Okay this is a Kurama chapter! if you are a Hiei/Kag fan TURN BACK NOW!!!

alrighty that said here is the first chapter of 5 for Kur/Kag..... lots O' fluff and falling head over heels in love gauranteed!!! not to mention jealousy, heartbreak and a whole lota other stuff! So here it is!

Thanx to for reveiws for Chapter 20-

tessa3(0_0 ehehehe... I know...*blushes* nevermind!),Inu Youkai-Hime, valene (got that right! no Inuyasha to fight 4 her anymore or call her weak!), Shinigami Clara (Don't hurt me! oha and don't go crazy!!!), Artemis the Goddess, ^.^ (Soon!), CraziAzngurl(yea she is isn't she?*sweatdrops*), Star Protector Angel (I did it twas good!), Sakura-sama(Thanki!), Crimson hawk(I di-id!), Elyndewen Startree ( of course he is hot, strong, cute..), SerinityRules (*grins* maybe..), ladyofthedragons1 (I know, I would probably start scream to advert attention to.. um... a giant dragon!::Shift eyes:: yea.. that'd work!), hiei is mine forever(thanks!), Ashley(I know! seems impossible to the high and mighty fluffy don't it?), Diana (yep! not so much Inu.. but um...), Senhayko(*twi is nodding vigorously* uh huh! me to! me too!), Hinoke( I know I still have no idea how I'm gonna finish this but hopefully with lots of laughs, love, and sake!), Csaturn(its not.. I still email you though.), fishkisser ( know! Raisen brand huh? ^_^), Nicky (yea.. but I was to lazy to write it.. so I just inserted funnies!), Defafaeth Mechgua (like?)

Thanx to for reveiws for Chapter 20-

tessa3( sorry but we'll get to Hiei?kag eventually kay?), Shinigami Clara (really?! cool! I just know how sometimes I'm so interested in a story I skip over notes, so had to make it interesting so people will read it!^_^), Dark Topaz (thanki! and here ya go next chappie!), Diana/Kuroi(you watched vash!? Lucky..), Elyndewen Startree (Okay, only tell me your email kay?), Crimson Hawk (I did, see?), tinabug (Thank you! I'm just glad people like this story!), and fishkisser (Okay! oh and I've always wanted to say, 'Nice name fish are cool!' *blushes* NEways...)

Anywho.... Enjoy (this is more comedy then usual........... but I couldn't resist! Rin is to cool!)


Tears and Roses

Chapter 20 - Why you should fear children...

Kurama and Kagome part I


(Kurama's POV)

My mouth dropped open slightly in shock. Staring at the woman in front of me. The others with the exceptions of Hiei and Kaguya had similar reactions. Yusuke reacted first,

"WHAT?!!?!? NOT ONLY ARE YOU A GODDESS BUT YOUR THE RULER OF THEM AS WELL!?!?!!?!" Then in a lower tone "That toddler is going to pay for this...."

Kurama turned back to Kagome who gulped and was blushing furious. Sesshoumaru had raised a perfectly arched eyebrow, but brushed it off and regained his normal cold expression rising to his feet once again. Kagome turned back to him and nodded in greeting as well, then turned back to Yusuke who was still watching her intently.

"I guess... I did leave out a few details about my past... didn't eye?" She smiled nervously as Yusuke shouted.

" 'details'?! You call being the ruler of a complete REALM of the strongest beings alive a small little DETAIL!?"

She had a blank expression on her face and nodded. *insert Yusuke doing a anime fall here*

"I thought Koenma had filled you all in about most of it... I guess not....." She frowned. "..I have to talk to this Koenma of yours... soon by the looks of it."

"Onee-san?" A small voice.

Kagoem smiled and walked over to the form of Rin as she sat next to a blushing Jaken. She kneeled beside her, and said

"Yes Rin-chan?"

The child started fiddling with the necklace around her neck shyly.

Kagome knew what she meant.

"Rin-chan... look at me.." She said softly. The child did with her big innocent brown orbs.

"Your a goddess but you are still young, you do not have to leave Sesshoumaru-saam if you don't want. Although if your secret falls in to the wrong hands things will get considreably harder for you and everyone you love.."

Rin's eyes widened suddenly leaping forwards hugging Kagome

"But that means you'll get hurt as well nee-san!!"

Kagome was shocked but her eyes soften and her lip turned in to a small motherly smile. Placing a gently hand on the girl's head she whispered.

"Rin-chan.... you do not have to worry about me... and if I get hurt it is not your fault. You have Sesshoumaru to take care of you and any one close to you, and I have my own companions to protect me.."

Rin nodded but didn't pull away from the embrace.

"Rin..." Sesshoumaru warned

Kagome shook her head at his lack of knowledge on childcare and emotion. Pulling ently away from the child, she smiled own at the sad child.... a very different picture from the joyous grinning girl Kagome was used to.

"Kagome-sama..." Rin said looking up at her mournfully.

The older goddess reached behind her grabbing the first flower she felt brush against her fingertip and snapped the stem. Looking at the child she held out a flower that had soft lavender colored petals.

"Rin, don't worry! Your the goddess of life and happiness!" She placed it behind he ear right below the ponytail on the side of her head.

Rin nodded suddenly wearing a bright smile as she ran over to Jaken pulling up the gauking toad in a huge embrace.

"And Jaken's alive to!! Rin'll make extra sure he's happy! Jaken-sama will never leave Rin's sight !"

The toad seem to pale visibly with each she spoke. Kagome could help but laugh and Kurama himself cracked a smile.

"That's right Jaken-sama!! You'll ALWAYS be with Rin.." Kagome said while smirking evily.

He swore if Jaken hadn't been held by Rin right then he would have bolted and never to be seen again.

Kurama walked over to Kagome standing beside her as she stood up and looked at him as the sun came down over the horizon behind them.

"Yes Kurama?" She asked.

"So you really are a goddess then? a ruling goddess?"

She blushed but nodded.

"Yes, I am..."

Kurama took in a deep breath and smelled tears. Thinking the were Rin's he pushed the thoughts away. He looked down and saw RIn looking up in awe at them, a garland held loosely between her small dirt stained figers.

"What is it Rin-chan?" Kagome asked.

Rin smiled but still had a dazed look in her eye, like someone who just read a good love story.

"You two look pretty!! Rin knows Kagome-sama is a goddess, but is the pretty man is he a goddess too? are you to married? How strong are you? Do you want to pick flowers with Rin? what is your favoirte color? Why does the sun come up? Why is the sky blue? Why..." The little girl lauched one question after the other and the two stood dumbfounded as they listen to the girl rattle on a mile a minute. Sesshoumaru sighed used to this and sat down in the grass.

Kurama listened to her slowly things registering in his head. Suddenly he got to one question to acually understand in his head.

'married? babies? him and Kagome...?'

He turnd to Kagome and she must have been doing the same and looked up at him. Scarlet blushes creeped up on both of them and they turned thier heads away.

Rin watched this a smile plastered on her face. Saying'

"Why are Kagome and preety-man going red? You look like Inu yasha when he looks at the girl with red hair." She pointed over to the group where, indeed a staring a blushing contest was going on between Inu yasha and Kaguya looking at each other when they thought the other wasn't watching and blushing when they were caught.

A cheery laugh was heard behind her as Kagome started laughing.

Grabbing Rin hands she started dancing aroud the feild with the girl in her arms singing

"Inuyasha and Kaguya si--lying in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G.. first comes love, then comes marriage, then come a baby in a baby carriage! Inuyasha and Kaguya lying in a tree..."

The two blushed shouting at her

"WENCH BE QUIET!!!" (AN: bet you can't guess which one said that..)

"KAGOME SHUT IT OR I WILL!" Kaguya screamed.

Shippou grinned never missing a moment to antagonizr Inuyasha and ran over to the other two girls dancing around them singing too as Inu yasha and Kaguya blushed hard enough they were identical to cherries. Especially when Kagoem added another INTERESTING verse...

Kurama and the other ningens chuckled most of them knowing the child's ryme except for the verses Kagome made.. those where her own cruel invention.

Suddenly the monk's hand drifted to the exterminator, followed by a lound slap and shout of


Kurama shook his head a very interesting place to be.. turning his eyes to Kagome he smiled softly. Youko's voice entered its way in to his thoughts

~She is beautiful isn't she?~ Youko said

~Yes she is..~

~Strong, beautiful, kind...~


~The perfect mate...~

~yes... wait you tricked me..~

~only in your best interest. It is about time you got a girlfriend at least, I was beginning to think you were hopeless..~ Youko chuckled.

~I don't have time to have a girlfriend not with what I do and what I am~

~but Kagome KNOWS about that..~ Youko chided.

~She doesn't KNOW about you... I haven't told her yet..~

~Well you better tell her soon otherwise someone else might get to her first..~ Youko growled. Kurama felt a wave of anger overcome him at the thought of another being with Kagome.

~What should I do? I wont force a descion upon her..~

~Tell her the truth...~ came the uncharestic reply from the theif as his voice faded.

Kurama sighed but the words stuck with him.

Suddenly the small voice of Rin said

"Kagome-neesan... can Rin sing this song about you and pretty-man?" as she pointed over to him.

Their faces paled as Kaguya and Inuyasha got devious smirks on their faces.

"Oh.... yes we should sing about that..." Kaguya said.

"Deffinately.." Inu yasha said.

"No!! no thats fine! no more singing!!"

"Kagome and Kur--" Inuyasha started



"Lying in a--" Kaguya finished after sending a worried look at Inuyasha's crater.

Kagome rushed over clamping a hand over her mouth. Kaguya sent her a death glare which was promtly ignored as Kagome sighed with relief.

"hey... Shippou-chan?" Rin whispered

"Yea Rin?" He said back.

"What should we do now?"

"I dunno... braid Sesshoumaru's hair?" He said it as a joke but Rin smiled happily

"Good idea!!!!"

She rushed over to Sesshoumaru and started bouncing in front of him, knowing he heard them talking, saying

"Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please--"


"Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please--"

"No Rin."

"Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please --"


"Pppppppppppllllllllllllllllllllleeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaassssssssssssssseeeeee eeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!"

He sighed.


YYYYAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She squealed as she took some of his hair in each hand as Shippou started handing her random clips and bows for his hair trying not to laugh...


Hee, heee... reveiw and give me ideas for Fluffy-sama's new do!!!! *smirks evilly as Sesshoumaru glares at her*

Sesshy: Your letting me get tortured by children. Die.

Twi: But you LOVE me!! *tears well up in eyes as she clasped them on her face pretending to cry*

Sesshy:*sigh* I can not resist...

Twi:*pops up smiling cheerfully* Okay anyways please reveiw!

Sesshy: yes review..*glares and Twi who smiles innocently* I so hate you...

Botan: someone's going to be visiting the spirit realm earlier then expected....

Twi: ::Screams at fluffy as she hugs Sess:: Don't hurt Fluffy!!

Everyone looks at her weird and sweatdrop but she remains cheery and thick- headed shouting.
