Disclaimer: yes, I own futurama :D except…not really…

Authors Notes: Well, this was written in what had to be…less then three minutes, directly after the series finale (series finale…*breaks into tears*) so it's well, less then eloquent. Anyway, I loved the episode, but open endings make me sad so I figure I'd just tie things up :D Short and to the point, takes place where "The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings" left off. R&R please!!!…. We love you futurama.

The End.

He finished and placed the holophonger {AN: christ, you can't have expected me to spell that correctly} down. "Well, there it is," he said, suddenly embarrassed. He hoped down from the stage and walked over to Leela, desperately searching her face for some sign of what she was feeling, terrified he might be up for another rejection.

As he approached her, he found himself thinking back on all his previous failures and becoming rather ill. He wasn't sure if he could handle her telling him no again. Desperate for a way to at least delay this rejection, he launched into a rant, "Leela… it was horrible… I know…I guess you can see now that I'm nothing without the robot devil's hands… but I just couldn't let him take you away from m-..away…So now, I'm stuck with these stupid things," he said, glaring down at his own hands in disgusted spite, "And now you'll never be able to love me. I'm just Phillip J. Fry, devilery boy. I really do love you Leela but I understand if-" He stopped, shocked. Leela had just taken his hands and now held them quietly in her own.

"They're warm," she said softly. Shaking at what had to be a dream, Fry could only respond with a sound that was somewhere between a hiccup and a gurgle. Leela smiled and kissed him gently. "I love you too, Fry."


The End :D