*looks suspiciously around at you and everyone else standing around waiting for me to say something that I don't want to say*

J.R.R. Tolkien runs up on stage, even being dead and all.looking dead as well and grabs me.

Tolkien: If you don't say it, I shall spook you till the end of your days.

Me: Fine, Fine, if I must, I do not own anything from this story except for the Damn Lamp character, Ian, *evil laugh* Yesh.I own you.You are my Slave. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Tolkien gives me a stern look.

Me: Okay, fine, I don't own Ian, he owns him self.well, actually Alexander, his alter ego Minion/Demon does.I do own; May Moss of Lake-by-Downs, Ánië Vardamir, the 'Damn Lamp', Mimi, and uhh, ohh yes, This little guy *Pulls out a Black Hamster* Sabbath. I guess that is about it, and if anymore things, I shall inform you.

Tolkien: Good girl. *pats Ánië Vardamir on the head* I shall go now. -He Leaves-

Chapter One; A Visit From a Good Friend

Knock, knock, knock. The girl asleep in the room doesn't hear anything. "Mimi," She drearily opens her eyes and looks at her mom. "Call Ian." Mimi, who has always remembered his phone number couldn't remember. She knew his cell phone number was on the floor. The brown haired girl picked it up as she yawned. 'Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.' She punched in the numbers one by one.

"Hello?" the voice on the other end picked up.

"Dude? You wanted me to call you?"

"Yeah, I did."

"Whats up?"

"Ohh nothing. Im soooo frickin bored!"

"Then get your ass over here."

"Good Idea." They hung up their phones and the girl got dressed waiting for her friend, Ian, to come like he usually did. She didn't care what she wore so she threw on some random clothes that were on the floor, also trying to tidy up the room.

"MOM! IAN IS COMING OVER!" Mimi yelled through the door.

"That's Fine Honey. Don't wear the clothes on the floor!"

"I WONT!" the young girl said a lot of stuff that she never paid attention to.

A little while later, there was a knock on the door.

"Ohh hey Ian. Whats up?" the girl was sat facing her TV putting on a video game.

"What we playin'?"

"Enter the Matrix." She pulled it out of his bag since he always kept it with him when he came to her house.

The game started and Mimi touched his soft head hair.

"I love your hair. Its always soft." She sat up on her bed.

The copper soft haired 14 year old looked at a cord. He pulled it and a cat lamp came falling down.

"Ahh!" he flinched. "I wasn't expecting that."

"Then don't pull cords. Your going to blow us to Tinkie-toy land. We wont want that will we?"

Ian shook his head. He looked at a black cord. "I wont pull it" he thought to himself. He saw it was a blue lamp. "Damn Lamps" they both thought to themselves. Ian placed the extra controller on the stand next to the lamp, that was in the way, knocking the lamp over. It was right above Mimi's Head. "DAMN LAMPS!!!" she screamed as it bonked her on the head knocking her unconscious.

The next morning Mimi woke up same position she was in as she fell, according to her, asleep, although we all know she was unconscious. The blue eyed Irish girl that we call Mimi rubbed her head right where the lamp hit her. "Oww." she thought to herself. "what happened?" She didn't open her eyes, feeling that she was comfortable. She felt something wiggle in her pocket. She reached in and pulled out a fuzzy black critter. She looked at him. "Sabbath! What on earth were you doing in my pocket?" she rubbed her nose against his and started speaking baby language. She thought to herself he must have crawled into her pants since she grabbed them off the floor. Sabbath was always an explorer. She leaned back feeling something warm, not looking at the environment around her. She fiddled with her hand around to feel what it was. She felt a hand. She kept going up. AN ARM.what was this? Has Ian fallen asleep in her bed.with her?! She turned around. "HOLY SHIT!"

The startled short man flinched as he woke up.

"Who are yew?" he asked.


The guy looked at her astonished. "Why that is my name tew!"

"No, no, no, I know you are Pippen." she tried to remember her hobbit name. "My name is May Moss of Lake-by-Downs" she had remembered.

"Ohh," answered Pippen still in complete shock. "And what are yew doing in my bed?"

"Your bed!?" Mimi (a/n: She will be going by May Moss or May for this time) looked around. "Where am I?"

"Yew are in Hobbiton." (a/n: is that spelt right? I don't want to get my book) Pippen looked a bit confused, parting from scared at this time. "The Shire to be more precise."

May's eyes gleamed. "The Shire." she said to herself. She looked at Sabbath. "IS THIS YOUR IDEA OF A SICK JOKE WANTING TO GO ON AN ADVENTURE SABBATH JACK-ELROND SPARROW?!" she screamed at her fuzzy black friend, using his full name. The little black dude, Sabbath, cringed at May Moss's screaming voice.

"Umm, if I may interrupt miss," Pip started to say, "I do quite think you look too tall to be a- a hobbit."

"Im an elf hobbit pirate human. So sue me. I have three names out of my four races. I don't know my pirate name. Though I am thinking that the first name might be Angela."

"A pirate.?" Pippen asked in total interest.

May started to sing a song she had made up;

"Ohh pirates are amazing things, They fly on water without wearing wings. They swish their sword And steal when they be bored. Ohh itd be a pirates life for me!"

She then started to break out into the old pirate song Yo-Ho.

"Ohh yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me" she started dancing and making up words as she went. Pippen didn't know they weren't the real words, so she just went along singing like they were.

"They've got lots of money They ride their ships in fame, And if you look at them funny, They'll push u in a flame,

The pirates don't like people to touch their cash, And if you do, they be kickin ye in the ash, If I could be one, I would not say no, Because on the boat, I can see a little show,

Ohh yo ho yo ho a pirates life for me-EEEEEE!!!!!!!!!"

Pippen looked a bit scared at the whole thought of a pirate coming to the shire.

"Ohh don't worry Pip, I wont harm anyone, Im as fit as a fiddle, I would never harm a hobbit. Especially one as cute as yourself!!"

Sabbath let a great deep sigh. "Ohh brother" he mumbled to himself.

"What was that Sabby?" (a/n: Sabby was one of the hamster's nickname) May asked. Her hearing was quite good.

The black rodent shook his head then May placed him in her pocket again.

"What was that?" Pippen asked in curiosity.

"Ohh," she brought Sabbath out again "Sabbath?"

Pippen nodded keeping his eyes on the rodent. "What is it?"

"I am Sabbath, the one and only." Sabbath said giving the poor little hobbit attitude.

"Sabbath!" she blushed at the rodent's remarks. "This here is Sabbath Jack- Elrond Sparrow. He be the sexiest hamster in all of Middle-Earth."

"Is he related to lord Elrond of the Rivendell elves?" Pippen asked.

"No, that's just his middle name." She pet Sabbath's head.

Sabbath started to laugh. "I am your leader." He gritted his yellow teeth. Pippen backed away a little scared. May hugged Pippen. "Don't worry, he wont harm you.remember, Im in control of him." May glared at Sabbath.


I have ideas for the next chapter.but I want to see how this turned out.so give me some reviews.I am hoping for at least 3.maybe.I dunno.
