This is my Second Fanfic and this is the first of many chapters, just think of what might have happened if Leo and Piper had met each other in there teenage years, would it have been the same??? Only time will tell. Plz Review!

Young Love, Forbidden (Chapter 1. Him)

Piper was waiting for Prue as usual she was always late after school either talking to her friends or Andy. Piper could see her walking down the corridor with Andy 'What a surprise?' But of course Piper wasn't in the slightest different about her opinions at this time all she wanted was a ride home. "Oh Piper! I forgot I was taking you home today!" Piper again didn't look surprised that her sister had forgot and now had no intention of taking her home, so before the words could come spilling out her mouth she decided she'd save her sister the hassle of telling her. "Oh it's alright I was just waiting to tell you,. erm. I walking home with a friend!" "Oh okay I'll tell grams you go, have fun!" Prue exclaimed as she left linked arms with Andy. Why can't I have something like that Piper thought to her self as she walked home on her own.
Prue always seemed to get everything the guys, the popularity, the looks oh Piper couldn't bare to think of more that Prue had and she didn't she knew she'd be there at least a few hours making up a list.
"oh my god" came flying out of her mouth, she had no idea were they came from but she was sure she would find out soon. There he was a boy she hadn't seen before with blond hair and beautiful green eyes, at that moment Piper was sure she saw an angel he looked so heavenly, she could hardly keep her gaze without looking stupid. His eyes would now and again glint in the sun's beautiful rays of light. She found herself wondering if she'd see him again and, if she did would she meet him or maybe even find out his name. As he disappeared into a nearby alley way she went on with her journey,. she couldn't help but think about him, I mean it had only been a few minutes, and.. She was already stuck, she didn't even know his name. 'Come on Piper' she said to herself 'this is ridiculous, you shouldn't be falling for a guy you've never met,. oh what am I going to do, I'm thinking crazy urgh.' She got into the manor at 5pm and Prue was looking at her as if to say- "Piper were the hell have you been!" "I walked I told you I was going to walk home" Piper stated. "You lied to me, you said you were going to walk with a friend. I saw you walking on your own, you shouldn't do that it's winter and it gets dark fast. Don't you realize that there are some sickos that would love to get their hands on a young girl like you." "Sorry Prue I was just letting you and Andy go, that's all." "Oh Piper,. Don't you realize I do care what happens to you?" "Yea-" "good, right now's that little lectures over with I'm going out see ya!" As Prue left slamming the big old door behind her Piper didn't see anything of the conversation, just him.

Sorry this chapter is so small, it's likely most of the chapters will be this length. Plz Review!