-'Pirates of the Hellmouth.'-

A response to the 'Xander didn't dress up like a soldier for Halloween' challenge.

Pairings/Crossovers: You'll see, its pretty damn obvious if you think about it

Disclaimers: I don't own anything relating to Buffy, Angel, or Pirates of the Caribbean.

A/N: Something a little lighter for Pete M. A/N2: Please read and review, I don't care if its anonymous, if you hate it or if you love it, review.

Dedicated to Eddie.


Xander Harris looked around Ethan's Costume Shop. He already had a set of old army fatigues at home. He was planning on just getting a toy gun and going as 'soldier boy' for the night, but then he overheard Buffy and Willow talking about the 18th century style gown Buffy had picked out with the help of the store owner. She wanted to look good for Angel.

'Angel,' he thought, 'he'd probably just be all cryptic guy and say 'Buffy.''

He looked over to where Buffy was showing some rather 'revealing' costumes to Willow.

'And Buffy will say 'Angel.'

Buffy looked back towards the gown in her hand.

'And they will kiss.'

A bright smile lit up her face and Xander felt a knot in the pit of his stomach.

'And I will puke.'

He watched Buffy and Willow start walking towards the fitting area.

"May I help you?"

"NYAH!" Xander spun around to see a man in his late forties looking at him questioningly.

"A bit of advice, pal, DON'T sneak up on people in this town. Its just...tacky."

"Yes, well," the obviously British man rolled his eyes and did what Xander called 'the Giles.' He leaned over Xander's shoulder and motioned towards where Buffy was wearing the gown and looking at her reflection in the mirror. "I couldn't help but notice that you were interested in the young lady's choice of costume."

Xander looked back at the pair who were smiling and laughing. He shrugged his arms. "Heh, that's Buffy, I couldn't help but notice."

"Well," the British man stood back and gestured with his arms. "I might have something that would match that particular outfit. The style is of course late eighteenth century. Simple in its appearance and yet complex at the same time. Now if..."

Xander interrupted the man's speech. "Listen mister..."

The man smiled at him and nodded. "Ethan."

"Mr. Ethan, I don't really have a lot of money. I already have a costume picked out. I got some army fatigues back home and I was only looking for a toy gun to go with it. I was planning on just being the 2 dollar costume king."

Ethan smirked back. "Don't worry ."


"Don't worry Xander, I can't think of anyone I know that would run a costume shop for the money. I just love helping people choose the costumes they want to make it a very special night." The man tried to reassure him with a smile. 'More of a smirk, than a smile,' thought Xander, 'stupid salesmen.'

"I just don't want to spend too much."

"I am sure that we can work something out. You see the necklace of that gown belonged to the young daughter of a British Governor in the Caribbean. She ended up leaving her father and the man she was engaged to for the love of a pirate."

Xander gave a sarcastic look to the Brit. "A pirate?"

The man smirked. "Yes, a pirate. Well the legend goes that this particular pirate saved the young woman from an almost certain death from a group of cursed zombies."

"A zombie killing pirate?"

The man was starting to get annoyed but hid a smile. "It is a legend, not all legends are true."

Xander muttered under his breath. "More are true than you know."

The man didn't hear Xander's comment and led him to the back of the store. "I happen to have another costume replica from that period of time, along with..."

Xander interrupted. "Ethan, I don't really want to dress up like a pirate I mean A: its kinda lame, and B: I already know someone that's dressing up like a pirate." The thought of him and Larry wearing the same costume made Xander uneasy, he didn't need to give Larry any more excuse to single him out.

"Very well, what does your friend look like?"

"Well, He's not exactly a 'friend.' More like a 'big idiot jock' that I'm trying to avoid. Not to mention the whole idea of eye patches doesn't seem to appeal to me."

The look on Ethan's face fell. "Ah I know which person you mean, trust me the outfit he picked out was perfect for him. A 'big idiot jock' deserves to be a 'big idiot pirate.' Even so, a lot of children came in here earlier looking for a pirate costume. Pirate costumes are very in this year I believe. But don't worry, I have just the idea for you. Its not at all like the other costumes." He brought him to a display of old fashioned costumes. "This man was actually a blacksmith before he became a pirate. He had more of a taste of culture and finesse and..."

Xander looked back at Buffy. "Elegance."

Ethan turned and smiled at Xander. "Yes, exactly."

He kneeled next to a set of shelves and pulled out a long wooden box from beneath the lowest one. He placed the box on a table next to them. "This," he opened it to reveal a long sleek blade "sword is supposed to be made by that very blacksmith."

Xander looked incredulously at the storeowner. "You've GOT to be kidding me. I am NOT paying for a freaking sword."

Ethan gave the teen a very annoyed look as he took the blade out. "It doesn't cost any more."

Ethan held the blade across his two hands. "It was made with absolute precision and style." And then placed the sword across his finger right above the hand. "And is perfectly balanced." He held out the handle for Xander to hold.

Xander looked at the blade before taking it. "I don't know." He had already spent some money on the army fatigues and was only planning on buying a small gun or something. He heard a small laugh and looked at Buffy. She placed the gown on the counter and was pulling out money from her purse to pay for it.

He looked back at the outfit hanging against the wall before taking the sword from Ethan's hands. "Do you take cash?"