Angela and Shawn

This is a spin off of the story by Alaina. Her story is called The Continuing Lives of Boy Meets World. The story I am writing is about the lives of Shawn and Angela. Will they get married? Kids? Find out in the story.

Chapter 5-The smell of babies (Part 2)

Previously on Angela and Shawn:

"I wanted to know if you wanted to try and have a baby." Shawn asked nervously.

Angela was just frozen at the thought. Kids? She didn't want kids yet; she was barely an adult herself. She didn't know how to tell Shawn, I mean he has wanted kids for forever. She didn't know what to say, her lips just wouldn't move.

"Well?" Shawn was panicking.

Angela just stood there.

"Shawn...I..." Angela didn't know what to say.

"Well what?"

"I just don't think...that I..."

"Go ahead and say it..."

"Shawn I'm sorry...I want to be married for a little while before I have kids. I want to be able to go on vacations and have the house to our selves before having kids. I'm just not ready..." Angela could see the disappointment in Shawn's eyes.

"So when do you want kids?" Shawn asked.

"I don't know...maybe in five years?"

"Five years?" Shawn was shocked.

"Yes around that time."

"I need a breather." Shawn left the room before Angela could say a word.

"Shawn wait!" Tears began to gather in Angela's eyes.

"What's the matter, Shawn?" Cory said to Shawn.

"Nothing..." Shawn said bluntly.

"Oh now come on, who better to talk to than your own best friend?"

"Well if you must know, I'm having problems with Angela..." Shawn filled up a glass of whine.

"You guys are having trouble already? It's your wedding night." Cory was puzzled.

"Well we are having a disagreement about our future."

"Is she trying to get you to move, because I refuse to..." Cory was interrupted.

"It's nothing like that. It's just that I want to have kids soon and she wants to wait a few years." Shawn said.

"Oh, is that all?"

"What do you mean 'Is that all'? She wants to wait a while before we make a miracle like you and Topanga did. I want that now. I don't want to be too old and I don't know, I just want what you and Topanga have." Shawn's voice got softer.

"Shawn, what about what you and Angela have. It's always been about Topanga and me but were two different couples, we are naturally going to want different things. Shawny, you would be doing the best thing if you went back to Angela and let her have it her way." Cory put a hand on Shawn's shoulder.

"I guess your right. The last thing Angela needs is a forceful husband. I guess we can wait a few years before we have kids." Shawn said with a half smile.

"Maybe you should go and tell Angela that?"

"Ah, I guess your right. I'll be back." Shawn runs back to Him and Angela's room.

Shawn walked into a half open room to see a crying Angela.

"Knock, Knock..." Shawn said.

"Hi." Angela barely looked at Shawn.

"Look baby I did some thinking and I talked with Cory and I realized that you were right..."

"You talked with Cory?" Angela asked.

"Yeah, he gave me some good advice!"

"Shawn is that what you are going to do the rest of our lives, have Cory help you every step of the way?" Angela began to get angry.

"Well no, I'm just new at this and..." Shawn was interrupted.

"Shawn, this is your marriage, not Cory''re going to have to clean up your own messes."

"I know and I realize that, but I really didn't know what to do and..." Shawn is interrupted.

"Shawn just get out and come back in when you are ready for a real marriage!" Angela yells at him.

Shawn slowly but surely gets out of the room and shuts the door. They are both leaning on each side of the door. Finally Angela opens the door to let Shawn back in, and they start to kiss passionately and then Angela kicks the door shut and gets back to finally kissing Shawn. Shawn stops her.

"Wait a minute, I thought you were mad at me." Shawn was confused.

"Not as mad as I would be if I ever lost you..." She looks deeply in his eyes and then they start to kiss. Shawn turns the lights out and they hop into bed.

Authors note: Sorry that it has been forever since I have made a new episode, I was terribly busy during the school year, but now I'm back with more episodes of Angela and Shawn. Be sure to catch the next episode of Angela and Shawn in a week or two.

Next Episode: The Honeymoon-Angela and Shawn go to paradise for their honeymoon, but things go wrong as they try to enjoy their celebration of their marriage.