Pairing: Oliver Wood/Harry Potter
Rating: R (I think it's PG-13, but just to be safe I'm saying R.)
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns the world and the characters, I just came up with the plot. I make no profit from these writings.



He takes a step back, runs a hand through his hair and surveys the pitch before him. He wonders if he would enjoy a muggle sport as much as Quidditch. He wonders if he would be any good.

He is graduating this year and he is not sure if he will play professionally so he is trying to make the most of his time. He will miss this pitch more than anything. Well, not everything. There will be one thing he will miss more than the pitch, more than Quidditch, more than it all combined. And he wonders how he can know that he will miss something he never really had.

It is nearly dawn, he can see the sun starting to peak, and he knows that in a couple hours, he will say good-bye to everything. For now, he'd just like to stand and watch the sunrise of the Quidditch pitch at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and not think about Harry Potter, who he will miss more than this pitch, who he never really had.


It is the middle of the week. The first week of October. Oliver Wood is addressing his team, he compliments each of them but when he gets to Harry Potter, he can't help but let his complete pride and adoration show.

It seemingly goes unnoticed. When he brings himself up, he wants Harry to say something but it is one of the twins who compliments him. He does not know what he wanted Harry to say but anything would be better than nothing. Oliver, I think you're great. Oliver, I have dreams about you and me and I... No, Oliver thought, cannot start thinking like that again.

It is time to practice and he watches Harry fly towards the heavens before blocking Angelina Johnson's Quaffle.

Harry goes in for a dive. Oliver lets Katie Bell score as he watches. he knows Harry cannot practice Quidditch over the summer, and he is always impressed with Harry's flawless performance when the year starts.

He congradulates Harry when he catches the snitch and tries to concentrate on practice. This year is not about N.E.W.T's, it is all about winning the Quidditch cup.

After practice, Oliver cannot help but notice the slight redness to Harry's face and arms from being in the sun. He also notices the beads of sweat on his forehead.

Oliver chooses to shower as far away from Harry as possible, but still manages to throw Quidditch tips over at him, so as to excuse his eyes constantly moving over Harry's body.

Oliver wants to make a move on Harry. He wants to say something but he knows Harry is only thirteen, and he does not think Harry will understand.

Oliver hears what happens at Holloween and it makes him think that maybe he should talk to Harry. Just to say something, just in case.

Madam Hooch sits and watches them practice, like a constant reminder of the danger that surrounds Harry.

Oliver has trouble sleeping. He dreams of screams and horrible looking men attacking Harry. And he is trying to help, but he can never get there in time or he forgets the spells and he is of no use to Harry.

Percy Weasley has had to wake him up more than once so that he would stop screaming. He starts putting silencing spells around his bed all the time.

When he is not dreaming about Harry being attacked, he has dreams of Harry in his bed, Harry's lips on his, and Harry's body... he learned a really good cleaning spell for his sheets after the first accident.

He masturbates a lot more this year. It used to be different males -- it was always men -- now it is just one: Harry.

It drives him crazy. He is always thinking about Harry and when he touches himself, he whispers Harry's name and pretends it is Harry's hand on his dick, or Harry's mouth, and then he feels, oh, so empty afterwards.

Oliver starts walking Harry to class a week before their first Quidditch match. He has found out it is Hufflepuff they are playing and not Slytherin and he keeps going over the strategy with Harry so that he is sure Harry understands. It is more than that, though, it is more time with Harry.

He makes Harry late sometimes, and he knows Harry is becoming increasingly annoyed with him. He is become annoyed with himself, as well. He thinks it is definitely time to say something or move on.

He doesn't think he would be able to move on.