HI HI!!! How everyone doin. . .ahhh shud up!!! Nah just kiddin. Do I have to say it Sakura?

Sakura: if I have to you do to.

ME: your so mean to lil old me.

Sakura: so how things going wit you boyfriend Inuko? '*Wink**wink**nudge**nudge*'

Me: he aint my boyfriend!

Sakura: suuuuuure.

Me: so how many Kurama pics did you manage to fit on your ceiling?

Sakura: shud up and 45 thank you very much! Now say it so we can get to the story!!

Me: fine. I don't own Inuyasha, Sakura belongs to Sakura, Cahadras belongs to Cahadras, Maxi belongs to Maxi, and the new character owns himself. Wouldn't u like to know who he is? Well just wait! Mahahahahahahaha!

:::Chapter errr which one is it?::::

::.6:15 a.m.::


"What the hell?" Sakura grabbed hold of the alarm clock and through it at the wall smashing it to pieces.

"Aww that was my favorite alarm clock too!" Shinma whined from the doorway.

"I don't give a damn." Sakura snapped.

"Well aren't we in a bitchy mood this morning?" Shinma asked and continued brushing her teeth uhhh fangs.

"Cahadras!!!! Guess which lil miss sunshine is up?" Shinma re-removed the toothbrush and yelled down the hall.

"Uhhhh Sakura?!" Cahadras yelled back questionably.

"Yep!" Shinma crossed the room and turned in a c.d player.

Loud music came blaring into the small room.

Shinma yelled, "I LOVE BLINK 182!!!!" Out the window.

"I'M GONNA REGRET RIGHT NOW (I'm feeling it)

THE AIR IS SO COLD AND NUMB (I'm feeling it)

LET ME GO IN HER ROOM (I'm feeling it)


SHOW ME THE WAY TO BED (I'm feeling it)

SHOW ME THE WAY YOU MOVE (I'm feeling it)"

"Turn it down!!!" Maxi screamed from the doorway. She had really bad bed head.

"PRINCES NUMBER TWO IS UP!" Shinma yelled over the music.

"I LOVE ALL THE THINGS YOU DO (I'm feeling it)

We fell short this time smile fades in the summer

Lace your hand in mine I'll leave when I wanna



SMILING FROM EAR TO EAR (I'm feeling it)"

Cahadras came into the bedroom and turned the radio off.

"Guess who is coming?" Cahadras asked the three two of which were advancing on Shinma dangerously.

"Uhhhh Santa?" Sakura asked earnestly.

"No bakamono Dan." (Yes this is the man hey Dan the man! Dan the man Dan the man . . .)

"Gelu-sama?" Shinma asked. Sitting on the bed braiding Sakura's hair in cornrows.

"Yeah, this afternoon." Cahadras gave one of her rare small smiles.

"Good we needed some muscle around here." Maxi commented sitting on the bed also.

"Mommy Shinma I'm hungry." Shippo walked into the room rubbing the sleep out of his eyes in his Yu Yu Hakasho pajamas.

"Ok wait a second and I'll make same pancakes and eggs." Shinma picked Shippo off the floor and onto her lap.

"I swear sometimes you really are his mother." Sakura said petting his tingy orange hair.

"Feh! No only his mother but basically all of ours." Maxi stood up off the bed and stepped on her tail in the process.

"Owww!" Maxi seethed on the floor rubbing her tail. "Besides she's the only one that remembers to do the grocery shopping."

"Hey!" Sakura commented in protest.

"WITHOUT stealing it!" Maxi reminded her.

"Oh yeah ya got a point there." Sakura rang her hands together.

"Well enough with the chit chat get dressed and me and Cahadras will get started on breakfast." Shinma dragged Cahadras to the kitchen kicking and screaming.

"Why the hell do I have to help?!?!"

"Because me and you are the only ones who can cook without killing one of us."

"True but still I don't wanna." Cahadras sent a little shock through Shinma.

"Owww! WAHHHH!" Shinma squatted on the floor and "cried".

"Oh come off it I didn't hurt you!" Cahadras came up from behind.

"No but," Shinma grabbed Cahadras' wrists, put a foot in her stomach, and through her into the kitchen. "You can help weather you like it or not!"

"Hn." Cahadras upside down against the refrigerator crossed her arms over her chest.

:::.NEXT DOOR!.:::

Loud shouts and blaring music filled the apartment.

"Oh my god what is that?!" Kagome was sitting up in bed with extremely bad hair.

"Ow ow ow ow." Inuyasha was holding a pillow over his head. "Make it stop."

"Isn't this a good way to start the day?" Sango asked with a smile. "I love blink 182." She started to dance around the room till someone with sense turned the music off.

"Mornin all." Miroku walked into the room.

"EEEK!" Kagome hid under the covers.

"Ahhh nasty man put some pants on. Take a shower first IN YOUR SHOWER!!!" Inuyasha shuddered.

Miroku had only a shirt (goes past his knees.) on and he had mold stuck to him.

"Why he would sleep on that couch with only that on is beyond me." Sakura was sitting on the head bored of Inuyasha's bed eating gummy-bears.

"Wahhh!" Inuyasha fell of the bed.

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" Inuyasha asked standing up.

"What's it look like?! I came to join the party." So is this a pajama party or formal?" Sakura asked with a smile.

"Neither go away!" Inuyasha yelled throwing a lamp at her.

"No need to get uptight." Sakura caught the lamp and tossed it on the table. She glared at it then pushed it over. Satisfied she hopped off the head-bored and onto the floor.

"You guys hungry?" She asked pulling on a black hoody t hat popped out of nowhere.

"Yeah!!" Sango shouted almost begging.

"What about you guys?" Sakura asked again.

"Sure." Kagome said slipping a pair of boxers on.

"You all can come as you are. Except you Miroku you have to get dressed!" Sakura shouted into the hallway.

Sango all ready dressed, Inuyasha in boxer pants, Kagome in a pair of boxers and a shirt, and Miroku clean and dressed followed Sakura across the hall and into the other room.

"Wow that smells good!" Kagome sniffed the air.

"Bacon, eggs, donuts, rice balls, pancakes, waffles, muffins, and biscuits and gravy were on the overly large table.

"Oh my god it's like a dream come true!" Sango and Inuyasha said at the same time.

"I know I know I'm good." Shinma said twirling a spatula.

"Hey I was forced to help." Cahadras said in the background with flour in her hair.

"Thank you this looks good." Kagome bowed to the chefs.

"Your welcome." Shinma said as she tossed the spatula behind her nonchalantly.

"Hn." Was the only response from the grouchy kitsune/ fire apparition.

"Come eat only you and me know what's in it." Shinma suppressed a laugh as everyone's eyes became as large as dinner plates.

She waved her hand in a dismissing gesture. "Just a joke."

Everyone swallowed their food and sighed.

"Who smells like green tea?!" Shinma asked looking accusingly around the table.

Sakura whistled innocently. (*Choke* yeah right)

"You dirty lil thieve!" Shinma tackled Sakura. "You know that's the only body spray I'll were."

"Well it's the only kind I'll were either." Sakura pulled Shinma's dog-ear.

"So buy your own." Shinma pulled Sakura's fox tail.

"It's a good thing a bought you guys that kind then. I almost forgot." A man as tall as Inuyasha stood in the doorway. He wore what looked like many sweaters and a pair of jeans. He was visibly very muscular. He carried three bags two shopping bags and another a duffle bag.

"DAN!!" Sakura shouted from the floor.

"GELU-SAMA!!!" Shinma and Sakura had jumped up from the floor.

"What did you get me?!!!!" Both asked with shimmering eyes.

"Just open it." He handed each demon a small bag. They contained "Green Tea energy" body spray and shower gel.

"Are you trying to tell us something?" Shinma and Sakura said in unison again. Both raised one eyebrow.

Dan sweat dropped.

He handed Maxi a fighting computer game. He then handed a Cahadras a katana care kit.

Maxi danced around. "Oh I really wanted this one!!!" Her tail was swishing behind her.

"Arigato Dan." Cahadras thanked Dan and set her kit next to a table with a katana on it.

Shinma and Sakura where busy in the background spraying each other with the spray.

"OO smells pretty!" Shinma and Sakura not breaking their continuous talking with each other. "Oh I gots a headache." Both demons fell backwards with swirly eyes. "Oro?"

(A/n just to throw a lil Rurouni Kenshin in there.)

"Err okay?" Inuyasha said then continued his food escapade.

"Hello I'm Kagome Higurashi." Kagome shook Dan's hand.

"Kon'wa Dan Ado." Dan returned the friendly gesture.

"This is Inuyasha, Sango, and Miroku." Kagome pointed to each person in turn.

"Where's Shippo?" Dan asked looking around the room.

"Here I am!!!" Shippo was at Dan's feet.

"Here you go." Dan gave Shippo the last bag. It was filled with imported chocolates.

"Thank you daddy Dan." Shippo gave Dan's legs a hug.

Shinma was poking Sakura with a stick till she started to laugh.

"Ha ha stop that tickles!!!" Sakura had accidentally turned into her kitsune form.

"Aw now look what you did!" Sakura's tail was squashed flat.

" Compliments of Shinma Batosi." Shinma bowed.

"Wait Batosi? I thought your last name was Ado." Miroku asked.

"It's my real last name. Ado is what we called ourselves as a family. Sakura's last name is Kitsune. Cahadras' is Youkai." Shinma explained.

"What about Dan and Shippo?" Sango asked.

"Shippo doesn't have a last name and I have trouble sayin Dan's last name so I don't." Shinma shrugged and grabbed a donut as another hand grabbed it.

"Give it." Inuyasha growled.

"No it's mine." Shinma tugged on the donut.

"Inuyasha why don't you get a different donut? There all the same." Kagome pointed out.

"It's not the donut it's a matter of pride." Inuyasha explained pulling on the donut.

"You have enough pride to choke a horse! It wouldn't hurt to loose a little." Shinma glared at Inuyasha.

"Same goes for you." Inuyasha was standing on the table pulling on the donut.

"It's my house I pay most of the rent so as I see it it's my donut." Shinma tugged on the donut once again jerking Inuyasha forward.

"Well as I see it the donut is in front of me so it's mine." Sakura took the donut and ate it.

Shinma looked horror struck at Sakura. "You ate my donut!!" Shinma dived and tackled Sakura once again.

"Is this going to go on all morning?" Sango asked.

"Yeah and pretty much through the afternoon too." Cahadras said grabbing a donut and jumping onto a large glass chandelier in the living room.

"Wow for a bunch of punks you guys have pretty nice digs." Inuyasha commented looking around the HUGE Victorian styled pent house.

"Thanks me and Sakura decorated it." The battle dust cloud stopped in front of Inuyasha. "Wait you tried to take my donut I'm not talking to you."

The dust battle cloud rolled away again.

"This is very confusing." Kagome commented. @_@

"You get used to it." Dan said grabbing a chair. "I see Shinma and Cahadras have made their famous continental breakfast."

"Famous?" Sango asked.

"Yeah Shinma and Cahadras had made a breakfast just like this for a homeless shelter downtown. Well of course Cahadras didn't go down there, but she and Shinma made the breakfast here and Shinma, Sakura, and Maxi took it down town." Dan explained. "It was all over the newspaper. "Demons Help the Homeless" it was front page news. It's like everyone thinks demons don't care."

"Keh! Your telling me I tried to help this lady because she couldn't get her car started. She started running around yelling I was trying to eat her." Inuyasha shook his head and stuffed another muffin in his mouth.

::.20 minutes later.::

"Is every one done?" Maxi asked standing up dusting her hands off.

"Yup!!" Sango answered for everyone.

"Good lets go!" Maxi said walking to the door.

"Were?" Kagome questioned.

"Aren't we gonna help fix up your place?" She looked at everybody at the table questionably.

"Oh yeah almost forgot!!!" Kagome rubbed the back of her head anime style.

"Yay paint!!!!" Shinma and Sakura shouted holding up paint brushes.

"Oh dear Kami save us." Miroku quietly prayed.

:::.NEXT DOOR.:::

"First things first. Lets take all pictures, posters, and wall hanging off the walls. Then remove all furniture I mean beds, tables, chairs, and the *shudder * couch." Kagome ordered.

Sango and Kagome took care of the pictures and everything on the walls. Inuyasha and Dan took care of the furniture. Shinma and Sakura took care of the beds. Miroku and Maxi took care of the television and game systems. (A/n he he forgot that one) Cahadras sat in a similar lighting fixture as the one she was in before and polished her Katana, as she was not one to clean. (As if any of us are -_-;)

When the whole apartment was completely empty everyone gathered in living room, Cahadras included.

"Okay what color do we want the living room to be?" Miroku asked.

"How about pink?" Kagome asked innocently.

"NO!!!" Shinma shouted than shook on the floor.

"Eh what's with her?" Inuyasha asked.

"Very bad childhood lets just leave it at that." Sakura slapped Shinma in the face.


"Pay attention." Sakura ordered.

"Okey dokey smoky."

"How about a dark red?" Inuyasha suggested. It got many positive answers.

"Reds good." Sango said looking at Kagome who nodded.

"Red it is then." Shinma said overly happy as red is her favorite color.

"Hey what about my opinion?" Miroku asked.

Kagome sighed. "And please pry tell is the color you want it to be?"

"Uh red sound good." Miroku nodded his head as if in deep thought.

"Idiot." Sango conked him on the back of the head.

"You know you love me baby." Miroku commented as his hand moved and moved . . .


"HENTAI!!!" Sango glared down at the unconscious monk.

@_@ "Oro?"

(A/n sorry I just love using that. What does that mean anyway?)

"Err okay red for the living room." Kagome wrote down on a peace of paper. "Dining room?"

"Gold!" Sango said smiling.

"Gold?" Kagome asked looking to Inuyasha who nodded. She wrote that on the paper also.


"Dark purple." Dan suggested.

"Oooo that would look good. You know with grapes and stuff." Kagome looked at Sango and Inuyasha who both nodded.

"Now that leaves the bathroom and our rooms." Kagome looked at the others.

"I'll take the left over red for my room." Inuyasha offered. Kagome marked it on the paper.

"I'll take the extra Gold." Sango said.

Kagome marked that down too.

"Miroku will take the extra purple. It's his favorite color." Inuyasha told Kagome. Another mark was added to the paper.

"And I'll paint mine dark blue or green which one?" Kagome asked Sakura.

"Definitely green." Kagome nodded.

"Okay now the bathrooms."

"Animal prints!" Maxi offered.

"That would look good." Kagome asked the rest of the group.

"Okay. We have all our paint now all we need to do is decide on the furniture." Sango said looking over the piece of paper.

"How about black for the living room, cherry oak for the dining room, and matching blankets and pillows or whatever for the rooms." Cahadras added her share.

"Sound good?" Every one nodded.

"Okay all the girls will take care of all the accessories. Guys you take care of the paint. The girls I guess can tag all the furniture to be shipped here." Sakura said. "Sound good?"

"Sound good to me Sakura-Chan!" Shinma stood next to her.

Everyone else nodded.

"Okay ready." Sakura passed out a list to the girls and the boys. "Set . . .GO!" Everyone rushed out the door.

Shinma, Sakura, Maxi, and Cahadras all jumped out the window.

Shippo attached himself to Inuyasha's shoulder.

The girls and guys went into the two groups, said their good-byes', and departed to the different stores.

Thank you, for reading R&R love Shinma. ^-^//