Chapter 28: The Deal

Eyeing cautiously over to the guards at the main gate, he moved to a closer and strategic spot to get a clearer view of the window but to his disappointment, the girl was no longer there. Staring at the empty window, he was certain that the girl he saw was his beloved Shan Chai. He could recognize her body shape no matter from what angle.

"HEY! THIS IS A PRIVATE PROPERTY! GO AWAY!" the guard yelled from afar.

Not wanting to get in trouble and risk of her being transferred to some other places, making it back to square one, furthermore slipping away a good chance to rescue Shan Chai, he just gave a slight nod, went back to his car and drove off, glancing at the window again for the last time.

'Hang in there Shan Chai. We'll save you...I'll save you.'

All of them were sitting at the living room, with Mei Zhuo and Xi Men sitting at the middle sofa whispering with each other and eyeing the angry, folded arms Ah Si, who was glaring at the sweet, smiling girl opposite of him which happened to be his own fiancé. Meanwhile, Zhuang was sitting next to the girl, ignoring the whole situation and sipping her drink of wine from her long, slender glass.

Putting down her glass, she finally opened her mouth and broke the silence. "Mei Zhuo, Xi Men. Did you find anything about Shan Chai?"

Shocking the duo from their mischievous grin, both exchanged looks, wondering who should be the one to break the bad news to Zhuang. Mei Zhuo, eyeing suspiciously at Xiao Zi, he said, "Zhuang Jie, you really think it's okay to discuss the matter here?"

Following Mei Zhuo's gaze, Zhuang smiled. "Xiao Zi's okay. I'm positive she's not part of 'her' associates. But, I think it's best if I summed everything up for her first."

Facing Xiao Zi, Zhuang could see that she was already curious with the conversation that has taken part so far. Looking questionably at Zhuang, she asked, "Jie, something happened right? What's going on?"

Before Zhuang could answer her question, she was interrupted by a screech sound from outside, the running footsteps and the sudden outburst, "I SAW HER!"

He stopped in his track. He saw a strange, unfamiliar face, while the others was looking straight at him, curious and shock shown on each one of their faces. Lei knew why they reacted that way. It was obvious that he had knocked their socks off with his sudden outburst. He never did that before. Usually he'd be the cool and ignorant one, seldom shows any reaction or feelings. He was shocked himself but he was more shocked to found the mysterious girl sitting next to Zhuang. 'Who is she? A spy?'

"Where? Lei! Hey, LEI!" yelled Ah Si, standing to face Lei, irritated with Lei's stoniness towards his question.

Looking away from the girl, he was in his usual blank expression. Walking slowly and calmly towards the others, he kept catching some glances at the new face. He was unsure whether it was safe for him to tell about his founding. Sitting at the sofa's armrest, where Mei Zhuo and Xi Men seated. He kept his silence. Ah Si was at the top of his patience. He was about to lunged himself over Lei, when her sister stopped him.

"Ah Si, sit! It's okay Lei. This is Xiao Zi, Ah Si's fiancé. She can be trusted."

Gazing sideways to the girl, he nodded to her before finally opening his mouth, "I saw her at the bungalow opposite the ocean. An hour and a half drives from here, south. Guards everywhere."

"Who? What's going on? Someone please tell me," forced Xiao Zi, lost within the conversation.

"SHUT UP! This is all your fault!" yelled Ah Si at her face.

Zhuang gave her brother a deadly look. "Stop accusing other people! If it wasn't because of you using Shan Chai as your bait to delay the wedding, she won't be kidnapped!" Looking at Xiao Zi, Zhuang at long last gave her the explanation she demanded.

"Your stupid fiancé here, wanted to delay the wedding and he used his friend, Shan Chai, to act as his girlfriend, to force mother to accept her rather than you. After so many years, he still can't understand how mother thinks."

Gazing back at Ah Si, "Ah Si, it's us that have to follow her commands, not the other way around! Use your brain!!"

Ah Si grimly stared at his sister. To fight back, he knew he can't win so the only thing that he could do was clenched his fist and stare back at his sister. Cursing her inside his heart but Zhuang seemed to understand Ah Si, "Stop arguing back and cursing me in your empty head if you know what's good for you."

Turning his head to the opposite side, Ah Si gritted his teeth and closed his eyes. At this point, F3 could see that he was very angry with his sister. And as always, they know the best way to deal with it was kept quiet and hope he would calmed down faster on his own.

"Jie, don't blame him anymore. It's not his fault that things turned out the other way around."

All three of them instantly turned their heads to the voice, surprised by the sudden backed up from a girl they barely knew. Even Ah Si seemed to simmer down and with a huffed he sat down back on his seat.

"I don't need you to back me up, stupid girl," he spoke steadily, anger subsided in his tone.

His remark made the others gave out a slight smile. It's a rare view to see Ah Si calming down from one of his temper blows with just an effect of a girl. And the irony was that the girl was someone he wanted to avoid marrying to.

"Okay, now that's over and everyone already knows the whole story, let's think of a way to get Shan Chai out of that house. Out of curiosity, Ah Si, did you go over there and check it out?" asked Xi Men, getting back to their main topic.

Looking over at Zhuang, one could see his eyes were full of questions and unsure ness. Zhuang looked back at him and nodded before facing her sight to the others, "We don't have any that situated opposite the ocean in the south. Not that we know off."

"All of you don't have to do anything!"

The voice shocked everyone in the living room. Not only because of its sudden utterance but because of the voice that represent its owner. It was Dao Ming Si's mother's, Dao Ming Feng. Out of nowhere, she was already standing at the end of the bottom stairs with her arms folded and her expression straight and strict.

"She will be released, if and only if you follow my rules," Dao Ming Feng continued, her expression unchanged.

Ah Si stood up and glared at his mother, "YOU ARE BEHIND THIS?"

"Ah Si, is that the way you speak to your mother? Now, do you want her to be released or not?"

"Auntie, why do you do all this? There is no need for you to kidnap her," asked Mei Zhuo, unsatisfied.

"Mr. Ling Mei Zhuo, you have no right to talk back to me."

Lei were anxious and felt agitated with the whole situation. He wanted his Shan Chai to be released and he would do anything to make sure of it. "What do you want us to do?"

Though she was a bit shocked to hear Hua Zhe Lei spoke out especially with a firm tone, Dao Ming Feng covered it with, "Good question Mr. Hua Zhe Lei. But this condition only involves the participation of my son and fiancé. You two are to be married in 6 months time if your precious peasant friend were to be released. Ah Si, Xiao Zi?"

Ah Si was too angry to say anything. He just stood there and glared at Dao Ming Feng. It was Xiao Zi who argued back. "We hardly know each other and both of us still haven't finished our school just yet. Give us a year to get acquainted and we will not delay the wedding again."

"Stop backing up other people! I don't need your help!!"

"Well, do you want to get married in 6 months? I don't! I want to finish my study, I want to get to know you, understand you! Marriage is not a 10 minute experience. It's forever!" argued Xiao Zi with her eyes bulged open in anger.

Probably stunned and out of words to counter attack, Ah Si shut his mouth. Finally, he looked over to his mother, who was still waiting in the same statue like position, he nodded. "Not 6 months but a year!"

Smiling, Dao Ming Feng set down her hands to her side and agreed, "Though it would be 6 months later than I ruled out for, but since the two of you agreed to be in the hand of marriage, I supposed I could accept it. Make sure there will be no more delay or problems. You may go and fetch that so called friend of yours since you already know where she is."

Turning to the left and walked towards the main door, followed by her two body guards behind, she stopped for awhile a step before stepping out and add, without turning around, "Before I forgot, Zhuang, go back to US tomorrow and Ah Si, stop being to close to people who is underneath us and I don't approve of your act of mingling around poor and low standard people like her. Especially the sister thing! Break it off!"

All of them kept silence and eyeing at each other, protest shown in their face. They waited until they heard her car drove out before rushing out to their own cars. Anxiously to get Shan Chai back. Lei in his own car, leading in front. Followed by Mei Zhuo and Xi Men in his car, and Xiao Zi and Ah Si in Ah Si's. Zhuang stayed behind at the mansion.