'I have decided.' She stood up and started walking in the direction of Kaiba Corp. 'I will be with you soon Seto.' She looked up at the clouds; 'I will be-I promise.' As she walked into the building with the security guards trying to push her out-with no avail.

'Miss! You can't be here!' exclaimed one of guards.

'I'm going to see Seto Kaiba very soon,' she was in a trance-not even caring what the others were doing.

'Miss! Where are you going?' he asked as she pushed open the door to the roof.

'To see Seto Kaiba.'

'His office is over there.'

'Not anymore-'she reached the top and she made her way to the edge of roof. She stood on the top, and looked around, for one last look.

'Oh my god! She's going to suicide!' screamed someone from the bottom of Kaiba Corp.

A crowd appeared at the bottom of Kaiba Corp. She heard a voice.

'Don't do this Serenity!' cried Joey. He'd followed her, to Kaiba Corp.

She turned around and replied coldly, 'And why would you care?'

'Because you are my sister?' Joey replied. 'Just come down please!'

'No. Why the hell would you want to come back for your little sister?'

'Because I loved you Serenity!'

'Speak for yourself demon, what did you do to my Seto! You shot him. I'll see him soon and I'll be happier. I'll be without you.'

Everyone was taken back-someone shot Seto Kaiba? CEO of Kaiba Corp?

Meanwhile the group was watching TV, and Yugi accidentally hit the wrong button.

'Damn it Yugi! What was-' Tristan yelled-stopping when he saw Serenity on top of Kaiba Corp. 'What is she going to do?'

'No-this cannot be-what happened?

'Serenity No! Stay Put!' Joey took a step forward.

'Stay Back Joseph Wheeler-another step and I'll jump right now.' She snapped, turning back to the audience. She looked at the clouds and the buildings, the ocean, the streets. 'I'll see Seto soon, that's all I want to see now. He gave me something that you never did.' She prepared to jump, and she heard a voice.

'It would be foolish to do such a thing.' A dark figure came out from the darkness. His pants were wet with a red substance; his shirt bloody with rips everywhere, and his left hand was holding his right arm.

A deep raspy voice. She gasped, 'I know that voice-it's Seto, he's calling me,' she was just about to jump, when she felt that she was being held back.

'Stop-I want to die-I want to see Seto again!'

'Is it just me, or are your eyes malfunctioning again?' Seto told her, eyes twinkling.

She turned around slowly, 'Seto?'

He nodded. 'That would be me.'

'I-I-I saw what happened! I-I-I thought you were dead!'

'Do I look dead to you?' he asked.


'Your brother didn't kill me, though he nearly did,' he paused as he gave a death glare to Serenity's brother, 'He shot me in the arm,' pausing to take off his trench-coat to show the wound, which was still bleeding, 'I didn't die, I just fell unconscious, you don't wanna know how much it hurt. I remember hearing you crying, I didn't want you to feel any remorse, so I decided to pull myself together, at least to see you again, so when Joey left, I made myself pick myself up, and I tore a piece of cloth off the bottom of my shirt to stop some of the blood flow. I manage to get some Morphine from the first Aid kit of a supermarket. I saw what was going on, on this building, I rushed over as fast as I can, I feared that I would be late.' He told her, and he winced as he moved his hand away from the wound.

The crowd waited anxiously at the bottom of the building, wondering what was going on.

'Seto,' she said softly, as she hugged him, looking at the floor, 'I'm so sorry.'

He bent down, and tilted her head up, 'I should apologize, not you. I'm sorry,'

As they looked in each other's eyes, they leaned in closer for a kiss, their first kiss in front of everyone. They broke away after a minute or two. As the reporters closed in on them, Seto nodded toward the security guards, which cleared a way for them to leave. Seto swept Serenity off her feet, carrying her down the stairs with the crowd wondering what happened.

'I love you Seto, I do,' Serenity whispered, 'I really do.'

'So do I,' he whispered.

'Don't you dare leave me again,'

'I wouldn't think about it.' The door to the elevators opened and soon they went out, with everyone asking them questions.

'What happened Mr. Kaiba?'

'You got shot?'

'Miss! Why did you want to suicide?,'

'What is your relation to Mr. Kaiba?'

They looked at the reporters and answered them with a passionate kiss.

The End!

A/N: Finally! I'm done! Hooray! No, of course I'm not going to kill Seto! He's my fave character! Just wanted to add some suspense, that's all! Ok, so my next story will be out soon. ^-^! I know a lot of you wanted this to have some humor, but as I wasn't in a very good mood the last couple of days I decided to some more suspense. ^-^! Don't you just hate me? Should I write a Epilogue? A sequel? Just review your answers please!