((Decided to add the last chapter while I was at it. Little angsty...

Careful though. There was another added Yami Malik = retard part. ^_^; Sappy parts as well. Well, I warned you.))

****Seto's POV****

The sun's golden rays were the only warmth in the entire room that morning. I lay in my bed, which was drowning in my tears. Bakura was gone. He had left so suddenly… And I've yet to find out why. I remember him yelling at me for not trying to get away from Yugi when he raped me… But I did try. And no matter how many times I said it, he ignored me.

Icy cold tears constantly streamed from my eyes all night, my heart decaying from the tragedy I had suffered. I wanted to die. I just wanted to throw myself from the highest temple and die. Bakura had been my only light of hope. And my light had blown out.

There was a knock at my door. Whoever it was persisted to leave until I answered. My lifeless body rose from the position it had been in all night, my pillow damp from tear droplets. Wiping the wetness from my eyes, although I knew it wouldn't do much good; I opened the door, trying to look and sound collected.

Opening the wooden door, a messenger stood in front of me, handing me a small scroll. The boy made sure it was in my hand before letting go, saying, "It's from Pharaoh Yugi, it's important."

With that, the messenger boy sped off, trotting down the hall without a care in the world. Closing my door, I studied the note for a moment. Somehow, I knew it contained nothing pleasant.

Although once I read it, I wept tears of joy. Ra had answered my prayers. Yugi was going to sacrifice us to Ra to protect the Sennen Items from invading gods. I would be out of my misery sooner then I planned.

Crumpling up the letter, I tossed it carelessly out the window, then turned to prepare myself for my final prayers.

****Bakura's POV****

I don't know what's happened to me. Since I met that damned High Priest, I've become rather soft. I hate this feeling.

The night before, I had returned to the palace, sleeping outside Seto's courtyard on a small patch of grass. It was morning now, the sun's bright rays disturbing me from my sleep. Now, as I sat up and yawned, I felt something bounce off my head. A ball of crumpled papyrus fell beside me.

Looking up at the balcony overhead, I wondered if Seto had seen me. My eyes then returned to the crumpled piece of papyrus as I picked it up, smoothing out the wrinkled sheet. The letter was from Yugi. Probably some love letter.

But as I read it, I began to tremble. Struck with fear, I dropped the note, my head snapping back to Seto's balcony.

"Oh Ra, Seto!"

Being a skilled climber, I easily ascended up the stone wall, reaching the marble balcony in a matter of seconds. But as I peered over the balcony's rim, I saw the room was empty. Leaping over the railing, I rushed to the door, poking my head out. He wasn't in the hallway either.

My heart was racing. I had to find him. Bounding back over the balcony's railing, I dashed to the ground, taking off as fast as I could to the Temple of Ra.

The Temple of Ra was the largest temple in the town, so it wasn't hard to find. People crowded the temple like ants around their anthill, swarming around the altar to worship their god before an unsuspected death.

I crawled over statues and between people's legs, finally reaching the restricted area in which Seto was. Racing down the hall, I could feel my heart grow cold as my stomach turned. Could it be that I was… nervous?

The room came into view. Entering it, no one seemed to notice me. All the priests were so out of it… as if they had been on opium or turned into zombies. My eyes searched the room until they fell upon Seto's slim form. He wasn't in his usual robes… These were more elegant. Long purple robes that were lined in gold, creating the symbol of Ra and Blue Eyes at the shoulders.

My eyes watered. Somehow, I felt as if this was my fault. If I hadn't gotten angry with Seto, he would have rejected Yugi's request to sacrifice them. My eyes narrowed as a sudden rush of anger shot though my body. My hand flew out, catching one of the priests by the collar of his robes. Dragging the non-responding priest behind one of the statues, a quick blow to the head had him out cold. Switching into the priest's green robes, I pulled the hood securely over my head, making sure to cover my hair. Not like anyone would notice…

Sliding back around the corner, I peered from underneath the lowered hood, trying to spot Seto once again. He now was sitting on the ground underneath one of the torches, appearing as if he were deep in thought.

Trying to act as normal as possible, I wandered around the room for a moment (as the other zombie priests were doing), before I slid into a sitting position beside my High Priest. At first Seto stared at the floor in front of him, still looking like something was on his mind. He then caught sight of me, but didn't bother to turn and face me.

"Is something wrong, Priest Shaada?"

Oh Ra! I didn't think about this! Trying my best to disguise my voice, I muttered a quick "Nothing." under my breath.

At this, Seto lifted his head in my direction, giving me a half confused look. Apparently I had chosen the wrong voice; it was obvious he knew it was me. Well, so much for fooling him.

Seto shifted his eyes away from me. It was almost a hurt look. I hated seeing him this way…

"You know you'll be punished if you get caught here…"

"Do you really think I care?!" I hissed.

I allowed nothing more than a second of silence to pass before I pulled his chin so his face met with mine. My lips lightly brushed his as Seto attempted to pull away. Stupid priest…

"Seto… I…" My hand still gripped his chin, forcing him to remain in front of me while I tried to force words out of my mouth. My teeth gritted together, refusing to permit the words to escape my mouth. I wasn't used to saying them… But I had to. For Seto…

"I'm sorry…" I managed to whisper. "I'm sorry I yelled at you… I'm sorry I inflicted my presence among you… I'm sorry I met you-"

These words were usually muttered to suck up to someone to get me out of trouble. But this time, the words had meaning. This was how I truly felt. I was sorry… I never meant to hurt him the way I did.


Seto's voice trembled. I felt him pull me into a tight embrace, as if he never wanted to let go. I didn't want him to…

"I love you… There's no reason you have to suffer because of me. In a few minutes, they're going to sacrifice-"

"I know, I know."

I wasn't going to allow him to die alone. I told him I would stay with him until the end, and I'll keep my word. We had no time left to talk. The priests were shooed from the room, never to return again.

****Malik's POV****

Heh. It seemed like a peaceful night. The bright stars, the smoke rising behind those buildings, the loud screams coming from the peasants around me. I sighed in pleasure.

Anzu had disappeared about an hour ago. I've yet to find out where she has gone. She was probably just with Yugi. Huh huh.

The ground began to shake behind me. The explosions grew louder as the buildings beside me suddenly disappeared behind a dark cloud of smoke. Forgetting to hold my breath, I breathed in the smoke. For a moment, I couldn't breathe. Only cough.

After what seemed like a really long time, I stopped coughing, only to make out the form of something really big behind the clearing smoke. Huh, if I didn't know better, I'd say that was the God of Obelisk. But I don't think so… he's a god. This must be some really tall and fat man, huh.

The man stared at me for a moment, then began to get closer. I watched him until he was right in front of me. I guess he didn't see me, because the next thing I saw was his big foot hovering over me and-


****Bakura's POV****

The guards ushered us out onto a creaky, wooden platform in front of the giant golden statue of Ra, just before the altar. Seto nudged me, giving me a pleading look.

"Please Bakura… There's no purpose in dying here…"

"There's no purpose in living if you're not living with me."

Heh, I finally got him to shut up. He just gave me that sympathetic look… It was so much different than the look he gave me when we first met. But now wasn't the time to be thinking about that.

I now held a Sennen Item in my hands. The Sennen Ring, hm? Well, it was that priest's lucky day. He didn't have to die, plus I took this nice little item off his hands. Seto held the Sennen Rod tightly in his right hand. I could tell he was uneasy.

I then felt something fuzzy nuzzle my ankle. My head tilted down to the little silverfish fluff ball from before. Stupid kitten! What was it doing here?! Before I realized what I was doing, I had picked him up.

"Stupid kitten…"

Well, I had no time to do anything else. Seto's arms flew around me as everything seemed to happen at once-- There were explosions outside as the people began to scream about giant god spirits running amuck outside, destroying everything in sight.

The whole temple began to shake as the Pharaoh began to chant some sort of spell. The Sennen Items began to glow. Oh how I wanted to grab Seto by the hand and run… But that would be pointless. It's either die painlessly in your love's arms at an altar or be crushed by a god.

Seto's arms seemed to tighten around me as tears streamed down his cheeks. There was a pain deep within my heart, forcing my free hand to reach up and stroke the droplets away. The kitten in my arms mewed innocently, curling up in my left arm. It almost pained me to watch him die with us.

The Pharaoh had finished his spell and was now staring at us, almost in disbelief. Yet even he gave into defeat, turning his face away from Seto and all he was to leave behind.

Seto leaned down to whisper into my ear. I could faintly make out his words over all the explosions and noise, but I knew what he was saying.

"I love you, Bakura."

"I love you too, Seto."

Seto's hand was now stroking my own cheek, wiping away tears that just seemed to appear. I was almost immune to the thought of dying… All the other priests were sobbing and cowering; yet I remained calm. Somehow I knew Seto and I would still be lovers, even if a thousand years tried to separate us. Well, I'll wait a thousand years.

A silent, golden light crept over Seto, Ryou, and me, drowning out all the screams and explosions. Leaning up, Seto and I kissed out last kiss, as our bodies grew numb. And so, our bodies were no more.

* * *

****Post Duelist Kingdom****

****Domino City****

****Bakura's POV****

It had been just a few years since my hikari, Ryou, revived me from my thousand-year sleep within the Sennen Ring. How was I supposed to know that annoying little kitten would turn out to be my other half?

Well, here we were, on our way back from the Duelist Kingdom. 'Kaiba', as they call him now, decided to be a nice guy and give us all a lift home, crammed in his small helicopter. Yugi and his little mob had already left, and Kaiba was now taking us, or Ryou rather, home. Holding the Sennen Eye close to my chest, a sinister grin spread across my face. I was going to accomplish what I should have set out for so long ago… Steal all the Sennen Items!

I could hear the *thu-bump thu-bump* of my hikari's heart. The image of him holding his stomach and blushing came to my mind. Leaning my back against the stone wall of my soul room, I put the Sennen Eye away, addressing Ryou.

//Baka hikari! What's wrong with you? Got cramps or something?//

/Ii… iie yami. I…/

His voice became soft as I felt his eyes shift from Kaiba to his lap, pondering what he should say. I couldn't help but chuckle… Ryou was in love with my High Priest. Not like I was angry that he was; far from it. My hikari might actually be useful in getting him back. Whispering a few things to him, I sat back and watched Ryou stutter, trying to talk to Kaiba.

"S-Seto…. I mean, Kaiba-sama…"


"Ha- have you ever been interested in E-Egypt?"

I laughed listening to him stumble over his words. This might be interesting.

"Iie. I've never really been interested in such things… It's all myths and bull shit."

My mouth dropped. Ok, so my plan backfired. But did he really not remember his past days as a High Priest?

/Yami… I thought you said he would say yes…/

I remained silent as my tongue ran across my lower lip, pondering. Oh yeah, this would take some time. I'll get you back, Seto Kaiba. Tossing my head back, my laughs echoed throughout my soul room. Your body will be mine once again!

((The end. xD Let me know what you think! Please review!))