A/N: The final chapter! Eeeeeek! I can't believe it! I'm sorry I didn't finish this story sooner, but I was really busy :(

So anyway, just wanna say thanks to anyone who has reviewed mah story. These are the last few who reviewed mah story:

iloveanimals : Sorry about the cinammony chocolatey hair thing! I didn't realize. Ive just read a few fics where they've mentioned cinnamon, or chocolaty eyes or hair, and it kinda sunk in! And I hope you can update your story soon! It's really cool!



Froggyy1: Oooops! I don't know what ive done to put chapter 9, where chapter 1 is, but I'll sort it out asap!

On-A-Rainy-Day: Yes, im female, lol.

Bella Mia: Thanks! Now ive finished this story, I'm going to try and get back to the others, starting with misunderstandings.

Sailor Ppearl





Dina C.

funky*rocker: I think I forgot to read your story.Ill have to check that.

As a thank you, im giving you all loads of cookies!

(::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::) (::)

and a mars bar!


Aren't I generous?

So thanks everyone! I'll only ask one more thing of you.Please review! I have 77 reviews at the moment, and ideally, id like to reach 100. I know that's a bit much too ask for, but id really appreciate it if you did review, so maybe I can get somewhere near that number, and you really should review as this is the last chapter!

So just keep that in mind.lol

Angel x



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(¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´×

Chapter 12- The final dare

Ron slipped out of the Great hall, went through the entrance hall, and didn't stop until he could see the lake. He slowly made his way towards the old willow tree, where he was sure he'd find Hermione.

He was right. Sitting down, leaning her back against the tree, was the lonely figure of Hermione. Ron slowly crept up behind her, and lent on the tree as well.

'Beautiful night, isn't it?' Ron said casually, looking up at the night sky.

Hermione remained looking down. She picked up a stone, and threw it into the lake.

'Hermione, please don't be angry at me.' Ron pleaded. 'I'm sorry that I've upset you, but tonight has just hasn't been.hasn't been quite as I planned it. But that's my fault, not yours-'

'Ron.' Hermione said, stopping him. 'I'm not upset with you, I'm upset with me.'

'Upset with myself, you mean.' Ron righted her, smiling and sitting down next to her.

'Exactly.' Hermione said, not taking her eyes off the lake. 'I made a mistake, and I thought I could deal with it, but I can't.'

'Everyone makes mistakes.' Ron said, sympathetically. 'I'm sure it will turn out all right.'

'I hope so. I just don't want to ruin something really special.' Hermione said, looking sadly into Ron's eyes.

Ron put his arm around her and comforted her, in a way that only Ron could.

Hermione closed her eyes, as Ron pulled her tight against his chest.

'Thanks Ron.' She smiled.

Another dance ended, and everybody clapped enthusiastically.

The three couples met each other at their table.

'Wow!' Parvati said. 'We only have 10 minutes left of the ball.'

'Time really does fly when your having fun.' Harry grinned, as he put his arm around Ginny lovingly.

'So you two are.?' Lavender asked.

Ginny's face went red, and a smile grew on her lips.

'Yea.' Harry said. 'We're going out.'

Squeals issued from Parvati and Lavender's mouths again.

'That's great mate.' Dean said.

'We can triple date!' Seamus grinned.

'So I take it that you two are a couple too.' Harry said.

'Oh yea, we are.' Seamus said, taking Lavender's hand.

'Talking of couples, where are Ron and Hermione?' Parvati said, worried.

'Don't say Ron still hasn't found her.' Lavender begged.

'I told him to look by the lake.' Ginny said, looking down. 'The rest is up to him.'

'Maybe we aught to check up on them.' Dean said to the group.

'Isn't that spying?' Lavender asked.

'But they're going to miss the last dances, if we don't go and get them.' Harry said.

'Then we have to spy on them!' Seamus exclaimed. 'It's our duty!'

'I wonder if they've got together yet.' Lavender thought out loud.

'What do you mean?' Seamus asked her.

'Nothing.' Ginny cut in. 'Lets just go.'

Harry, Ginny, Seamus and Lavender, all left the Great hall.

'I'm so glad the others got together.' Parvati smiled, dreamily.

'Me too.' Dean said, taking her hand. 'Do you think we ought to tell Ginny and Seamus, that their lovers confessions were part of a dare.'

'No, just leave them how they are.' Parvati said. 'It's more magical this way.'

Seamus, Harry, Ginny and Lavender, crept through the entrance hall door, and stepped out into the open.

'Right.' Seamus whispered. 'We have to be as quiet as we can, if we're going to spy on them.'

'But that's not very-'

'Shh, Ginny.' Harry whispered. 'We don't want them to hear us.'

Ginny pulled a sulky face.

'Everyone just follow my lead.' Seamus advised.

The group got into a single file line, and started to move towards the lake.

Someone sneezed.

'Shhhh.' Seamus said to Harry.

'Shhhh.' Harry said to Lavender.

'Shhhh.' Lavender said to Ginny

'It wasn't me!' Ginny exclaimed, sounding annoyed.

'It was me!' Someone shouted.


'Sorry.' Parvati whispered, as her and Dean joined the group.

'Lets just go again.' Seamus said, as he led the group off once more.

Hermione pulled away from Ron, as the thought of her dare rose again in her mind.

'Hermione, tell me.' Ron said, looking into her distant eyes. 'Whats wrong?'

'It doesn't matter.' She lied.

'Well it obviously does, or you wouldn't be upset.' Ron argued, and took her hands in his, forcing her to look at him. 'You can tell me anything, you know that?' 'I know it's just, difficult' Hermione explained.

The three couples spotted Ron and Hermione, as squatted behind a bush.

'I'm sure you'd feel a lot better if you did tell me.' Ron said, looking into her eyes.

'Yea I guess.' Hermione said, thinking.

'Ok.' Ron said. 'So what's the mistake you've made?'

'She's going to tell him!' Lavender whispered.


'Maybe we ought to go somewhere more private.' Ron grinned.

'Or maybe the people who are around, ought to go away.' Hermione said, warningly.

After a few murmurs and shuffles, Hermione and Ron assumed that they were gone.

'Right.' Ron said, leaning against the tree again.

'So.' Hermione said, leaning next to him, looking out to the lake again. 'The fact is that, there's this boy I like, and he's-'

'Harry! Seamus! Lavender! Ginny! Parvati! Dean!' Neville's voice boomed from the Entrance hall. 'It's the last dance! Get out of those bushes and get inside!'

The three couples stood up and climbed out from behind the bushes, each wearing an expression of grim defeat. They gave Hermione and Ron an apologetic look, before rushing inside for the last dance.

'So now that we're alone.' Ron said, taking Hermione's hands in his once more.

'Well, as I said, there's this boy that I like.' Hermione said, before looking into Ron's eyes and adding: 'Which I like as more than a friend.'

Ron nodded, almost hopefully.

'And he doesn't now that I like him, and-'

'Well tell him!' Ron smiled. 'That's all you've got to do. I'm sure he'd like you as well. And even if he didn't, what's the worst that could happen?'

Hermione smiled at Ron.

'Maybe your right.' She said, grinning at how proud Ron was of himself.

'Merlin, that was easier than I thought!' Ron grinned. 'I'm pretty good at this problem solving stuff.'

'Yep.' Hermione agreed.

'Now that that's over.' Ron said, sighing. 'I know I'm not you're date, but, would you like to dance?'

'Out here?' Hermione asked.

'Sure, why not? We can still hear the music from here.' Ron smiled, holding out his hand. 'Unless you don't want too.'

'Id love too.' Hermione said, putting her hand in his.

Ron pulled Hermione up, and put his hands on her waist. Hermione linked her arms around his shoulders, and Ron pulled her close to him.

Back inside the Great hall, every couple at the ball was on the dance floor, except for Hermione and Ron, of course.

Not a whisper could be heard, above the soft music. A smile was upon every face. It was perfect.

The music ended, and applause filled the air.

'I'm afraid to say that the ball is over.' The old voice of Dumbledore said, as the clapping died away. Several people sighed. 'I suggest that everyone heads back to their common rooms, unless anyone would like to stay and help clean up?'

People quickly started to filter from the hall.

'That was a great ball.' Lavender smiled.

'You can say that again.' Dean grinned.

'That was a great ball.' Lavender repeated.

'I didn't mean literally-'

'Lets just head back to Gryffindor Common room.' Ginny cut in.

'Yea, we've got a sleepover to be getting too.' Parvati said, as they started to climb the stairs.

After the music had stopped, Ron and Hermione just stood there, holding each other.

'Maybe we should go back inside.' Ron said, regretfully.

'Yea.' Hermione said smiling. 'They'll be wondering where we are.'

'Yea.' Ron agreed, pulling away from Hermione. 'You know, it's nice to see you smiling again.'

'Its nice to see you've noticed.' Hermione answered, looking into Ron's eyes. A large pause followed.

'We'd better head in.' Ron said, awkwardly, putting a hand behind his head.

'Yea.' Hermione said, nodding her head. 'I'm ready to go back inside.'

The three couples gave the fat lady the password, and headed into Gryffindor common room.

It was packed. It seemed that everybody in Gryffindor was trying to cram into the common room. Sleeping bags and quilts were everywhere, people were having pillow fights left, right and center. A large pile of snacks was being formed on a table, and someone had managed to get a few large bottles of butter beer. The worst thing was the noise of chatting and talking, which made it unbearable.

The group walked into the common room, and stood there in shock.

'I think word about the sleepover got out.' Parvati said, looking shocked.

'Did anybody by any chance, tell anybody else about the sleepover?' Harry asked, looking as shocked as Lavender.

'I told one of my room mates, Beth.' Ginny admitted.

'Beth the big mouth?' Lavender asked. 'She's a bigger gossip than me!'

'It is way too crowded in here.' Dean announced.

'We need to get everybody off to sleep.' Seamus said.

Ginny's eyes lit up.

'I know!' She squeaked, before running off up the girls staircase.

After a slow and quiet walk, Ron and Hermione appeared at the Portrait hole. Ron gave the password, and they walked into a silent common room. Everybody was asleep except for three couples, who were sitting around the fire place, in pajamas.

'Hey.' Ron said, as he and Hermione approached the group.

'Hi.' The others replied.

Ron and Hermione found themselves seats.

'I take it we haven't missed much then.' Ron said, looking at all the sleeping people.

'These people didn't just fall asleep.' Parvati smiled. 'We spiked the butter beer with a sleeping draft, because it was too noisy in here.'

'Fair enough.' Hermione said, with a small smile.

'So why are you all just sitting around?' Ron asked.

'We were waiting for you.' Ginny said.

'We might as well start on the food, now that they're here.' Dean grinned.

They each got up, and helped themselves to a variety of snacks. The girls huddled together.

'So did you do it?' Lavender asked, excitedly.

'No.' Hermione said. 'We had nice talk, and we danced, but that's it.'

'That's not fair!' Lavender exclaimed. 'I did my dare!'

'It doesn't matter.' Parvati said. 'She doesn't have to do it.'

'Yea, it's practically the end of the sleepover.' Ginny said. 'The games over.'

'But I'm going to do it.' Hermione argued.

'You don't have to.' Ginny said again.

'But I want too.'

Hermione stepped away from the group, and walked over to where Ron was standing. She stood right in front of him, and before he could move or speak, she went on tiptoe, put a hand on each side of his face, and pressed her lips firmly to his.

It took Ron a moment to respond, before he wrapped his arms around Hermione's waist, and pulled her as close to him as he could.

The other occupants of the room, (who weren't sleeping), cheered and whistled.

Ron pulled back, looking extremely red in the face.

'So I'm guessing that I'm the boy.' He said, with his arms still wrapped tightly around her waist.

'Yea.' Hermione smiled, shyly. 'You're the boy that I like.'

'I'm glad it's me.' Ron said. 'Because I like you too.'

'Ok, that's enough fluffiness!' Dean said, stepping between the new couple.

'Dean!' The girls shouted.

'He's got a point.' Seamus said. 'How about we play a game.'

The group went back and sat in front of the fire place.

'We could play I spy.' Lavender suggested.

'Boring.how about run outs?' Seamus said.

'I don't think so.' Parvati said. 'We could play charades.'

'Or exploding snap.'

'Or truth, dare, kiss or Promise?' Harry grinned.
