, contrary to what you may think of yourself." Ana said, her voice softening considerably and lowering a few decibels. "Even super-spies need breaks, you know."

Ana spoke these words with a truthful innocence. She was like a coin, her serious side showing at the office and to the world, she showed her playful childish side.

Sydney just couldn't decide which side was wiser.


"Calm down!" Kendall roared.

The sullen, but now silent, members of the tactics team fell into an awkward silence.

"McInery," Jack said, noting the defiant young man who had challenged the command his officer. "What the hell happened out there?"
"Sir, first, I would like you to know that I was just doing my job and part of that job is to report misconduct, even if it is from your own officer."
"Fine!" Kendall shouted. "Now get on with it."
"Mr. Bristow alerted us all to get into position and our positions were already assigned. I was to be positioned on a hill that was directly across from the eastern face of the house where the living room was and so that was were I went. The whole tactic team, when in the right positions, form a complete and solid circle around the house, ensuring that no one could get in or out without our knowledge. As Derevko and Sark were finally within range, I signaled my officer for permission to fire. Instead of communicating through the correct hand-signals as was demonstrated or the, he broke the circle and ran to my side. He told me to get out of my position, Sir, just as I had a clear shot of Sark's leg, as the order was to wound, not kill." McInery gulped. "He pushed me out of the way, and the bullet went astray, almost wounding a member of the tactic team. When he crouched into my position, I could see that the curtain had been blown into his view. I heard him ask for your permission to shoot, Sir, and I quickly moved to his abandoned position. The last thing I heard were the two shots in quick succession. The next moment, we were in the house. Derevko and Sark were dead. Your daughter, Sir, was unconscious with a steady pulse, but we had no idea what Derevko might have used on her, so we quickly airlifted her to the hospital. That's it."

A moment of silence filled the room as the other members tittered, unsure whether to support their friend or defend their officer.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Jack said, already knowing the issue. "Did anyone witness a validation of Mr. McInery's description? Perhaps, a Mr. Cohen, a Mr. Bailey, and a...Ms. Smith? You were following orders and positioned correctly, I assume." He added, consulting a chart in his hand.
"Yes, sir." A voice spoke up. "I bear witness to the events that occurred today and validate all of Mr. McInery's statements as accurate and truthful."
"Thank you, Ms. Smith. I'm glad someone around here has balls." Kendall said, unaware of how inappropriate his statement was. He nodded to the group. "You are to report to your new officer tomorrow...dismissed."


Two Weeks Later...

Sydney walked out of the Agency's law office in shock. She should have thought of it earlier, but she had been so preoccupied that she still wore her wedding and engagement ring. Shock becoming fury, she stormed into her father's office and slammed the door shut, pacing back and forth. Jack looked up at his daughter from the paperwork on his desk.

"Sydney, what's wrong?"
"She had no right!" Sydney screamed. "She had no fucking right....meddling in my life like that!" She cried, trying to grasp the right word. "She made it sound like she was a saint for doing it, I should be thankful or something. Thankful that I didn't get myself killed on a mission, or, or...heaven forbid become depressed or mentally insane!" Sydney spat.
"Did she ever think? Wasn't she supposed to be intelligent, for god's sake? She was in the fucking intelligence business!" Sydney interrupted. "I'm just curious what she would have done next if I didn't find out what she was doing, if Vaughn had divorced his wife sooner. Would she have killed Scott? Make me go running to Vaughn? Or maybe, just maybe, Scott, the perfect husband, would have run off with a skank down the street. What, dad, do you think she would have done?" Sydney asked, slamming both hands down onto his desk.
"Sydney, what's wrong?" Jack asked quietly.

Sydney, her fury spent, collapsed into the chair behind her.

"Scott Jamison Voyer III was never a real person. The marriage license was a fake, a really good fake. The priest was a fluke. Even, his paycheck was a forgery of the county hospital. It seems like I've been living comfortably off Mom for the last two years." She sighed deeply. "Another two years of my life...gone."

Jack had no idea what to say.

"Sydney, I don't know what to say..."
"You don't have to say anything, Dad." Sydney said. "I know what it feels like to be in your position now. It was a strategy game and we were the game pieces." She pushed herself to her feet and walked out the door, making sure to shut it gently this time.


Three Months Later...

Sydney's jogging pace slowed to a cool-down walk as she traveled to her usual bench and water fountain in the park. It had been foggy when she left the large and empty house, but the sun was beginning to peak through, sending splashes of sunshine to warm Sydney's face. She inhaled the cool morning air and smiled back at the sun.

The man in the park, who she had known to be Vaughn for quite a while, was always there when she greeted the sun. Every morning, without fail, he was there. Slowly, purposefully, Sydney rose from her park bench and made her way across the foggy playground to where he sat with Donovan. She could see his posture stiffen, but Donovan's tail had already begun to wag in anticipation.

Sydney finally crossed the sandy ground and stepped onto the grass to face him. She saw his beautiful green eyes widen in shock and surprise. His lips curved into a smile, but then his face wrinkled in confusion.

" was always you? How come....? Why didn't you...?" Vaughn stopped himself with a smile. "Sorry, I'm at a total loss for words."
"I had to gather the courage." Sydney explained, smiling. She sat down into the empty seat next to him. "I didn't approach you when I first found out because...well, you were married. I was married. I didn't want to create any unnecessary discomfort, with us being neighbors and all. Then, everything was just out of control. I didn't even come to the park."
"I noticed." He admitted. A silence followed. "Do you know what day it is?"

Sydney frowned.


Vaughn laughed.

"No...It's October 1st."

Tears came to Sydney's eyes.

"Syd? What's wrong? Is everything okay?"
"I wasn't going to tell you this. I was just going to let you know that it was me all along, but what your mother said in France a long time ago was right."
"My marriage with Scott was never real. Not just legally, either. I was so tormented before when I found out that he was really Sark because I thought that I had fallen in love with him. But just today...sitting there on that bench across the playground, three whole months later, I realized that everything that I loved about Scott wasn't really Sark. Everything that I loved about him had to be acted. Vaughn..."
"Vaughn...everything that I loved about Scott was everything that I love about you."

Vaughn looked into her heart-broken face and carefully wiped away Sydney's tears. She smiled her tearful smile.

"It..." Vaughn started to say.
"I have to go. I'm sorry, Vaughn. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. You don't have to say anything." Sydney interrupted, ducking her head and quickly taking off.

He watched her retreating back, but did nothing.

"It always was you, Sydney Bristow."


One Week Later...

"Vaughn." Vaughn said, answering his cell phone, wincing at the strong desk light in the office.
"Mr. Vaughn, sir, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but this is Jeannine from the front desk. You told me to notify you if Sydney Bristow ever came to the office, sir. I tried to stall her, but she told me that she had a flight to catch."
"A flight?" Vaughn asked in disbelief. "Are you sure?"
"Yes, sir. Positive."
"Thank you, Jeannine."
"You're welcome sir, have a good night."
"You too." Vaughn half-heartedly murmured as he hung up the phone. A flight. A flashback of his hallucination of her almost three years ago when she left for D.C. entered his mind. He failed miserably then, he hadn't done anything in the park, but he was ready to step up now. He knew that if didn't do something, he would lose the woman he loved, perhaps, forever.
"I really should get drunk before I do this." Vaughn mumbled to himself as he dialed Jack's number.
"Yes?" Jack answered, his voice sounding as close as if he was standing right next to Vaughn.
"Sir, this is Michael Vaughn."
"What do you want?"
"I know that Sydney's catching a plane somewhere. I also know that you know all her information. Please, sir, I'm begging you to tell me. I don't want anything but the best for your daughter. I don't want anything more than for her to be happy. Sir...Jack...please."
"LAX airport, terminal 3, gate C5, flight 140. It leaves at 11:45. You better hurry. If you don't make it, she's in seat 18A." Jack paused. "Good luck, Vaughn. And don't ever call my house phone again." He added gruffly before hanging up.

Vaughn looked at his watch. He had half an hour to get to the airport. Vaughn took off running to the parking garage.

The rain began to pelt down on his car and he squinted to get a better view of the road, nervously checking the clock every few seconds. Soon enough, he had parked the car and ran into the airport, looking for terminal 3, gate C5.

"I'm sorry, sir. You're not allowed in here without a ticket." An airport attendant said apologetically, observing his panicked face and dripping clothes.
"Look, this is an emergency. I need to get to Gate C5..."
"I'm sorry, sir." The attendant repeated. "A flight ticket can be acquired downstairs on the first floor, which is down the escalator, take a left, an immediate right..."
"Please. I'm begging you. I...I love this woman. I have to see her. Please."

Her face softened.

"I'm really sorry. It's the airport policy. You don't have authorization..."

Vaughn flashed his CIA badge.


Vaughn looked into the attendant's eyes and silently pleaded. She gave and small smile and resignedly said,

"Gate C5 is down past the airport gift shop and directly to your left."


Sydney turned as she heard her name being shouted. She had just gotten in line with her carry-on for the 11:45 flight back to Langley when she heard his running footsteps.

"Sydney! Syd!"
"Vaughn! What are you doing here? How'd you get in without a ticket?"
"It's not important."
"What are you talking about, Vaughn?"
"It's not important." He repeated. "What's important is that I love you. I regret everything that I ever did to hurt you. I regret not telling you how I felt about you in the park..."
"Syd...I love you. I can't imagine living another day without you. What I wanted to tell you in the park was that it was always you."
"Please, Sydney, don't go. Don't leave me, again. I've lost you so many times before. I don't think I can go through it again." Vaughn got down on one knee and produced a small velvet box. "I've loved you since the day I met you. I bought this ring for you before you disappeared and I've kept it for five years. Sydney Bristow...will you marry me?"

She looked at him in shock and began nodding with a large smile on her face.


He slid the ring on her finger and kissed her. Those in the airport began clapping and shouting, lucky enough to be able to witness such a spectacle of romance and love. Vaughn hugged her tightly as she buried her face in his shoulder.

"It was always you in my dreams, Michael Vaughn. It was always you." Sydney whispered.

Sydney thought again of those bad dreams, where you keep falling and falling, eventually jolting yourself awake because you're afraid to find out what's next. But she had stopped letting her brain work, finally allowing her heart to take over.

Her heart let her fall and she kept on falling, but she was not afraid, because her heart knew that eventually, she would fall into the arms of her Prince Charming. She would fall in love with Michael Vaughn.

And her heart was right. She was safe, sound, and living in the land of dreams.


A/N: Wow! Was that long enough for you guys?! Hehe. Well, I'm sorry to say that chapter 39 will be the last chapter, but keep checking back for the epilogue. Thanks so much for reading....don't forget to leave some comments!

neptunestar- hehe. It was my pleasure. =D

Reesie06- lol. You're so cute. Is this soon enough for you? Hey, at least it's not another 2 months....haha. I must defend myself in some way.

mallory- um...sorry, but I don't remember if I said that Vaughn had dark green eyes or what. I really apologize because I have large memory gaps, haha. I can't even remember what my friend said to me last night. But anyways, tell me where! Because, it's been bugging me!

dani11e87- well? Are you crying now? Out of relief? Out of pure touched beauty of written word? LOL. I kid, I kid.

Ren201- You hoped that Sydney would get shot?! GASP Why, that is...bad! Hehe. But really, if you thought the last chapter was dramatic, how's this one for ya, eh?

landi104- haha. I think we've covered this on AIM. Hehe.

Serindipity9- Whhaaat?! MOney?! Mooolah?! For MOI? Why, I am purely offended. This story is for the sole purpose of free entertainment for all...but I actually am a bit short on cash......jk. jk. Thank you, though. That's very nice of you and your friends. Email me whenever you want! Or do I have to stop writing for a looong time to get you to? Buahahahhahah! Again, I kid.

Valoriahn- Thank you much! Was this a good length for you, because it really wiped me out! It is currently 4 minutes until 3 am!

Also....great big thanks to: -maggieann452-Masta D-haley

C'mon guys! One more until 400 is broken!! WHoOO! It's like my birthday all over again!