Disclaimer: Own Golden Sun, I do not.

Author's Note: It's certainly been awhile, but the conclusion of Gather to Me is here.  I hope you all enjoy and that it was worth the wait!

         The tempest swirled around Felix as he faced the Dullahan.  He'd created this monster, and now it was up to him to stop it.

         Even with his friends dead behind him.

         | VEHMADU JUWO! |

         Felix dove to the side just as the brilliant arc sliced through the air where he'd stood.  Felix shook his head.  He didn't have time to mourn his friends now.

         Besides, he was likely to join them soon.

         | YOU CANNOT WIN, MORTAL. |

         "We'll see," Felix growled.

         The Venus adept began his assault with a Gaea attack.  The earth at the Dullahan's feet exploded, showering it with boulders and gravel.  Yet the demon barely moved, the reddish glow from the Tomegathericon pulsing as if it was laughing at him.  Another arc of light slashed through the air, forcing Felix to flatten himself on the ground.  Palm outstretched, he formed a spire of stone, sending it slicing towards the Dullahan.  But the spire shattered on contact, barely denting the unholy armor.

         The pulsing light intensified as dark laughter echoed through the storm.


         Felix slowly picked himself up.  He'd thrown his best Psynergy at the beast, with no effect.  Worse, he was one misstep from joining his friends.

He could not win this battle.

         He had only one choice.

         Unleashing all of his pain, grief, and anguish in one wordless yell, the Venus adept drew his sword and charged.

         *               *               *               *               *               *

         The searing light had blinded Sheba, and she'd stumbled forward as she shielded her eyes.  Now as she looked around, everything seemed faded and distant.  She felt very peaceful, as though the swirling hurricane could cause her no harm.  Dimly, she registered a large burst of earth of to her right, and she turned to see Felix flatten himself on the ground, barely avoiding a strangely familiar arc of light.

         Above her, the storm clouds seemed to part, and a pale yellow light grew in the sky.  It bathed her in its gentle warmth, inviting her to ascend to the skies with the wind.  She could feel her heart swelling as she gazed skyward.

         Another light intruded on Sheba's consciousness, interrupting her tranquility.  This was an ominous light, pulsing red from her side.  Sheba glanced back over to see Felix pick himself up off the ground and face the hellish beast.

         What was going on here?

         Sheba looked up at the yellow light, then back at the armor, pulsing with its red aura.

         Then she looked down, at the crumpled form of a short, blond girl.

         All her memory came rushing back.  And suddenly, she understood.

         The pale light beckoned to her.

         She looked up at it, then glanced over to see Felix draw his sword and charge the Dullahan.  The blood red aura nearly obliterated the image of the Venus adept as he exchanged blows with the demon.

         With a great effort, Sheba turned away from the skies and faced the battle.

         She could not abandon him now.

         *               *               *               *               *               *

         The fury of Felix's attack seemed to have caught the Dullahan off-guard.  The demon's parries were short and defensive, allowing Felix to continue to press his advantage, slowly driving the beast backwards.  The red aura was no longer pulsing; it had darkened to a deep, steady crimson.  The light gave off a brutal heat, one that threatened to overwhelm the adept.  But he pressed on, driving his sword left and right, furiously beating back his opponent's defense.  And then he saw his opening.

         Shifting his balance, Felix sliced across to the left, beating the Dullahan's blade away.  Then, focusing all of his Psynergy into his blade, Felix rammed his sword into the Dullahan's gut, piercing the armor.

         The crimson light flashed brightly as a searing heat traveled through the blade and into Felix's hand.  The adept's scream was drowned out by the keening cry of the demon as it wrenched itself backwards, tearing the sword from Felix's grasp.  He stumbled forward, off-balance…

         …and the flat of the Dullahan's blade caught him in the chest.

         Felix flew backwards, hitting the ground hard and tumbling end over end.  His left arm could no longer move, crushed by his own body weight.  His armor had caved inward, and with each shuddering breath a terrible pain shot through his lungs.  He glanced over at the Dullahan just in time to see the demon rip his sword from its stomach and hurl it towards his head.  Felix rolled away as the blade embedded itself in the earth, quivering from the force of the blow.

         As Felix struggled to his feet, the red light emanating from the Tomegathericon intensified, burning brightly from an inner rage.  The horrific cry of the Dullahan continued, the searing light shining through the crack in the Dullahan's armor. 

         | ENOUGH! | the demon screamed.  Felix took grim satisfaction in the anger evident in its words.  | I TIRE OF THIS GAME.  YOU SHALL DIE NOW! |

         Felix tensed, ready for whatever assault was coming.

         | KHIO SECCATO! |

         *               *               *               *               *               *

         As the demon's words reverberated through the maelstrom, Felix screamed in agony.  The Venus adept sank to his knees and fell forward, barely managing to catch himself with his hands.  Sheba watched in helpless horror as the adept convulsed once, a dark violet orb tearing itself from his body.  The orb floated through the air and into the open pages of the hovering Tomegathericon.  The violet light melded with the red and flowed into the Dullahan, mending the crack that Felix had made in its armor.

         A bright flash of lightning punctuated the demon's evil laughter.


         Panting on his hands and knees, Felix seemed barely able to raise his head.  Sheba's hands clenched in frustration.  There was nothing she could do!

         | ENJOY THE FIRES OF HELL! | The Dullahan turned his back on the adept and raised both arms.


         A sudden, ominous calm settled over the battleground.  Yet the pages of the Tomegathericon fluttered rapidly as its reddish aura darkened to black.


         The black aura gathered inside the Dullahan, then shot out from the open head and into the stormy sky, gathering in a slowly tightening sphere.  Sheba didn't know what was about to happen, but she had to stop it somehow.  Her eyes darted back and forth between Felix, the Dullahan, and the gathering sphere.

         And suddenly, she knew.

         Sheba flew to Felix's side and bent to whisper in his ear.

         "The book!"

         *               *               *               *               *               *

         The black sphere was slowly growing in size, and Felix knew that he had lost.  He'd unleashed this demon upon the world, killed his friends, and now he would pay the price.  The black aura flowing through the Dullahan was pulsing again, mocking him as he prepared for the end.

         A sudden wind drifted through the clearing, surrounding Felix and blowing through his hair.  He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt at peace.

         A bright flash drew his attention to the sky.  The black sphere had grown to enormous size, and flashing rings of light were beginning to surround it.  The wind's intensity picked up, and suddenly, Felix thought he heard a whisper.

         "The book!"

         Felix's attention snapped to the Tomegathericon.  Its pages continued to flutter as it exuded the black aura.  And suddenly, he knew what he had to do

         The Venus adept half-crawled, half-dragged himself over to his sword, wrenching it out of the ground.  The Tomegathericon hovered in his vision, drifting through its demonic dance.

         With the last of his strength, Felix hurled his sword at the tome.

         The blade lodged itself in its pages, and a spurt of black ooze sprayed from the book.  The Dullahan gave a horrid cry and dropped suddenly to its knees, convulsing as its life bled out of the Tomegathericon.  The stream of black aura from the Tomegathericon flickered and erupted into flame.  The fire greedily consumed the darkness as it spread upwards.  When it reached the Dullahan, the demon's screams intensified as the armor melted away to nothingness.  Felix watched as the fire rose to the sky, dissipating the black sphere. 

A flash of red drew his attention to the Tomegathericon.  The black spurts had increased, and flashes of red light began to melt through the pages.  As the wind howled around him, the Tomegathericon exploded, knocking him backwards.  His sword clattered to the ground.

The remaining scraps of the evil tome floated away on the wind.

Felix looked around as the air lightened and the clouds parted.  The Dullahan was gone, the Tomegathericon destroyed.

He was alone.

The Venus adept crawled over to Sheba's body, cradling her in his good arm.  The realization of what he'd done finally overtook him, and he rocked back and forth, weeping as he held Sheba tightly.

He remained like that, his tears dripping onto Sheba's pale face as the wind blew gently around them.

*               *               *               *               *               *

         A great relief washed over Sheba.  Felix had done it, he'd destroyed the Tomegathericon.  She watched as he crawled over to her body and began to cry.  Sheba felt a great sadness overtake her, knowing that Felix would never be able to forgive himself.  She began to cry as well, ethereal tears that blended with the mists and the wind.

         Above her, the pale yellow light grew in intensity.  Sheba raised her face to the heavens, feeling the call of the skies.  Her time here had ended.

         She took one last look at Felix, as he cradled her body, hair ruffling in the breeze.  A torn piece of paper fluttered along the ground and pressed itself against his arm.  Sorrowfully, she turned away from the Venus adept and glanced towards the sky.  She closed her eyes and felt herself lose contact with the earth.

         As she gave herself to the light, she thought she heard Felix's voice, one last time.

         *               *               *               *               *               *

         As Felix wept, Sheba dead in his arms, a small piece of paper brushed against his arm.  He glanced at the tattered page, recognizing the script from the Tomegathericon.  A strange feeling came over him as he read the only distinguishable word on the sheet.

         "Holalo…" he muttered.

         Turning back to Sheba, he was surprised to see a pale light on her face.  He looked up to see a golden light shining down from the skies.  The light surrounded Sheba and enveloped her.  A golden aura shone brightly around the wind mage, then faded abruptly.  After a moment, Sheba's eyes fluttered open.

         Felix's heart skipped a beat.  She was alive!  "Sheba?" he asked, incredulous.

         The wind mage's eyes moved over until they met his.  "Felix?"

         "You're…you're alive!" he breathed.

         Sheba smiled at him, and Felix enfolded her in his embrace.  "I thought I'd lost you."

         Sheba pulled back and smiled through the tears in her eyes.  "It was so strange, Felix… I saw this golden light, and it was calling to me.  I'd given myself to it, but I thought I heard your voice.  The next thing I knew," she said, glancing down, "I was looking at you."

         Felix stood up, helping Sheba to her feet.  He looked at the scrap of paper clenched in his hand, then back at Sheba.

         "Felix!" she started, noticing his arm.  "You're hurt!"

         "No, Sheba," he shook his head, smiling.  "I've been healed.  Because you're alive."

         He looked into her deep, hazel eyes.

         "I love you, Sheba."

         Sheba's tears spilled onto her face as her smile widened.

         "I love you too."

         The wind swirled around them triumphantly as they kissed.

         *               *               *               *               *               *

         Felix breathed in deeply, enjoying the still night air.  The sounds of the dinner went on behind him.  Jenna was complaining about the food, how it wasn't spicy enough for her.  Kraden began to admonish her, but Jenna continued her tirade, taking out her ire on the old scholar.  Felix smiled to himself.  Jenna had been crankier than usual ever since they'd arrived safely in Madra.  The group was enjoying one last good dinner before setting out on their sea voyage.

         It had been fitting, Felix thought, that the book that had taken his friends from him had, in the end, restored them as well.  The first night they'd arrived in Madra, Felix had made a fire in his room.  He held the last scrap of the Tomegathericon in his hand, then gazed back at the flickering fire.  Without a last thought, he'd tossed the scrap in.  It did not burn, but rather sizzled and bubbled until it melted into the ashes.  The curtains ruffled slightly in the breeze, then settled into stillness.  It was over.

         Now, as he looked out from the balcony to the horizon and the journey that awaited them, he felt a serene calmness.  He did not know if they would succeed in their quest.  In fact, he rather doubted it.  But the clanking of dishes and the sound of laughter behind him gave him peace.  All his friends were safe; and for that, he was truly happy.

         He heard a soft step on the doorway behind him.

         "Yes, Sheba?" he called.

         The wind mage came up beside him and leaned on the railing.  "I didn't want to disturb you."

         "I'm just enjoying the fresh air," Felix answered.  "You're more than welcome to join me."

         Sheba slid over and put her arm around him, leaning her head on his shoulder.  Felix draped his arm across her shoulders, taking comfort in her presence.  The horizon could wait; his friends were gathered here.

A/N: And that, as they say, is that.  Here's the final batch of review responses:

Empress Dotdotdot: Things are better now! You must be happy! …and you were very smart with your guess about Revive.

And to Picard… it was merely by chance that you died first.  I promise.

Kadevi: I really didn't have the heart to kill them all of permanently.  I hope the ending makes up for it!

Vyctori: I hope I didn't cause too many nightmares!  And I didn't kill the characters… permanently…

Hope you enjoyed the ending!

GoldenDaydreamer: Here's the last update… hope you enjoy it!  Thanks for the review!

Kyarorain: I wish everyone else had followed your example and attacked Dullahan, rather than threatening me… although I guess I deserved it.  Thanks for the review!

Smurf Cat: The Dullahan can be a frustrating opponent, can't it?  And you're correct, it was Formina Sage that killed Sheba.  Thanks for the encouragement, and here's the ending!

Lins: Thanks for all your comments… I liked your reaction… it was exactly what I was trying to achieve.  Hopefully I'll see you soon!

NintendoGamer(x2): It was a little over 2 months, and I'm sorry it took so long for me to update!  Here's the end of the story, and thanks very much for your reviews!

I would like to apologize for the long delay.  My life, once again, intervened.  Second semester starts next week, so this will likely be the last update for a while, but I will try to get the occasional chapter out.

I really enjoyed writing this story, and I appreciated all the feedback I received from my reviewers.  Your reactions made this story work.

So here we are, at the end.  An extra special thanks to my two beta readers, without whom this would not have been possible.  You guys are great!

Until the next story,