--None of the Characters belong to me. © Square Soft


Chapter 21


Pretty little doll....




I wasn't really sure how detailed or personal my answers had to be. But I was on a roll, the words just flying out of my mouth before I could stop myself. I was tired of the secrets, the manipulation, the lies. I just wanted everything out in the open. The police officer was waiting patiently for me to continue, my obvious sexual preference didn't seem to bother him. I was glad about that, even in this day and age people still have issues with homosexuality...

So... yeah.... He'd asked me about my relationship with Leon. I started from the beginning. I'd known Leon for... a while now... almost 3 years. We weren't super best friends or anything. I wouldn't even go as far as to call us buddies. We just.... got along, understood each other on some levels, didn't on others. I knew the guy was there when I needed him, and vice versa.

While I spilled my guts, something I'd never noticed before became almost shockingly apparent.

I didn't know a damn thing about Leon.

Or who he really was.

Where he came from. His likes and dislikes. Hell.... I didn't even know when his birthday was.

So the question, what was my relationship with him, suddenly became much harder to answer.

"Mr. Strife... you don't have go into detail or anything." The officer said. I shook my head slightly, dead set on being a critical thinker about my answer.

"We were.... friends to some extent. Then.... after a while we started.... not dating just....seeing each other on a random but regular basis..."

That was a start.

"It lasted for about... 4 months. We'd have dinner together, and talk...." I shook my head again and smiled slightly. "....well I would talk anyway. And.... we were sleeping together..."

I paused and stared at the can of soda sitting next to me. I could hear the liquid contents fizzing and bubbling against the tin of the can. A droplet of water on the outside of the can slide down onto the table, mixing with the other droplets that had gathered there.

"But it wasn't love... I mean, I cared about Leon, he had his good qualities. I never wanted to see the guy hurt or anything. But it was just... casual.... our relationship... casual sex... yeah..."

Oh my god... That just sounded so horrible.

I cleared my throat and waited for the officer to finish typing up what I was saying. I realized he hadn't had the clipboard to take notes. The clipboard had a set of papers on it, my background information. I could see an old photo, a copy from my ID, paper clipped to the top of the stack.

Was I being interrogated?

I frowned.

"Okay...." The police officer said. I realized then that I didn't know his name.

"What's your name?" I asked, looking the young guy dead in the eyes. He looked up from the laptop screen and smiled. I noticed he had really clear hazel colored eyes. Looking at him even closer now I could see he had a really smooth curvy face. The face of a boy. He couldn't be that much older then me.

He was.... um pretty cute.

"Oh, sorry about that. I'm Daniel Tippet."

I smiled and kept staring into this eyes. He raised an eyebrow and smirked at me.

What was that hmm?

While he edited some things I asked another question.

"How old are you? You seem pretty young to be on the force."

Officer Daniel kept typing and looked at me again.

"I'm 22."


"I'm the youngest." He stopped typing and flipped through some papers. "I'm still in training... so I don't get to do much field work. I get to do lots of office stuff instead. This is my first real case."

I blinked. I hadn't expected him to tell me all of that. "Oh." Was all I could think to say.

Daniel chuckled. "Next question. Did you ever notice any strange behavior exhibited by Mr. LeonHeart before now?"

I frowned and started to think about that. Then I closed my eyes and frowned harder.

Now that I think about it... sometimes Leon did act strange. Strange for him anyway. Leon doesn't talk much, and even when he does, his sentences were short, to the point, and very monotone. And another thing about Leon, he didn't swear much. I'd heard him say the occasional 'damn' or 'fuck' or something.... But other then that he didn't curse at all. Then there were sometimes that he'd talk about things I didn't even know he was interested in.

Like... women.

I'd always just assumed he was gay, not bi. I heard him talk about girls he'd slept with sometimes. But I can almost promise I'd never seen a female, besides Aeris and Yuffie, step into his house. I can actually remember the name of one girl he talked about a lot.


I think that was it. Not sure about her last name. Yeah, he talked about that girl a lot. But not in a good way. I winced just thinking about some of the vulgar things he used to say about that girl.

One specific conversation that made me really feel sorry for Rinoa, and made me hope Leon had just been lying. He was talking about a time they'd had sex.... and how forceful he'd been with her. How she'd cried and begged him to stop.... To stop hurting her. Leon used the words, uterus stabbing, and face fucking more then a few times. He said he'd made her bleed...


Another thing I knew about Leon, he didn't talk about people. He didn't seem to give a shit about others enough to waste time actually talking about them.

So this was kind of weird.

There was another thing... Leon seemed to have a weird fetish for younger boys.

I winced, suddenly realizing something that was right in my face too late.

Much too late...

More then once I'd seen Leon bring home a boy that looked barely over 16. I remember him telling me that the younger ones were more willing to do anything he said. They would submit quicker, couldn't fight back if he wanted to get a little rough. They lasted longer. Gave better head and actually liked to do it more. Then he said they liked to be fucked all of the time, anytime and anywhere. And that they'd be too scared to say anything about it later....

I had to repress a pained shiver.

Oh.... My.... God....

I covered my mouth and closed my eyes. Suddenly feeling sick to my stomach.

Leon had.... told me.... he got off on raping young boys....

This was long before any of this mess with Riku and Sora ever happened. And I'd known all along. The clues, the evidence, the signs were all there right in my face!

How could I have missed that?

Why wasn't I suspicious....? Especially since both Riku and Sora fit his preferred age demographic. Since they were both living with him.

And Leon had practically admitted to raping Sora from the beginning!

Christ.... and Sora hid it so well!

Because he was terrified... Just like Leon said.

I bit my bottom lip.

"Mr. Strife are you okay?" Daniel asked, concerning evident in his tone. Yeah, you could tell this was his first time. He was too overly concerned.

"You look a bit pale..."

I took a silent breath and reached for my drink. "I'm fine." I said, putting on a mask. I had to persevere. No matter how disturbing this would be, no matter how many revelations I discovered.

I would tell everything.

So I did. And I mentally cursed myself for being so oblivious. Officer Daniel looked surprised by what I told him. I guess he hadn't been expecting something so concrete. So painstakingly obvious.

Leon was a rapist and he premeditated acting out on the rapes too.

I wonder if they know about Leon's mental disorder yet.

I wonder if they'd leave it up to me to explain that...

"Mr. Strife..." Officer Daniel suddenly looked at me very seriously and I felt myself tense. Gone was his concerned and curious expression. In its place now lay a harsh and somewhat confused glare.

"If you noticed strange behavior as well as heard out of place comments from LeonHeart, why didn't you do anything to remove those two boys out of a such a dangerous situation?"

I blinked, lost, dazed, and guilty.

Why hadn't I?

Because... I just hadn't noticed... Because I'd been blind...

Because I was just plain stupid.

"I don't know." I said softly. "Wait..." I looked up and sighed heavily. "...It's not that... Okay, it's true, Leon said those things, but the way he said it, his tone.... It just sounded like a bunch of BS you know... You know how guys are. It's like someone at a bar bragging and boasting about how many young and sexy girls he banged 3 hours ago..."

I was getting a headache for some strange reason. I'd just... fucked this up so badly.

"So you really didn't think twice about what LeonHeart could have meant by saying those things? You thought he was joking around. It never crossed your mind that he could be molesting the minors living with him?"

"No." I said sternly and truthfully. Like I said, Leon never did anything physically to cause me to be suspicious. It's true I saw him dating and sleeping with younger guys, but that was none of my business. And couple that with the fact that his partners never looked scared or unwilling in my eyes. How the hell.... or better yet, why the hell would I suspect Leon of raping and molesting Riku and Sora?

"Next question." Officer Daniel said. I gave him a surprised look. I thought he'd question me further about what I'd just told him.

"How did you find out about the rapes?"

I sighed. "Riku.... No wait, Aeris told me."

Daniel raised an eyebrow. "Miss Gainsborough?" He noted this on his keyboard. I nodded absently.

"She just came right out and told you?" The officer asked without looking up at me. The clicking of his keyboard sent me into a daze.

"No... I think... I think it was a month or so... not sure anymore... after Riku was raped. But I hadn't known he'd been raped at the time. Riku went off on Aeris and she came to me explain why he did."

"He went off on her...?" Daniel let the question hang.

"Oh...." I licked my lips. "Riku works at the 7th Heaven, the restaurant that I co-own with Aeris."

click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click

I closed my eyes. I had the sudden feeling that I should stop talking. Something about this seemed wrong.

"And how did Miss Gainsborough know about the rape?"

Should I really answer that? I gave the officer a wide eyed stare. He looked back at me absently.

"She... she knew about Sora's rape she said. She told me she sensed a change in Riku. This was a little while after the rapes, after I'd taken Riku and Sora in. Aeris decided to tell Riku she knew about Sora. But that she hadn't known he'd already found out about Sora being raped by Leon. Riku got really upset, went off on her, and stormed out in the middle of his shift. Aeris came to me later that night and told me everything."

I took a deep shuddery breath.

"So Gainsborough knew the whole time. Not just about LeonHeart, but about the rape. And she never reported it or attempted to take the boys out of the house."

I just sat still. If I nodded I'd be agreeing with him... Even though it was true what he said. Aeris really had known all along and she didn't do anything or tell anyone about it until it was too late.

I suddenly had the feeling that Aeris was in deep trouble. She'd be held responsible for never reporting the rapes in the first place. Oh dear god....

"What made you decide to move Riku and Sora in with you?" Officer Daniel was flipping through some papers and I noticed Riku's and Sora's background papers spread out in front of him. They had very little history.

"I told you, I didn't find out about the rapes right away. But from what Riku told me, the day after he was raped, Sora came and asked me if he and Riku could come and live with me. Naturally I questioned why. Not because I didn't want them to come stay with me, but because it was so sudden. It had been their idea to live with Leon in the first place."

I scratched my head, now somewhat nervous. I had to be careful how I said things from now on.

"They... just told me Riku got into a fight with Leon. That explained the bruises he had. Sora simply said they just needed to get away and that he would explain later. Later came about 2 months afterwards. Naturally I was suspicious. But I didn't know how to bring up a conversation asking why Riku and Sora had been so eager to move."

The ominous clicking of keys filled the small room for a few seconds. I felt a chill run up my spine and I suddenly want to flee from the room. The typing stopped and for a long uncomfortable moment there was silence. I looked up in confusion.

"So these boys have been with you since the incident."

Officer Daniel wasn't asking a question. I could tell by his tone of voice.

"You aren't their legal guardians?" He asked looking up at me. I shook my head and felt my jaw clench.

Oh... my... God... Sora and Riku are going to get taken away from us...

"You were planning on adopting these boys?"

I blinked several times at the question. It was a thought... that hadn't crossed my mind.

"Um...." I started. I didn't really know what to say.

"It says you applied for legal guardian-ship right here." Daniel gave me a calculating stare. I simply nodded, agreeing with his on screen data. Even though I had no clue what he was talking about.

"The child named Riku will be 18 in a few months it says. But the boy named Sora is only 16. The man you put down as your spouse, Sephiroth, applied to adopt him."

My eyes went wide and I quickly lowered my head. I was in shock, I was relieved, and I was mad all at the same time.

Seph had never spoken to me about that. Adopting Sora. Even though it was probably the smartest thing to do... He could have mentioned it to me first.

"Are you alright Mr. Strife?"

I looked up and smiled slightly. It was forced and fake. I was ready for this questioning to be over.

"Are we done?" I said a bit bitterly. I didn't try to hide my frustration and looked sternly into Officer Daniel's eyes. He looked down at his clipboard, then he looked back up at me.

"Yes, for now sir. But I'll need to speak to you again soon to get your side of the shooting incident."

I nodded and started to stand but I had a few more questions for the officer.

"Was I being interrogated?"

The boy looked at me with blank expression on his face. I sighed, thinking he wasn't going to answer.

"We just needed to hear your side of the story sir. We've already questioned Miss Gainsborough...."

I gaped.

"...Her story parallels yours."

I sighed in relief but started to worry again instantly.

"Is.... Aeris in trouble... For never reporting the rapes at first I mean?" I bit my bottom lip while I waited for the officers reply.

"Considering the circumstances, Gainsborough will not be charged for neglecting the children and reporting the rapes. She feared for her life which is common in situations like this."

I nodded in understanding. But that left a bitter taste in my mouth. I'd never really gotten the chance to reprimand Aeris for keeping something so serious a secret from all of us. She could have told me and Cid at least. There would have been no way Leon could have taken both of us on.

....Don't start blaming people again Cloud. I scolded to myself silently. I didn't need internal conflicts right now. Had to keep my head clear of all evil thoughts.

I reached for my half empty can of pop and pushed in my chair. I was about to turn around to leave when another question popped into my head.

"...What's Leon's condition? Is he... alright?"

Officer Daniel gave me a confused and barely hidden look of surprise. I guess he couldn't believe I was worrying about the man that almost murdered two of my loved ones.

"I'm not at liberty to say Mr. Strife." He said after a pause. I nodded absently, already realizing he wouldn't answer that question in the first place. I turned on my heel and left the room. Stepping out into the semi crowded hospital hallway, into the green tinted fluorescent lights, suddenly made me feel sick and dizzy. I saw spots before my eyes briefly and swayed on my feet. It took me a minute to get my bearings straight and I walked slowly back to Seph's room. The sudden shock of not seeing him or Riku in the room made my mind go completely blank. Anything I had to ask or tell Seph about the questioning vanished with the sudden twist of my stomach and I got violently ill. I threw up right in the door way.

My soda can clattered to the floor and the coppery colored liquid sprayed everywhere.

My heart seemed to stop beating and I sank to the floor. A doctor came up behind me and started asking if I was okay. I couldn't think, my mind running rampant, my vision blurry.

"Where....?" I gasped and tried to stand up. I couldn't make the room stop spinning. I covered my mouth but it was futile because I threw up again. I heard the doctor that was trying to help me call to someone else.

"Please sir, come this way. You're really sick." It was a mans voice. I gripped onto the door frame to Riku and Seph's room.

"Where are they!?" I snapped and felt myself gag, about to vomit again. The doctor let me slide to the floor his hand rubbing soothingly at my back.

"Relax. They're fine."

I looked into the mans face as best as I could. The area swayed for a minute but I could make out a handsome face, glasses, brown almost red colored eyes, framed in long black hair.

This was a doctor?

I heaved again and this time there was no splatter on the floor. I gasped and gagged for a second before I realized I'd just puked all over the man standing in front of me.

"...I am.... so... sorry...." I covered my mouth in utter shame and embarrassment and tried to stand up. The floor looked like it rushed up to meet me. I closed my eyes.

"It's alright." I heard a soft chuckle. "I'm... used to it.... sadly. Third time today. Working with children and all...."

I let out a nervous half choke, half chuckle.

I can't believe I just did that.

"Riku and Sephiroth are perfectly fine. They've just been moved to another room."

I blinked hard and slowly as his words sunk in.

Moved to another room? Who is this guy?

"Are you alright now? Think you can stand?" The doctor asked me. I looked at the floor for a few minutes, staring at the puddles of puke I'd made. I shivered and ran my hands over my face and through my hair.

"...Ye... yeah..." I stuttered and used the wall as my brace to stand up. I wasn't sure why I felt so sick so suddenly. I was so worried.... It was affecting my health now.

"You're burning up." The doctor who'd been helping me had placed his palm against my forehead. I leaned into his touch. It was nice and cool.

"You may have the flu." He said softly. His voice concerned. I nodded in agreement not really realizing what he was saying.

"I'm going to get you checked into a room so I can take a look at you okay." The soft spoken doctor said gently to me. I blinked again, staring at him. He'd turned away from me and was talking to a nurse who'd just suddenly appeared. He took off his lab coat and handed it to the nurse. She was nodding vigorously at what ever he was telling her. I stared at the back of the mans head, watching the light bounce of his extremely soft looking deep black hair. He turned around abruptly and smiled.

"Sorry, I was about to go on my break, get a few hours of sleep before my next shift. It's been very hectic around here."

I squinted. Did... did all the doctors here look this good?

"The flu is running rampant this time of year. Many children were admitted with it today."

We were walking now. Very slowly. I watched open doors fly by my vision and I tried to look into the rooms to catch a glimpse of Seph or Riku. I didn't see them at all by the time we'd reached the elevators.

I cringed and felt my stomach do flips. The doctor laughed softly and let me lean on him.

"We can take the stairs. It's only one floor down." He said and we headed for a door in the far corner of the area we were in. The walk was short and brisk and the next thing I knew I was getting examined by a female nurse. She took my temperature. I had fever of 101.3. She checked my breathing, took my blood pressure, then did a culture on me.

"Mr. Strife." The nurse called. I looked absently at her. She looked familiar. I think she was the same nurse who'd given me the sleeping pills the first night we'd come to the hospital.

"Is your body sore or aching anywhere?"

I nodded without checking first. I'd been feeling achy for days now.

"Patient exhibits all signs related to the virus." The nurse said absently and wrote something on a clipboard. She then turned and handed me a cup of something warm, milky white looking and mint scented.

"Drink that." She ordered gently. I did as I was told and immediately regretted it. A bitter shiver ran down my body from the horrible taste of... this tar thick milk I'd just downed.

"Gluh..." I gagged. "What... -cough- what hell was that?... Gah..."

"It's for your stomach." She simply stated, a slight chuckle in her tone. I frowned and let another disgusted chill scamper down my spine. I was very cold for some reason but my face was burning up. The nurse was holding my arm gently out away from my body. I smelled alcohol briefly then I saw a needle. Before I could react or even scream in pain the nurse was putting a band aid over the place she'd just poked me at.

"Your husbands in room 441. Try and get some rest." She said gently and before I could blink she was gone.

Did she just say my husband?

Absently I got up and hobbled to the elevator. When the doors closed, me inside, I leaned heavily against the wall. A dull ache made it's way up my arm and I was suddenly very tired. The chime of the elevator doors opening spurred me forward and walked slowly down the long wide hallway, staring at room numbers.

"441... Is that what she said...?" The numbers came up as another patient on crutches moved out my way. I looked into the room and a weak smile spread across my face.

"Here you are..." I mumbled and went into the room. Seph was sitting up in bed, his blanket tossed aside, bare, slender, and perfectly toned legs dangling off of the bed side.

"Where are you going?" I asked before sitting down heavily in a chair in the corner. Seph gave me a concerned look.

"You don't look so good." He whispered. I nodded a few times and winced. I shouldn't do that....

"They said... I have the flu... I got a shot.... Need to rest."

Seph raised an eyebrow then he frowned.

"They gave you medicine and let you walk around on your own?" He sounded upset. I waved my hand dismissively

"It's okay... I'm okay... I'm just tired." I sighed and sank back into my chair. My eyes drooped. "So where are you going again...?" I asked blankly.

I heard the bed creak and the shuffling of sheets. I forced my eyes open. Seph was lying down now and staring at me.

"Nowhere." He whispered. "I just came from the bathroom...."

I chuckled. "You know, you shouldn't be up and walking around so soon?"

I heard Seph scoff. "It's my arm that's injured, not my legs."

I smiled. "Sexy legs..." I cooed. Seph laughed softly and pulled back the blanket to look at his legs. They were long, slender, and lean. His calf muscle tightened when he pointed his toes. His legs were pretty hairless too. Don't ask me why...

"Tease..." I murmured. Seph covered himself back up and went to lean against his pillow. I saw him wince and I was instantly up on my feet. He looked up at me in surprise.

"I'm alright... I just keep forgetting to be careful with my arm." He consoled me gently and pointed at my chair, indicating I should sit. I sat down again, closed my eyes and yawned. I was exhausted.

"How high was your fever?" I heard Seph ask. I didn't try to open my eyes this time and just whispered my reply.

"101... something..." I felt my head drop quickly to the side.

I opened my eyes for a second and watched Seph absently play in his hair with his uninjured hand. Then he settled back into his pillows and yawned slightly.

"You can go home you know." I heard him say softly.

I was suddenly very awake.

"Huh? Why? No way, not without...." My mouth snapped shut from the stern look Seph was giving me. I'd almost been yelling.

"You're sick, Cloud." He blinked slowly and spoke patiently. "I'm fine now. There's no reason for you to keep sitting around in the hospital all day everyday like this. You need to rest."

I blinked and instantly argued back. "What about Riku?"

One of Seph's eyebrows arched up and he smirked. "The doctors aren't going to let him die."

He was trying to tease me I knew. But the word 'die' and 'Riku' in the same sentence sent a shiver down my spine and put a pained expression on my face. Seph instantly looked guilty.

"I'm sorry." He said gently and reached out his hand for me to take. I was instantly at is side again, pressing my body into his as much as I possibly could. He wrapped his good arm around me stroked my hair and cheek absently with his fingers. Instantly I felt the pull of sleep and let my eyes slip closed. Seph moved over a bit on the bed, waking me abruptly. I blinked away exhaustion to see what he was doing. He pats the bed and I curl up next to him, not bothering to take off my shoes.

"Think they'll make me get up?" I ask blankly, already falling asleep. Seph laid his head next to mine and sighed. I instinctively put my arm over his torso.

"Fuck them." He mumbles and I know he's already asleep. He doesn't stay awake for very long these days. One last time, call me paranoid, I put my hand over Seph's heart and smiled lazily at the steady beat I felt on my palm. I turn just enough to see Sora curled up in a chair next to Riku's bed. He's fast asleep, a blanket up to his shoulders. I sigh, lulled by the constant soft beep of Riku's heart monitor and Seph's breathing, and finally fall asleep.



Man is it good to be home.

Fucking hate airplanes. The jetlag, geh, just awful. I feel weak in the knees, my head is aching, and my ears hurt from popping so much. I shiver, because it's cold as hell outside and in the hallway, and finally manage to unlock the door to the home I haven't been in for almost 2 months.

It's silent and empty.

I drop my luggage unceremoniously on the floor right in the doorway and look around. The loft looked like it hadn't been in use in days. Maybe longer then that. It was about as cold inside as it had been outside too.

"Well... welcome home..." I said softly and nudged at my suitcase with my foot. I didn't close the door behind me and randomly started pulling off my jacket, tossed my keys on the table just inside the living room, and ran my hand through my hair. God I'm so tired.

"Seph?" I say softly but loud enough for my voice to carry. Eyes narrowing in confusion, I make my way through the house. I notice vaguely there's a bed in the used to be empty guest room.

So... we've got a new roomy...?

Or maybe Seph's new boyfriend, ...what was his name again... , finally moved in?

I ran my hand over my face and went into Seph's room. The first thing I noticed was that the bed wasn't made up.

My heart did flips and my stomach dropped to my knees. I had to sit down, felt sick suddenly. Not from the jetlag either.

Seph's bed wasn't made up... Something was wrong...

I sound silly... But I know Seph... He's anal about things like this. He believes a messy bed means a messy person. Needless to say, we get into debates over that concept. I don't make my bed....

I let a shiver, from exhaustion and worry, run down my back before I stand, letting my hand linger on the comforter. A sad smile crosses my face as nostalgia rears it's ugly head.

I remember when this bed was mine too.

I sigh and leave the room before I'm tempted to just lie down and snuggle into the blankets and sheets I know will smell like Seph's expensive cologne. Cinnamon and vanilla. I pause in the door way...

... Well... will smell like his cologne and his new boyfriend... I meant...

I shake my head to clear my mind of those depressing thoughts and opt to find the phone. Where ever Seph is, he's probably left a message for me about it. I flop down onto the cough, cordless in hand. My body instantly relaxed into the cushions. I pat the pillows absently with my free hand, smiling, they still remember me. Heh.

The answering machine clicks on with a friendly chirpy tone and I press the code to let me hear them.

"You have four new messages."

Only four? I pout. Hmph, nobody loves me...

"To play your messages pres..."

I cut the machine off and press the appropriate numbers. The first message has the voice I want to hear on it. I perk up and listen intently.

Something was indeed wrong. I could tell just by how slowly Seph was talking.

"I don't know when you're getting home..." He started, without referring to me so I would know this message was indeed directed at me. So that meant his boyfriend hadn't moved in yet. I didn't have time to smile on that thought though. The message went on.

"If by any chance you get home in the next few days, I'm sorry I'm not there to greet you. A lot has happened since you left... -long sigh- ...I'm in the hospital...."

My eyes go wide and I stand up quickly. Jet lag snatched my equilibrium right from under me and I had to kneel over for a second.

Fuck.... I fucking hate this feeling....

"...Traverse Town Memorial, room 441. Visiting hours are from 11 to 5. I'm assuming you'll be tired once you get home so don't worry about rushing over here okay. Get some rest. I'm fine."

Why did he have to sound so nonchalant about everything? He knew full well I was going to come to the hospital right after he mentioned he was there. Perceptive, too calm, logical thinking son of a--..."

"Don't get upset..."

I sighed.

"...I'll see you soon. I love you. Bye." -click-

I hung up the phone and let it drop to the carpeted floor. About a million things ran through my mind, trying to explain and rationalize why Seph would be in the hospital. Was he sick? Nah, Seph didn't get sick.... Had he gotten hurt? By who.... and what? Did he... have an attack...?

I started chewing my bottom lip nervously.

But... if he took his meds he should have been...

I shook my head, winced, and sat back down. Oh my god.... when will this fatigue bullshit go away?! I let my head rest over the back of the couch, eyes closed, letting my limbs relax. I opened my eyes once I felt myself dozing.

...Well... Seph told me not to worry... To rest... He was trying to make things sound better then they actually were... I knew him well enough to know that. But I'll do as he wishes and not rush over there like an insane worry stricken mother about her child... Seph will tell me everything once I see him... In a few days... or maybe tomorrow.

I stand and start unbuttoning my shirt and undoing my belt. I decided to take a nice long hot bath. I head to the bathroom and turn on the faucet, adjust the water to hot and let my hand linger under the soothing warmth. I pour some bubble bath into the water before I head to my bedroom.

I click on the light and watch the shadows run away. I give my room a once over, noticing everything is just how I left it. Except my bed. Which is made up.


I smile, shaking my head, and go to lay face first into my expensive sheer comforter. The soft downy of the blanket and the sturdy but soft support of the mattress made my body melt. It felt so good that I had to think about how hard it would be to get up again. I could hear the water running down the hall but wasn't worried about the bathtub overflowing. I cough up 10 grand a month for this place and I made sure I had all sorts of nifty high tech gadgets installed. Like an automatic timer that would stop the water in the bathtub once it reached a certain height.

So I just lay here now, breathing contently, and letting out soft sighs of blissful joy. I could feel my body relaxing, even though my mind was telling me to stay awake. The pull of sleep was almost overwhelming and I couldn't stop my eyes from closing. I felt the sweet darkness veiling me over and I was almost out cold when the alarm on my watch as well as the one on the tub went off, jolting me awake. I sighed in a bit of frustration and crawled up into a sitting position.

The room did a twist and turn for a second but I got my vision straight and started to strip. Shoes, socks, shirt... The air in the house was bitterly cold and I felt goose bumps prickle up on my skin the instant the cloth left them. I rubbed my arms absently and went to the living room again and found the panel to turn the heat on. I put the temp on 80, that should be warm enough. A yawn makes my body shudder and I undo my zipper on my pants before stopping in front of the linen closet. Blinking I get out a set of towels. I undo my super large dry towel and wrap it around my chilly frame before turning into the bathroom.

The room was filled with a nice stuffy steam that made my suddenly itchy eyes and throat feel better. I breathed in the scent of peppermint bubble bath and wiggled out of my pants. The heat felt like gentle fingers caressing my skin.

Seph's gentle fingers.

I suddenly sneezed and got a chill. Geh... Am I getting sick now? I pulled off my boxers, kicked them aside, and stepped into the hot bubbled filled water. I winced at the weird but pleasant sensation that sped up my body. Slowly sinking into the water I could feel every nerve that was tight, every tendon that was pinched, and a sudden ache in my throat, slowly fade away. I practically melted into the water and wanted nothing more then be able to sit here and soak for hours and hours on end.

Simple pleasures. How people take them for granted.

I sat there for a while, content, happy, and more relaxed then I thought was humanly possible as I let my mind just rest for a moment. I would take Seph's advice. He was right anyway. It wasn't until I reached the house that I realized how tired I was. My job is so stressful sometimes...

Absently I reached up to stretch my arms. I could feel every muscle sigh from such a simple action. I played with the water and dunked under once to wet my hair, which was extremely brittle from being abused by the cold weather. I examined a strand of my hair and chuckled from the silky touch it made against my back in the water.

I have split ends? I need to condition....

My hair dressers going to flip over this...

I shake my head and lay back down in the water, closing my eyes this time I allow myself to doze. I didn't start to wash up until I felt the water's temp dip just below luke warm. The soap's texture was nice against my skin and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what made Seph suddenly start buying such feminine smelling soap. Was this Cloud's idea? Not that the thought of smelling like flowers and candy bothered me too much. It just made me aware of how much Seph seemed to have changed over the short time I was gone.

I wonder... just how much he's changed...

Rinsing just a bit I unplug the drain and watch the water go down. The tub is empty in less then a minute and I stand to turn on the water again. I hate rinsing off in soapy water. I pull the shower curtain closed and turn on the shower. I take this time to wash my hair and rinse the remaining soap from my body.

I really missed our massaging shower head. They don't have these at any of those fancy five star hotels. -sigh-

Finished with my bath and almost completely dry, I work my fingers through my hair. The touch of my own hands was soothing and nice and I found myself wishing they were someone else's hands. I leave the bathroom, bolting the water from my hair, pouting slightly, and head for my room. I make a detour though and go into Seph's room instead. It was nice and warm in here now. The carpet all but massaged my bare feet and I went and sat on the bed. For almost 20 aimless minutes I sat and dried my hair. By that time my body was completely dry and I kind of itchy. Ah, time to lotion up.

It's fun to pamper myself sometimes. Regardless of how glamorous my job may be, I'm not treated like a king while I'm on the clock. I guess it's worth it though, considering how much money I make standing still or walking like a lifeless doll with no emotions.

I opted to put the lotion on later and fell back into the blankets on the bed instead. The cloth was cool against my back and I couldn't hold in the sigh that came out.

The memories I have in this bed. I grin lopsidedly and turn to lay on my side. I can't help but bury my face into the sheer blanket that still has the lingering scent of Seph all over it. It's so faint though. Now everything smells like the frost from earlier mixed with the roaring heat that was radiating now.

Seph must have been away for a while.

I crawl further up onto the bed and cuddle into the pillows. One under my head and another in my arms. If I think really hard, I can almost imagine this pillow is Seph... If he were really out of shape that is.

I frown at nothing in particular and hug the pillow closer. I really wanted to see Seph today. And not in the hospital... He must be in pretty bad shape to be admitted though. I wonder what.... Stop, stop.... Don't start worrying now... I scold myself and ceased all those thoughts with a mental slap to my brain. It would have to wait until tomorrow. It was too late to go to the hospital anyway. I let my mind stray to other thoughts while I waited to fall asleep. My body had decided a little while ago that it wasn't going to move from this spot.

Seph... he's serious with someone now.


That super gorgeous blonde that owns some really nice restaurant downtown. I was there the day Seph actually met him for the second time. Seph told me he'd run into some really hot guy at the library one day. Figures, Seph would meet a catch like that in such a geeky place. But the guy invited Seph to 7th Heaven for dinner, a place he and I had always thought of going to but never got around to it. I remember just 4 hours prior to the conversation where he mentioned meeting Cloud we'd just slept together... It was so weird that he brought it up then...

I felt a deep frown set into my face. I guess.... I should have been upset that day... Seph and I have a really odd relationship... I fuck around and so did he... Well, he doesn't fuck around like that, but I know he's seen people on and off. I haven't really had a solid relationship since we kind of broke off dating. But we still lived with each other and even slept together like things were still the same. I can't say I'm regretting still letting those things go on. I love Seph and making love to him was wonderful. Hell just thinking about making love to him makes my senses tingle.

But... is this really healthy...?

I remember that night as though it were a painted picture...

I was falling asleep, curled up really close to Seph, my head laying on his chest. I was absently running my finger nails over his perfectly sculpted abs and sniggered every time the muscles of his stomach would contract. He was making soft sighing sounds in his throat and running his fingers through my hair. I remember thinking nothing could fuck up such a wonderful and utterly surreally perfect moment. I'd unplugged the phone just to make sure nothing could fuck up this moment. I looked up at Seph from my comfortable spot on his chest and silently questioned what he was thinking about. He stared back at me for a moment, his whole persona completely relaxed and caught in euphoria. I didn't think he was going to say anything. He rarely spoke after sex anyway. I was used to it. He was tired and so was I. But we were happy and knew what the other was thinking, so dialogue wasn't really needed.

But I just had this feeling Seph needed to tell me something...

When his eyes finally registered that I was still staring at him he shifted and went to lay on his side. I moved to accommodate his new position and laid down next to him. Facing him still and silently staring into his eyes. He closed his for a moment before he spoke.

"...Do you remember me telling you about that guy I met....?"

I just remember feeling like an arrow had pierced my heart.

Seph had been mentioning it for a while... How he'd met some really nice guy and wanted to see him again. I didn't discourage him but I had to sit up and really look at him.


My Seph.

Mister antisocial-all-I-need-are-my-books-and-you-to-live-happily. I blinked several times for no real reason. I was still caught up in the after glow of letting him fuck my brains out and he suddenly blurted out calling Cloud and seeing if he was free on Friday. I could only stare at him at first. Confused. He just gave me this gentle smile that said 'I should have known this was coming'. I mean.... I was kind of seeing someone on the side too and I was still messing around with Seph. So it was only fair.

Now that I think about it... I was hurt to hear him say it. But like the idiot I was I said;

"Yes, call him, see if he's free. You've only been talking about him like a kid pestering his mother about a new video game. You need to get your sexy ass out of this house anyway."

Seph laughed. I couldn't help but smile. "He must have really been something to make you all mushy and obsessed over him like this."

Seph sat up on his elbow, silver hair spilling over the bed. "I'm not obsessed." He said softly, but his tone was playful. I raised any eyebrow.

"Seph, you're wasting your precious time actually talking about another living human being. We both know the only things you ever acknowledge are the news, your studies... Oh, and me!" I grinned. "You're obsessed man."

The fact alone the Seph retorted to my accusation proved he was obsessed. I just wanted to goad him some more.

Seph shook his head, laughing good naturedly and I felt my heart flutter. God he was so gorgeous. I was so lucky to have him like this... Whenever I wanted.

But all of that was about to change huh?

"He seemed like a nice guy." Seph purred and started playing with a strand of his hair.

My eyes narrowed on their own and I scoffed. "Look at you, you're acting like a 14 year old girl!" Seph's eyes went wide for a second and he let go of his hair. His cheeks practically erupted into this really pretty shade of red. I gasped beside myself.

"OH MY GOD!!!" Seph hid his face into the sheets.

"Stop that..." He groaned. I crawled on this back and laid onto him, my nipples brushed against his shoulder blades and I felt a stirring down south. This game we were playing could easily turn sexual at any moment.

"Why haven't you hooked up with this guy yet!? He's got you whipped and you only talked to him for like, 20 minutes!" I nuzzled into Seph's hair. "I want to meet him. Anyone that can make you, mister glacier, turn into a big teddy bear deserves major props."

I ran my hands up and down Seph's arms and purred. He was so warm and soft. I could easily fall asleep lying on top of him like this.

"Even I've never made you blush." I whispered.

The thought left a slightly envious twinge on my nerves.

Seph looked back at me as best he could and I noticed the smile he once had was gone. He looked serious. I leaned back and climbed off of him.

"Seph..." I said softly, feeling such a wonderful moment die. I wondered vaguely if this was the last time I'd get to play so freely and openly with him. And if so... could I handle it?

"You've made me blush before." He spoke barely above a whisper. I let out a slightly bitter laugh.

"You were 14... It's not like it was that hard..." I felt suddenly cold and pulled the sheets around my shoulders. The room was silent for a time and with each passing second the reality of this whole situation became more real. I moved to the foot of the bed, suddenly feeling like I would cry.

I... thought I'd prepared myself for this... I felt my body sag forward. Defeat.

"Zack..." I heard Seph whisper. His voice was practically begging me not to run away. Not to turn my back on him. He'd never sounded so desperate in all the time I'd known him.

Seph... please don't...

I didn't say that out loud though.

"I... I won't do this... I mean... if you don't want to me see him... I won't..."

I sat up straight as an arrow and turned around. I felt a splash of wetness on my cheek and quickly wiped it away. Seph was still lying there, his sultry bed room eyes pleading with me, begging me to understand. I glared at him out of pure frustration. At myself and at him for saying something so stupid.

"Why the fuck would I want that?" I hissed and I saw Seph's eyes flicker hurtfully for a second. I snapped my mouth shut and took a moment to calm this rising anger I could feel in my chest.

"I'm... not greedy Seph. We aren't married, hell, technically we aren't even boyfriends anymore. What divine right do I have to say who you can and can't see?"

Seph's eyes searched my face for a moment. He didn't look convinced. I knew him well enough to know this one thing; If I said I didn't want something to happen, he would make sure it didn't happen. And vice versa.

"...I just.... don't want to hurt you..." He breathed. I knew that was coming and I felt my glare dissolve away like sand in the wind. Something dawned on me suddenly.

Seph was afraid.

In all of this time we'd been together, in all the jokes and quips I've made at him about being anti-social, a loner, and a cold ice prince, it dawned on me that that shit was really true.

When Seph said all he needed were his books and me he'd been serious.

I'd been his first....

In everything.

And now... he was trying to let me go... He was asking me to let him go too...

I've dated, fucked, seen, one timed with probably well over 100 people in my short life time. I'm not a whore, I just like to live okay. I'm used to the games, the phone calls, the arguments, the tears, all of the bullshit that came with RELATIONSHIPS.

But not Seph.

He was a virgin when it came to things involving.... Life.

Seph and I never got into fights. And when we did, it was more like a heated debate over what color carpeting to get for the loft. We'd always apologize for going off the deep end on each other with nice long hours of touching, sucking, and love making. We agreed on just about everything, and on the things we didn't, we'd make up for them with something else. We were perfect opposites that balanced each other out. Seph kept me in control and I made him go out of it.

But Cloud might not be like that.

Seph knew we had something good... Something wonderful actually. He was just as hesitant to let it go as I was.

But our... relationship was so much more then sex. We had sex because we could and because it felt great. But it wasn't required. Sure, Seph had become an integral part of my bodies chemical balance, and it made my days so much better when we'd have sex first thing in the morning. That... actually made me late for work more times then I'd like to admit... But sex, with him, was something I could live without...

I think...

Seph and I were companions, in war, in love, in friendship... He was... He was my soul mate. No matter how cliche and super cheesy that may sound.

I believe it.

This guy, this Cloud. He could never take that from us. No matter how good he is in bed or how nice a guy he is.

Seph will always and forever be mine.

"Seph..." I started. "...you could never hurt me. Not like that anyway. I can't horde you to myself forever. I mean, look at you." I motioned to the perfection that was 'Sephiroth'. He smirked but let me keep going.

"I'd be a total jackass not to share you." I couldn't help but grin. The atmosphere suddenly wasn't so stifling.

"Share me?" Seph spoke, a frown on his face. "What am I, a sex toy?" He chuckled. I batted my eyelashes at him suggestively.

"You're my sex toy." I said huskily.

He reached out to me and that was all it took for my heart and libido to go out of control. But I stayed planted at the end of the bed.


"Come here." Seph said softly, motioning with his fingers. I bit my bottom lip. Seph's eyes were smoky and intense. I couldn't look away.

"But.... is this right...?" I couldn't help but ask. I already knew the answer. NO this was not fucking right! I was torturing myself by doing this, by letting myself get swept away each time he spoke, took a breath, or moved. I loved him and I wanted him for myself.


"I said I'd call Cloud tomorrow. He's not my boyfriend yet."

I gaped, noting Seph was using one of my lines against me. How dare this sharp tongued bas...

"You're awfully confident." I hissed and felt my body starting to move in his direction on it's own. My mind kept saying 'What the fuck are you doing!?'. But my heart was gasping, 'Yes I am yours. Take me!'.

I was so utterly pathetic.

The contact of his lips on mine sent all rational thought reeling out of existence and I turned into goo in his arms. The regrets, the doubts, the sorrow all seemed to vanish and I let myself be allowed one more intense night of pleasure. This was Seph's way of saying sorry, for any hurt he'd deal me later, for understanding, for being patient, for sticking with him through all of his issues, for being his friend.

His hands on my hips, my fingers in his hair, his tongue playing across my body. Making love to Seph is like doing everything you find pleasurable all at the same time.

Oh my god... He's so good...

I have to suck in more air then I think is necessary to feed my deprived lungs. I can't catch my breath, I can't scream loud enough to properly express how good his mouth feels on me. How soft his hands are running up and over my chest, nipples, and ribs. My nerves can barely keep up and an almost seizure like spasm rolls over my body. I pull Seph up to me, my legs wrapped around his waist, almost devouring him with a brutal kiss. My salty taste coupled with his sends the most erotic flutter up my spine and I practically scream into his mouth. His tongue becomes my tongue. I'm almost delirious with lust and desire. I start to rock against him, panting, moaning, and whimpering into his mouth. He's much more calmer then I am and breathes slowly and softly between moans.

If he doesn't fuck me right now I swear I'll just die.

"Seph..." I whisper and he shifts so that he can enter my body. "Seph..." I can't stop whispering his name for some reason. It's the only word I suddenly know how to say and think. He kisses down my shoulder and up my throat and I feel the familiar pressure of his member about to penetrate me. I couldn't help but wince, from a slight pain and too many amounts of pleasure. I ran my hands up his back, letting my finger tips absorb every powerful muscle, every ripple, and every indent of his spine. I reached his neck and let my hands curve and caress before my thumbs traced his jaw line and lips. Through his hair, wrapping my fingers in the mess of silk that tickled like spider webs but warmed my skin like rays of white sunlight.

If this would be the last time I could do this, the last time I could lose myself in his universe, I'd let myself go completely.

I'd let my body remember his body.

I was caught in another heated bout of French kissing. Seph's mouth tastes so good. We were slick from sweat and a drop rolled off his cheek and splashed onto mine. For a minute I felt like I was dreaming. It was almost like we were making love underwater. Time seemed to be going in slow motion. Nothing in the world could feel this good. When our bodies, our hips, started to dance in that rhythmic back and forth sway I had to break the kiss and cry out. I saw Seph smile and a sadistic grin crossed my face.

"Is this all you got?" I panted huskily, almost breathlessly..

Seph grunted just slightly and put one of my legs over his shoulder. He sat up, on his knees, still moving slowly, and looked down at me. I half laughed, half moaned from this new position. It felt like he was deeper inside me. He reached back and grabbed a pillow to put under me without breaking the cycle of ours hips meeting and parting. I ran my hands up and down his body, as far as I could reach, and then up and down my own. He smiled just slightly down at me and thrust really hard. I gasped and winced at the same time.

That had hurt a bit... But felt good too.

"Again..." I said through clenched teeth. Seph obeyed and slowed down way too much. I gaped and he looked at me intently, waiting for my order. I was about to go crazy and went to stroke myself. He held my hands by the wrist away from my erection.

"What the fuck....?!" I panted. "SCREW YOU!!" I snapped and he thrust into me again, causing me to groan. Oh god...

"I'm already doing that to you, aren't I." He teased and took my hands into his. Slowly he let me touch myself, his fingers guiding mine. I saw spots before my eyes for a brief moment. This... this was insanely intense...

And it was the last time I could experience this with him.

He let his fingers stroke my tip for a very cruel second. I laughed out of frustration and near insanity.

"Fu... I hate you..."

I suddenly felt like yelling, calling him names, and talking really dirty to him. It felt so good. I'm so glad we own this apartment building. I saw Seph give me a strange look, smile, grin, and all the while his face was tinged with lust. He'd never admit it, but he liked when I talked dirty to him. I had no idea how he was still so much in control. He was such a quiet love maker. Always had been. But I was baffled by his level of will power at this point.

"No... I don't... hate... you..." I sighed in ecstasy. "...Don't stop... Fuck me... yeeesss.... fuck...."

I snatched my hands free of his and started to stoke myself finally. Seph didn't try to stop me and just kept running his palms up my pelvic bone and chest. This had to be the deepest, hottest, and quite possibly kinkiest sex I'd ever had. When did Seph learn this stuff!?

"The Kama Sutra is a very interesting book." Seph whispered and let his eyes slid closed. He let out this really sensual sigh and let his head fall back, exposing the curve of his neck. That forced me to buck up into him.

So that's where he'd learned this.... this... wonderful thing he was doing to me. I'd never dragged sex out so long in my whole life. He had me on this border line between coming and lingering.

I'd have to get myself a copy of that book.

"...Harder..." I groaned, now arching my back up to meet him. He did as I commanded, but this time he didn't stop going. He was reaching his limit now as well.


I started to see spots again and suddenly my hands couldn't move fast enough. I cried out in frustration. "Fuck!!!"

Seph came back down to me finally, kissing me, and let himself go. He gasped into my ear and gripped my hips rather hard. I wasn't expecting such a rough thrust though and felt this really odd pain flare up in my spine. It brought tears to my eyes. But the pain just sent me closer to climaxing.

"Oh... g...god..." I choked and my voice shook. "Seph..." Ah... that really hurt.... I didn't tell him to stop though.

"...I'm sorry...". I heard Seph whisper. I wasn't sure what he was apologizing for. The pain was almost gone now... I opened my eyes and looked at him, he stared at me, his expression a sad one.

God I love him. I love him, I love him, I love him....

But I have to let him go....

"Thank you..." He just breathed and there was really no more room or need for dialogue.

I practically exploded. Seph followed me. He didn't cry out, like I did, he just buried his face into my hair and the sheets and whimpered. I couldn't stop panting, it felt like I'd run a million miles, sprinting, and would never catch my breath. We must have seriously gone at it for... hours...

Blindly I stared at the ceiling. I was gulping in air and I'm sure I looked like a beached fish. Seph snuggled into me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me up into a sitting position. I was dead weight.

"Zack..." He spoke softly, tenderly, in my ear. I blinked really hard and shuddered. My body was so tingly, it was like all of my nerves were freaking out all at the same time. I smiled lazily, closing my eyes and sighed.

"Mmmmm...." Was all I could make out. Seph laughed softly, nuzzling into my neck and kissing my collar bone. When I found the strength to move, I wrapped my arms around Seph's shoulders. His skin was cold in places but hot in others. I felt around without looking until my finger tips touched his face. Here, he was burning up.

I opened my eyes and saw the prettiest hue of red I'd ever seen blossoming across Seph's cheeks, the bridge of his nose, and lips. He looked 14 again.

"God...." I panted. "... You're so gorgeous."

Seph frowned, trying to hide his obvious embarrassment.

"You know.... You're the only one that gets away with calling me that..." He stuttered. I sniggered and pushed him onto his back. For some reason, I felt like I'd just experienced my first time. This time though, I actually wanted it.

"Mmmm, it's cause I'm special." I ran my fingers through his hair again. I was going to drag out these last few hours of having him to the extent of my ability. I wouldn't let him sleep if it meant just a few more moments of having him to myself.

"Cause you love me." I kissed his shoulder. He hissed playfully.

"And cause you know you like it." Seph scoffed.

"...Don't tell anybody that..." He sneered at me but started to laugh. I felt his grip on my waist dip down to my hips and he squeezed and glared at me. "I mean it..." He mock threatened. He couldn't hold his poker face for too long though and he started to laugh silently again.

"...eh..." I groaned and rose up a bit to look between our bodies. The sound of wet sticky... uh.... stuff made itself present and I saw Seph cringe. I looked up at him and he made a face.

"What are you looking at me for? It's yours! Do something about." His eyes narrowed. I returned the challenge.

"No way! You're the one who made me come, YOU do something about it!"

Seph blew a fake frustrated breath and flopped back onto the bed. "Zack, come on, I have to get some of my protein from food you know!"

That... made me gag and make a face. I hadn't been expecting an him to say that.

"Eww..." I drawled and rolled off of him. "Shower." I suggested already getting up. Seph sat up on his elbows and looked down the length of his body and grimaced.


He crawled out of bed and followed me to the bathroom. We didn't have sex again though. I don't think either of our bodies could have handled it. We didn't speak in the shower at all really either. There was nothing to be said. We just let the hot water wash away the remnants of our last shared night together. If it were possible I'd let Seph's scent stay on me forever. But I guess... smelling like sex all the time isn't a major turn on.

-sniggers-. But I couldn't help but be sad. Somehow, watching the water wash away our love was like letting such a good thing go down the drain.


I won't lie, I coped my share of feels off of Seph during our bath and he just a equally coped his own. We grinned and shared chaste kisses back and forth while he washed my hair and I ran the soap over his shoulders. Then we dried each other off slowly and sensually. I felt like... we were on a honey moon or something.

That was what lovers were supposed to do.


Oh my god.... I missed moments like that so much....

Going to bed that night.... I was so sure I'd burst into tears like a 16 year old girl. It was almost unbearable to fall asleep in his arms, knowing that this would be the last time. He was holding me at first, close, my back was practically an extension of his chest. His arm was loosely draped over my waist, fingers softly running over my bare belly. My throat was burning and my head was aching. Plus there was this strange and bitter stabbing throb just behind my chest bone. I kept trying to soothe it away but it only seemed to get worse as the minutes passed. I couldn't fall asleep.

Seph was breathing softly behind him. My hair ruffling slightly from his warm exhales. I took in a shuddery breath and suddenly sat up. Seph had been asleep and I'd woken him up.

He didn't ask me if I was okay. I was shaking, so it was pretty obvious that I wasn't. He just reached over and tried to touch me again.

I pulled away.

"I'm... going to go to my room okay." I could barely get the sentence out. My voice cracked so bad.

Seph looked only slightly hurt and that made me want to smack him for being so understanding. He knew I was hurt, and he knew I was mad. But he wasn't going to try and make me see other wise. That's what I'd asked for after all.

I was suddenly very cold, despite how warm it was in the room, despite my pajama bottom. I rubbed at my arms and shivered.

"I bet it's cold in there." I forced a laugh. "Heh, I haven't even seen my room in what... a week... Heheh, it's going to be weird sleeping by myself again..."

I was about to leave. I'd finally made up my mind as well as my heart to just get up and go.

But... then I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his head lay on my shoulder. And I didn't have the strength to move or fight back anymore. I sagged forward like a deflated balloon.

"Zack, don't do this." Seph said softly, soothingly. I bit my bottom lip and closed my eyes. I was such a drama queen.

"The only thing that's changed is that... we can't be intimate anymore... at least not sexually." He sighed and pulled me back to lay down again. I didn't resist.

"This new guy, Cloud. Say, just as an example, he and I do get together, and become serious. Do you honestly think I'm just going to forget about you?"

His arms tightened around me. Well... yeah I kind of did. A little. I didn't say anything about that though.

"I'll never let you go." Seph cooed and nudged his head under my chin. I let go of the breath I was holding and felt a tear roll down my cheek.

"Zack. My friend, my lover, my hope. You've... saved me... more times then you'll ever know. You're my guiding light. I wouldn't even be here today if not for you. How could I just mindlessly toss you aside just because I start seeing someone?"

Was I supposed to answer that? I was never really sure.

"Me, this loft, our home, we built this together. This room will always be yours. You can come and go as you please. I'll never take that back."

I had to repress an overjoyed sob. But a soft and overly feminine squeal left my throat.

"Oh my god shut up!" I blurted out and turned over, embracing quite possibly the only person I'll ever truly love. Seph only smiled and let me hold onto him as tight as I wanted to until we both fell asleep.

I remember waking up that morning and watching him sleep and happily realizing I'd have many more chances to see him like this. I loved moments like this, when I'd wake up before he did and I could watch the sun creep in through the blinds as it rose up. The soft gold rays of light would wash over Seph's face, practically making his flawless skin glow. He looked so relaxed when he slept, so young and innocent. For a moment, just before the sun would pass the window, the sunlight would illuminate his entire body, turning his starlight silver hair into golden silky thread.

I couldn't blink or breath during moments like that.

I lived to see moments like that.


He would look like an Angel.


Back in the present. Even after all of his words, his vows, his promises... I can't help but feel somewhat abandoned. I can tell Seph's changed. I met Cloud and he really is a really sweet guy... Not to mention really hot. And Seph's been with him for a while now. At least... I think he's still with him...

On that topic, I made a mental note to check out the new guest room. Maybe if I snooped around a bit I'd be able to find out who the new roomy was.

It better not be a... baby or something. -kills that thought-

I'll go visit Seph in the hospital tomorrow... whenever I get up. I can't seem... to keep my eyes open now... Feels so nice... Lying here... in his bed.

My bed.




It's quiet...

Are... Seph and Cloud asleep finally?

I move slowly, pretending to be shifting in my sleep. It's been a few hours since Cloud and Seph cuddled up across his hospital bed. I wonder how long they'll be able to stay like that. I haven't seen a nurse or doctor in a few hours either. I'm sure they're tired of dealing with us by now.

I sit up, gripping my covers in my hand and stare around. Of course Riku is still asleep. From where I'm sitting I can't tell if Seph is. He's hidden behind Cloud. Well... I won't look suspicious just getting up and checking on Riku again. Not that I have any reason to look suspicious...

I stand, mindful of my sneakers on the floor. I don't want them to squeak. The ever present beep and exhale of the heart monitor and oxygen machine dulls out any sound I make anyway. I've gotten so used to that sound that when I'm not around it... I feel worried. That beep is Riku's heart beat right now. As long as it's going, things are fine.

Things are stable.

I watch the door, then Seph's bed. Cloud shifts slightly but I don't go on alert and just go to stand closer to Riku. He was resting peacefully. No rapid eye movements under his lidded eyes, no twitching or shifting. He was resting.


I made my way for the door. The moment I turned my back on Seph's bed though a warning bell went off in my head.


He's watching me.

I can just... feel it.

He's like a hawk. Even injured the way he is. He seems to know when anyone leaves or enters the room without even seeing it.

I stand there for a minute, waiting for him to speak. He doesn't say anything for a moment.

"Try not to wander to far."

I raise an eyebrow and turn slightly. Seph wasn't looking at me, his eyes weren't even open. He was still cuddled close to Cloud, his good arm over Cloud's hip.

"And since you're going out... Could you bring me back an Iced Tea, please?"

I nodded then answered in a soft whisper.

"Sure.... I'll be back in a few minutes."

Seph didn't say anything else or even make a movement to say that he'd heard me. I left the room with no other interruptions.

The moment I was in the hallway I stopped and took a deep breath. My nerves were freaking out, telling me not to go through with what I had planned. Telling me it was a crazy idea. Telling me... I could get into serious trouble for this.

But I have to know...

I have to see him...

The 10th floor was it?

Will I even be able to get in?

I head for the elevator. The halls were empty save for a janitor or two. Doctors were probably trying to recharge with a quick nap in the faculty lounge too. I've got a new respect for those people. They deal with so much and keep such straight faces for so long. Running purely on adrenaline and a strong will to help other people.

I could... never be a doctor.

The doctor that's caring for Riku is so cool and nice. It's the same guy that looked at him back when... back when he was raped at first... I.... I bet he was never expecting to see us again under such circumstances. He hasn't asked me the full story yet... And I don't even know what to tell him. I'm sure the police will explain everything to him though.

Dr. Valentine.

He's really hot for a doctor. Especially with his hair down. I feel safe with him. Unlike with some doctors, you feel.... exposed. He doesn't give me that 'lab rat' feeling like the other specialists around here. And he's taking such good care of Riku. He even talks to him and tell him stories while he's taking his vitals.

He said he was a Pediatrician. A child doctor. He didn't usually take patients like Riku, but the hospital was under staffed right now. I'm glad we were lucky enough to get Mr. Valentine again. He's making this whole situation... somehow more bearable.


I stepped off of the elevator on the 10th floor and looked around. This floor looked like all of the others, except the carpet and wall paper was this off white color instead of a pastel blue. There were no pictures on the walls either.

I suddenly didn't like being up here.

The floors didn't have carpets and I could here my shoes squeaking softly as I took tentative steps down the hall. Each side of me was lined with closed doors. These doors had numbers on them in big black letters. They also had little windows centered on them. I noticed vaguely that each door seemed to be locked, a keycard and deadbolt sealing them shut.

A fluorescent light flickered above me and I looked up slightly dazed. The light kept flickering causing me to see spots once I looked away. The persistent buzzing of the bulb close to frying out made my nerves grate together and I found it harder to take more steps.

This place... something's wrong about it.

The 10th floor.

What... kind of patients do they keep up here anyway?

My unspoken question was answered for me when I found the front desk, a man sitting behind it. Over the desk was sign that plainly and clearly read 'Mental Ward'.

I looked quickly back down the hall and was greeted with the horrifying sound of what seemed to be many people yelling and screaming all at the same time.

The receptionist behind the help desk didn't seem to notice me and picked up a phone.

"Code yellow in 1045. Send security please." He said calmly and stood. I stepped back when he turned his tired blue eyes on me.

"Can I help you?"

I froze, still hearing the screams reverberating down the hallway. It was echoing off of everything and making my ears hurt. The receptionist sighed.

"It's Bobby again." He murmured and started shuffling through a folder sitting in front of him. I blinked. He seemed so... nonchalant about the whole situation.

"He's one of our... extended patients. Guy's been here for a year now."

The guy looked back a me and all I could do was stare wide eyed, my mouth hanging open.

"He has nightmares you see. Post traumatic stress disorder."

I looked down the hall again to see two average sized men in blue scrubs standing in front of the door where the screams were coming from. A smaller female doctor came up behind them and slide a keycard through the lock pad. After a second the two men entered the room. The screaming intensified so badly once the door opened that I winced and covered my ears.

"... You get used to it..." Said the receptionist softly. I looked back at him with haunted eyes. He gave me a slight smile.

This was the last thing I'd expected to see or hear while I was up here.

"I'm Jake by the way." Jake introduced himself and sat back down in his chair. In the background I could hear 'Bobby' yelling some incoherent rants about 'they're going to get me' and 'closing in on me'. The screams had reached an alarmingly high pitched shrill that sent chills down my spine. I trembled and involuntarily took a step back. I couldn't look away from the hallway.

The female doctor hadn't entered the room yet. She was just standing there with her hands in her pockets. The expression on her face held absolutely no emotion what so ever. She may as well have been a statue.

Something about a female doctor being so cold and standing head the head with a raving mad man made my blood run cold.

Isn't.... she afraid he'll try to hurt her?

Just as I had that thought a thin, sickly pale hand lashed out of the doorway. The female doctor didn't even flinch.


The hand lashed out again, this time much closer to striking the women in her face. She barely batted an eye.

"Hold him down." She instructed and stepped into the room. I heard the door click shut and Bobby's screams went up another pitch.


I gasped and turned away. I'd never been so disturbed in my life. I covered my mouth, suddenly feeling sick and looked over at Jake. He had this blank somewhat bored look on his face but he smiled when he noticed I was looking at him.

"Scary huh?" He whispered. I shook my head a few times, opting not to open my mouth in fear that I'd throw up.

"Poor guy." Jake started absently. I know my face was asking 'why'. Jake went on.

I think I mentioned he's been here a year or so... Well, his stories a bit... disturbing. He came from an abusive family. His mother was a drug addict and his dad wasn't around. I think.... his mother had a boyfriend. The guy was abusive to her but she stayed with him. The story goes that Bobby's mother neglected him, smacked him around when she could, and that her boyfriend was... molesting him. I'm not sure... it's in his case file somewhere. Anyway, I think Bobby was being raped on a regular basis by his moms crack head boyfriend. Bobby tried to tell his mother what was happening but she didn't believe him. One day, Bobby just snapped. He ended up cutting his mom and her boyfriend to shreds... I mean to bloody bits... I got to see the murder photographs..."

I gagged, eyes bulging. He'd murdered... his mother... too? I found myself intrigued, despite this churning feeling in the pit of my stomach. Why was Bobby in the crazy house? He'd only protected himself. His mother was just as guilty as the guy raping him.... Right...?

Jake shook his head, recalling something I guess only he knew about. He laughed slightly.

"Okay, here's the freaky part. Bobby, like I said killed his mom and her boyfriend, but the way he did it was totally.... twisted and evil. During interrogation Bobby was super calm, he was even smiling. He told the police everything. His mother was having sex right... Bobby came into their room and grabbed her by the back of her neck. He told her to go faster and harder. He asked his mom's boyfriend if she was as 'tight' as he was, did she 'suck him off' better then him. The boyfriend said he didn't know what he was talking about. Bobby... stabbed him in the stomach... For lying..."

I gasped. Was his mom... was she still....?

"...Bobby's mom was still.... ya know... yeah." Jake gestured with his hands to get his point across. I got what he meant and balked.

"So bobby ran the old nasty bastard through, but not enough to kill him. He made them keep fucking."

My stomach lurched painfully and I had to grip the desk to keep from falling over.

Oh... my... god...

Jake chuckled softly. "Sick huh? That's not all though..."

I rose my head slightly, shock written plainly across my face I'm sure.

"Bobby went on to tell the police he told his mother about all of the times he'd been raped. While she was sleeping, while she'd been in the shower, even while she was right around the corner sitting in the living room or something. Bobby said he couldn't go anywhere in his own house without being groped, grabbed, or have some vulgar sexual remark made at him. His mother tried to apologize. Can you believe that BS!?"

I closed my eyes, feeling nothing but sympathy for Bobby.

"His mother just didn't want to die. That crack whore... She ended up telling Bobby she never wanted him and she should have aborted him. Saved herself the stress of raising a little faggot brat that didn't do anything but spend all of her money."

Jake scowled. I assumed he had... personal reasons for feeling so... angered about this case.

"So because Bobby was gay, he deserved to be humiliated, abused, and violated like that...? I swear to you, some people in this world are totally fucked in the head. They use things like religion, personal belief, or morals to justify why beating the shit out of your gay son is a 'good' way to make him see his mistakes."

Jake folded his arms and leaned back into his chair. I could only stand there with my head hanging, soaking up everything he was telling me. The cries in the background had gone silent.

"It's already bad enough that kids his age get picked on at school, only to have to come home to it... To be called a horrible names by the same woman that gave you life... That bitch deserved to die... Bobby... he mutilated them and left the rest of their bodies still joined at the hips in the bed room..."

I made a sound of disgust in the back of my throat. Jake laughed just slightly.

"It's sick... but... Bobby took their heads and put them in a garbage bag before walking to the police station and turning himself in. He told the police he wanted to report a murder that just happened and that he was repenting for his sins. I was told that he dumped the heads onto the floor and just stood there. During the trial to decide if Bobby would go to prison or not... a priest asked him what he was repenting for..... Bobby said; "For being who I was born to be"."

Jake sighed. "Poor guy... He's one of the many patients I take the time to go see everyday. He's a nice guy, when he's not yelling and screaming bloody murder. He was admitted here because he just couldn't seem to get over the fact that he'd murdered his mother. Even if it was out of indirect self defense... He thinks he should be executed.... He asked once, for a lethal injection. Naturally he was denied... The doctors here think with time he'll be able to heal and regain a normal life... Only time will tell... You can never really... be sure what's going on the mind of someone who's suffered like that..."

All I could do was nod. I'd forgotten why I'd come here in the first place and suddenly all I wanted to do was be back beside Riku.

"Jake... I'm Sora... by the way... What... what exactly do they do to make people get over... post traumatic stress disorder...? I asked slowly. I had this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach... That somehow Riku... could end up like Bobby.

Jake bit his bottom lip and made a contemplative face. "Well.... there's a multitude of different methods used. Depending on the patient and his or her mental stability the right method is chosen. The one that's most effective is the 'Memory' treatment though."

I let go of a shuddery breath. "Memory?" I whispered. This was not... good... I didn't even know what it was or how it worked... but it didn't sound good...

"Yeah." Jake started. "They make the patient relive.... or act out the event that led up to their break down. It's really complex too. Sometimes, with advanced cases, they may even set up a stage for it to be played out in real time again. It's like... shock treatment. Whatever triggered the break down can be used again to un-trigger it... As weird as that may sound."

I looked around, somewhat dazed. "Does... this method always work?" I asked. Jake made a face.

"Well... yes and no. Sometimes the patient can regress so badly that they become vegetables... The won't speak, won't respond, won't even blink... It's scary. Then there are those that work too well... but in a negative way. The patient can become... bitter... mean, violent... They could start lashing out at people trying to help them.... That's what happened to Bobby. He regressed instead of progressed.... The affects may be permanent too. Sometimes, a patient can heal just fine on their own if they're left alone... but other times the patient will get violent or develop multiple personalities."

Oh my god.... Leon... That sounds just like what happened to him...!

I covered my mouth and turned to leave. "I have to get back to my room now." I said quickly. I didn't wait for Jake to try and stop me and I almost ran to the elevator. I mashed the buttons nervously and almost leapt onto the elevator when the doors opened.

Sinking to the floor was all I could do to calm my pulsing heart and over labored breathing. It felt like I might pop I was so... overloaded.

Why'd I come up here...?

I hadn't been expecting any of that...?

I'd just wanted to see Leon... I wanted to see how he was doing...

But instead I got a dose of medical reality that punched me right in the gut... I can't go back there, not knowing what's behind all of those identical doors. I can't look into that guy Jake's eyes again. So... blank... How can he... put up with that day in and day out?


The harsh shrilling screams!

The grabbing hands!

The... dead look in the patients eyes!

I'd go crazy in a place like that!

And... that was where they had Leon. Was he screaming and fighting for freedom? Begging for someone to make the voices stop, to make the pain subside, to probably just kill him!!

I held back a sob and released a pained shuddery breath just as the elevator doors opened to my floor. No one was around and I had to crawl out and sit on the floor for a moment. Just long enough to catch my breath and stop my mind from wandering into madness.

I was sitting there for almost half an hour before I struggled to my feet and went back to Seph and Riku's room. I didn't try to be quiet and flopped down into my chair. If Seph had seen or even cared that I'd come back without his iced tea, he didn't say anything. Cloud never made a move to show if he was awake.

And there I sat in silence, reflecting, contemplating, deciding, questioning. I was a mess. To think.... Leon was going to be locked up in a place like that... For god knows how long... To think I could have ended up in a place like that, had I been.... weaker mentally.

To think... Riku may end up in such a horrible place...

But... Riku's so much stronger then I am. I mean, 6 days after the incident he woke up, he spoke. The doctors were baffled about it.

So... there's no chance Riku could end up a vegetable or... insane. There was just no way...


But I think it's too late for Leon. Going by what Seph said, Leon... er... Squall's already long gone... Has been for a while now.

And I helped him lose it...

All that time I thought I was helping him when all I was doing was making him crazier by the day. I had no idea he... was so obsessed with me.

Well, that Seifer was so obsessed with Squall...

This is so confusing...

So confusing it's making my head hurt.

I'm going to sleep. Please... let me just pass out. No nightmares, no memories... Just sweet silent, blank, blissful sleep.

And it came, quite quickly actually. I felt my head drop and I snuggled unconsciously back into my chair. Just as the room was becoming hazy, just as my mind was starting to loose any train of thought... I could swear I saw Riku staring at me. The aqua of his eyes was so clear and bright. But something was off... Something was different...

Before sleep took me I felt this odd flutter of fear in my chest. It felt like my heart skipped a beat and my breathe got sucked from my lungs.

Had I just imagined Riku staring at me... Was I so delusional with confusion that I was seeing things?

Riku... his eyes... usually so soft and gentle when he looks at me... But for that brief second... his eyes looked so...











More tests...

I looked around absently while Seph's doctor did his regular check up. Another 2 days had passed and not one time had the doctor mentioned anything about Seph being able to go home. I have a feeling it'll be a while before he can anyway. Riku may be here for months...

I couldn't repress the bored and tired sigh that escaped my lips. I was feeling better amazingly. I still had the sniffles and a slight cough, but it was just a cold. The shot I'd gotten seemed to work. Now wasn't the time for me to get sick anyway. I'd just gotten back from the house. Sora and I had gone home for a while to take baths, change, eat, and take a nap. Sora seemed overly eager to be out of the hospital for a while. Not that I could blame him. It's the holidays after all. He probably wants to go see the festivities.

I saw Seph watching me while his doctor checked his pulse. He had this overly annoyed expression on his face and he kept glancing back at the doctor. I chuckled just slightly at that. Seph really didn't like doctors. I think he was just a few nerves short of beating the hell out of one of them too. But... he knew they were trying to help to she kept his composure. I can't blame him for being tired of this aimless process though.

I'm tired of it...

"Go shopping." Seph suddenly said. I saw his eyes light up. I blinked and turned my attention on him. He smiled just slightly, ignoring the doctor.

"Seph... it's still November... Go shopping for what?" I frowned but felt a smirk on my lips. He was trying to make me go away so I wouldn't get bored.

"So. Start early. Besides, we still need to get everything to cook for Thanksgiving."

I nodded absently. Thanksgiving was only 4 days away. I'm sure Aeris had already started cooking though.

"You.... think you'll be out before then...?" I asked. Seph's expression fell and I regretted asking that.

"Probably... not..." He whispered. I stood up and went to stand near him. He looked up at me and flinched slightly when his doctor pressed his fingers under Seph's chin, examining his lymph nodes. The man mumbled something about 'no sign of infection'.

Seph gave him a dirty look.

"Your hands are cold." He said blankly. The doctor chuckled and pulled away to write something on his clipboard.

"Okay, okay. We're all done for today. As usual get some rest."

Seph let out a slow aggravated sigh. I know he wanted to say something snappy but he stayed quiet.

"Ah yes, about the holidays. A dinner will be held in the cafeteria for patients who can't leave. You're friends and family are invited if you like." With that last comment the doctor left, pulling the door up behind him.

I looked at Seph and smiled brightly.

"That's great. We can have Yuffie, Cid, and Aeris come to visit and have Thanksgiving dinner together."

Seph puffed out a breath of air and absently rubbed at his 'gimp' arm. It was out of the sling now, only in a cast. It was extremely pale too.

"Yeah... that's fine I suppose. I didn't... really want to spend the holidays in here though..."

I made a sad face and ran my fingers through Seph's hair. "I know..." Was all I could say. But Seph didn't complain anymore and leaned his head to rest on my belly. I absently massaged his scalp and stared across the room. Sora was staring blankly back at me.

"Did you hear that Sora. We can all go have dinner together for Thanksgiving."

Sora blinked and nodded. "...What about Riku?..."

I felt Seph turn to look at Sora. I couldn't see his expression, but he seemed to be examining Sora.

When Seph did that, he reminded me a computer downloading information.

"We can sit up here for a while before we go eat." Seph said gently. It was more then plainly obvious... Riku wouldn't be joining us for dinner.

"I'm... scared..." Sora suddenly said. I felt Seph go stiff and I stopped stroking his hair.

Sora eyes were bright and full of pain and fear.

"...What... what if Riku never wakes up...? Or what if he doesn't remember us...? Me...? What if...?"

"Come here, Sora." Seph said softly. His tone was gentle, but demanding. Sora sniffled, hesitated, then slid from his chair and walked over to us. Seph reached out his good hand to him and Sora took it. Seph took Sora into his arms held him close. I couldn't help but blink in surprise.

"Sora, if you start asking 'what if' those things might start to happen. You can't doubt things okay. Riku's going to be fine. He'll wake up soon. He did once already right?"

Sora hiccupped and nodded.

Seph smiled and buried his face into Sora's hair.

"...Soon, Riku'll be back to his normal inquisitive self. You just have to be patient. Give him time... He'll come back to you..."

Standing there, watching those two, remember the barrier that used to be between them.... It was almost surreal. The way Sora so easily melted into Seph's embrace. Pretending Sora had never given me that monologue on what he'd think it'd be like the have sex with Seph, I could see the potential in what could be a very strong relationship. Not a sexual one... but a paternal one.

Seph had wanted to adopt Sora.

And now I could see why.

Despite his aloof exterior, Seph was really good with children.

Look what he'd done with Sora and Riku. They'd talk to him before they'd talk to me and they'd only known him for 4 months.

Speaking of that adoption thing, I had to remind myself to talk to Seph about that later as well. ...Maybe I should write down all of the questions I have for him...

"You alright?" Seph whispered into Sora's ear. Sora pulled away and wiped at his eyes. "Yeah... yeah, I'm okay. Sorry." Sora laughed slightly and got up to walk back over to his perch by Riku. Seph nudged him under the chin before he did though.

"Smile." He cooed. Sora did, beside himself. Seph turned back to me.

"Now about going shopping." He smirked. I laughed.

"Seph... Christmas is almost a month away. Besides I want to go shopping with you and Riku. All of us together you know."

Seph frowned. "Who said anything about Christmas. There's another special day in December besides that."

I raised an eyebrow and stuck out my bottom lip. I saw Seph's eyes go wide and he feigned a hurtful expression.

"Hmph, some boyfriend you are." He flopped back onto his pillows and crossed his arms.

"Wha...? I don't... OH!" I chirped and started laughing. Seph gave me a fake glare and I saw his mouth twitch while he tried to repress a smile.

"Aww, your birthday!" I giggled and leaned over to give him an Eskimo kiss. His nose was really warm. He sighed and nuzzled me back.

"You forgot..." He mumbled. I sniggered... cause he was partially right... I knew his birthday was coming up... just not so soon.

"How old are you turning, Seph?" Sora was sitting up, his eyes glowing with happiness all of a sudden.

Seph looked at him for a second then said. "27."

Sora stood up and his mouth hung open wide.


I saw Seph's eyebrow twitch.

"...old..." He murmured. I burst into laughter again. Sora's face turned bright red.

"Uh... I mean.. um... Not that you're old... I just mean, I didn't know you were already about to b 27... I thought... I thought you were younger then that..." Sora covered his face in embarrassment.

"How old did you think I was?" Seph asked, his tone curious.

Sora's cheeks looked like they were on fire. "Um... maybe about... 22... 23..."

Seph raised an eyebrow but he looked amused. I balked.

"Sora, you thought I was older then him!?" I stopped laughing abruptly and put my hands on my hips. Seph turned sharply and looked at me. Sora's eyes went wide and he choked back a giggle.

"Well, you do act like a grumpy old lady sometimes... Or rather... a worry wart mother." Seph cooed. I gasped.

"I... I do NOT act like an old lady!"

Sora was practically rolling on the floor now.

Seph rolled over, turning his back on him. I could see the shape of his hip through his blanket. "So you act like a nagging old lady then." He mumbled and let out a tired sigh.

I bristled but it was out of humor. I... I don't act like an old lady!!

I climbed onto Seph's bed and ran my hand over his hip suggestively. He looked back at me quickly with wide eyes.

"Could an old lady do this?" I said huskily and leaned in to kiss Seph.

It was a deep, slow, wet kiss, that made my body shake more then I'd like to admit. In that instant my body remembered how deprived it was and the thought of pouncing on Seph here and now almost won out against my common sense.

I heard Sora squeak.

When I pulled away I had to let go of a deep breath. Seph gasped and absently groped around at the sheets.

"Curse you...." He hissed under his breath. I grinned triumphantly. I went to sit back down in my chair just as knock filled the room. The door creaked open and Dr. Valentine peeked his head in. He had his glasses on.

"Hello? I'm not interrupting anything am I?" He whispered. I saw him smile at Sora, who waved him inside.

"Dr. Valentine, hello." I chirped and stood up. The same doctor I'd puked all over a 2 days ago. He'd been in and out of our room many times and I'd never noticed him before that incident. That's how out of it I was.

"Cloud. You look much better. And please, just call me Vincent." A gentle smile graced Vincent's handsome face and I felt my stomach flutter. God he's so pretty.

I heard Seph make a growling sound in his throat. I looked back at him. He looked absolutely feisty. Like a disgruntled cat.


"What do you want?" He hissed. My eyes went wide. Vincent looked over to Seph, his expression blank but calm. His eyes sparkled dangerously though.

"Nice greeting." He mumbled and walked over to look at Riku. Sora smiled, almost lovingly, up at the man while he checked Riku's vitals.

"He's doing much better. No fluctuation in his heart rate and he seems to be dreaming quite peacefully."

I smiled and nodded a few times absently. Hearing the words 'much better' soothe my heart a bit. I blinked and looked back at Seph, he was buried up to his chin in his blanket and was eyeing Vincent like a hawk. His pupils had even dilated.

Whoa... did I miss something...?

Vincent stood up straight and reached over to ruffle Sora's hair playfully. "How are you today?" He asked gently. Sora looked like he'd turn into goo at any moment. Another blush ran across his cheeks.

"I'm... um... I'm fine..."

I had a strange feeling he was lying... But he only said that to please Vincent.

Vincent stared at him for a moment, seeming to see something I'd missed. But he smiled again despite his calculating stare. "Well, that's good. We can't have you getting sick now." Sora nodded. Vincent turned his eyes on Seph, who shrank away, then on me, and Seph scowled.

"What do you want?" He hissed again. Vincent walked over to Seph, his hands in his pockets. He leaned over Seph and I watched, in shock and amusement, as Seph sank into his pillows as far as he could go. His pupils were practically slits.

"Why are you being so rude?" Vincent whispered. Seph looked away from him and I saw, what looked like fatigue, pass over his face.

"...Go away..." He groaned. Vincent chuckled and did something totally unexpected. He kissed Seph, several times, on the cheek.

I could only stare.

Seph sat up and pushed half heartedly at Vincent. "Stop that!" He gasped. His cheeks were turning red.

I blinked again.

Vincent ruffled Seph's hair, lovingly, and ran his finger tip over Seph's nose.

"You never cease to amuse me." He chirped. I could see Sora giving me this odd and disbelieving look. I blinked again, as that seemed to be all my body could do, and shrugged slightly. I had no clue what was going on either.

"You're a doctor for Christ's sake, act like one!" Seph yelped. I'd never heard his voice that high pitched and I felt my eyes get even wider.

Vincent was laughing whole heartedly now. "Look at you. It's like you're 5 all over again."



"You... two know each other?" I blurted out. Seph looked at me and hid the lower half of his face behind his sheets.

"Sadly yes..." He muttered. Vincent shook his head.

"All of his life." Vincent held out his hand and lowered it down to about hip high to himself. "I remember when he was this tall and used to latch onto my leg when he got scared.

I heard Sora gasp and he clasped his hands together.

"YOUR SEPH'S DADDY?!!" He squealed, almost like a girl.

Sephiroth groaned and hid his face behind a pillow. Vincent had this look of pride on his face.

No. Way. All I could do was gape.

"Oh my god, that is SO CUTE!!!" Sora was almost bouncing. "I knew it! Seph looks so much like you!! And he was all shy and childish around you!" Sora broke into a fit of giggles and I had to sit down.

"Look what you did!" Seph snapped at Vincent. The blush was still on his cheeks though.

"It's your own fault for being embarrassed to admit that I'm your father." Vincent quipped. Seph rolled his eyes.

"It's... weird..." He breathed.

And he was right. Vincent looked way too young to have an almost 27 year old son. Got to say though, I'm glad it turned out Vincent's his dad instead of a past lover...

Seph was much too... flustered around Vincent. Now I can see why.

"People always think we're lovers." Vincent went on matter-of-factly. Seph clenched his jaw. "No one believes me when I say I have a 26 year old son. It's because I'm so well preserved.... Or maybe just because I got his mother pregnant when we were barely out of high school..." Vincent trailed off and I had to slap my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing.

"... How... young... exactly..." I stuttered.

"I was 17. So that would make me 43 now."

Sora ran up to Vincent and looked him up and down. "No way..." He breathed. Vincent smirked. I did a double take myself. Wow... hey uh... Looking good. Was all I could think. 43? This man? Good God...

"I drink lots of water." Vincent said absently.

Seph huffed. "And talk lot's of shi---"

"Seph's just mad. He thinks I'm too immature to be a parent." Vincent went on, playing with his ponytail. Looking very much like a 17 year old.

"Because you are." Seph said, getting his composure back. He sat up and fixed his hair.

"Dad... go away..." He said again.

"Aww, you called me dad. How I miss hearing your tiny little voice calling me 'daddy' and asking all sorts of questions."

Vincent reached out to ruffle Seph's hair again. Seph batted at his hands and I felt my mouth pull into a wide grin. I've never seen something so cute in my entire life.

"Seph, as a little boy?" Sora said. He sounded almost like he couldn't believe it. Vincent nodded, that proud smile still on his face. "I had, and maybe I'm being overly biased, the most beautiful son on the block. He was so sweet, soft spoken and kind. His whispery little voice was like music in my ears, whenever he spoke I couldn't help but pay attention. Ah, and Seph was so shy when he was little. He still is a bit..."

Seph looked like he wanted to just melt into the bed and vanish at this point. "For the love of God please stop..." he groaned and shook his head. Vincent laughed and came over to Seph again, he placed chaste kiss on his forehead and tapped his nose.

"You mother wants you to call her." He chirped. "She's going ballistic with worry."

Hmm, Seph's mom huh? At the moment I turned to look at Seph and I had to flinch at the expression that now graced his face. If looks could kill... Man... What was this all about. Seph's blush, and all of the other blood in his body, seemed to have rushed to his eyes, making them this blazing red green color. He looked almost livid in his anger... or hatred... Whatever the case, he didn't seem to happy to be hearing about his mother.

I raised an eyebrow to that.


"Well if she's so worried, why didn't she just come and see me?" Seph said bitterly. His voice was like dry ice. Hell had seriously frozen over. Vincent put his hands in his pockets and from that simple gesture I got a creepy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Vincent had put his glasses back on and they were catching the light from the room, hiding his eyes behind a high beam glint.

He looked like a mad scientist... for just a moment...


"Seph, don't start, you know how demanding your mothers work is. She's on a research trip again... She said she was sorry."

Seph sneered. "Like she always does..." He went silent for a second. "...I'll call her... maybe... When I feel like talking to her..."

Vincent glared and this time I could see the auburn of his eyes. He had this 'I'm the father and you'll do as I say' look I say look on his face.

Seph shrunk away. "Alright, alright... I'll call her... But not today..." He said quickly. Vincent smirked just slightly. I looked across the room and saw Sora watching the back and fourth 'gentle' confrontation. His bright blue eyes held more amusement then they should. I have to admit, I was enjoying watching Seph lose his cool, in front of his father no less. I'd never let him live this down.


"Fine, that's what I like to hear." Vincent fingered the rim of his glasses. "Where was I now...? Ah yes, Seph, you've got X-rays today. You're doctor asked me to escort you down."

Seph sat up straight and groaned. I thought he'd put up a fight, like he always did with the other doctors. But he just pushed back his sheets and slowly crawled out of bed. I'm sure lying around all the time was taking it's toll on his body and patience. Thankfully he'd been given and fully body hospital clothes, instead of that ass revealing dress you're always forced to wear when you're a patient for a while.

"Cloud, would you like to come with him. It's going to be a while... and I can't stay the entire time. Besides I'd like to talk to you a bit more, get to know you." Vincent offered. I stood and started to follow.

"Uh, sure. Why not? Sora..." I turned to the boy and noticed he had sunk back into his chair and was twirling his fingers around rubber band he'd found. He acknowledged me with a slight 'hmm?'.

"...You gonna be okay by yourself for a while?" I asked softly, noting his mood seemed to have taken a sky dive.

"...yeah..." He said just above a whisper after a moment. I nodded.

"We'll be back in a little while. If you need anything just ask one of the nurses. I'm sure they'll help you." With that I left the room, closing the door behind him me. Seph and Vincent had made their way up the hall and were absently talking about something. Probably Seph's mom again. I looked around, just because, before I started to walk.


I paused in step and turned around. I know I heard someone call me. I looked around absently, trying not to look too lost. Some guy with long black hair dressed an a expensive leather waist length jacket, matching leather gloves, some skin hugging designer pants,and I'm sure vintage tinted glasses, waved at me. I didn't recognize him at first.

"Haha, you look kind of lost." He said playfully and walked up to me. I frowned, for the life of me I couldn't tell who this was. Then he took off his glasses and I recognized quite possibly the prettiest hazel eyes I'd ever seen.


I was fuming internally.

"Hey." He said with a grin and started taking off his skin tight leather gloves. God... he looked like he was dripping with money. It had been a while since I'd seen him.

"You're back?" I said mindlessly and only after the question left my lips did I realize how stupid I sounded. Duh he was back from his trip. He was only standing right here right?

He raised a delicate eyebrow. "Yup, the fall/winter show's over now. I get a 3 week vacation before I have to start shooting for the spring collection."

I smiled beside myself, trying my hardest not to stare at his hips in those leather pants. He's the only person... next to Leon, that I know that would wear leather pants in the winter.

I wonder if I could get Seph into some leather. Hmmm....

"So..." I started and focused back on Zack's face. Gah.... he's so pretty. Not pretty like how Seph is. Seph has this masculine delicate beauty, you can't help but keep looking at him and think you must be dreaming or high. Zack, he's got a triple X pretty about him. Like just by smiling at you he's asking you to fuck him.

Is he wearing lip gloss?

"Uh... I mean, so how was the shoot anyway?" Zack followed me with his eyes. He had this feral lazy look that made me nervous. He watched me for a second then smiled.

"Busy. The show was a big hit though. I got two more contracts too and some of that designer shit actually sold." He brushed a lock of jet black hair behind his pierced ear and sighed. "I'm glad to be home though. Some of those designers are just proverbial pricks." Zack laughed softly but a bit bitterly. "One of those bitches had the nerve to tell me I need to go on a diet because I couldn't fit into her anorexic sized two pair of vinyl pants. A fucking 3 year old couldn't fit into that cut up shit." Zack put his gloves into his jacket pocket. " I simply told her to go fuck herself. She didn't like that too much. The I offered to fuck her, she could use a good rear-ending anyway... She called me a dick and left. HA!. I think she's a lesbian." He shrugged but went on.

I was speechless.

"I swear to you... people with money and a bit of social status think they can get away with creating anything and call it the latest fashion..." Zack sneered at something far off into space before turning his husky stare back at me..

"Anyway, enough about that, how are you, Cloud? From what I heard it's been pretty rough this last week. How ya holding up?"

My mouth opened and closed a few times before I got my motor skills to work right again. "Uh... Okay I guess. I'm ready to go home." Zack nodded in understanding.

"I bet. I'm surprised Seph hasn't just told you to go home yet... Or better yet, that he hasn't just left on his own."

I laughed just slightly. "Well... he did suggest that.... but I told him no... Besides, it's not just him that's in the hospital." I turned back to the room and Zack followed.

"Huh?" He said curiously. I frowned, wondering why Seph hadn't told him about Riku in the message he'd left on the answering machine. "What did Seph tell you exactly?" I asked and hesitated just before I opened the door.

Zack clicked his tongue before answering. I noticed his tongue piercing for the first time when he did that. "Only that he was in the hospital and his room number. Why?"

I raised an eyebrow. "...So you have no idea why he's in here..." I said, not really asking. Zack shook his head.

"Is he... alright...?" He sounded worried.

"Yeah, he's recovering very well actually." I assured. Zack touched my shoulder.

"Recovering from what?" He breathed and I heard desperation in his tone.

"He was... shot..." I said slowly. Zack gasped silently. "But he's fine..." I went on. "He's in X-rays right now though. If you want, you can wait in here with..." I opened the door and saw Sora still sitting in his chair. But something was very wrong with him. He was staring across the room, looking dazed and disturbed.

"He yours?" Zack asked. The meaning behind his question eluded my mind at first and made me forget about Sora's clearly distraught state.

"Mine?! Oh... aheh, no he's not my kid... I'm too young to have a 16 year old..." Zack stared at Sora.

"16 huh... That's too bad. He's a cutie." I sucked in a breath and ignored Zack's comment.

"Uh... yeah. That's Sora. He's a staying with me right now. I'll explain later...." Zack brushed passed me went to stand near Riku's bed. He looked down over Riku and he seemed to be entranced.

"He's gorgeous. Oh my god..." He whispered and gently reached over to finger a strand of Riku's silvery hair. "He... looks just like Seph... when he was younger."

"That's Riku..." I said quickly. Something about the way Zack was staring at him was making me uncomfortable. His eyes had become predatory. I knew instantly that I'd have to watch him around Riku.

"Right... um... He was hurt too... in the accident... Seph saved him..." I stuttered. Zack turned and looked at me, his expression almost blank.

"I leave him alone for a month and look what he does..." He stood up then but let his hand trail over Riku's cheek just slightly. "You can take the man out the war..." He muttered and trailed off. I couldn't help but frown. I didn't understand.

"Anyway, where is he no... What's wrong with him anyway?" Zack asked suddenly, referring to Riku. "Don't tell me he was shot too?"

I nodded. Zack scowled. "Christ, what the fuck happened...?"

I scratched the back of my head and sighed. I really didn't feel like talking about any of that right now. "It's a long story... and you of all people deserve to know. I'll... tell you later okay... Just I need to get to Seph and all. If you wanna come you can... I mean I'm sure he'll be happy to see you.... and all..."

I suddenly didn't feel too well. Something about Zack, the way he was reacting, the things he was saying, the way he looked... I suddenly felt... average...

"Yeah, that sounds like a plan. I can't wait to see his face when he sees me." Zack laughed and I saw him eye Sora again. He didn't say anything about him though.

"Shall we go then?" He said, suddenly really close to me. I shook my head slightly, blinked several times, backed away and nodded.

"Right... yeah... Okay... He's down..."

Something latched onto my arm very tightly. So tightly and desperately that it scared me for a moment. I looked down to see Sora, leaning into me as closely as his body and mine would allow. He looked up at me and my breath caught in my thoart.

"Sora... what's...?"

"Don't leave me..." He gasped. His voice was brimming with barely controlled fear. Zack stepped back looking just as confused as I did.


Moments earlier




Cloud left the room and I was again alone. Sitting in silence with only Riku's heart monitor and breathing to keep me company. For a long time I just set there absently stretching and pulling on the rubber band I had and stared across the room.

If it hadn't deathly silent. I would have missed the soft whispering of my name.


I focused and looked at Riku, who was shifting around clumsily. He looked over at me, eyes sleepy and dazed. I slid from my chair and went to him.

"Hey!" I chirped happily and laid my hand on Riku's chest. He smiled lazily and put his hand over mine. He blinked slowly a few times before he said anything.

"Mmm... what time is it...?"

I laughed. "It's uh... 3:15." Riku just nodded absently. I don't think he really cared about the time, he just wanted to ask me something... anything...

"How are you feeling?" I wondered and ran my free hand gently through his hair. He was warm... warmer then he should have been. I put my hand to my forehead to make sure.

Yeah... he was burning up...

"Thirsty." He said hoarsely. I nodded and stood up. "I'll get you some water okay. Be right back." I was up in an instant. I ran to the cafeteria and got a big cup full of crushed ice and water. I didn't stop to acknowledge anyone or thing and was back to the room in a flash. Riku smiled again at me when I walked back up to the bed.

"Thanks...." he broke off into a wet sounding cough. I winced and gave him his water. He drank slowly.

"You've got a fever..." I whispered. Riku looked up at me through his bangs and held his cup in his hands. He just nodded a few times.

"It's dark..." He noted and looked at the window. The blinds were drawn.

"Want me to turn on the light?" I headed for the lamp. Riku shook his head.

"Is... the sun out...?" He questioned softly. I bit my bottom lip and eyed the blinds.

"Maybe. Let's see. Oh there's so much snow on the ground. You should see, it's really pretty." I grabbed the string to lift the blinds just slightly. Riku sat his cup down on the small table between his and Seph's beds and leaned back to rest again. As the bright frozen light of outside slithered across the room and Riku's pale form, I noticed the shadows under his eyes fade away.

He was actually a lot healthier looking then I thought.

"There..." I gasped at how bright and pretty the light from outside was. The sun was indeed out today and it made all of the snow sparkle almost retina burningly bright.

"...that's much better huh?" I said, smiling and turned around to look at Riku. My shadow cast across his body and at first he was smiling back at me.

But then... His expression changed.

I thought it was the light and shadows messing with my vision again. But as I walked closer to the bed I realized I wasn't seeing things.

"Riku what's...?"

"The paopu..." He muttered. I dizzying bought of deja vu hit me just then and I had to shake my head to clear the daze.

"Yeah..." I murmured, not wanting to tread on that subject. Too many bad memories...

"The light... your smile... You... you were smiling..." Riku gasped and broke into another fit of coughs. I sat on the bed and pulled him into a hug. He hugged me back, weakly, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Shhhh..." I soothed and ran my hands through his hair. "Don't worry about all of that now. Just... just rest okay..." I felt Riku nod into my shoulder. He was running his hands gently up my back. He hooked his finger tips under my shoulder blades just slightly, hugging me tight.

"You were smiling..." He whispered. I didn't miss how bitter he suddenly sounded.

"Smiling while I was dying..."

I gasped and tried to pull away to look at him. He tightened his grip on my shoulder blades, digging his nails under them and pulling outwards. I whimpered.

"Are you happy now Sora? You've taken everything from me now... You killed me..."

He nudged his lips into my neck and kissed along the juncture of my neck and shoulder.

"I've given up everything for you now. Now, I don't owe you anything..." He bit down on the flesh of that muscle and a scream caught itself in my throat.

"You owe me Sora." He cooed as he let go of my skin. I let out a shuddery breath. "Don't scream..." He demanded tenderly. But there was nothing loving about his tone. Riku's rage was practically oozing from his pores. He was quiet about it though. Controlled. And I've never been more terrified in my entire life.

"You're so fucking fake. You knew what was going to happen. Like a fool I followed you... I couldn't believe you'd be evil enough to lead me right to Leon." His grip on my back tightened and I could barely breathe. My back was pulsing with pain but I couldn't get away from Riku. He was deceptively strong.

"I'm going to get you back for this Sora. You'd better hope with all of your life Cloud and Seph never leave you alone with me. If you talk to me, I'll hurt you. If you touch me, I'll beat the shit out of you. If you so much as open your mouth to ever fucking lie and say you love me again... I'll kill you."

Riku suddenly released me and shoved me very hard. I slammed into the wall opposite his side of the bed and slid to the floor. I was in pain and utterly horrified.

Riku looked down at me and I felt my heart stop and my blood run cold.

"I hate you Sora. I'll never forgive you for this. Ever." Riku started to cough just slightly again and he leaned back into his pillow and closed his eyes. I climbed onto my chair and balled up as tight as I could, hugging myself.

I had to have imagined it... The shadows must be playing tricks on me...

Hate me...

No Riku... Please no...

I'm so sorry... I swear I didn't... know Leon was...

Please Riku...

I.... I love you....

The door opened again and Cloud and Zack came in. Whatever they were talking about I missed. I was too shocked to care. Riku had closed his eyes again, seemingly asleep. But I knew he was faking... He had to be...

Then Cloud went back to the door. I jumped up and grabbed his arm as tightly as I could. Fear had struck my heart. I couldn't be alone in this room...

Not with Riku...




Sora was staring not at me, but past me. He didn't seem to be 'there' at the moment. I took him gently by the hand, the one choking my arm, and tried to loosen his grip. His fingers didn't budge.

"Christ Sora... you're hurting me..." I hissed. Sora whimpered in his throat and I saw Zack stare blankly across the room. I finally looked to see what the big deal was. And there he was, staring right back at me. Wide awake.

I was happy at first, but then something passed through his eyes that made my blood run cold. Something weird... I couldn't put it into words though.

"Riku...?" I said softly. His eyes registered and he looked sharply at me. He'd been staring at Sora. He looked lifeless almost. Not blinking, not even seeming to be breathing. He shifted just slightly and his head lulled forward. I ran over to his bed, wrenching my arm free. Sora protested but didn't follow me. Instead he pressed his back into the wall and watched.

"Riku..." I said softly took his face gently in my hands. He looked at me and smiled.

"Cloud..." He said softly. His voice was threaded in exhaustion. I pulled him into a gentle hug, mindful of his still healing injury. He didn't hug me back, but I hadn't expected him to.

"I'm so glad you're okay. I was so..." I pulled back and my mouth snapped shut. Riku had the most vicious scowl on his face that I'd ever seen. I wasn't sure what had upset him so quickly.


"I can't... feel my legs..." He croaked. I felt his frail body lurch. I looked down the bed at his legs, which were covered by the blanket. He had this determined look on his face and I knew he was trying to get them to move.

"Riku.. don't strain yourself... It's because you've been asleep for so long... Just give..."

"Why can't I...?!" He almost screamed but his voice cracked halfway through his words. He choked and started to cough.

"Riku stop..."

"NO!!! FUCK!! DON'T TOUCH ME!!" He snapped and shoved me away. For someone who had been comatose for almost 2 weeks he was extremely strong. I backed away.

"Nononononono...." He chanted and his body lurched again. He coughed and for some reason flinched. When he did he knocked over the folded chair sitting against the wall behind him. When it clattered to the floor it made an extremely loud banging sound. It forced us all to wince.

Riku went ballistic!

I had to cover my ears. I've never heard anyone scream like that before. It was like a million sorrowful pain filled ghosts had all struck a soprano chord in unison. Riku covered his ears but kept screaming. He shook his head, almost like he'd lost his mind and I saw blood drip down into his lap.


He screeched over and over again.


Riku was pulling at his hair and I watched helplessly as he practically ripped a handful of his beautiful hair free from the back of his head. Blood stained his finger tips.


"Make him stooooop!" Sora cried and fell to his knees, covering his ears as well.

Zack only stared. He didn't look the slightest bit surprised or disturbed.

I didn't know what to do.


Riku flopped back onto his bed and started to shake, his mouth gaping open like a gasping fish. He couldn't seem to catch a breath.

"GET AWAY FROM ME! NO! -wheeze- DON'T -wheeze- LE...-gasp- TOUCH -pant- ME!!"

"I can't take this anymore!" Sora stood up and ran from the room. He left it wide open and doctors halted in what they were doing and rushed to the room. Shoving past me and Zack. Zack stepped into a corner and watched. I gripped my chest and looked around worriedly.

Riku was still kicking and screaming like he'd been possessed.


"A seizure! He's delusional from the fever!"

"He's convulsing. There's blood everywhere. There may be some internal bleeding!"

"LEON!!! NO!!!" -WHEEZE-

"Hold him down, we have to examine his wound. If it's reopened...."

"We can't get his blood pressure down!"

"LEON!!! -cough, choke- STOOOOP!!"

"Up the methane dosage!"

It was Vincent's voice. He was suddenly standing over Riku, holding him behind the head and checking his pulse.

"LEEeeeeooooon......." Riku's scream faded into a pathetic whimper. His eyes rolled back into his head and he went limp.

"Get him stable. Lower the dosage now... That's enough! I want the OR cleared out now we're going to do an emergency operation!" Vincent barked orders around and the other doctors and nurses reacted without hesitation. A stretcher was wheeled into the room and Riku's limp pale body was lifted onto it. A tube was pushed down his throat and clips connected to needles and cords were poked into his finger tips. An oxygen mask was then settled over his face.

"Cloud, I have to go get prepped for surgery. When Seph gets here tell him I'm sorry for running out on him like that." Vincent brushed passed me but paused. He'd just noticed Zack standing in the corner. A glare settled on his face but he didn't say anything and left the room.

"Wait is Riku going to be..." I ran out of the room yelling, but Vincent was gone. I let my body slump in defeat.

Not again...

Not this again...

Why...? What happened...? What went wrong...?

Zack came up behind me and put his hand on my shoulder. "He'll be fine. Believe me." Zack was much too calm about what just happened and I turned on him, anger flaring in my already bad nerves.

"And how the fuck do you...." I froze at the knowing smile on his face.

"Because that kid... is too much like Seph to die so easily. You'll see what I mean. It's almost..." Zack trailed off and ran his hand through his hair. He let out an almost pleasurable sigh before he looked back at me. "...creepy, how alike those two are."

I scowled and looked around. I was too freaked out by what just happened to think too deeply about what Zack was saying or hinting at. And I was worried about Sora. He'd freaked out and ran off. He was sitting on the floor somewhat down the hall, his head buried into his curled up knees.

I went to him. I knew Zack was watching my back and I had this irking feeling that he was grinning.

He creeped me out...

"Sora...?" I whispered and kneeled down to touch his shoulder. He looked up at me, face grief stricken and tear stained. I knew he was scared and disturbed.

"Sora... Riku's going to be fine. He just... freaked out because his legs wouldn't..."

Sora sniffled. "NO! That's not it... He... Riku... He said he hates me..."

I was confused. "Sora... why would he say that?"

"He said it was my fault he got shot... He said I led him to Leon... He said... if I tell him I love him he'll..."

Sora broke off into a pained sob. His tiny body shaking fiercely with grief.

"It was just his fever. Sora... why would Riku say that?"

"Riku would never say what?"

It was Seph. I stood up quickly and he eyed me wearily for a moment.

"You don't look so good." He noted. His tone was laced with worry.

"You... missed a lot... Um... Riku woke up and... he said he couldn't feel his legs and he had a seizure..."

Seph's eyes went wide. He seemed speechless.

"Yeah... um... your dad... I mean Vincent rushed him to surgery, said something about possible internal bleeding..."

Seph studied my face in pure disbelief. "All of this happened just now?" He hissed. I nodded, chewing my bottom lip. "Is Riku going to be alri..."He started but was cut off.


Sephiroth's attention span flew out of the window the moment he turned and saw Zack standing nearby. He was leaning against the wall, looking for all the world overly relaxed and nonchalant. Personally I thought he looked like a well dressed and expensive prostitute. He pushed off the wall and gave Seph this very suggestive smile.

"Hey sexy. Look at you in your blue scrubs. You look so cute." Zack teased.

"Zack..." Seph breathed.

The way he said Zack's name, the way that blush snuck across his cheeks, and the way he seemed to forget about me and the fact that Riku's life was in danger again, made one thing very clear to me...

I didn't like Zack. I'd never gotten to know the guy that well before he'd left on his business trip anway...

The man walked up to Seph and wrapped his arms around his neck in a very intimate embrace.

"Missed you." He cooed lovingly and placed a kiss on Seph's lips. Seph didn't pull away. The kiss wasn't anything deep... but it lingered way too much for my liking. AND it was on the lips. What the fuck? Seph does have cheeks!

"Got yourself into trouble I see. I swear... can't leave you alone for 5 minutes..." Zack chided and brushed a strand of hair out of Seph's face. Seph looked lost, to my utter dismay. Zack pulled him into another hug.

"I'm so glad you're okay. After that message you left me... God... I'm so glad you're okay..." Zack grabbed onto Seph's back like he'd never let him go and closed his eyes. Seph hugged him back without hesitation. I just stood there, watching. I wasn't going to fret over this. I knew they were best friends, had been lovers, and were very close. I was going to let this slide, because I can imagine how worried Zack must have been, coming home after 2 months of being gone and finding out his best friend was in the hospital.

Then Zack opened his eyes, still holding onto Seph possessively, and looked me right in the eye. There was this glint, an almost malicious glint, in his eyes that sent me on alert.

"I thought about you everyday, Seph. Every night..." He breathed into Seph's ear. He made sure I could hear him though. I watched his hand slide slowly and sensually down Seph's back and rest on his hip. He nuzzled into Seph's hair, still staring at me.

I let out a shuddery breath.

"Did you miss me?" He asked sweetly. Seph breathed a 'yes'. Zack chuckled and curled his fingers into Seph's back.

"Good." He murmured, his voice sounded aroused. I felt my jaw clench.

Zack eyed me and mouthed one word. I didn't have to think hard to figure out what he'd said.


"Excuse me." I heard someone clear their throat and Zack was suddenly, almost roughly, pulled away from Seph.

"Sorry to break up such a sweet reunion." It was Vincent. He was removing blood stained latex gloves.

He was finished already...? That was quick.

Again Vincent gave Zack a weird look. A look that had 'I hate you, stay the fuck away from my son, or I'll slit your throat' written all over it. Seph blinked several times and waited for Vincent to go on. Zack however just grinned.

"Hi dad!" He drawled. Sarcasm was oozing off of his words. Vincent shot a vicious glare at Zack, who only smirked back at him.

"Do shut the fuck up. I'd rather die then ever claim you as my son in law." Vincent said blankly. I did a double take. He turned to me and Seph. Zack huffed but kept smiling.

"Seph, Cloud. Riku's fine. He bit the inside of his jaw and that's that caused the bleeding. We've put him under and bandaged up the wounds from him pulling out his hair. Now he just needs to rest again."

Zack folded his arms. Vincent ignored him. I let out a sigh of relief and latched onto Seph, who wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my head.

"But... there's something I need to talk to you both about, involving Riku's condition... His mental condition. Sora as well. This is serious..."

"What about?" Seph asked, his tone serious. He eyed his father and something passed between them. A realization.

"...post traumatic stress disorder..." Vincent, Seph, Zack, and myself all turned and looked down at the floor. Sora was staring off into space. He'd been the one to speak.

Vincent frowned. "Sharp aren't you? I heard about your visit to the mental ward the other night. I see you learned a few things."

I gave Sora a scolding glare. He'd gone where now?

"Save your reprimanding for later. This is more important." Vincent said to me. I looked back at him and he put his hands into his pockets. He looked very stressed.

"Listen and listen good... We're in a delicate situation here. There's a strong possibility that Riku's mind has regressed, as in, he's forced himself to forget about his rape and the accident.... but.... It seems to have twisted his emotions. To put it lightly... He may now act violently towards the last person he recalls before he lost consciousness... "

Seph continued for him. "... So..."

I covered my mouth and looked down at Sora. He had gone back to resting his head on his knees and that's when I noticed the blood stains on the back of his blue shirt. I sank to my knees and lifted up his shirt only to choke at the deep dark red gashes embedded into his skin.

"Sora...!" I whispered and forced him to look at me.

"...Riku..." He whimpered. "...Riku did it..."

Vincent sighed. "Well... it looks like things are even worse then I thought... Much worse..."


Author's Notes:


Oh my freaking gosh!!! This chapter takes the cake! 62 pages! I just couldn't find anywhere to end it. So much has happened. Twist after twist, plot after plot. And here is where IC ends and the Sequel begins. I'm not sure If I'll start a new story or just keep uploading under the same title. I want to call the sequel 'Fragments of Innocence' though. Hmph, we'll see. Well, Zack's a regular character in the story now. Can you feel the tension between him and Cloud yet? I know some of you are probably already hating Zack, but don't. You'll find out why I say that later. So, was Riku's reaction what you expected? What about Sora, did you feel like he kind of had that coming? Vincent will most likely make more appearances in the later chapters, if not become a regular. I like how I'm using his character. He's playful with Seph and Cloud, but can be serious. He's a cool dad. We'll divulge more into Seph's past, before he went into the military as the story progresses as well. You'll also find out why Zack and Vincent are on pins and needles around each other. More back story on Squall and Seifer as well. The big trial to decide Leon's fate is coming up and a grueling and tear jerking interrogation forces him to let out his darkest and deepest secrets. I have a feeling people are going to hate Leon much more then they do now after he's confessed. Till the next installment. :D