Hey all this is my new fic "Just Great" well outside says it all. Well this is my third? Yeah third fic so yeah well I guess that really doesn't matter. I have a question 4 everyone. Does anyone have the words 2 any of the Inuyasha theme songs? Cuz well it will b a surprise. Well if u do pleases e me n send them to me. Well I don't own Inuyasha or any of the songs in this fic. Well that's done lets get started! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~@~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chapter one: Who I am. Who cares? ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ~Hey zup all? Well I'm Kagome Higurashi and I'd like to start off by sayin' life sux. But I'm sure you already knew that. Well your probably wondering whats up with me. Well my family died in a six car pile up. Now I'm living with most odd, cocky, hot, and sweetest guy ever. Yay go me! His name? Well his name is Inuyasha. His name means dog demon? I wonder why? Why am I living with him? Well it was the only room left in the whole complex. I'm really lucky. I turned 18 the day my family died so wasn't taken into a foster home. The first year I fought for the shrine but lost. Figures. The second and third year I lived in a hotel and now I'm here. Lets see how I got here and how my life changed for the better. How about my 21st birthday when I got kicked out of my hotel room type thing.~

"Get out!" My landlord/ type person Kenny yelled as he through my suitcases out the door. "Yo I'm goin' " I yelled picking up my suitcases. "Move it!" He yelled just to irritate me. Bad idea. "Hey I said I was goin'!" I picked up a boot I found on the sidewalk and through it at him and hit him square in the head. He went out like a light. It was great. Sango stepped on Kenny who was blacked out in the doorway. "Yay you killed Kenny!" Sango said smiling. "Nah I just lnocked him out." I smiled back. "Yo c'mon we don't have all day." "Oh yeah comeing." Sango chirped jumping on Kenny one last time. We walked back to my black convertible. Hey I said they were in a six car pile up but I didn't say they were in a car. Sango's and My family were walking across the street when cars started coming. It caused 9 deaths. My mom, dad, Souta, my grandpa, Sango's mom, dad, her lil bro Kohaku, one unkown man, and one unknown woman. "Kagome look out!" Sango screamed but it was 2 late I walked smack dab into a light poll and fell on my butt.