February 15th, 2003
Foaly limped into Police Plaza. Holly and Julius had broken two of his ankles, sprained one, fractured his wrist, and cracked something in his back. Fortunately, Trouble Kelp had stopped laughing long enough to heal him, but magic could only go so far.
When he reached Ops, he carefully lowered himself into a swivel chair. There had been a few well-placed boots in his hind-quarters too.
Captain Kelp casually walked in.
"Come to have another laugh?" growled Foaly.
Trouble chuckled. "Nope. I'm just a messenger. Holly and Beetroot said they've broke even with you, and then some."
"Or so they say." murmured Foaly. "I'm still locking the door after you go."
"Paranoid." muttered Kelp under his breath, and hurried out of the booth.
Holly and Commander Root were watching through the window, having a good laugh at the centaur's discomfort. And for those who don't know, Root laughing was rarer than a blue moon.
After a few minutes, Holly said, "I'd better get to work Commander."
Julius nodded. "Of course, Captain."
"Er, there's just one thing."
Mud brown and hazel eyes locked for the second time in two days.
"You, um, don't really like me, do you sir?"
"O-of course not, Short!" stammered the Commander.
"I didn't think so. I was just checking." Holly turned, and walked down the hallway.
Root watched her go. He had never noticed before, but Holly had a very nice figure. And her eyes… The commander suddenly realized what he was thinking. He hurried to his office, repeating in his mind, She's not your type, She's not your type, She's not… Actually, she really was. Sporty, humorous… Augh! She's only eighty, She's only eighty…
Holly walked to her cubical. She couldn't believe she asked him that! Why would she even consider that? Even though, except for the weight problem and the grey hair, he was kind of handsome… Holly stopped in mid-thought. Gross! She had just thought of Beetroot as handsome! She had seen a picture of him when he was younger, and he had been cute… Holly did another re-take. She stopped the nearest person, Captain Kelp. "Trouble, do you have your gun?"
He gave her a strange look. "Of course. Why?"
"Please shoot me."