Disclaimer: I do not own SK. Need I say more?

Author Notes: Thanks to everyone who's been supportive by reading, comment and e-mailing reviewing my fics. This fic is entirely centred on Yoh/Anna and is dedicated to all the Yona fans out there and to da*mouse -- You can all thank her on the early debut of this fic... since I was planning to let it sit for a week or so before getting back to it.

Rating: PG-13… Seriously.  Er… Well the 'worst' part is… well… I didn't go completely graphic but the most… unexpected scene is when they *cough*showertogether*cough* You have been forewarned.

Summary: Over one year since their marriage, Anna and Yoh are enduring through Tokyo's worst snowstorm ever. With only each other's warmth, how will they survive this deadly, yet thrilling weather? [Yoh/Anna]

Warning: OOC… Kinda PWP [Plotless, Pointless], pure fantasy [meaning that its perfect perfect perfect… nothing bad happens. Not that anything bad ever happens in my fic. ] and fluffy. Oh and… there ARE mature and ecchi [perverted] events that occur in this fic. Yoh and Anna are both 19 in here.

Yukata - A type of kimono that is usually worn before bedtime.

Onsen - Hot spring

Frozen Ray


Shivering as the cold morning breeze blew into the room, Asakura Anna rolled to her side to grasp the first warm object she touched. In this case, the first warm object -- wasn't an object. Yoh opened an eyelid to see his wife possessively pull his arm closer to her chest. He smiled as he turned on his side to face her and then wrapped his free arm around her waist, pulling her body close to his.

He loved winter days like these. Loved ones huddling close together to take in the limited warmth that existed among them. The feeling of contact and touch with one another… it was truly one of those moments where being alive was all worthwhile. Yoh closed his eyes as the new warmness circulated throughout his body.

Anna stirred slightly before her eyes fluttered open. Her vision blurred as her sight adjusted to the image of her husband in front of her. Looking goofy but nonetheless cute, with his trademark smile and his messy hair that concealed half of his face. She couldn't help but reach over to brush away the strands away from his tan face. Her fingers lingered, dancing along his cheek.

Yoh felt her heated touch glide across his face and was almost tempted to wake up and ask what she was doing. But he stopped himself, enjoying the gentle touches and never wanting them to stop.

Tracing invisible heart shapes around his facial features, Anna repressed a smile as she slowly leaned inward to kiss her husband.

Yoh's eyes shot open as her lips met his, but in less than a second, all his tension relaxed and disappeared as quickly as it came. Inevitably aroused, the dark-haired boy tried to restrain his groan from being heard… but failed miserably once he felt her smooth palms slide across his chest in a soothing motion.

Anna smiled secretly as she heard his cry of pleasure deep within his throat. Withdrawing slightly, she stared into Yoh's eyes with a hinting glow of amusement. "You're awake, I see."

"Uh-huh…" he drifted off as he closed the space between them with another kiss.

A cold disruption caused the two to look towards the shiver-sending source. The window blew open as chilly winds blew in angrily. Bits of snow and ice entered the room, travelling from the frigid gusts. Yoh stood up, trembling as goose bumps formed on his skin. Warm as his yukata was, it couldn't cover his entire body from the icy breeze. Grimacing as he securely closed the windows, Yoh looked outside. Snow. Everywhere. It was like someone painted the entire world in the colour of white.

"See anything interesting?" Anna asked as she crept over and slipped her arms around his waist.

"Not really." He shut his eyes tight before reopening them. Looking at the intense white glow outside had blinded his sight. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Surprise me," she began.

Yoh turned around to meet her dark eyes. He grinned as he rested his forehead against hers.

"…With something edible."

"Of course." He planted a kiss on her forehead before heading towards the bedroom door.

"Wait." Her voice halted his movements as he spun around for an answer. 

Anna glanced through the window. The falling snow didn't seem to be letting up anytime soon and with the ground already covered under the white blanket of frost... Only two things were going to happen: A miracle that would stop the snow and let the sun shine through once again or… a blizzard that would most likely cause complete chaos within the city. Already knowing the impending weather about to strike, she decided that warming up first would be the best idea.

Walking towards her husband, she cupped his face into her hands gently. "Before breakfast… How about a shower first?" 

"Sounds good to me…" Yoh grinned.

Anna pulled him closer until their lips met tenderly. She would always cherish every kiss they shared as if it were their last. There are feelings that just can't be expressed using words but only through actions… And this moment... was one of the many examples.


Yoh tugged at the belt around his yukata, loosing the robe enough for it to fall to his toes. He could hear the water from the shower spraying forcefully as the nozzle was turned to a higher pressure. Steam immediately formed and began floating around the confined area. Drops of water could be seen beginning to slide down behind the curtain. Despite the coldness that existed outside, you could never tell what season it was when you were in a room filled with immense heat and hovering hot vapour.

The dark-haired boy bit his nails as he debated whether or not to go in to the shower. His wife was waiting behind the curtains and even though they've seen each other before, it was always a debatable situation that Yoh found himself thinking about whenever they occurred. He felt his cheeks heat up as he watched Anna's blurry figure, although that might have been the growing warmth that was in the room.

Tentatively with one foot, he stepped inside the blazing tub. The water sprayed vigorously against his face and with his dark hair soaked, it instantly began to have a growing attraction for his face.

Anna looked at Yoh amusingly as he tried to brush aside his hair away from his eyes. The showering water from above, however, didn't seem to be siding along with the boy's action. As Yoh tried to brush his long hair away, the water seemed to weigh down his hair, bringing it over his eyes once more. It was like trying to comb down rebellious wisps of hair from waking up in the morning.

Anna giggled at his desperate struggle as she reached over and pushed away his hair. Her hand remained over his brow, lightly pressing down his hair.

"Sank…yuu," he slowly breathed out as he drew closer to her.

Their cheeks burned in crimson as their lips met and mingled affectionately once again. Water continued to sprinkle from above, soaking their bare bodies in warmth. When they broke away for a gasp of air, only smiles were exchanged among them. And for both of them… that was enough.

Anna reached for a bottle of shampoo on the rack just behide Yoh's head. The boy raised an eyebrow when she began to run the tip of the bottle along his chest.

"Sit down," she commanded with a soft tone. Yoh nodded as he sat cross-legged on the floor of the tub. A few months after Yoh and Anna's wedding, their friends decided to compile all their money that they've raised a while ago to renovate around the inn. A few of these modifications were: an increased size of the bathtub (large enough to fit 2-3 adults), an indoor onsen, (that could be used even in severe snowstorms like today) and an expansion of the kitchen.

Squeezing the long container, a viscous liquid slowly seeped through the small opening and onto Anna's palm. She rubbed her palms together and gently scrubbed Yoh's hair.

Yoh swallowed as he tried to focus his attention on her determined face. 'No… can't stare there. No.. definitely can't stare there… Dammit Yoh! Keep your eyes on her face! Eh.. maybe just a… glance wouldn't hurt… Mmm… that feels good. Yeah… She's good at this…  NO! NO! Can't be turned on… Can't… start feeling tingles… Can NOT… get… argh! Ahh! Pure thoughts, pure thoughts, pure thoughts! Even though she's my wife… she does contain the potential to murder me……!'

Anna watched her husband shut his eyes as he muttered something and she definitely doubted that the shampoo caused the problem. "Yoh… are you getting turned on by this?"

"…No…" he said passively with his eyes remaining closed.

The girl smiled slightly with a mischievous gleam in her dark eyes. "Turn around."

Yoh hesitated before obeying her. Somehow he could feel that she was up to something.

Anna placed her hands on his shoulders as she soothingly massaged his tense muscles. She could feel his body willingly relax under her touch. Her hands began to glide down his back as she reached for a towel and began to scrub in an up and down motion while being as gentle as possible. When she finished, she left trails of kisses across his back, sending him towards the doors of heaven.

Yoh grit his teeth throughout the cleaning process. Was it an ordeal? Not at all! It was quite the opposite -- feeling her soft body against his. He tried to keep his cries of pleasure down to a minimum since this morning's failure. However, when his wife began to kiss away the burning after effect, he knew he would fail once more.

Though he'd never admit it, Yoh was actually quite shy about his arousing voices that cried aloud from within. He knew there was nothing wrong with expressing pleasure vocally, in fact every time he hears Anna -- he can't help but grin inside, knowing that she was enjoying it as much as he did. Actually, the sounds of sexual excitement can be quite… stimulating. And in reality, it was another reason why Yoh would never openly moan lustfully. He wanted to be able to hear the cries of his wife without having to hear his own. Her voice… her moan… her cry… it drove him to the point of insanity as he would climax along with her. Thinking about those moments alone would be enough to push him over the edge.

"Your turn…" Yoh panted after Anna had thoroughly exercised his vocal cords.

"Already? I was having fun…"

"Ha. Ha. Well, too bad… Because now it's my turn!" He smiled triumphantly, "Turn around."

Anna listened and knew she was definitely in for it now. Yoh began with the shampoo. Gently applying it all over her scalp, slowly and nonchalantly. The water rinsed out the shampoo almost instantly so he didn't have to worry too much about that part. Next, he scrubbed her back as she did for him and of course, adding many soft kisses on her body along the way.

"Whew… that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be," she sighed contently as she turned around.

"I'm not done yet…"

Yoh lightly pushed Anna towards the back of the tub as he began to caress her neck fondly with his tounge. He was directly lying on top of her in a very inappropriate position if they weren't married. Even as a full grown 19 year old boy, he didn't weigh a lot, which seemed to be quite fine with Anna.

"Yoh…" Anna moaned as she wrapped her arms around the boy's neck. Yoh's hands were roaming across Anna's body, causing her cries of pleasure to fill the air. He grinned as he saw her face etched with lust.

"I guess that's enough for now…" Yoh said as he started to get up.

"Getting me worked up like that and then leaving it?" Anna questioned as they met for a brief kiss.

"It's payback dear," he responded simply. 

Anna secretly smiled as she turned the showerhead nozzle to full blast, "Payback this… Asakura Yoh." She stepped aside as she watched her drenched husband as he waved his arms in retaliation. Anna was glad the water and Yoh's muffled cries were loud enough to cover her laughter. Or… so she thought.

The sound of Anna's laughter stopped Yoh instantly. It was always such a rare melody… a one that could not be found nor matched. He grinned as he heard the laughter continued. His arms still swung around, hoping to keep her laughing for a little while longer. Unexpectedly, Yoh popped out of the water tower as he neared Anna -- face to face.

"You should laugh more…" Yoh started, "It's beautiful…"

Anna flushed in silence. She couldn't help staring into his arresting gaze. The moment was cut short when Yoh pulled her into the centre of the shower and captured her lips with his.


Yoh stretched his arms lazily as drops of water rolled down his tanned body. "Showers are great!" He looked at Anna who smiled back. Drawing closer to her, he whispered, "Even better when someone's with you…"

"Uh huh…" she agreed as she pulled him closer for another one of many kisses they have shared since they woke up this morning.

Yoh bent down to retrieve their robes from the floor. Putting his aside on a rack, he raised a sleeve of his wife's yukata. Anna slipped an arm through the sleeve just as Yoh raised the other one. Smiling as she placed her arm through the remaining one, she pulled her husband close.

"So we both agree that we like showers together?" She asked as her eyes stared deeply into Yoh's.

He nodded cutely as he knotted the belt of his wife's robe. "Always and forever."

Yoh reached for his yukata and quickly dressed himself up. "Well after all that action.. I'm hungry… I'm going down to make breakfast," he announced, patting his stomach.

"Well, don't let me keep you."

Yoh grinned as he kissed his wife once more before opening the door. After a steamy shower, the cold air felt relaxing as it rushed past them.

"I'll check around the inn, to make sure everything is in place," Anna said as she began to walk down the hall.

Yoh nodded as he headed downstairs, wondering what the heck to make breakfast that would serve to be both edible and delicious at the same time.



Yoh looked through each of the items in the refrigerator. He ran his finger down the shelves, thinking how and what to make with such ingredients. After a while, he took out the leftover fish and pot of rice from last night's dinner and a sealed container of pickled cucumbers that he prepared the night before. Estimating the time needed to make an ordinary Japanese breakfast, Yoh was pleased with his sudden abilities in math and cooking. He reheated the water in the kettle and poured it into a teapot. Doubling checking to make sure that a teabag was inside, Yoh failed to sense Anna's arrival.

She watched as he scooped out the cucumbers and the rice from the pot into 2 separate bowls. He placed the bowl of rice into the microwave before heading to the stove. She smiled as she watched his skilled hands in action as he began to heat and re-cook the fish.

Silently sneaking up behind him, Anna slid her arms around his waist and squeezed him tight, "Hi there."

Yoh almost dropped the spatula as he felt her warm embrace tighten around his body.

"Sorry if I startled you." Her head relaxed on his back. Breathing in his fresh unique scent, Anna constrained a small smile. There was always something about his natural scent that just tingled the muscles near the corners of her mouth. She could never describe it and she'd doubt that she'd ever figure it out. However, all she knew was that somehow… she felt at peace with herself whenever the senses of her nose would recognize this smell.

The boy turned his head around slightly to see her dark eyes meeting his. "It's nothing. It was actually a delightful surprise since breakfast is… pretty much already done." Yoh looked at the fish once more to inspect its readiness. 

Anna withdrew her arms as she walked over towards the cupboards, "Great. I'll set up the table then."

Yoh felt her warmth fade away, sadly realizing that he wasn't in her hold any more. "No. Let me set up everything. You just sit down, look pretty and let your husband take care of things." He smiled at her before quickly pecking her on the cheek.

Anna smiled slightly as she reached for his hand down his side. "That shouldn't be too hard to do." Listening to his kind offer, she proceeded to sit down at the small table where the couple shared their meals when their friends weren't around.

Pulling out a packet of instant miso soup mix, Yoh equally poured its contents into two bowls before pouring in water. Moments later, a Japanese theme styled breakfast was ready to be eaten. Two bowls of miso soup, a plate of cooked salmon, a bowl of pickled cucumbers, two bowls of rice and two cups of green tea were sitting in the middle of the table.

"Itadakimasu!" Yoh cried cheerfully before taking a bite of his breakfast.

Anna said the word in a silent manner as she joined her husband. 'This better be good… Even though we're married… I still have to nag him for decent cooking… '

She bit into the fish, astounded at what the taste had brought. 'Okay… definite points for flavour…'

"How is it?" Yoh asked anxiously as he scanned for any hints on Anna's face.

"Surprisingly… delicious," she began as she reached for the cup of tea.

"Really? Yay!" Yoh cheered as he pumped his fists into the air. He was about to proceed to the dance of joy when he heard Anna's cool voice continue.

"Now if you'll just continue to cook at this standard everyday…"

Yoh's face darkened, "Everyday…? As in.. 7 consecutive days? Back-to-back? Always? Forever?"

"Yes. There aren't any problems right?"

Yoh shook his head vigorously, "None at all… Of course that would mean… I need my inspiration… everyday too."

Anna raised an eyebrow.

"I mean well… people can only cook… if their heart is into it… and today… as you can see… in order to receive a fine meal… a husband needs inspiration to cook a perfect meal for his wife."

"Inspiration? Well… I don't think there will be too many problems in that department as long as the flavour of the meal doesn't lower…"

"Relax…" Yoh grinned.

Smiling in return, Anna took those words to heart.


'Shut your windows, lock your doors and seal every opening that leads to the outside Tokyo, because our forecast today shows severe snowfall!'

The meteorologist pointed at the map on the screen, showing small snowflake icons scatter across the city.

'Looking at our previous snowfall records, I'd say we have definitely beat the record set 10 years ago on January the 4th. Back then, we made a record of 26cm at -23 degrees Celsius but today our official new record is 45cm at -35 degrees Celsius!'

Anna stared blankly at the television listening to the weatherman ramble on about the record set. Her head turned when a blanket was wrapped around her.

"I thought it might get cold later on," Yoh cheerfully beamed as he snuggled up beside Anna. The blanket was large enough to provide warmth for the both of them and if that didn't work, Yoh had a second blanket set aside… just for emergencies.

"You have this all planned out don't you?"

"Of course… I have to keep my wife all warm and cozy," he replied as he wrapped an arm around her waist.

"I like your priorities…" Anna responded as she reached over and touched his cheek.

"Me too…"

Leaning inward towards each other, the couple shared another intimate embrace once again.

Reviews/comments/flames/constructiveness/anything/everything are always accepted, read and appreciated!