YAY! Another fic! This is just a teaser! More coming soon! Muraki x Hisoka right now, but perhaps later there might be some Muraki x Tsuzuki. Ya never know! ^_^ Okay...I revised it a little, it reads a lot differently now.



Hisoka opened his eyes and sighed. It was one thirty in the morning. The florescent green digits of his alarm clock lit the bare walls of his room with an eerie glow. The striped sheets had been ripped from their mooring by his tossing. He had gone to bed early this evening but no matter how hard he tried, he could not sleep. This had been a recurring pattern for four nights now. The lack of sleep was starting to seriously affect him, his eyes were shadowed, his face pale, and his temper short. The day before Tatsumi had taken him aside and informed him that he should take a day off.

Hisoka had glared at him. "If you think I need rest how about you go talk to that walking bottomless pit that calls himself a Shinigami? He's the one who makes doing the slightest thing impossible."

Tatsumi only gave Hisoka a stern look. "Then I suggest you work that out with your partner."

Hisoka's scowl had only intensified. Being reprimanded about partner relations by the man who had only been able to handle Tsuzuki for three months was almost unbearable. He had finally stalked out of the office at the end of the day, being chased by a teary violet-eyed puppy.

"Hisoka-kuuun! Doshita no? Genki desu ka *?"  He resisted the urge to violently kick said puppy ears over tail back to the office and settled for slamming the door in poor Tsuzuki's very confused face. 

Hisoka now sat up and rubbed eyes that felt full of sand. "Kuso…" he muttered. "I need to get something for this from Watari, another day without sleeping and I'll kill something." He paused, his hand still over his eyes, peering through his fingers into the dimly lighted room.

 Tsuzuki wonders why I keep this room so plain...I can't stand the shadows. Does he know how many times I've woken in the night frightened and alone? Shadows are chilling company. If only one could forego sleep, then there would be no nightmares. I wonder if HE ever has nightmares...perhaps that's why he kills. Takes the energy of the dead to stave off his dreams. Would I ever be willing to take that path? A chill raced down Hisoka's spine at the thought. If asked any other time the answer would be a heated "No". But here, in the dark, with no comfort save for memories, any path from the pain would be welcome. If it meant escaping from thoughts of his family, his rape, his death, the darker parts of his heart would do anything. He would kill. With the thought finally completed, Hisoka felt *something* inside him pull. A feeling of dread seeped into him as he stood and walked to his dresser.

What am I doing?!  Hisoka pulled on his clothes slowly, his hands strangely lethargic. His legs began to carry him out the door. What is doing this to me? He wanted to fight, to run, but it was impossible. As he made his way down the street he found his answer. You are doing this to yourself. What?! Why? You have to know. Know what? But the strange sensation was gone. Hisoka stumbled and stopped. The reprieve lasted a few precious moments before he was again moving. He sped up, hurrying now.  As Hisoka ran, a tingling ache spread through his body. He did not need to look to know that under his clothes, the curse scars were smoldering like fire.

* Translated: What's wrong? Are you alright?

Author's comments: *****

I KNOW it's short! I SAID teaser! Don't kill me please! *meeps* Rating might change later. It depends on how evil I'm feeling.