A Little Rivalry Goes A Long Way

Author's Before Note :

Wow, I updated! It's a miracle, huh? hehe. I do have some excuses for disappearing so long. First and most truthful would be school. Second, I have been writing a new story called Marriage to the Pervert. Third, no new ideas had came to me. Therefore, it took me this long to get Chapter 5 out. Nonetheless, enjoy! ^-^

Disclaimer :

I give up on this! No more disclaimers! They're such a waste of time.

-.- ;;

[// author's input //]

Miroku gulped. Now I'm going to get it! He thought to himself and closed his eyes bracing for the worst. Sango pulled her fingers into a huge fist and took a deep breath. She planed to use up a lot of energy on this ultimate punch.

RINGGGGGGGGG Sango stopped her fist halfway in motion. "Hello ..." She growled into her cell phone as Miroku let out a sign of relief. "What? Now?" Sango asked, with a hint of disappointment in her voice. I hate my boss. She thought to herself. "Kohaku?" She called to her brother who still had his hand covering his eyes. "I have to go back to the company now. It seems there has been an emergency. And you," She said glaring at Miroku, "you better hope we never meet again."

"Great Buddha, is she always like this?" Miroku asked his new found friend as soon as Sango slammed the door behind her.

"No, Nee-chan is usually nice to strangers. Have you two met before?"

"Maybe ... oh, I saw her last Saturday at the mall, no wait, that was KiKi. Um, oh, there was the girl I saw at the movies, no, that was Mimi. Hum, how about that girl two days ago, no no, that was Didi. Hummmmmm, there was that girl yesterday, no wait, that was Mieko. Or maybe ... no no... hum ..." Miroku broke into a thoughtful trance as he lightly scratched his head. "What?" Miroku asked innocently when he saw Kohaku staring at him with his mouth open.

"Miroku, you sure know a lot of women." Kohaku said in awe. "Can you teach me?"

"Teach you what?" Miroku asked, still confused. Then, a perverted smile enlighten his face. "Oh, you want to know what all the men around me want to know. You want a peek into Miroku's Secret Book Of Women Seducing!" Miroku smiled with pride and held out a little brown book.

"What is that?" Kohaku asked, pointing to the book.

"It's all my secrets to catch a great date. With this," Miroku said seriously as he handed his book to the boy, "you will be able to get as many girls as you want!"

Kohaku eyed the book suspiciously before taking it. "But, Miroku-san, I only want one girl to like me. Will it still work?"

"Ahhh, I see, I see, still so innocent ..." Miroku patted Kohaku's head, "but it's alright. This book will work to capture from one heart to a million heart. It's proven to work. Just look like me!" Miroku smiled, pointing to himself. Kohaku took the moment to gaze at his friend's bruises. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

RINGGGGGGGGG "Moshi Moshi." Miroku answered his cell phone. "But I just got home ..... Yes, I want to keep my job ..... I'm coming, I'm coming, you don't have to yell." Miroku sighed, clicking off the phone. "Well, Kohaku, that was my annoying boss, so I have to leave now. Remember to try the book. Tell me all about it the next time we meet!" With that, Miroku gave a wink before closing the door behind him.


Kohaku stared at the brown book in his hand. He opened the first page and nearly fell over reading the first step :

Step one : Practice a cute boyish grin. No smirking. The evil look is out. The innocent look is in.

Kohaku close the book and set it on the table. This is so useless. I'll never be able to attract Rin with something as corny as that. He walked toward the direction of his room when he stopped in front of a mirror. Ok, here goes nothing. Looking up, he gave his reflection a "boyish grin."


Sango entered the building, feeling very annoyed. Stupid Boss. She thought to herself as she got onto the elevator. Stupid men in general. She was about to press the up button when she heard footsteps running in her direction. The door was pulled open again by none other than Miroku. Sango frowned deeper. What is it with today?

"Why hello there, Sango-chan." Miroku said happily, as if they were good friends.

"Hmph." She grunted, turning away from him. She was in no mood right now. Then, her mouth fell opened. Was it just her imagination or was his hands actually ... Whirling around, she gave him a fierce look. Miroku just smile innocently as the elevator door opened and quickly walked away from her.

"That jerk." Sango muttered to herself as she lost sight of him. On her walk to the boss's room, she thought of all the cruel and unusual punishment she would use on Miroku the next time she saw him. When she stepped into the office, she didn't expected to be welcomed with a familiar set of violet eyes. Before she could say anything however, her boss's voice filled the room.


"I supposed you two are wondering why you're here." Mr. Chin said with an excited smile. Seeing that his worker were not sharing his enthusiasm, he continued on explaining his plan. "You see, two of the most famous stars of Tokyo are about to wed." He paused to see his listeners' reaction. Miroku yawned, and Sango raised an eyebrow. "So anyways," the boss continue in a duller voice, "the parents of the couple had invited Hanyou News to be present at the wedding and to stay after for a special interview with the newlyweds."

"And what does this have to do with me?" Sango asked in an annoyed voice.

"It has to do with you because you and Miroku will be the ones representing Hanyou News. You two will be present at the wedding, and you two will dig up as much dirt as possibly imagined. Then, you two will work together to write one heck of an article. Understand?" The boss stressed, rubbing his temple.

"Yes," Miroku said calmly, "so when does the trip begin?"

"In two days, so hurry up and get packing." Mr. Chin smiled. This is why he liked Miroku over Sango.

"Waitttt," Sango cried out as a thought hit her, "you mean I have to spend time alone with him?" She asked, pointing disgustingly at Miroku.

"You do, if you want to keep your job." Mr. Chin said seriously.

"We'll become such good friends." Miroku smiled, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" Sango snapped at him.


"Kohaku, it looks like I'm going to be away for a few weeks." Sango said to her brother as she began packing. "In the meantime, you'll stay with Kaede, ok?"

"Sure Nee-chan." Kohaku said. "Good luck." He gave her the smile he had been practicing all afternoon.

Sango was wide eye and speechless. For a moment there, she could see that perverted Miroku through her little brother. "Kohaku," she said sternly, shaking her brother, "you are not allowed to talk to that man anymore."

"But ..." Kohaku protested.

"No but, we'll talk about it later. For now, help me get pack." Sango said as she handed her brother a couple of shirts to put into the trunk.


Walking outside into the living room, Sango sat down on the sofa for a break. Glancing on the table, she noticed a small brown book. "Oh, I found it!" She cried happily to herself. She picked up the small book and hugged it. It must be her accounting book that she had lost weeks ago. She was about to check how much money she spent when she heard Kohaku's voice.

"Nee-chan? Where do you want me to put this?"

"I'm coming," she answered, sticking the book into another one of her suitcases.


Miroku sighed, trying to fall asleep. He was just too excited. He didn't know which was better. Receiving his first big story or getting to spend a couple weeks with the pretty Sango. Too bad I won't have my book with me. Miroku thought to himself. Hopefully, Kohaku is putting it to full use.


Author's After Note : Thank you everyone for reading and reviewing. You guys rocks! ^-^ Happy Thanksgiving! Don't forget to leave a REVIEW!

To Katy-did Bug : I tried to make my chapters longer for you, ^-^

IMPORTANT: If you are a fanfic writer yourself, I'm hoping that you guys will submit some of your fanfics to my website (shimatta.net/ang3lz). I accept all anime, rating, and most of the pairing (even if they're not offically a couple)! So won't you drop by and submit?! It won't take long! ^-^