Greetings!No,I don't own sweep-though I'm holding out hope that a real Hunter does exsist somewhere. This idea was played out by a friend and myself-let me know what you think.

Chapter one:The Road to really lost

Somewhere in New York

"Give me that damn map-now!" Faith snarled. Darsha narrowed her eyes and tossed the offending item across the hood of the car. Faith had to duck as it came sailing much too fast in her direction.The two girls had pulled over admiting they were lost,a few moments before. They had decided to get out of the much too close quarters of the car and streach their legs.Faith had been driving ,with Darsha navigating when the wrong turn had occured.Faith was also at fault;she had been singing(off-key)with a cd,and trusting Darsha to read the map.She should of known better.

Darsha was equally pissed-Who did faith think she was-The Goddess herself? She could of looked things over and they could of figured out the route together-but noooo,it was 'Darsha,I'm driving-which way do we go?' Darsha smilled,she hadn't given a hoot about this trip to begin with.

The trip up to "The Worlds largest Used Book Sale" In New York held liitle excietment for her,But the total time of driving up from Georgia would give her some much needed time away from her husband.She looked up at Faith who was tuning the map around,one way than another.Darsha smirked and said "So,you missed school on the day that they taught one how to read that?" Faith squinted At the map again and folded it back up "There should be a town on up the road a bit-or it was a chocolate stain." Darsha rolled her eyes. Faith continued "I think our best bet is to keep going this way untill we find a gas station and can ask directions." Darsha nodded "Brillent conclusion,Sherlock." Faith tossed the map back in the car and grabbed her ciggeretts out and lit one. she looked at Darsh "At least the scenery is nice."

Darsha looked around, They had pulled off next to a Graveyard and very large old oak tree. "Come on,Faith,lets check out the cemetary.streach our legs-I'm not ready to ride again yet." Faith Agreed and they Headed off. They were winding their way Through the tombstones when Faith just started laughing. Darsha looked at her,"whats so funny? Faith caught her breath and wiped tears from her eyes"Think if I decided to summon a dark spirit a Seeker would show up and take me away?" Darsha laughed also at the book Reference. Faith had forced her to read the series,and she had enjoyed it. Now there was a lot of running jokes about it between them. They had both been practicing witches for a long time. Both were in their late twenties,and the craft was part of thier lives. Faith gave Darsha a sly grin and held her arms skyward and began to chant;

"Oh spirits of Darkness,Death and Demise,Hear me now,and come before my eyes.

Twirl,dance and spin about and hold where you are till I send you out.

On my command, forth shall ye be sent to ravege, rage and torment!"

A sudden rush and swirl of wind caught the girls off guard. They locked eyes with each other,both registering there was something'not right'.

Darsha recovered first "Cute Faith,now lets get out of here. You can recite your shakespere in the car. This place is giving me the creeps. Faith shivered and agreed,"yeah,I'll audition for the part of wicked witch somewhere else-lets roll."

They hurried back to the car and left,they never noticed the dark shadows that had gathered at the tree's base.

"What did that sign say?"Faith asked, Darsha twisted her head back to look "geeze,you're going to fast- it said Widow something-ha!maybbe it is widows vale!" faith shot her a withering look "uh-huh,and if we keep driving we'll find Practical Magick,Dar,get a grip." Darsha sulked"touchy,touchy." Faith looked up ahead "hey Dar!Its a diner,Lets stop for lunch and get some directions"Darsha laughed as she saw the sign read 'Widows vale Diner'. Faith shot her another look-"Its only a coincedience." but this time she sounded a little worried. She had had an odd feeling since they had left the graveyard,and it was only getting stronger.

Just outside town

Hunter stared out his window. All his senses had been put on alert. Dark Magick was afoot,he had felt it. He would give it more thought later.Morgan said to meet her for lunch,she needed to talk to him.She had not sounded good.He shook his head,too much to think about,he needed to get going. He'd track down the Dark Magick later.