Through the Eyes of an Innocent

Chapter One

In her eyes she led a very complicated life. Many would laugh at the notion possibly bringing up her bloodline and stating that she was born into money. Although she did have many luxuries that most people only dreamed about, being wealthy wasn't as wonderful as many people made it out to be. Not only did she barely get any privacy, due to the fact that people waited on her hand and foot, but everyone had such high expectations of her.

She could do nothing to please them, and everything to upset them. Her father had once told her that she was "special", and due to the fact that she did hold such high status in society that she should act more like lady instead of a commoner. But instead she ran through mud puddles, let her ebony-black hair fly wildly around her face (which was considered inappropriate because she was supposed to be a lady) and received low scores in her studies.

It upset all those who expected great things from her, but she really could care less. She was simply being herself, and nobody could change that, even if those of such high status as her family didn't accept it. However that wasn't exactly what made her life complicated. What caused her to believe that she did not have it as easy as she would have liked was the fact that she had no clear perception of freedom. Not once in her life had she ever been outside those cold stone gray walls that only proved to be her prison.

Not once had she ever been able to experience what life was like outside of those gray castle walls. And as a result of being so secluded and isolated from the outside world she became naïve. Perhaps if she had been allowed to experience life for just a single moment, she wouldn't be the way that she was now, but it just couldn't be helped. With the society that she lived in it was best to stay locked up and safe within the confines of the castle walls, but she just could not help but want to experience what the commoners of her country were able to experience.

But her dreams would not be fulfilled, and because of what she was, she was made fun of for wanting to escape the castle walls. It was playful teasing most of the times, but sometimes she would be left feeling bitter and unwanted afterwards. When she spoke of such dreams in front of others, they looked down upon her and chastised her for being so naïve.

The only possible thing that was able to make anything bearable for her was the comfort that her father would bring her. Every time she had a problem with what was said about her attitude he would say that he would rather her be naïve and inexperienced rather than experience the hurt and pain of the world. But maybe if she were able to know what the hurt and pain truly felt like, she would be able to have the others accept her. She knew that in her heart that she truly wanted to be different and that it was best that she did not know what life awaited her.

After all, who knew what the commoners would do to her. After all she was blessed by having the blood of a Higurashi flowing through her veins. Being a Higurashi meant something as well. Not only did she hold such a high status; the young woman was extremely powerful. If her father passed away, she would be able to inherit his entire estate, and control a quarter of the country.

The country that young Lady Higurashi lived in was clearly established by rank, and who possessed more money and power. At first these beautiful lands did not contain these bylaws, but because of the new ruler that had invaded these lands almost 500 years ago, rank established everything. There was a time of serenity where everyone lived in harmony with one another, cultivating the land so that they would not die out. It took many years to get the lands looking as beautiful as it did now, with it's green pastures, crystal clear streams, and lush and exquisite farmlands.

However that time of peace and tranquility vanished as soon as it had started. Not to long after the villagers finished cultivating the Northern Lands did foreigners come stumbling into their peaceful villages. Almost as soon as the foreigners saw the beautiful lands they attacked, killing half of the innocent people around them. Mothers died protecting their young children, and children who got separated from their mothers died screaming for them. Even babies were killed and slaughtered, until half of the other villagers surrendered to them.

Once the foreigners had established that they were the leaders of the Northern Lands, did the commander of the foreigners appear and declare himself emperor of those rich and fertile lands. Shortly afterwards the original villagers that had migrated to the Northern Lands were forced into slavery, to start improving the country economically. The first task that the foreigners had set the slaves to do was to build homes for the other foreigners of their group. Then shortly after that, they were forced to build a castle for the emperor. The work was hard and many people were beaten badly if they slacked off.

There were many slaves who thought of rebelling against the emperor during the building of the castle but their minds were quickly changed when other slaves brought up their children and how they needed to be fed and watered. They truly did not wish that their children had to see such frightening times. However as time progressed, the slavery within the Northern Lands only increased, and if anyone from another country was found wandering within the Northern Lands they were beaten and then sentenced to life as a slave.

Now barely anyone dared to defy the Emperor of the Northern Lands, for fear that their families would be killed or worse. The only people who were lucky enough to escape the wrath of the Emperor were the nobles, or the relatives of the people who helped conquer the Northern Lands those 500 years ago. And a man by the name of Hakujou Higurashi just happened to be one of them.

So it was with quite interest that the Higurashi child of the present was filled with such joviality and innocence, especially since her ancestor assisted in killing over half of a peaceful race. However the Higurashi child was not exactly aware of her family history. It was forbidden for her to try and research it, despite the fact that she got special treatment from nearly everyone in the castle even the Emperor himself.

It probably helped that she used to be a good friend of the Emperor's son, Prince Yokoshima. He had been 12 and she 8 when the Emperor decided to remove the Higurashi child from his presence so that he could devote all his time to learning about becoming the new Emperor, and due to that, the Higurashi child was forced to become friends with others. There were many times when she would attempt to befriend a servant and be badly reprimanded for it, but other than that she befriended other noble's children.

There would be times when she could not stand them in the least since they had the tendency to be biased, when it came to their beliefs, whereas the Higurashi child had her naïve beliefs, which they constantly shot down. She was 13 when she finally decided that her life was harder than most people believed it to be. If it was so complicated to get her own friends to listen to what she believed, without it being ridiculed then what was the point of having friends? Only shortly after that did she stop caring. Her beliefs were her own, and she decided that if anyone thought that they were naïve and preposterous then it was simply on them. Besides she was "special" and they were not.

It was always something bitter and resentful that she was able to throw in their faces, and as soon as she stated it, they simply quieted and kept their wicked thoughts to themselves. Although she had to literally tell them that she was "special" before they decided to voice their opinions or else there would be no stopping them. And even if she did have the blood of a Higurashi flowing within her veins, one of the Northern Lands founders, she was still a child with different and completely absurd beliefs.

The scratching of a quill could be heard bouncing off of the walls as the young Higurashi child continued to take her arithmetic exam. Her concentration was faltering throughout the entire process, and on the sides of her parchment, tiny flowers and stars could be found, scribbled none too neatly. As she finished another equation, she glanced out the window and towards the cloudy sky, her imagination taking control of her senses once more.

She imagined being able to leave the Northern Lands, and explore what was beyond the castle walls, passed the sand domes, and towards other kingdoms. She imagined seeing people with riches beyond imaginations, and finding love along the way. She imagined falling in love with a peasant possibly (her father would have killed her if he found out that she was even remotely thinking about loving a peasant), and he would help her experience the things in life that she never would in the Northern Lands.

She then imagined being trapped in a desert, with no water, no shelter, and nothing to eat, wondering how on Earth she would survive. She could be stalked by vultures, or killed by a sandstorm, or worse, get stung and poisoned by a scorpion. A small smile played at the Higurashi child's face, as she imagined barely making it out of the desert and too a healer as the poison from the scorpion sting reached her heart, completely stopping it.

Of course she would have her life flash before her eyes, and then possibly die, if only momentarily, for healers were very skilled in keeping people alive. Then she would be able to go around, and tell people that she was almost killed by scorpion venom. Smiling to herself, she began to scribble lazy spirals on her parchment, allowing her imagination to soar to even higher levels.

She thought about what it would be like it she was a majestic fairy, or possibly a Djinni, like the mystical prophets that they worshipped there in the Northern Lands. She wondered what she would possibly look like. She would most likely have long light blonde hair, since most Djinn seemed to have that trait. She didn't think of what her eyes color would like, since she was the only other person inside the Northern Lands (other than the Djinni) that possessed blue eyes.

She would probably get to wear those long, flowing white gowns with the strange gold and silver dragonfly crest embroidered in it. No one in the Northern Lands were allowed to wear white, due to the fact that one had to be Holy in ordered to wear them. The only people who were considered Holy were the Djinn, The Emperor, and one's who possessed the traits of the Djinn. The Higurashi child was one of them.

Closing her eyes, the Higurashi child imagined what it would be like in order to be able to make prophecies, such as the Djinni did. In fact she wondered what kind of prophecy she would be able to make. Probably not as complicated and as strangely worded as that of a proper Djinni. In fact, no one in the Kingdom really knew what the meaning behind the words were until the Prophecy was fulfilled. But all Djinn really did was sit around in their spiritual rooms quietly, not making a single sound, a quill and parchment in front of them.

Then their spiritual powers would spark and they would start writing, without even looking at the parchment, and their hands would not stop moving until the prophecy was fully written. In a sense, the Higurashi child could not simply sit in one single room for all of eternity, predicting the future. She would just get too bored. But the thought did appeal to her.

Sighing loudly, the Higurashi child tore her gaze away from the window, and looked down at the parchment in front of her. Her eyebrow rose in question suddenly, as she stared at the nicely polished wood in front of her. Her parchment was gone. Looking around the room, her eyes landed on her governess, noticing the grim expression upon her face. Holding in a growl, she plastered the best smile she could manage on her face, wondering when she had taken her exam away from her.

"I was waiting to find out when you would return to this realm Lady Kagome. You do know that you will continue to get low marks if you allow your imagination to wander." The elderly woman scolded. The Higurashi child nodded, frowning at the informal way she was addressed. Mostly everyone in the castle knew that she was supposed to be addressed as Lady Higurashi not Lady Kagome. Only when females were irritated with another did they ever refer to them by their first name, and not their surname.

"I apologize Governess1 Kaede but-"

"Governess Toshikasa, Kagome. Never refer to one older than you by their first names, only their surnames. Am I clear?" Her governess asked quietly. Kagome simply sighed, before bowing her head respectfully.

"Transparent, Governess Toshikasa." Kagome replied before sitting down and smoothing out her pale pink dress. Sighing incoherently, she sat quietly in the remainder of her tutoring session, while her governess lectured her on Literature.

Chewing on her bottom lip, Kagome was excused, and left the room all too quickly. She could not stand actually sitting in one place for an entire morning, without breakfast. While she was hastily making a beeline for the dining hall (her stomach was growling rather loudly) she almost failed to notice a boy with short black hair grab her behind as she whisked passed him.

Stopping suddenly, she turned around and faced him, a surprised look apparent on her features from the sudden contact. The boy smirked at her almost too complacently, his violet eyes shining with mirth. Kagome recognized him immediately before crossing her hands over her chest and allowing herself to glare at him.

"Pervert." She stated, grinning at the hurt look that suddenly found its way to his face.

"Why Lady Higurashi, I have no idea what you mean and I am quite insulted. That is no way to address the General's son now is it?" Kagome snorted and titled her head to the side. She was quite used to his corrupt behavior by now. Almost everyone in the castle knew, that the general's son wandering hands (and eyes) except for maybe the general.

"I greatly apologize for not addressing you properly Sir Miroku, but that doesn't change the fact that you are still a pervert."

"My father would lacerate you if he found out you spoke of me as such." He stated as he walked over to her, the playfulness apparent in his voice. Kagome merely huffed as she held out her arm, allowing him to intertwine hers with his.

"Well then," Kagome started as Miroku escorted her towards the dining hall," I am pretty sure that he doesn't know about that wandering hand of yours now does he?" She asked as they rounded a corner. A few female servants not too far from them, noticed the couple walking, arm in arm down the corridor, and could not help but "awe" at the sight. Miroku simply managed to smirk and wink at the servants, causing them to blush seven shades of red before scampering off to finish their work.

"You are too much of a flirt, you know that?" Kagome ascertained flatly. She always hated it when Miroku would escort her somewhere because he always managed to get the other females around them to swoon whenever he so much as smiled at them. But that was just how Miroku was. Ever since he had turned 13 he was extremely fascinated with the female body. Because it was then when he finally realized that females were beautiful creatures of the planet, gifts from the Djinn.

At least that was what he had told Kagome. He was extremely fascinated with the female anatomy, seeing as to how he could never keep his hands off of one. But that was the great thing about Miroku, and it also made him fun to be around. He was the only friend that actually listened to her wild dreams and ideas, without reprimanding her. It probably had something to do with the fact that they both were 'improper' according to other nobles, but Kagome would have it no other way.

"I do not flirt, I charm. There is a distinct difference you know."

"Label it what you want, you are still a flirt." Kagome replied, nudging him in the ribs playfully. Miroku only managed to chuckle lightly before winking at another passing servant.

"So how did your Sums exam go?" Miroku asked suddenly. Kagome's face drained of color. She did not exactly know how it went since Governess Kaede removed it from her desk. She knew that the Governess would probably give another below average score (as she did on every other Sums exam) and her father, and probably everyone else, in the royal court, would horribly scold her. Except for maybe Miroku, he was the only one who managed to get low scores in his Sums exams as well. Yet he got higher scores than everyone else in every other subject. Due to that fact he was labeled as a genius.

"Judging by the look on your face you didn't do to well. What score did you receive?"

"I never finished. Governess Kaede took my parchment away before I could finish writing. My imagination got the better of me this time." Kagome replied resentfully. Miroku clicked his tongue playfully.

"You are going to be the only female in this castle without a husband by the time she is 16 you know. No male-"

"No male will ever want to marry me with my attitude and my low intelligence, I know I know. My father only tells me that everyday." Kagome sighed. Marriage was always a sensitive subject for Kagome. Most females were married or promised off by their adolescent years. Kagome however, was not really wanted by any male in the castle. She was already 15, and she was not married or betrothed to anyone.

It hurt her slightly, to learn that she was not desirable to any man. It was probably because she had always wanted to know what it was like to be in love, since she had heard many people around the castle (mostly servants) whispering about how much they loved their spouse or significant other. Many nobles or people of high status were not allowed to love though. It was simply a matter of who had the most that could be offered.

Sometimes there would be a case where a male and a female would have attraction towards each other, and by some mysterious stroke of luck they would end up married to one another, but that did not happen often. In fact the only case Kagome knew of where a noble married another for love was within Miroku's family. His father and his mother both married for love and the union resulted in Miroku. But with the result that they received, Kagome did not know if she truly wanted to be in love. Still, she could not help but want to experience it.

The couple approached the dining hall in silence, Kagome too wrapped up in her thoughts to even notice that Miroku was still standing besides her, his arm linked in hers. She barely even noticed when Miroku stopped in front of the dining hall and bid her farewell, leaving her all alone in front of two large oak doors.

Closing her eyes slightly, Kagome glanced around her, before frowning decisively. Miroku had disappeared while she was thinking, and she had not even noticed it. He might had chanced groping her while she was in her withdrawn state, and gotten away with it.

'If that pervert did anything remotely close to groping me I swear I'll-'

"Lady Higurashi?" a low meek female voice asked jarring Kagome out of her thoughts. Blinking at the newcomer, Kagome noticed that she was in fact a servant. She had unruly brown hair, in which a portion of it was placed into a little pony tail, large brown innocent looking eyes, and very light skin. She was shorter than most servants were, and she appeared to be younger as well. In fact, Kagome had never seen a servant so young and meek in her life.

The young girl, who appeared to notice that she was being scrutinized, bowed lowly, hiding her face from the woman.

"Rin apologizes for offending you Lady Higurashi." The young girl stated. Kagome gasped almost at once, finally realizing that she had been looking at the child with an almost condescending glare. Kagome shook her head almost at once, and sighed loudly.

"No apology is needed Rin. I was not offended, I just have not come across a servant so young in my life." Kagome replied. Rin chanced a glance up at the young noble, seeing that she was smiling at her warmly. Rin slowly straightened before returning the warm smile to Kagome.

"Why thank you Lady Higurashi. But your Father, Lord Higurashi, has told Rin that he requests an audience with you." Kagome simply raised an eyebrow.

"Do you know why he would like to meet with me?" Kagome asked as Rin started to lead her towards her father's chambers. Rin turned and spared Kagome a toothy grin before nodding vigorously.

"I do believe that he has found you a husband."

The characters and situations of Inuyasha belong to Rumiko Takahashi, and I am just borrowing them for non-proft entertainment only. In other words, I'm just throwin' them around a little bit to suit my own tastes and satisfaction. Besides, I always put them back where I found them.