AN: Here it is, the short epilogue. Sorry about its lack of length. I tried to leave off on a happy note, verses the sad ending of the last chapter. This is a more definite closing. I think. -_- Anyway, it's the end! That's it! No more! Na da! Sorry guys! I'm so sad that I won't be able to write this anymore. Unless I choose to do a sequel, but I'm not going to, cuz it'll ruin it. Hope you liked this story as much as I enjoyed writing it.


Disclaimer: I don't own HYD

~*~*~*~ Last Chapter ~*~*~*~

She pulled herself out of my arms and walked away.

This time..

I let her go.

~*~*~ Epilogue: As I Sit Watching ~*~*~

It's been a month now since that happened. Things slid back to normal quickly. Hiroaki was released from the hospital while slut girl was admitted into it. Makino and Tsukasa are still stuck together like glue, as much as they deny it. Rui is off to France visiting Shizuka; not because he's in love with her, but just as a friend. The F4 all understand this now, something that took us years to comprehend. Akira is, as ever, the wife stealer.

And Yuki? Well..

I can see her from where I'm sitting in the cafe. She smiles a beautiful smile that lights up her eyes.

If Akira ever found out my thoughts are turning mushy like this, he would dig my eyes out so that I can never see the person who caused this change.

And I swear I'm not stalking the poor girl! I just happen to see her all over the place now.

Yuki turned to the young man standing next to her, her smile turning into a grin. He bent his head down to her ears and whispered something into them, making her laugh. Outside the cafe, in the chilly autumn weather, Hiroaki wrapped an arm around Yuki's shoulders, shielding her from the cold.

A smile blossomed on my face as well, before I could help it. The girl is happy now, happier than she'll ever be had she gotten together with me.

"Nishikado, what's wrong? You're blanking out again." The beautiful model pressed against my side, sipping her coffee, asked.

"Nothing, love," again, my blessings to pet names, "I was just wondering where this beautiful creature next to me came from and how lucky I was to have her here."

The practically anorexic girl giggles appreciatively.

My cell phone rang and I flicked it open.

"Akira, what's up?" I asked the phone.

"Want to check out the new club that's opening?"

"Sure, I'll be right over."

"By the way, her name is Veronica."


"The model you picked up this morning."

I rolled my eyes. "Dude, your psychic or something."

He laughed, "I try to be. I'll see you in a bit."

Closing the phone, I leaned over to the girl, Veronica. "So, love, care to join me at the new club opening in town?"


AN: *sob* I'm so sad to leave this story. This is my baby, the only story I actually completed. *sigh* I'm going to miss writing this soo much! Thank you guys, EVERYONE for reading it and/or reviewing. It has helped me so much during my time writing this. Thank you again for all the support that has been given to me. I hope you guys are satisfied with this ending. It's on a happier note, isn't it? *rolls eyes* I try at least.