don't own nuthin' not even the computer i'm using!

Chapter two: Meetings

Hunter walked into the widows vale Diner,and scanned the crowed,his eyes settling on morgan. He headed back to her booth,focusing on her. Morgan acknowladged Hunter with a cool nod. Her face was unreadable,emotions held tightly in check. "Hello hunter" her voice was chilly. Hunter was now more wary than ever. what was going on? He cleared his throught as he sat down,and asked her"You said we needed to talk?" Morgan looked him directly in the eyes,"Actually.I need to talk and you need to listen. I'm Tired of being your caged bird. I'm ready to have a go at things on my own.Aand I can't do that with you hanging around me all the time. I guess I'm saying that I need a lot more space than you've been giving me." Hunter had looked away from her half way during this speach,he asked her quietly"How long? How long do you need?" Morgans voice was still steady"Untill I decided if I want you in my life-however long that may take." She stood up and walked out. It would of Been a text book exit,except for one thing.

It was at this moment that Faith had been getting up to go to the Rest Room. She had stood up and she and Morgan collided. Darsha called out Faiths name,as Hunter was approaching where the two girls were both sitting in the floor. Morgan out of spite,let loose a small current of magickal energy,just ment to shock. Faith took it as an all out attack. She gathered her own Magick,in defense,when the first tendrils of black magick began to swirel in the air. Morgan was hit,and curled into a fetal position,as the magick seem to crawl along her skin,poisioning her. Faith,quickly got over being stunned,relized the attack didn't extend to her,and decided to get the hell out of dodge,a glance in Darsha's direction,confermed that she agreed.They both flew out of the diner,jumped into Faiths car,spinning tires and throwing gravel as they left. Darsha was glaring at a shooken up Faith," Was that necessary?Are you trying to get us burned at the stake or something?Do you know how wrong that was? I mean,that kind of force wasn't called for Faith." Faith gave Darsha an odd look"Whatcha mean?I didn't do anything!" Darsha countered" Yeah you did. That stuff That went after that girl came from you." Faith lapsed into silence. This was not good at all.

Hunter Tried to help Morgan,but was unable. As soon as the Two girls left,so did the bad magick,fallowing them like a rabid dog. He dashed out the door to catch them,but they had already jumped into their car and pulled off. He Glared at the back of the car,memorizing the license plate of the Pontiac,swearing,He was going to find them. That one girl needed to be stopped before she hurt anyone else.