Author's Note: This is going to be confusing, though I'll try my best to explain what happened. Since four main characters have died, that means that this takes place in the future, it also means that they were reincarnated. So sadly that means that Tomoe, Yumi, and Shishio had to be reincarnated as well. Grrrrrr. Well she plays a part in this, and I'll be sure to make her suffer.


1) My reincarnation is based off of Kagome off of Inuyasha. As you all know Kagome has no memory of her past life, like my characters, but she has the evil Kikyo's powers. So that's how my characters will be like. They'll have their powers, but have no memory of their past. Though for a twist, they get the same amount of power as they would have got if they survived. That means that their enemies must be hella strong.

2) It takes about one thousand years for my reincarnations. So Tomoe has been alive for five centuries before Kaoru was reincarnated, and no Battousai has not gotten back in touch with her.

3) Enishi being an obsessed brother made her into a vampire and made her evil, though she always was.

4) I know that some of you are asking, why was Battousai getting stronger, well I'll tell you. On the Red Moon it was Battousai and Kirei that did the ritual, not Kaoru and Kenshin. That meant that they got more power for they are very strong. Original Kenshin if he had done it, would have gotten all his powers in an hour's time. But since that didn't happen, the power given to Battousai was so much that it had to be spread out through the time. Meaning that Kirei got very strong since I had their powers become stronger as if she lived those 1000 years.

5) As some might have noticed, Takeda didn't die, just got knocked out by Katsu. So he's still living, but with Enishi.

6) My zombies look like humans, they don't have guts flying out or all that. They look human, just that they're dead, cold, and can pull their arms off and reattach them. Meaning they can't die unless a priest or priestess uses their powers to put them back to rest. Though some don't want to.

7) Basic werewolf knowledge applies. The changing, the poisonous saliva, the biting, and all that.

8) When I begin, this story will be in the year 3003, and Kaoru and the ones that died are all 18 and in their last year of high school. I told you it was going to be original and weird. So expect strange made up items by yours truly. It's the future, anything can happen.

9) Kenshin and the ones that fought, were all true vampires. None of their family was ever a human, all vampires, that's why they were the ones most likely to conquer the world, since true vampires have more power.

10) Anatra and the older vampires have stayed low and didn't bother with anything anymore.

DATES AND EVENTS YOU NEED TO KNOW. This will explain where I begin. So read it.

Year Event

2003 The deaths of vampires in Kyoto. Battousai and the others that survived had decided to remain in the shadows as planned. For it was what their friends died for.

2010 Kyoto was rebuilt, and was inhabited by zombies who began to come to the surface like the werewolves.

2050 Appearance of zombies, vampires, and werewolves brings human on edge. Battles rage out between the different kinds to be the dominance species.

2100 A full out war between the species occurs causing the WWIII. Soon every where was a battle zone

2200 A declaration is signed amongst the four species. The planet is split into four quadrants. The Northern, Southern, Western, and Eastern Hemisphere. Each kind with their own species. At this time human scientists have stopped created better items for improvement, only weapons.

2300 The declaration is burned and causes another WWIV.

2400 After many deaths and compromises, the four species live together as the humans did before. Though there was still specist amongst the people. It was amazing that the humans finally all got along, but now they hate the different kinds of other species. Most originated from humans too.

2500 Tomoe is reincarnated and turned into a vampire by Enishi.

2600 Death Tournament held and Battousai declared the strongest being in the world and to ever live. (It was thanks to that Mating Ritual and all the Red Moons. That meant that even after six centuries he was still getting some of his power from that one Ritual. He also spent most of his time training to clear his thoughts, and I know that all of you know why.)

2700 All four kinds finally understand that if they were to live in this world, then they would have to get along with each other. Though still specists exists. There were band groups that had all four kinds in it, zombies and werewolves owning shops and businesses as well as everyone else. The students went to the same schools, and did all the normal things that humans did before the beginning of the end, which is what some of the still mad humans that thought that the other species should have stayed in the shadows called it.

2800 After much a do, other species are allowed to become governors, and presidents. Scientists of all sorts are finally starting to invent and help the economy again.

2900 Battousai and his close men take control of most of the world legally. They are the wealthiest, most powerful, and respected vampires and creatures on the planet. The group has traveled around to stop specist, and try and help out the governors and officials in different states/provinces/countries.

3000 Yahiko, Tsubame, Yahiko, Okina, Takasugi, Hoiji, and Kamatari are reincarnated into human beings with their same personalities, just now they are in a new light. This is where our story begins. It also means that Shishio and Yumi came back as well, and changed by Enishi again.

About the character now:

Kaoru, Misao, Kamatari, and Takasugi: All childhood friends and at age 18.

Yahiko and Tsubame: Childhood friends, and 17, but skipped a grade, so they go with those four.

Hoiji: Their history teacher.

Okina: Ki Kendo teacher. (I shall explain what that is later. I made it all up remember.)

(Between these are my notes. Read.)


Isn't it a good thing to be alive?

It's like taking a breath before you dive,

Life brings us all hope,

Making us all cope,

We all know living creatures must die,

Yet some still cry,

They don't know that death will never go,

But one day I hope so.

By: LGS (That's me!)





"Misao! Wake up the teacher," said Kaoru, as she poked her in the ribs with her elbow, trying to wake up her childhood friend and getting her out of detention again, as their teacher, Professor Hoiji walked over to investigate.

"Physics is the ancient name for Mathtrods," said Misao as she jerked awake on her seat.

Yahiko and Takasugi who sat behind the two, in hover desk tables, started snickering.

"What was that Misao?" asked Hoiji annoyed.

"Nothing. I was only trying to remember dates for history," said Misao as she sat up straight.

"Well you better. You all have a test next week. This is going to count if you graduate or not. There are many people looking for jobs, and you'll need all the knowledge you can get to obtain a true job," said Hoiji.

"He's not really a good role model is he?" asked Takasugi grinning.

All that heard began to laugh.

Ignoring the comment, the professor went back to reading from their holographic history book.

"Misao, did you cram for our Mathtrods test today?" asked Kaoru suspiciously.

She slouched into her hover seat, and moved the book to her face.

"Cramming isn't good for you. I told you to study throughout the week. See what happens when you don't get enough time to sleep," said Kaoru shaking her head.

"Lay off Kaoru, she's only human," said Takasugi.

"You're all too, that's why you'll never get real jobs. Better pick a spot for janitor for the schools," said a female werewolf.

The werewolves beside her began to laugh.

"Shut up Tiffany. At least we stay the way we are all year, and don't depend on a stupid moon on when we choose our battles," snapped Takasugi angrily.

"Be quiet! It's a new world bub, humans are the ones that are going to the bottom of the list now," said Tiffany angrily.

The group with her laughed.

"Don't pay attention to them," said Kaoru.

"They're insulting our kind," defended Yahiko angrily.

"Don't," said Tsubame pulling on his sleeve, she sat to his left.

Even though they were human, their group had a lot of ki, and when they were angry, that was a bad thing. Since a large amount of ki, like how much each one of them could make, could upset the balance on some of the items that ran on nuclear cells now a days. (They still have past powers remember, and 1000 years worth of it too.)

"Well it's not like you howling dogs are any better than them. For you guys are still in the low class, compared to us vampires. Our kind practically rules this planet," said a female vampire as a group sat around her.

Growling could be heard from the werewolves.

"You're only saying that because Lord Battousai rules all. It doesn't mean that the rest of us are worthless Lennay," said Yahiko.

"Calm down Yahiko," said Kamatari, as he was behind him, he placed his hands on his shoulders.

The group of six had great power, and didn't tell a soul about it, except for their group. So if they showed it now, it might cause trouble and unbalance a few things that the elders had tried so hard to build up.

"Yeah go sit down and listen to your gay friend," said the female, more laughter came.

Kamatari's ki was rising, he liked men, so what? though he hated being laughed at.

"You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because you're ugly," said Kamatari, as their group burst out laughing. (That is my favorite quote. You guys can feel free to use it, but give me some credit.)

Even the werewolves joined in as the vampires glared at him.

Kamatari flipped his hair and looked head on at the now angry Hoiji.

Before Hoiji could lecture them, the bell rang and the students rushed out.

"That was hella funny Kamatari," said Takasugi as they walked to Mathtrods.

"Well it's true. That girl can never be as sexy as me," said Kamatari. (Got it off RK show.)

His other friends sweat dropped.

The bell rang again, signaling that class would start in five minutes and they weren't even half way there yet.

"We won't make it on time, there are too many people in the halls," said Yahiko trying to shove past them.

"Oh no they don't. I studied too hard for this test, and I'm not going to fail because people don't know how to move faster, and take up my test time," said Misao angrily as her ki rose.

The other backed away as she let her anger flare.

Students sensed it and moved back to the lockers and allowed their group to go through.

Misao smiled and practically skipped into class, her friends following behind nervously.


Battousai sat in his leather hover chair and looked out the window to Metallic Kyoto. His main base was here, and Blood Hotel was now a place filled with computers and the latest technology money could buy. It was used to make sure that every thing was all right around the globe. Though his room, the room he shared with his love, was never touched. He would go in there to meditate, but no one else dared to go in there.

He wore all black and of the latest style, but he didn't care. Even if he managed to make a very good life for himself, it didn't mean a thing to him. The only thought that kept him from staying alive after those first lonely 5 centuries without Kaoru was that he would meet her sooner than he would if he died and tried to come back.

The place where his friends and dear beloved died was made into a beautiful shrine, where he had mikos guard their death area, so that they could be at peace until they came back to the living. It was a place he visited often when he mourned for her.

He hated it though, every time he stepped foot there, memories of their death and how he was one to blame would come back. To this day he still felt guilt, it was deeper than when he had done the same to Tomoe. He knew then, that he could never find another mate.

"They've made a time machine. You can always go back..." began Sanosuke as he walked over.

"No. We worked too hard, and others died to make a world like this. I do not wish to alternate history. Any how, why would I, when I can find her now? She should be 18 by now, if Anatra was right," said Battousai as he swung around to look at him. His mood seemed to get lighter, but his eyes never changed.

Through all 1000 years, Battousai's eyes never changed, it stayed red ever since that day. Not that anyone knew, but the vampire didn't seem to have a care in the world. His close friends feared he might revert back to killing nonstop.

"What about that first mate of yours? She should be 500 about now," said Sano, he liked Kaoru a lot more, but if that would bring his friend back and stop the risk of him going back to his manslayer way, now with all his power that would be bad, he would even suggest it.

"I don't care for her. She never cared for me. I want Kaoru," said Battousai flatly as he stood up.

That ended the conversation, Battousai wasn't at all lenient any more. Even in training.

Battousai walked around his huge office, every thing was in top condition and of the latest items. Though it still held that old antique look to it too. He was still holding on to the past. It seemed like they were all doing that.

On top of the solar powered fireplace hung Battousai's sword, and below it was Kaoru's. No one in their right mind had ever touched those. Not even his friends, for that would mean death.

Since that day, it seemed like he would do anything. Killing his friends probably wouldn't mean anything to him. If they hadn't urged him to live to be with Kaoru when she got stronger, so he could protect her, they doubted he wouldn't have suicide like Yahiko.

"We can go looking for her," said Tae as Katsu walked in with her.

The two had sealed their love for each other on the next century and Red Moon after that day, since the first Mating Ritual was very important to vampires now. Then again they needed the power. Just like Sano and Megumi, Soujiro and Shura, and Cho and some vampire named Kittra.

"We can't do that. There are so many ki floating out there, how do you expect us to find one person? That's like looking for single salt crystal in a pool. What about the others, shouldn't we look for them too?" asked Sano, he wanted to see Tsubame again.

He looked at Aoshi who seemed to grow colder each year, he glared at him when the man didn't respond but leaned against a red wall.

The room was a mixture of red and black and sapphire. It was a color Battousai kept for himself, he had gathered all the sapphire stones ever found. He loved that color, for it reminded him of Kaoru's azure eyes. He even collected all the rubies for Kirei.

Each wall hung a nuclear powered light bulb. That was the only light source apart from the old light bulbs. Though those were only used when large ki was being used, for ki would cause the nuclear bulbs to explode or go crazy. Since the world was made of a lot of nuclear cells and other related items, the creatures were not allowed to fight and boost their ki.

If they did, then they would be caught easily, since the nuclear power around them would go crazy and the Ki Squad would be sent in to stop it. It was also a way to stop all the violence on the streets.

The only places that allowed you to boost your ki or use it, was in school gyms. It was required to take that class to train your ki. The school gyms used only light bulbs and were very large, so that students could use their ki without it hitting other's.

It was an improvement as well as a down-grade for some, but it was the only way that would keep this world going. At least it improved something.


"They'll be with her. When creatures die together, they tend to live again together," said Katsu.

"How do we find her then? Do you know how big this world is? We've been around it for centuries, yet we still haven't found her," said Sanosuke.

"She wasn't even born back then," said Cho as he sat on another floating seat.

"It'll be still difficult," said Sano.

"Not really," said Battousai suddenly, making the others but Aoshi jump.

"How then?" asked Sanosuke curiously.

"Kirei is still with Kaoru. I sensed her once, and Anatra affirmed it. She said that no matter what, Kirei would always be a part of Kaoru. If Kirei were to bring her ki to a certain level, which is close to mine, then we've got her. If she struggles, I can always win. Since I always have five centuries more of power, and 1500 years of experience," said Battousai.

Sano and the others nodded.

"So now we wait," said Battousai as he looked out toward Metallic Kyoto.


"NOOOOOOO! I totally failed that test," said Takasugi as they rushed to gym class.

"Your fault you didn't study," said Misao gloating, she was sure that she passed.

"Well I had better things to do, thank you," said Takasugi glaring at her.

"Like trying to get a girl, that you'll never get?" asked Yahiko.

The others fell into laughter, as Takasugi chased him to the gym.

"Well we should have a study group next time," said Kaoru as they got to their gym locker. (Those have not changed, since I couldn't think of anything, though they have this DNA eye scan so that only the owner could get in.)

"Well I do need help in history," said Tsubame as she moved her left eye to the scanner, a red beam came out and scanned her eye with a laser. (It doesn't damage the eyes to let you know.)

"I swear I'm going to lose my eye sight one day because of that. Now all I can see is red, we better not be fighting early," said Misao as she changed into her silver shirt and black shorts. (That's the school colors.)

"Well I look forward to class today," said Tsubame as they walked out of the girls' locker room.

"You? I though you didn't like ki kendo because it was violent," said Misao as they sat at their role calling seats, that happened to be right next to each other.

"The students who went to gym before us said that we have new ki bokkens, and that an older vampire is going to teach us today. They said that a few students get to fight against her. The others said that they all got beat in less than a minute," said Tsubame.

"You're happy about this because…."

"Because Misao, she's suppose to own the Crystal Crème that makes your skin glow, the girls said she'd be giving it out," said Tsubame as she went into a daydream.

Misao and Kaoru looked at each other before laughing.

"Silence students," said Okina as the chatter began to grow but then die down.

The old man was in a black shirt and long silver gym pants. He might be old, but was very well respected for his ki and power to handle it.

He walked to the middle of the circle and did role call.

Once finished he passed out the ki bokkens. (I will explain ki kendo now. Okay, don't flame just because this is weird. Well it's like a bokken, but it only has a hilt. The rest of the bokken is made by the ki that the person puts into hilt. The hilt kind of takes the ki that is put into it, and generates the rest of the bokken. It teaches students how to control their ki and put it into one place. He color of the bokken turns to the color of the person's ki, or just their favorite color would do actually. The rules are that you just train like any other kendo match; it's just that a strong enough ki in the ki bokken can make it more deadly than a real sword. So when training, the person who gets hit three times loses. Couldn't think of anything else, so there. Though in this one, they do what ever style they want, because I don't know much about kendo.)

"We have a guest with us today. Please meet Miss Tomoe, she is the owner of Crystal Crème and is a very experienced ki kendo fighter. She'll be giving you your listen today, so be on your best behavior," said Okina as Tomoe came out. (From this you already know that I'm going to be doing something very bad to her. If you like Tomoe, don't read. If you're a Tomoe fan, you shouldn't read any of my stories, though Through the Darkness doesn't do any thing to her since I have already killed her off like most other fics out there.)

Tomoe came out in all white wearing her white plum scent. She had a ki bokken in her hand, yet it was to be wielded.

Vampires began to smile and looked proud as they saw her.

"Typical," said Misao in disgust.

Kaoru only nodded.

"Well for now I will need a helper to show you all some moves to defend yourselves," said Tomoe.

"Excuse me Miss…To… well we're not allowed to use ki on the streets," said Misao.

Vampires glared at her.

"Well you're absolutely right. Though this is for defense, in case you get robbed or are in danger in the streets. The Ki Squad will let you down easy, since it was for protection," said Tomoe.

"Yeah and end up giving us one heck of a fine," said Takasugi, he sat beside his friends.

"Though Miss… To… It's not likely that we'll always be carrying a ki bokken with us. Since, well… that's illegal, unless you have a license. So… Why should we learn something that we can't use?" asked Kaoru.

"If you can't stand the heat girl, stay out of the kitchen," yelled a vampire, the same female that Kamatari had clowned on; Lennay.

"There is no heat, and there never will be. You should talk, you can't even make a proper ki bokken, you weak hoe," said Misao angrily.

"Why you…"

The two glared at each other.

"Stop. Ladies, let's just begin," said Tomoe as she strolled to the middle and the kids in the circle began to move back to make room for her, and made it larger so that if she fought with someone, they could use all the space.

"All right, let's do a little sparring. Who wants to duel me first?" asked Tomoe.

No one stood up, but then Misao did.

"Misao, are you crazy?" asked Tsubame afraid that her friend would get hurt

"I'm going to prove that humans are just as good as vampires," said Misao determined.

"Go get her," said Kamatari.

Misao nodded and went to the center of the gym to meet Tomoe who smiled at her.

Kaoru had a gut feeling that she didn't like this woman, though she had no clue why she should hate a person she barely met. She shook her head, she was being silly.

"Well let's begin with a basic move like just trying to hit your opponent," said Tomoe.

"My pleasure," said Misao under her breath as she charged.

Tomoe heard and glared at her, but forced a smile.

The two placed their ki into their weapons, Misao's turning green, and Tomoe's white.

Then the two charged at each other; Misao went for her face but Tomoe dodged and attacked her from the back. She used the hilt of the bokken and hit Misao on the neck, and caused her to drop to the floor.

"Misao!" yelled her friends as they saw her drop to the floor.

"She'll be all right," said Tomoe as Takasugi helped her back to her seat.

Misao held her neck as she walked back and muttered curses.

"Are you all right Misao?" asked Tsubame.

"I didn't even see her move," said Misao as she sat down.

Kaoru's eyes began to change red as her ki picked up. This was suppose to be just a lesson, the woman was fighting for real.

Tomoe looked at Kaoru in the eyes and saw her as a threat.

"Next?" asked Tomoe facing the vampires.

"I'll duel you," said Kaoru standing.

Tomoe turned to her as she walked to the center.

"I think you should use a shinai Kaoru," said Okina as he threw her one.

She caught it and gave him a quizzical look.

There was whispering, a shinai was only used for students with very hi ki. It didn't matter what species you were, a being with high ki was very rare. That was because now-a-days not that many depended on ki to survive; but brains.

"You want to do your best, no?" asked Okina as he winked at her

Kaoru smiled at her grandfather figure, and walked toward Tomoe.

"Well I guess I'll need a shinai as well," said Tomoe, as Okina handed her one

"Very well, this lesson class, will be about how to defeat your opponent. Watch very closely as I show you how it's down," said Tomoe getting into a stance as she powered her shinai with ki.

"We'll see who teaches who," said Kaoru as she formed a blue bokken.

"Begin," said Okina.

Tomoe charged toward Kaoru who didn't move, when she was about to hit her, Kaoru vanished. The vampire stopped mid-flight and looked around for the human.

"Above you!" yelled Lennay.

Kaoru came down on her, but because of the warning, missed her target.

"That's cheating," said Yahiko angrily.

"So?" asked Lennay smugly.

Kamatari held his friend down.

Kaoru landed on the ground and blocked an attack from the vampire.

Tomoe knew that this girl was different, as she charged for her abs.

Anticipating the move, Kaoru jumped over her and attacked from the back like she did, but Tomoe blocked in just in time.

Kaoru jumped back and got into another stance.

Everyone stared in shock and awe as they watched the match. There were hardly ever fights at school and this one was super good.

The two clashed weapons and pulled back as they encircled each other with incredible speed as they clashed and jumped back for five minutes. It was growing intense.

"So I guess I shouldn't underestimate you," said Tomoe as they clashed and pushed against each other, but their strength was even.

Kaoru didn't respond, her eyes narrowed at the vampire.

"Well I think it's time we end this," said Tomoe, as her shinai roared to life and pushed Kaoru back, but Kaoru jumped away.

"Yes, I completely agree with you," said Kaoru as he eyes swirled with sapphire and ruby as they created an amethyst color, changing her ki shinai to the same color.

"Your little color changing contacts won't do you any good girl," said Tomoe as she struck, but Kaoru had easily avoided it.

Kaoru jumped above her, Tomoe thrust upward, but she vanished.

Suddenly Tomoe did as well, leaving the others with their mouth open agape.

"Wow! I didn't know Kaoru could do that," said Tiffany as the werewolves around her tried to figure out where the two were.

Only the sparks and the sound of power against power were seen or heard.

Then Tomoe stopped and her shinai blazed at least three feet and went for Kaoru who suddenly appeared before her. Luckily she dodged it and sprung back.

"You can't run forever," said Tomoe grinning, she would easily bring this novice down.

"Kaoru, kick some major ass. Don't hold back. We know you can do it. Forget the rules and just beat her," yelled Misao as she tried to stand, but had to stay down, since her neck was searing in pain again.

"Don't move, you'll hurt yourself," said Tsubame.

Kaoru turned to her and nodded.

"She's been holding back!?" asked Lennay in shock.

"So have I," said Tomoe as her ki rose so high it threatened to blow up the light bulbs.

Kaoru didn't wince; the others were in awe, even Okina with the vampires grinning.

"Watch students as I use my full strength to get rid of a pest that you might end up fighting in the streets," said Tomoe as she got into a stance.

Kaoru's eyes were shadowed by her bangs.

"I believe you are mistaken. You will fall to half of my power," said Kaoru in such a cold and dark voice that it sent a chill down the observers' spines.

Suddenly Kaoru looked up with a smirk, her eyes glowing red. Her shinai turned red as it grew to the size oh another human bring, and just as wide.

With all that ki, all of the light bulbs exploded into sparks. The only lights left were Kaoru's and Tomoes. Though Kaoru's looked like the very flames of hell, it lit up the whole gym like fire around a campfire. Her ki didn't flicker, burn brighter.

Tomoe was in shock as much as the others.

"Now you lose," said Kaoru who was now Kirei, as she got into a stance.


Battousai stared out and a ki flashed before him and his senses.

{Kaoru?}Thought Battousai, as he strained his senses to pick up that flick of ki again.

"I still don't think it's possible to find one person in a world filled with a total of one trillion creatures in all," said Sanosuke, he wanted to see Kaoru again, but that was going to take a long time. For all he knew, she would probably be on her death bed by the time they found her.

"Shut up!" ordered Battousai suddenly, making all of them and Aoshi shudder a bit at the cold and darkness in his tone as he closed his eyes to think.

His eyes were moving frantically behind his eyelids.

The others knew better than to bother him now. They waited anxiously for him to finish.

Once he opened his eyes and grinned, they all backed away.

"We're going to Crystal Tokyo," said Battousai as he walked out of his office.

The others gave each other quizzical looks before following him into the jet car.


Kirei launched herself at Tomoe, and with what looked like only one swoop of her shinai, Tomoe had four cuts on eat cheek and one across her chest; as Kirei landed on the opposite side of where she had attacked.

"Enough. You've won Kaoru," said Okina as Kirei went get another blow.

Tomoe fell to her knees as all her ki went to treat her wounds, leaving her shinai to drop on the floor like dead weight. She had to strain all of her ki to her wounds.

Vampires glared at Kaoru but stayed clear of her as they helped Tomoe.

"Class is over. Go change all of you. You have the rest of this period to do as you wish somewhere else. Go," ordered Okina helping Tomoe as Kaoru became normal again.

They all gave back their weapons and went to change. Whispers heard every where.

By lunch everyone was staring at Kaoru and kept their distance. Her friends tried their best to ignore and act like it was a normal day.

"Well at least you showed them all that vampires aren't the only ones with skill in this messed up world," said Misao trying to look on the bright side.

"I know," said Kaoru as she drank some water.

Every time she changed to Kirei, she seemed like nothing could stop her. She feared that one day she would just go around and killing people. Kaoru shuddered at the thought; it was what her family lived against.

That was why she had always concealed her true powers; it had happened since she was young and didn't get what she wanted. It scared the hell out her parents.

She scolded herself for changing, but it was for that woman hurting Misao. She never even really caught the woman's name. I part of her for some reason liked the feeling of causing that vampire pain for some reason. Though why?

"Don't feel bad, you were defending my honor," said Misao as she held the healing pack to her neck to make sure it left no scars. It snapped her out of it, and she smiled weakly at her and nodded.

Lennay and her group glared at their table, but when Karou looked at them, they turned away and looked at someone else.

"A bunch of cowards," said Takasugi as he saw what they did.

"Too afraid to face what they're trying to scare. They need to stop before I go over there and punch their lights out," said Yahiko angrily; he still hadn't gotten over this morning and how they helped out that other vampire woman.

Suddenly the whole lunch room fell into a deadly silent, as Tomoe stepped in with Enishi who walked straight over to Kaoru.

Everyone stared at this.

Tomoe's wounds had healed, though there were some marks that were still visible.

Enishi saw the group and froze in utter shock as he saw them. That was when his five taller vampires and Tomoe walked over.

"This is the one that bruised me," said Tomoe looking at Kaoru.

"Well why don't you just use your Crystal Crème?" asked Kamatari angrily, though he tried his bed not to sound that rude, he didn't want to cause trouble.

Kaoru glared at him, and then looked at Enishi with a smile; not wanting to be rude.

"Well it was a challenge, and it taught us about ki," said Kaoru.

"And that humans are just as good as vampires," said Yahiko under his breath, but the vampires and werewolves all caught it. Only the other humans and zombies didn't hear it, they didn't have super hearing.

"Lessons does not aquire that the student attack the student. You should be thankful that you even got to have a fight with a very beautiful and powerful vampire. Humans need to learn there place," said Enishi angrily.

"She hurt me. Students aren't to be hurt by teachers either," said Misao angrily, showing her now fading burnt mark.

"That will soon fade, we do not know if mine will heal. She and you attacked for real, it was a lesson not a fight," said Tomoe glaring at her.

"You should sue her for scarring your beautiful face," said Lennay as she walked over.

"No, it's a hit for a hit. If my partner here gets to mark your face and chest, then all will be cleared. You don't want to go on the streets and dishonor your family do you? So I revise you allow it to be done," said Enishi smugly. (Not Enishi and Tomoe are not brother and sister in this so they can get together and it won't be weird.)

Kaoru's group moved to stand but Kaoru put her hand up. They all looked at her, and she shook her head. She didn't want to involve them or her family.

"Fine," said Kaoru as she closed her eyes and waited for the pain to come and go.

"It'll be my pleasure," said Tomoe as she razed a blade in her hand and was about to come down on her when a hand grabbed hers and flung her into a table.

"Who dares?" asked Enishi angrily.

He immediately gulped and backed down as he saw the red head stand before him.

Kaoru waited, but the pain never came. She opened her eyes to see a man with long red and hair in a nice black suit in front of her, and Tomoe trying to get up from a table.

She blinked and looked at her friends who were in shock as well.

Everyone in the cafeteria was silent as the doors of the cafeteria bursts and open and the rest apart from Saitoh, Tokio, and Kittra were there.

"Why the hell didn't you wait for us Battousai? You know that you could have at least used the jet car. So what if you are faster, that is no excused to just ditch us" said Sano angrily as he walked over despite all the gasps, though no one dared to speak.

Enishi, Tomoe and his men bowed to Battousai who didn't have a very happy expression on his face, though the others didn't dare move

Sano and the others came over angrily, but gaped with wide-eyes as they saw the group of old friends and old enemies staring at them confused.


A/N: Well that's about it, thank you all for encouraging me. I will now ignore and forget all of those evil flamers. Thx a lot you guys. You are all great. I know that he found her pretty quick, but I don't intend to make this story that long, maybe just a few chapters. Though with a lot of advice and encouragement, I think I can make this one longer.

To my loyal reviewers, I would love to thank you all personally but I had a lot of personal e-mails and reviews. So this is for you all.