Thanks for reading everyone, this has been fun. A big thank you to: Pete M, April Duchess, dragon_hulk, Bill, Shadow Elf Bard, hatten, Red, Rob, nogard, littledru, lady lupin, liz, kristy, hell anyone and everyone that has reviewed this fic. Thanks for the compliments and the help.

Well, I have to say that favorite to write so far has definitely been Pirates. I think that came across in how I wrote it. I like being mildly insane and making not much sense. It's the tone of the movie, having action/adventure with romance and just having a lot of fun surrounding it. That is what a lot of people like.

Also it was my first 'romance' fic. I was a little weary about it, but being in love with someone tends to bring that side out of you ::waits for a chorus of 'awww's:: Anyway, its been great writing this fic. I started it in a bad time in my life. Eddie, a good friend of mine that this is dedicated to, got beaten into a coma. I needed something light. I needed a new project and this was it. He was a good man, and the entire thing was in kinda his humor, silly, mildly insane at times, but very goodhearted and fun. That's Eddie for ya.

But also this has been a great experience for me. I loved getting such positive and great reviews. Originally, I was going to have Buffy keep the costume. But During Season 2, I was a HUGE W/Xer. And sadly there's not a lot of W/X fics out there, it's not a favorite. So I wanted to try something that a lot of people weren't doing. And looking back on the whole thing it feels great. I'm surprised by how well its been received. Thanks for the reviews people. Certainly brightened my day. Have fun, and I'll try to finish my other fics sometime later. I'm going to take a little break for now. Writing a romantic part really takes a lot of energy out of you.
