The Motherhood Trail!

Chapter 6:

Kagome's mom and Miroku! Heart to Heart?

Miroku was up at the crack of dawn as he was interested in reading all those books that Kagome had given him. They were all so interesting but the problem was he didn't really have the slightest clue what half the stuff was or even meant. He really thought that he should know what the materials in the books were for. He didn't know whom to ask; since Kagome was the one, who gave him the books, decided she would be the right person to inquire. Her being women also made him believe her to be correct person for the job. He closed the books tightly and sat them to the ground. Then in a Whisk made his way to Keade's to look for Kagome.

Kagome sat in the herb plantations with Keade to help her pick out herbs. Sango and Shippo went to go visit and aid a friend. Inuyasha was busy in his usual tree whenever they came there and watched over everyone. Kagome gaze up at him with a smile of sheer delight, which he did not soon return. She was okay with him not returning a glance as she knew how shy he was about those things that and he probably had allot of Things running through his; Namely Miroku. She still couldn't get over the fact that he was pregnant. It was a very unusual sight. She sort of felt bad for him as she could recall when her mom was pregnant with Sota; it was very dreadful and the morning sickness was horrendous. She now felt totally bad for him. She was so deep in thought she didn't even notice Miroku approach her.

" Kagome?" She nearly jumped out of her skin, as she wasn't prepared for him. Gradually, she gained enough composers to gaze up at him.

" Yeah, Miroku?" She asked still a little flustered.

" Kagome, May I please inquire you about a matter?" He said hopefully. With that amount of desperateness in his voice how could she refuse?

" Yeah what is it Miroku?" He smiled at her practically making Kagome get little agitated.

" Kagome, I was reading those books that you gave me and I was wondering what's a breast pump? Moreover, Breast feeding (A/N Um sorry I know this is very scary of me to put this in the fic, but what else would be freaky to talk about to a man doesn't sound too nice since I am a you know... Male. " Kagome felt very awkward at this point in time even more so when Shippo barged in on there conversation.

" Yeah Kagome what is that?" Now She would have to explain it to way would she ever tell him, he's just a child? Telling Miroku would be worse enough but telling the Kitsune would be a horrible experience; that's it! Experience he needs to talk to somebody with the motherly experience.

" Auh yeah I will be right back." she said nervously as she took off down the village.

Miroku gasped followed by an elongated sigh.

" I think I was just abandoned." he then turned to the small kitsune who also had watched Kagome run off, his face was like him filled with confusion.

" Miroku, What just happened?" Shippo asked with curiosity. Miroku looked on at him with nothing but confusion.

" I don't know," he said with a disturbed yet curious tone.

Inuyasha laid up the railed fences of the farm at Keade's. He was constantly sneezing repeatedly and wasn't able to control himself. He then saw Keade coming over to him.

" I thought you with Kagome?" he asked as if he was hoping that maybe they had gotten into a fight, so that he could say that he wasn't the only one Kagome fought with; that would be wishful thinking. Keade stared deep into his golden eyes as if she wished to look into his soul.

" I was with young Kagome quite a while ago as she proceeded to leave a flustered Miroku? And Inuyasha ye would never fight with each other." She then smiled at her victory well deserved. Inuyasha's eyes blurted out there astonishment and the gasp which swept from his lips only furthered the analyzes.

" How the hell do you do that?" It was beyond him to know she always knew what was on his mind just as Kagome does; it's like their both mind readers or something.

" Inuyasha ye don't have to be a mind reader to know what's on your mind." she stated. There she went again reading his mind. He then sneezed once this time a little harsher.

Miroku Sighed heavily as she walked towards the hill above the village. There he would sit and ponder finally to himself of his recent events. He never thought in a million years he would end up pregnant. It's just not something men such as him would ever consider a possibility. He would at first thought, think it a lie but a last it was proven to him as the truth and the pain which he felt every night would also further his conclusion. He really had no idea what he would do; he had no idea how to be a mother. That is so weird to say mother he would rather be a father but it was not so now. He truly wished that Kagome not took a leave from him like she had done. He really needed someone to talk to and Inuyasha defiantly wasn't the right person to talked to; a man to man talk wouldn't perceive him as a option. Since it would be more like a man to women talk. His problem was more of a women's then that of a man's.

He sighed, he was becoming more like a women with each passing of time.

" Miroku?" That voice was so familiar to him; it was the voice of the of person that abandoned him so suddenly this morning. He turned to face this person with awe.

" Kagome so you have returned." He said with sadness sitting in his voice.

" I have a surprise for you Miroku." This caught his attention his face flipped with such speed to reach her eyes that he fell face first into the ground. Kagome waited a moment to process what had just happened before breaking out into mirthful laughter.

" You look so funny Miroku," She paused as if to silence her self. " We need to hurry, I have to show you, your surprise I think it might help you," she said with in an unsure tone. He wondered what she had meant by ' it might help you' what could possible help him now. A slight glint of hope filled him, maybe she had found away for him to turn into a full-fledged woman... Wait a minute what was he thinking, the womanly instincts were taking him over and soon he would become dare he say it a girl!

Kagome walked silently with Miroku until they reached Keade's. She hoped he wasn't mad at her for ditching him early that morning. She was just very nervous talking to him about motherly options. They were there now, and it was time to let him receive his gift she was about to go towards the hut when Inuyasha came tumbling out and on top of him was women she seemed to be tugging on his ears.

" Your ears there so cute." The woman was only a mystery to her until she heard the voice.

" Mother, get off of Inuyasha." She commanded. Inuyasha gazed from the ground up at her; his eyes were filled with horror and terror.

" Kagome help Me.," he yelled as he was about ready to pass out from lack of oxygen. Kagome's mom stood off of Inuyasha a slight blush covered the tips of her cheeks.

" I'm sorry Kagome its just when I saw his ears I couldn't help myself. They were so adorable so I had to just grab them." Her mom stated with nervousness. Kagome sighed; she had a feeling that this might happen.

" Its okay mom," She then drew closer to her mothers ear." to tell you the truth I wasn't able to help myself either." Kagome's mom giggled a bit at her daughter's words. Kagome found herself laughing also.

Inuyasha's ear began to twitch as he picked up the sound waves of Kagome and her mom's voice. He really wanted to yell at her for that, but more importantly, he wanted to know how her mental case mother got there.

" Kagome what's your mom doing here anyway?"

Kagome looked up at her mom then to Miroku.

" Well I brought here as a surprise for Miroku. I thought that she might be able to help him." Kagome replied innocently.

Miroku's face went pale. * She asked her mother to help me? * He sighed, he would just have to let it go beside Kagome was doing it for him. She was just trying to help him in his time of need. Kagome's mom then turned to look at Miroku with a smile.

" Oh yeah that's right, I'm sorry dear it's just when I saw Inuyasha, I kind of forgot why I came." Inuyasha, Kagome and Miroku sighed heavily. They couldn't believe that Kagome was actually related to her.

" That's okay mother, but do you still think you can help him?" Kagome asked with a hopeful tone. She was beginning to think bringing her mother here was a big mistake.

Kagome's mom smiled as she grabbed Miroku's arm.

" Come on darling lets go see what I can do for you." Kagome's mom stated taking a young terrified Miroku away towards the fields. Kagome sighed she actually felt bad for him, but it was the only thing she could think of to help him, as she was too nervous to talk to him herself.

Inuyasha stopped Kagome before she could leave jumping in front of her face. His expressions leaked out that he was suspicious of her.

" Kagome how did your mom get through the well? I thought we where the only ones who could do it." He crossed his hand and reformed his face sourly.

Kagome blushed slightly.

" Well I thought we were too, but I got to thinking that maybe since my mom is on the miko side of my family she might be able to also with a jewel shard get through." Kagome stated with much coy.

Inuyasha's face faulted. " And it worked?" Kagome nodded her answer. Inuyasha sighed.

" I hate to tell you this Kagome but you mother is a mental basket." Kagome sighed heavily. Inuyasha felt bad for Miroku now, as he probably after a talk with her would go insane himself.

Miroku walked in silence with Kagome's mom until they reached the peak where as they both took a seat amongst the grassy plains. He stared at Kagome's mom directly in the face. She had a solemn smile as her expression.

" So Miroku darling Kagome told me that you were pregnant," Her smiled deepened. " That let me say how wonderful that is and congratulations." Miroku's face faulted was Kagome's mom this crazy. Did she not find anything wrong with him being male who is with child? He couldn't believe she didn't freak out.

" Well before we get started on the basic's of child birth why don't you tell me who the mother is?" She asked sweetly, Miroku sighed.

" I am."

" Who's the father then?"

" That would be me."

" Well then who got you pregnant?"

" I did." it was the truth since it was his own stupidity that brought this about.

" Well that's nice darling, but let me tell you a full time parent isn't going to be easy." Miroku's face faulted for the second time; did she not find it weird that he got himself pregnant? He couldn't finish his thoughts for she began talking again.

" The baby begins as a small zygote and through stages of growth he or she will began to grow into a small child within the womb. He will grow within you for nine months, once the ninth month is up the baby will be ready to come out. It may come out sooner if there a complications with process of growth were as the baby will be born sooner and premature." He sort of knew all about that since he did aid the common man and help give birth to many lucky families, it's the other things he didn't quite understand correctly.

" I understand, but what I don't know is everything that goes on as I'm pregnant and after." he said with seriousness. Kagome's mom laughed with mirth.

" Oh okay darling," she paused of a minute." Well when I was pregnant with Kagome and then Sota, I had morning sickness. Do you know what that is dear?" His eyes opened slightly larger, he didn't quite grasp what the true essence of it was, but didn't know if it would be a good idea to ask. However, it wasn't like he had a choice in the matter.

" Well I don't want to be so graphical with this so lets just say, Know you when you get sea sickness it's kind of like that." She said seriously. He didn't know how she could act so serious with that subject without grossing out. He knew now that he wasn't going to like the morning sickness.

" You will also have to deal with mood swings. I remember when I got mood swings sometimes I was really a witch to everyone around and then other times I was an angel," she said truthfully. The mood swings to him sounded very interesting, he does anything to anyone and they couldn't blame him for it is the pregnancy's fault. He then smiled devilishly to himself. He then put his concentration back on her as she began to explain further.

" Then there's the little factor of a having a healthy diet while pregnant," she smiled deviously." But no one wants to eat healthy when there pregnant so I say eat whatever you feel like eating." that sounded easy enough to follow as he always ate what he wanted too. She just about scared the pants off of him, when she sighed heavily with a loud voice. She then proceeded to smile at him.

" Well now that were done with the boring stuff," She then pulled a large bag from her kimono." I brought this bag along, it's full of goodies that will help through the life of motherhood." Miroku's eyes opened wide when dumped out the whole bag; he was frightened beyond all words.

" Let's see let's start with turning you into a true mother." He then was filled with pure horror, for what was she planning to do to him.

" Well now we might as well start with your name." She smiled, whenever she smiled it scared him for he did not know what she was thinking.

" What's wrong with my name?" He asked curiously.

" Well, it's not a motherly name. From now on your name Ryoko ( A/N Its my next door neighbor name.)." Miroku's eye jolted open, she wanted to give him a women's name.

" My name is Miroku not Ryoko." He said unnerving. She then changed her tune and glared at him, practically scaring his soul from him.

" Your name is Ryoko, R-yo-ko. Say it ' my name is Ryoko'." She commanded. Miroku gulped, he now knew it wasn't wise to disobey her.

" My name is Ryoko." He choked out, as he felt very disturbed.

" Good. Now what is your name darling?" She asked harshly. He gulped once more in fear.

" Ryoko."

" Good, now lets move on." she smile and he sighed. The women changed her tune as fast the waters change their course. She was very scary women; no wonder Kagome rarely goes home, * if I was in her shoes and thank god I'm not, I would permanently stay here and never return home for fear that I might turn mental. * He dreaded the next words that fled from her mouth.

" Now you can't have a girls name without looking the part." Miroku's eyes open with total fear. He wondered desperately what was wandering through that head of hers. Just what was she planning? He then new when she picked up a women's Kimono and some makeup, he began to panic as he had figured out what she was planning... to turn him into a women. He began to crawl the ground trying to escape her without her knowing it; he refused to be a woman more then he had already become.

" Come back here, you can't get away that easily." She said as she grabbed his foot pulling him in. Miroku cried and moaned.

" Someone help me," He then paused to think why he was in this mess anywise. " Kagome this is all your fault." He then was fully back were he started. Kagome's mom had that spooky look in her eyes.

" Now lets bring out that feminine side." She said hovering over a horrified Miroku.

For hours they sat there, Miroku would try to run and she would punish him. She did his make up and put him in a lovely silk Kimono that she had made for him. She also brained washed him with all this garbage on how to be a mother, he soon succumbed to her power over him and soon he abided by all her rules of what he should be.

" Now Ryoko (Miroku) you have passed my teachings with great honor." Miroku now looked like a full-fledged women hair make up and body, she had made him over.

" Yes master I'm in great gratitude for your support in my time of need." He then bowed his head with satisfaction. Kagome's mom smiles happily.

" Oh don't worry darling, now remember everything I taught you. And go forth."

Miroku smiled as he walked back to Keade's. Kagome's mom sat behind with yet another spooky smile.

" I knew if I tried hard enough I could make him a women and I did. He looks better that way anywise and a man pregnant doesn't make much sense." She then laughed evilly.


Miyuu: "Oh my gosh this story is turning very disturbing." Stroke's Fluffy's tail pillow and then pets Inuyasha ears.

Inuyasha: " That's because you are disturbing, you psycho path." He said with a growl.

Miyuu: laughs evilly. " Thanks (tugs hard on ears) for the compliment." Miyuu then looks towards Sesshoumaru with a vile smile. " What do you think?"

Sesshoumaru: glares evilly at Miyuu. " I think not what you want me to and will not compliment, but I do agree that you are mentally unstable and soon I will kill you with my bare hands. Try all you want to torture me but I will not fall nor break, for I will wait for the day that is soon to come and I will eat you alive for what you have done unto me." He said with a sadistic smile.

Miyuu: Looks at sesshy with confusion. " Yeah whatever." then turns to Inuyasha. " Did you understand a word he said. Inuyasha shakes head.


Authors Note: I'm sorry the story short was so short but I'm so tired to write anymore I'm mean come on It's 4 o'clock in the morning.

~ Miyuu Tetsumi