As people passed Moody and Remus, they snuck not-so-subtle glancesat them,whispers going wild. After all, it wasn't everyday you saw twogrown mendressed in rain boots, one in a trench coat, the other in an Adidas Hoody.
It was 96 degrees out. (In other words it was sweltering)
"Is this it?" Moody asked. Remus nodded, nervously nodding his head to passerbyers. Moody rolled his eyes at Lupin's paranoia, and knocked on the door. Seconds later, a woman opened the door, warily eyeing the two men. To her credit, she kept quiet about their appearence.
"Do I know you?" She lit a cigarette, a scowl on her lips.
"Uh…yes," Lupin gave her a twitchy smile, "i-is this the Urameshi residence?" She eyed the two of them for a moment, before she took another long drag from the cigarette.
"If you're here for Yusuke, he's not home." She made to slam the door, but Moody caught it.
"Do you know where your son is, Ms. Urameshi?" He ignored her glare.
"Do you want me to call the cops?" another drag, "Listen, whatever he did this time, it isn't my business, alright?" Moody's hand was swapped away, and the door slammed shut. The two stood there in silence.
"Well…at least we know the mother doesn't know what's going on." Moody frowned at the door.
"Or she could just be a really good liar…" he knocked on the door again, which only earned him a muffled, "Get lost!", he knocked again, and the "get lost" evolved into a, "I'm calling the cops!"
"Mrs. Urameshi!" he screamed, faced pressed against the door, leaving Lupin to awkwardly wave away the weird stares of the small crowd gathering around them.
"It's not Misses, and it's Miss!"
"Okay, Ms. Urameshi, are you aware of your son's heritage?"
"Of course I am, I'm his mother!"
"Who's the dad?"
"A lowlife bastard who took out on us! You know him?"
"Miss Urameshi, unless you want me to scream your son's heritage to the nice people crowding around your door, I suggest you let my friend and I in." he paused for dramatic effect, "Now." Silence on the other end, then Moody jumped back as the door burst open, two hands grabbed both Moody and Lupin, and pulled 'em in, door slamming shut.
A little boy looked at his mother, who was staring dumbly at the apartment.
"Mommy? What was that?"
"Uh…" she just shook her head, "Nothing, honey. Let's go."
Keiko glared at the two bemused wizards, hands on her hips, eyes narrowed. Yusuke's mother just collapsed on the living room couch and went back to watching her soaps, a brand new cigarette in her mouth. She gave them a lazy wave, and then completely ignored them.
"What do you two know about Yusuke? Where is he? Do you know?" she got in their faces, a fire burning in her eyes, "Is he trouble? Why are you looking for him?" Moody growled, Lupin smoothly stepped in.
"Keiko." He smiled.
"Miss Keiko, you're…brother…?"
"You're…friend, Yusuke, is…uhh…"
"Consorting." Moody cut in.
"Ah! Yes! Yusuke is consorting with some very bad people right now, and, for his own safety, we need to find him before he makes a big mistake. So…perhaps you could tell me where he hangs out? Or something along those lines? It's for his safety, I promise."
"Yusuke is missing! Didn't I already tell you that? You think we haven't checked all of his hangouts? And I know all of his friends-" Moody snorted.
"I highly doubt that."
"Well I do. And I don't believe a word you're saying! Yusuke is a good man, and he wouldn't do anything to endanger anyone!"
"Did I say that?"
"You pretty much did." She scowled at him, "I'm not dumb. I can read between the lines, and whatever you think he's doing that's wrong, he's not doing it!"
"Oh believe me, he is." Keiko glared at Moody.
"Shut up! You don't know him like I do!" she pointed to the front door, "Now get out."
"Miss Keiko, are you aware that you're friend Yusuke isn't human?" Lupin whirled around to Moody in alarm.
"Moody!" the Auror raised his eyebrow to Keiko: a challenge. She met his gaze coolly.
"He's a half-breed, I know.His father was a demon lord. Now he's one too. I probably know more about it than you do, and ever will." She gave them a sickly sweet smile, all sugary sweet and very much saying 'fuck you', "Anything else?" Moody opened his mouth, Lupin cut in with his own fake smile.
"No, thank you though. We appreciate your help. If we find Yusuke, we'll be sure to let you know." And with that, he grabbed Moody's arm, and the two left.
The werewolf dragged the auror into the nearest alley, turning on him.
"What was that?"
"What was what?"
"Why the bloody hell did you feel the need to tell that girl Yusuke's demon lineage!"
"Well obviously she knew…"
"What if she didn't? What would we do then, wipe her mind? And the mother's? What if the mother didn't know? We still don't know if she did!" Moody rolled his eyes.
"Remus, the woman didn't even twitch when I mentioned the demon thing, she knew. Both of them did. And I'm willing to bet that they're not the only ones." He sauntered out of the alley, Lupin following after him, "I think we need to find Mr. Urameshi's other friends." Moody stopped walking, "We got records?"
"On his friends?" Remus paused, mind racing, "Umm… no. Nothing." The auror kept walking, "Where are you going? We need to tell Dumbledore!"
"Oh yes, I agree…and we will…later. Right now, we're in prime position to gather more intelligence on You-Know-Who's newest ally. We need to take it. This is war, and we'll need everything advantage we can get right now."
"And what if his friends are in on it too?" Moody shrugged.
"We get rid of them. Kill two birds with one stone, right?" he chuckled at his joke, before awkwardly scratching at his ankle, "These bloody boots are killing me..."
"Koenma-sama!" an oni hurriedly grabbed the remote, turning the screen onto two men wandering the streets, "There are wizards looking for Yusuke, sir! This must mean he's somewhere in the wizard part of the Ningenkai!" he stopped at Koenma's bland look, "Err…right?" Rubbing his temples, Koenma sighed.
"Probably, but right now we have other things going on!"
"Sir?" Koenma grabbed the remote, and the screen switched to cloaked men, roaming the forests of Makai.
"That stupid human sent his people to the Makai! Do you know what will happen? Either they find allies, or they get killed and I have to do something about it, because it breaks the Makai laws! Either way is bad! Bad! Apocalyptically bad!" the oni dove to the ground, narrowly dodging the remote hurled his way.
"This is not good! This is beyond bad! What I'd normally do is get one of my detectives on it, but one's on a mission, one's stuck baby sitting another's territory, one's missing, and one's looking for the missing one and nothing is going right!" he wailed, arms flailing everywhere, "Somebody do something!"
A/N: So umm…hey everybody. Long time no see. Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, Happy St. Patrick's day, Good Friday, April Fool's Day, Valentines…yeah. It's been a while, no? Well…here ya' go. Please refrain from bodily harm, hm?
-nervous laugh-
Oh yeah, this is for typos. I'll edit later. -shrugs-