(( Warning: Yugi's a bit ooc. A made him a bitchy Pharaoh =/

Set in Egyptain times.

I believe some people call Seto "Priest Seth" but I stuck with Seto. Hope no one minds.

The song is "A Thousand Years" by Sting. Lyrics take up a lot of space ^^; Scroll down for the story. ))

A thousand years, a thousand more

A thousand times a million doors to eternity

I may have lived a thousand lives, a thousand times

An endless turning stairway climbs to a tower of souls

If it takes another thousand years, a thousand wars

The towers rise to numberless floors in space

I could shed another million tears, a million breaths

A million names but only one truth to face

A million roads, a million fears

A million suns, ten million years of uncertainty

I could speak a million lies, a million songs

A million rights, a million wrongs in this balance of time

But if there was a single truth, a single light

A single thought, a singular touch of grace

Then following this single point, this single flame

The single haunted memory of your face

I still love you

I still want you

A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves

Like galaxies in my head

I may be numberless, I may be innocent

I may know many things, I may be ignorant

Or I could ride with kings and conquer many lands

Or win this world at cards and let it slip my hands

I could be cannon food, destroyed a thousand times

Reborn as fortune's child to judge another's crimes

Or wear this pilgrim's cloak, or be a common thief

I've kept this single faith, I have but one belief

I still love you

I still want you

A thousand times the mysteries unfold themselves

Like galaxies in my head

On and on the mysteries unwind themselves

Eternities still unsaid

'Til you love me


Winds roared across the endless, sandy surface, sweeping up the dust particles. The winds found their way to the edges of the scorching hot stones of the pyramids, where the burning winds lapped sand against the slaves' worn and decrepit hands.

"It seems there is to be a sandstorm, Pharaoh." Priest Seto announced.

Upon his throne rested Pharaoh Yugi, his head propped up boredly by his arm. Lifting his head at the Priest's comment, he heard the winds that howled just outside.

It was then the tapping of feet was echoed down the stone halls. From behind the curtains appeared the three young guardians, Hikaru, Fuu, and Umi.

"Yugi-sama!" Hikaru's cheerful voice cried out. "We await your order to protect the kingdom!"

Yugi's head lifted, hearing her voice. Giving her a nod, he allowed her and her fellow guardians to protect the city. With that, the three disappeared behind the curtains, their Sennen Items in hand; Fuu with her Sennen Bow and Arrow, Hikaru with her Sennen Sword, and Umi with her Sennen Shield. The Pharaoh had always found it strange that they wanted to protect the city from sandstorms, yet never really helped in wars.

Yugi's head lowered once again, propped up by his left arm. Purple hues shifted to Priest Seto, who was still standing beside him, waiting to be dismissed. A flicker of mischief shimmered in his amethyst hues.


Seto knew what was coming. He, as well as everyone who lived in the Palace, knew the Pharaoh's 'sexual attraction' to him and Jounouchi. Seto's sandals made a small squeaking noise as he scooted back a step or two on the marble floor.

"Yugi-sama, I must return to the temple at once-"

He was cut off by an annoyed glance from the Pharaoh. Narrowed violet eyes seemed to glare as neither made a sound. Silence.

"…very well. You are dismissed." Yugi said in a disappointed tone, waving his hand in a shooing motion. Seto gratefully accepted it. Turning on his heels, he departed down the hall. A vast sigh escaped Yugi's mouth. How we wished to see his dear Jounouchi again… His thoughts were interrupted when one of the guards burst into the room, his shouts echoing down the hall.

"Pharaoh! One of the prisoners has gotten loose!"

As these words caught Yugi's ear, a look of panic formed on his face.

"Find him at once!"

Yugi's voice rang out, ordering all of his guards to find the missing prisoner. Sinking back into his throne, he felt worry take over his mind. He knew exactly which one they were talking about. What if something bad happened to him…?

Yugi wouldn't have to be in agony long. Out of the curtains flew Jounouchi, his blonde hair falling around his face and his torn peasant clothes fumbling about his body. Screeching to a stop beside the throne, he looked like a puppy that had escaped from the pound.



Hopping into the smaller one's lap, Jounouchi kissed his cheek, feeling Yugi's thin arms wrap around his waist. While cuddling with Jounouchi, a servant approached the Pharaoh, unsure if he should speak or not.


"Mmm-hai?" he managed to get out between kisses.

"One of the royal tombs are being robbed…"

"Then… mmm… Get the gu-ah! Jou stop!" Pushing Jounouchi's face away from his own for a moment, he looked past Jou's shoulder to the servant. "Then get the guards on it!"

"The guards are still out looking for *him*, Pharaoh-sama." The servant replied, lifting his eyes to Jounouchi.

"Then get that lazy Priest Seto on it."


"Now damnit!"

Without another word, the servant lowered his head, about to bow, when Yugi spoke up once again.

"Oh, and clear the room of all the servants while you're at it."

"Hai, Yugi-sama…"

Turning his back to the throne, he clapped his hands. Following the group of servants out, he was glad to leave the room. As he shut the massive doors behind them, the moans and cries only grew louder. Might as well get the cleaning crew together… Last time this happened, things got messy.

The reluctant servant entered the temple, fear filling his thoughts. He spotted Seto in front of a fire, his hands in posture of the Blue Eyes White Dragon. Bowing to the high priest, he spoke up.

"Priest Seto, Pharaoh Yugi has sent me to inform you that a royal tomb is being robbed. All of the guards are missing and the Sennen Knights have left to fight a sand monster."

Seto, at first, pretended to ignore him. But seeing the eager look on the servant's face, he turned his attention away from the fire.

"It's none of my concern that the tombs are being robbed. Although, I'll go this once, seeing I'm so bored."

Taking his staff in hand, he followed the servant to one of the tombs that were located not too far from the temple. Leading him to the entrance, he handed Seto a torch.

"They said he was spotted near Pharaoh Akunadin's tomb…"

Not bothering to listen to the servant's words, he headed down the stone pathway. Seto walked down what seemed like an endless passageway. Damn these tombs…

He finally arrived upon Pharaoh Akunadin's tomb, where he indeed heard the sound of coins clinking together. Just as he was entering the doorframe, he came face to face with the tomb robber, startling him; his torch dropping to the floor. Luckily, the tomb robber had a torch as well, making him able to see.

The tomb robber grinned from underneath his cloak, silver bangs hanging over deep brown eyes. The tomb robber's laugh echoed eerily down the corridor, making chills rise down his arms. Seto had never really cared if someone robbed the tombs. He was actually glad that they did. After all, he hated the Pharaoh, as well as his ancestors.

The tomb robber lowered his bag of gold to the ground, taking Seto's purple cloak in his hand.

"So, you're here to stop me, hm?"

Seto was on the verge of protesting, when the tomb robber shoved him back, forcing him to the cold stone wall. The freezing blocks seemed to tear away at his bare, back skin, making him squirm. The tomb robber's face was now so close to his own, their noses almost touched.

"Well, what are you going to do to stop me?"

Seto remained silent, his cold sapphire eyes gazing at the robber. The tomb robber growled, sending a kick into Seto's side.

"Why won't you answer me?!"

Seto fell to the ground, holding his side. By the time he had regained his senses, the tomb robber was gone, leaving him in the dark. His hands searched the ground for his torch. After many discouraging tries, his fingers finally came in contact with the wood, realizing the tip was still hot. If only he could start a fire…

The next day, Seto sat irritably in his room, his eyes glued to the window. The previous day, he had lost his torch again, just as a search party had come looking for him.

Also, the previous night, he heard about the capture of the tomb robber. They had caught him as he was trying to escape the pyramid, and was now in the dungeon. There was only one thing he wanted to do at the moment. And that was piss off the Pharaoh. Formulating a plan, he decided on a tactic…

As night fell upon the desert sand, he escaped from his room, right after the nightly ceremony to Ra. No one would ever suspect him…

Bakura sat motionless, his back against the stone wall, his arms being stretched by the cold, rusty shackles. The wooden door at the top of the stairs creaked open, breaking the deadly silence. Lifting his head, brown hues met with a figure that was sneaking down the stone steps. As the shadow grew closer, he realized it was that damn High Priest that had gotten him caught the day before.

"What the hell do you want?" he spoke up, expecting to receive a beating or something of that sort. The Priest kneeled down in front of him, flashing him the small, silver key. The tomb robber raised his eyebrow.

"You're more stupid than I thought. Why the hell are you letting me go? Are you really a total idiot?"

The High Priest remained silent as he took the first shackle, unlocking it, and letting it drop to the floor. It made a clanking sound as it landed in a pile of chains. The tomb robber's eyes moved from the shackle to the Priest, who was already unlocking one of his ankles' shackles. With his free hand, he took the priest by his robes, pulling him close.

"Answer me!"

Seto's sapphire hues met with his own chocolate ones, almost creating a magnetic force between the two. Seto, deciding it didn't matter who knew anymore, spoke up to the tomb robber.

"I am the High Priest Seto. I'm only setting you free because I hate the Pharaoh more than anyone."

"How do you know I'm not going to come back tomorrow and rob you of everything you have?"

"There's nothing within my possession worth stealing. However, the Pharaoh's throne room has been looking a little more wealthy than it was last week."

The tomb robber became silent, waiting for Seto to unlock his shackles. Once the last shackle fell, the tomb robber got to his feet. Grabbing the Priest with both hands this time, he slammed him against the wall with all of his force, nearly knocking the air out of Seto. A knife appeared in the robber's hand, and was now aiming it at the Priest's throat.

"I could take your life here and now! Painful and slow! What do you say about that?"

"Being alive is torture enough. Killing me painfully would simply give me pleasure."

The tomb robber's face became solemn, as if deep in thought. Lowering his knife, he let go of Seto's garments.

"I guess you want some sort of credit for setting me free. Well, you'll get it if I get caught again, but this time, you'll be joining me in the chains."

A grin appeared on both faces, yet not for the same reason.

"I suppose I'll be leaving now," the tomb robber said, turning his back to the priest. Giving him once last glance over his shoulder, he muttered one last sentence.

"As if you care, but my name is Bakura."

With that, Bakura bounded into the shadows, escaping out the same way Jounouchi had. The bars on the window were loose and could be pulled out of place quite easily. Seto exited the dungeon, returning to his room, and shutting the door.

((Haven't seen a lot of Tomb Robber/ High Priest fics. I hope you like it. Next chapter up soon! Please review!))