Xi: Ok I'm soooo back! God I miss writing!! Ok I forgot what I'm talking about, but I'm bak and I'm gonna try to update my story as much as possible. Just one thing: This story is almost over. I need some suggestions on what you guys out there think should happen, cuz I'm all outta ideas. I think I'm gonna have someone die.I don't know who yet. So. This is why I want your suggestions. Thanks!!!


Xi: You'll find out. once I know who everyone wants dead. To tell the truth. I want Kiya to die. Well, just tell me what u think ok? PS: I only own what I own.


Chapter 6: The Future of The Twins

Jak had to think of something to save both of the girls. If he doesn't, history will collapse and everything will start all the way back to the very beginning. Every person, no matter who it is, will be nothing. Jak shuddered at the thought. ' I gotta save them. The only problem is that I don't know how.'

"I got it!!" yelled Jak. He recalled his dream where he first met Kiya. Firea doesn't like water. But there was no water for miles and miles. How was he going to get any water? Well, he'd have to figure that out on his own. First, he's gotta catch up with them. Jak spots them walking rather slowly and talking to each other.

" I wonder what they're talking about." whispered Jak. He crept behind them just a little behind the hills that surrounded the road that led to the burning ancient city of the Precursors. ' That's weird. the city isn't in ashes yet. I wonder what could be going on down there.' His question soon would be answered. When the girls reached the city limits, they were greeted by two scaly demons with extremely sharp spears. " Kecr esi myro anpoy?" said one of the guards. Sky looked at Kiya in confusion. Kiya just sighed at her silly emotions.

" He asked us if we are citizens of the city. Everyone in this city are always curious about new-comers, but most the time they just let them in." said Kiya. Sky was relieved. She had thought he said something else.something much worse than that.

" Esi aiy anpoyes. Yuwia ai Kiyandra. Oiyl wei oplig xui. " Said Kiya. The guards gasped and bowed before her. The bracelets they were wearing were taken off. Now, they looked like Kiya and now talked like Sky and Jak.

" Lady Kiyandra. We're so glad to have you back. The city was taken over by Firea and now we're forced to question everyone everyday, even if they were born in this city. She's been looking for you and she wants you dead." Said the other guard. Kiya shook her head.

" I'm not surprised that she's looking for me, but was I really gone that long?" asked Kiya. Sky looked at the two guards and waved a little. She was hiding behind Kiya.

" Milady, who is that young lady behind you?" asked the guard with green hair. He stared at her like she was a demon or something. Kiya just smiled at his regard for the girl.

" She's my reincarnation from the future. She's here to help me destroy the demon legion. You two must go find a ryuik ohni fruyop jowlh. " Said Kiya. The guards nodded and took off down the down. Sky looked at Kiya and walked in front of her. She was still confused.

" What did you tell them to go find?" asked Sky. Sky was quite curious about a ryuik oh-whatchamacallit.

" I told them to go find a village to help us fight." Replied Kiya. But, Kiya was lying. She wanted them to go find a boy with greenish-blonde hair young man and a talking weasel. She knew that they would find him because she had told the guards telepathically that he was behind the hills near the western wall of the city. She smirked at the thought of Jak sneaking around watching them.

" Come on, Sky. Let's go into the city. And just stay calm. As long as you're with me, no one will harm you. I will tell them that you are to save us." Said Kiya.

************* ' Where are they? ' Thought Jak. He was climbing up the western wall Aka: The Western Tower. The wall of the Tower wasn't steep at all. Whoever built it made it easy for thieves or conquerors of sorts to get into the city. or maybe it was just set up like that to trap people. Jak would have to find out on his own because he was finally reaching the top. Sighing, he climbed over edge and was greeted with spears and swords alike in his face.

" Ha.umm. Wrong place?" Jak said quizzically. They let him stand up and then pointed their weapons at his neck and at his stomach. All the guards stood aside as one man, apparently the General or something, walked up to Jak. They weren't demons, but people just like Jak. He signaled his men to ease their weapons and then he grabbed Jak by the collar. He walked over to the cliff and hung Jak over it. Jak looked down at what seemed to be an endless fall. He gulped hard at the fall and at his position.

" Erycu uoe milutepl?" asked the Captain. Jak looked at him like he was mad or insane. Jak just stared at the man. He grabbed his hand and looked him in the eye.

" I don't understand what you just said. Can't you speak English?" said an almost-yelling Jak. The wind was becoming more malicious. The Captain stared at Jak and then spotted his hand. He snorted at Jak's feeble attempt to escape.

" Yoia llop pwetwiuq. Erycu uoe milutepl?" said the angered Captain. He then grabbed Jak by the neck. Just then a little girl appeared out of the shadows. She stared at Jak and gasped at the Captain.

" Retyoul! Retyoul hewqut!" yelled the girl. The captain stared at her. He was very angry and didn't like a little girl give him orders, but he obliged to her command. He set Jak down on his feet and then let go of his neck. The girl ran over to Jak and then turned back at the guards.

" Lew Silver Knights fruet tuiry goswqutier. Ketyoiu?! Yewerl ghorwqop!" yelled the girl. The men shuddered at her yelling and then they about- faced. They soon disappeared into the Tower. The girl smiled at him and sighed.

" I'm sorry for them. They didn't understand a word you were saying and plus they get a little carried away at new comers, ever since she.was in control. Oh! My apologizes. My name is Nye. I'm not their leader, but my father, the man trying to kill, is the Captain of the Silver Knights. I'm very sorry for what my father tried to do to you. Please. follow me and we will meet with Lady Kiyandra and Sky." Said Nye. She got up and started to walk to the Tower when Jak grabbed her the shoulder.

" How do you know Kiya and Sky? " asked Jak. She just smiled at him.

" That's an easy one. Kiya is my best friend and we're both telepathic. So she has already told me where you were and who you are. So, that's why I stopped my father, but I usually do that anyways. Father lets me get into their minds and find out what they're really doing here and their purpose. You're with Kiya and so I assume that you're here to save this city and all of us." Said Nye. Jak was staring at her like he was totally violated. He was ok with it though because it proved his innocence.

" Hey. Thanks for saving my ass. I thought I was as good as dead." Said Jak. They both started to laugh at their so-called stupidity. Then, both got up and walked towards the Tower.

"We need to rendezvous with Kiya as soon as possible. So, we'll go now. Oh! I hope you're up for a very long walk." She said as she started to smile at the thought of long walks.

" Why do you say that? Walking down this Tower's staircase shouldn't be that hard." Replied a very confident Jak. He wouldn't be saying that ever again after he reached the bottom in only 2 hours. Nye was laughing at him and his weakness.

" Not so tough, huh? Just look at you; you're still panting from that walk." Said Nye. Jak stood up straight and smiled brightly. She just continued to laugh at him.

" It wasn't that tough. I actually kinda enjoyed that 'walk'. So, where's Kiya and Sky?" asked Jak. Nye just smirked, but her smile just turned more evil. She then laughed manically. Jak stepped away from her and saw her eyes glowing red.

" Umm. Nye, are you okay?" Asked Jak. She smirked again.

" Of course I am, Jak. But you won't be for long. Isn't that right, Kiya?!" Yelled Nye. She yelled out to everybody in the city and everyone went to his or her real forms, which were demons. Everyone was laughing but a burst of light broke their laughter. There, in front of Nye, stood Kiya and Sky. Both were glowing with the purest of white light. Their bodies were on fire with the light. The fire dimmed somewhat because they calmed down a bit. Nye grabbed Jak by the neck and lifted him up. She laughed at the girls, who kept glowing brighter and brighter. Their light, also, downed her laughter. The two girls were finally becoming one with each other. It was time that they come together for good.

The light became a white fire and another burst of uncontrollable light blinded everyone. After that, it was like everyone was in a whole different universe, but this universe killed all evil in it that was weaker than it. Thus, all the demons were killed, except Firea. She was still standing and still choking Jak, but her grip had weakened under the 'universe' of light. The light soon turned to water and now the people left standing were in a sphere of water. The light dimmed and only Sky was left standing where Kiya and herself were standing. She was staring at her hands.

" I've done it. I'm one whole person. I'm still me, and I'm better now. I'm stronger. Kiya told me to tell you, Jak, she's sorry that you got involved in our fight for becoming one person, but now I'm both Kiya and Sky. The person were supposed to be. Thanks Jak." said Sky with a smile on her face. Sky turned back to face Firea. Firea just smirked.

" You know, little girl, I was the one who made Kiya two people. She was too smart for her own good. Too bad her own mother had to do it. You know, I wasn't always a demon. You, my daughter, became the ruler just as your father asked, and you found me guilty of treason. You banished me to live with the people who you thought was giving information to.The Demon Legion. They turned me into what I am now. I had to make you two people to keep your knowledge unknown. One stayed her without any knowledge of her past, and the other went to the future with all her powers, but they laid deep in her. I wasn't hoping that Kiya would remember because then I wouldn't have to kill her. So sorry." said Firea. Firea finally let go of Jak. He was okay because her grip was that of a old man and Jak could breathe under such a grip.

Jak ran over to Sky and stood next to her. They both stared at each other and then nodded.

" This ends now, demon! " yelled Sky. Light consumed her once more and then she returned in skimpy, yet very protective armor. It was dark sapphire with silver curves to make her more of a lady warrior than a man. She had armlets that stopped at her elbows that had a spike pointing outward near the end. She had on black boot that stopped at her knees with what seemed like dark-tanned pantyhose to cover her legs. Her skin was back to its deep tanned form with yellow tattoos covering some of her body. Two on her face, one on each shoulder, two long curved lines on both sides of her ribs and down to her stomach, one on each of her biceps, and on her back was the same design as her stomach. She was back to being the girl that Sky and Kiya combined made. Her name was.

" It can't be.is that you, Kaz? My daughter. has returned." Said Firea. Kaz took her sword off of her back and walked over to a sobbing and kneeling Firea. She looked up and she kept crying. Kaz didn't even flinch.

" I'm sorry. Good-bye." said Kaz as emotionlessly as possible. She lifted her huge ancient sword and decapitated her mother. Kaz sighed and looked at the ground.

" You know, she wasn't always so evil. Mom and Dad were happy until Dad fell ill and died in his sleep. But now maybe they live in peace with each other and be happy.like they once were. Thank you Jak." Kaz turned around smiling at Jak. She ran up and hugged him. Then, she kissed him ever so lightly on the lips. She then smiled at him.

"You can now go back to your own time if you want. The other villages will find out about what happened and come to live here and help rebuild. Thank you for all your help."

She backed away from Jak and waved a hand over the air. A rift appeared and sucked him in.

" Goodbye and so long. Thank you." were the last word he heard.


" Jak! Jak! JAK!!" yelled Daxter into Jak's ear. Daxter tried to push him to wake him, but failed. So, he had an idea. ' Yell in his ear, Daxter. Then her might get up.' And he did just that.

" C'mon Jak! You're having a nightmare!" yelled Dax. That woke up Jak. He knew that was a lie because he had saved another world from utter destruction.

" Daxter.where am I?" asked Jak. Jak opened his eyes and didn't see Kiya or Sky. Maybe it was all just a dream. or was it? But he felt the kiss and the wind.and.

" You're in your bed and still working for the Underground. C'mon! Torn's been looking for you all morning. We got another crappy mission to do. So, get your ass outta bed and get dressed." Daxter walked out in a storm. Jak did exactly what Dax said to do, but when he looked in the mirror, there stood Kaz giggling at him. She waved and the left. Now Jak was sure didn't just dream it. It was real.all of it was real.

" Thanks Kaz."


Xi: So, did you like the story? Did you hate? But mostly, do you guys want me to keep on writing? Please tell me, but no flamers. Ok? Thank you and thanks for all those who supported me.

( Life is like a journey.just enjoy it while it last) - Xi